| November 27, 2013 Black Abyss Patch Notes - 1.5.40 NEW CHANGES/FEATURES:
- New Promo Package available: Black Abyss! Includes the physical and energy versions of the new Black Abyss Bot.
- Special Attack: Necrosis. Necrosis rots your foes, lowering their Defense and Resistance by an increasing amount each round.
- New weapons: the class-changing Black Abyss Battlegear, and the Black Abyss Slayer swords.
- Includes Hatchling Rush core. Hatchling Rush sends explosive spiders at your opponent, lowering their ability to gain Health by 50% for 3 turns.
- 21 new Black Abyss missions, starting with Chairman Platinum in the Wasteland.
- Returning Harvest Gear available on RabbleFroth
- New Item Bank system!
- Your home now has a placeable Item BankBot. This will allow you to access your item bank inventory and deposit any items you don't need to have in your main inventory all the time.
- Your Item Bank starts with 20 slots, and can be upgraded to 300 slots.
- There are also several new styled versions of the BankBot for sale in the home items shop. These all will access the same Bank inventory.
- Max inventory slots has been lowered to 100. Anyone with 100 or more inventory slots will keep them and receive the Epic Hoarder Achievement (achievement coming next week)
- All Miscellaneous / Mission items now count towards your inventory.
- Several missions that required a large number of items to complete have had their item requirements lowered.
- Added a confirm screen when doing Rarity Appraisal
- Exclusive Arcade items will appear as "Arcade Prize" in Item Finder
- Item filter buttons will not light up if your only item in that category is equipped
- Challenges can no longer be issued while moving
- Fixed an issue where player names would not appear in the send field when composing a new mail
- Increased number of eligible NPCs for Mindful Mage mission
- Fixed an issue with upgrade cost sometimes being displayed incorrectly on items
- Static Charge was not correctly granting Rage
- Admin Messages no longer show HTML tags in the chat window
Tags: Patch Notes RabbleFroth |
 | November 26, 2013 New Mobile Game!?Battle Gems is coming soon
More news from Artix! Get the latest info on AdventureQuest: BattleGems!
Do you have an iPhone, Android, iPod, iPad, iToaster, iSock or iWeirdSenseOfHumor? This holiday season we plan our releasing our first major mobile game! It is an RPG/Battle-Puzzle game calledAdventureQuest: Battle Gems.
You battle by touching the screen and connecting 3 or more gems of the same type. We got creative and added slime levels, lava challenges, bombs, cages, and a bunch of other crazy game mechanics. As you read this we