![]() | March 28, 2013 The Egg Hunt Begins!EpicDuel's resident interstellar, sentient rabbits need your help to recover the fuel supply of their demolished ship. This fuel is stored within containers that closely resemble eggs. You can collect these eggs by winning PvP battles across Delta V for this limited time event. Visit any bunny on Delta V and click the "Egg Hunt" button to view your progress. You can use this interface to jump to any bunny and complete his or her mission for BIG rewards! Collect all the eggs to claim a special Egg Head Achievement!
Bunny Bots! The bunnies aren't taking any chances as they come out of hiding, which is why they've constructed two new bots with an amazing new ability! You can purchase them from Capensis, Myxoma, Lepus, and Mr. Cottontail. Brachylagus has his bots tucked away in his secret shop along with his super secret arsenal! These bots come with a powerful attack called "Color Blast" that humiliates and hinders your opponents. One hit will paint the target's armor pastel colors, which allows Brachylagus to lock on his or her position. If they issue a strike attack for three rounds after being painted, a secret bunny artillery battery will rain down a hail of egg-shaped death!
Big Prizes! Collecting these eggs will yield BIG prizes! They could be as simple as Credits and Battle Tokens or as awesome as a new seasonal rare armor or an arsenal of new weapons designed by fan-favorite Trizzzy! Hurry up and collect those eggs!
Titan's Wares! Visit Titan in his icy Frysteland home to collect his silly seasonal rares from years past. Tags: Nightwraith |
![]() | March 22, 2013 Patch Notes - 1.5.7NEW CHANGES/FEATURES:
PS - Nightwraith is on location at PAX East this week! Follow Nightwraith on Twitter for the latest reports live from the event. Look for a full post with all the exciting details when he returns! Tags: RabbleFroth Patch Notes |
![]() | March 19, 2013 Epic Egg HuntSpring is very, very near (or at least it feels that way if you're near the Lab) and something is stirring beneath the Bio Dome.
The Bunnies Return! Last year, the interstellar, sentient rabbits that were stranded on Delta V years ago attempted to make an escape, with disastrous results! In the intervening time, they helped defend the Archives from an incursion of the Mechachillids and patiently planned their next escape attempt. To bypass the force field that surrounds Delta V, the rabbit leader, Brachylagus will need to recover the fuel supply of his demolished ship. This fuel is contained within specially designed containers that closely resemble eggs.
Egg Hunt Scattered across Delta V will be a sinister selection of eggs for you to collect. How will you collect these? Battle, of course! You didn't think you could just pick those off the ground, did you? That would be crazy! Collecting these eggs will unlock several awesome rewards with the best being a super-secret shop with never-before-seen weapons! We'll need a bit extra time to deliver this jam-packed mega release so we're expecting to deliver it on Thursday, March 28!
What About This Week? This week we will be prepping the artwork and coding the event for next week, but we are still planning to roll a release this week with balance adjustments and additional bug fixes.
Ballistic Bunny Bot The bunny gang knows that gathering eggs through battle will not be easy, so they've constructed a fierce, mechanical bunny bot to assist you in your duels. This bot is small, but should not be understimated! Special thanks to Disturbed and Trizzzy for helping out with the designs of these bunny-themed weapons of mass destruction!
Mod Hunt The hunt for moderators should be wrapping up very soon. Our final interviews have concluded and we're making a final pass selecting the candidates. There were a lot of qualified candidates so picking the best of the best has been a great challenge. Thank you for your patience during this process! Tags: Nightwraith |
![]() | March 15, 2013 Patch Notes - 1.5.6NEW CHANGES/FEATURES:
Tags: RabbleFroth Patch Notes |
![]() | March 14, 2013 Spring Is Here! Again!The icy grip of Winter is beginning to wane on Delta V, giving way to green, life-giving vegetation. However, Delta V is a dangerous world, with dangerous creatures, and even more dangerous plants. Based on extensive studies in the Biological Preserve, Delta V scientists have developed new weapons known as Botanical Battlegear. These mutating items come in physical and energy damage variants and they will be available with the 10,000 Varium package! This package comes with TWO mutating weapons plus an exclusive core: Growth Serum. This is an active core that increases your character's height while buffing the base Support. Cast a shadow of fear across the battlefield! Azrael's Anguish and Annihilator package will not be leaving this weekend, but it won't be around much longer!
Spring Rares Return!
Seasonal rare weapons will be returning. Check out Charfade, Naomi, and Valestra (Frysteland) to get them!
Winter / Frysteland rares will be leaving until next year! The missions and Heartbreaker / Azrael weapons will remain a bit longer to let everyone participate in the epic clash against the Elite Yeti!
Spring Cleaning Since we released Omega, Titan and Rabblefroth have been hard at work cleaning up bugs and trying to optimize performance, but that's a challenging task to do in parallel with new content releases. This week, Practel was in the Lab to personally help Titan smash many outstanding bugs. Check out this video on our Official Youtube Channel to see our development in-progress! Despite that progress, it's important to remember that smashing bugs is an ongoing process. We can't fix bugs if we don't have enough details to determine why they are occurring. Artix.com is making great strides toward an improved bug tracker, but for the time being, the AE forums is our primary source for bug reports.
Dead Battery? Often in game development, something will seem like a great idea when it's initially conceived, but upon closer examination loses it's luster. Dead Battery seemed like an interesting idea coneptually, but in testing the effect was very confusing. It looked more like a bug than a feature. For the time being, we are tabling Dead Battery until we can rethink and rework it into a better, more useful, more clear core. We're always on the lookout for new core ideas from the community. Post your ideas here!
Contest Update! Wow! Thanks to you guys, we now have an absolutely staggering amount of screenshots to show off Omega! Although we'll always need screenshots, we will be placing a hold on the contest starting Monday 18th @ 6:00PM EST. At that point, we will begin awarding prizes to the best entries and prepare them for use on the EpicDuel website. We will allow for more entries again in the near future, but right now the amount is overwhelming! If you haven't entered the contest alread, you still have some time to post your shots!
More to Come! Tags: Nightwraith |
![]() | March 08, 2013 Patch Notes - 1.5.5NEW CHANGES/FEATURES:
Tags: RabbleFroth Patch Notes |
![]() | March 07, 2013 Frysteland's EndFrysteland Conclusion! The gauntlet has been thrown: Battle Alydriah's champion, the fearsome Elite Yeti, for the fate of Frysteland! But you won't be able to do it alone! Complete the final quest chain, starting at Rabblefroth, to summon the Shadow of the Endless, a powerful spirit from the Void who can help you expel Alydriah's terror from Frysteland for good! Summoning such power comes at a price, though. Are you prepared for the consequences? You will need to have completed the previous Frysteland quest chain up to the Summoning Stone to engage in this mission chain. Visit Edgar Boothe or King Alaric (both in Frysteland) to being the Frysteland missions if you haven't done so already. The Yeti training missions are not necessary to complete these new missions.
Concerning Missions We are in the process of outlining a brand new mission system! We are conducting a lot of in-house playtesting and have determined that our existing mission system is overwhelmingly confusing. It should not take paragraphs of guides and Wiki entries to help even experienced players navagate a chain so all of our existing missions are getting a much needed overhaul. This confusion no doubt leads many to neglect missions altogether, causing them to miss out on plot developments and all the great mission rewards! This new system will soon be revealed and go live within the next few weeks.
Golden Yeti Tournament Conclusion! When EpicDuel Omega 1.5.5 goes live*, the the top 100 competitors in the Yeti Tournament will win the coveted Golden Yeti! Additionally, the top 100 will win an achievement based on their final rank in the tournament. Congratulations, champions -- you've earned it! We've learned a lot from this initial foray into organized competitions. We'd love to do more in the future with numerous refinements based on the knowledge gained from the Golden Yeti Tournament. If you didn't win, don't worry -- there will be more competitions, better competitions, on the horizon. *Likely later than we expected, but we will update you in case of a delay. Follow our Twitter accounts for the most up-to-date details! The tournament officially ended ~ 10:50PM EST.
The Forging of Azrael's Armaments Video! Keep checking EpicDuel's Official Youtube channel for a time-lapse video showcasing the creation of Azrael's Anguish and Azrael's Annihilator. The video will go live shortly after Friday's release. Rumor has it that there's a super-secret prize code hidden within the video. Watch closely or you'll miss it!
New Poll! Visit Rabblefroth in the Wasteland who is seeking answers to yet another deep and meaningful question!
Balance Adjustments and Bug Fixes! New and improved balance and numerous bug fixes! These will be covered in greater detail in the Patch Notes. Tags: Nightwraith |
![]() | March 04, 2013 A Letter from Nythera, Head of Player SupportHey there EpicDuelists! Getting your account scammed or "hacked" is a terrible fear for many players, but it's actually a highly preventable matter if the proper precautions are taken. We have a very special guest in EpicDuel's Design Notes today to level up your knowledge about account security: Nythera!
Tags: nythera |
![]() | March 01, 2013 Patch Notes - 1.5.4NEW CHANGES/FEATURES:
NOTE: Diminishing Returns For those unaware, there is a system in place to make stats less effective as they pass certain thresholds (55 stats, and again at 85 stats). For example, in the last update, you needed 4.5 Strength to get 1 point of weapon damage. After reaching 55 Strength, you would then need 5.5 Strength to get each extra point of damage. Finally, after 85 Strength, you would need 6.5 Strength per point of damage. Tags: RabbleFroth Patch Notes |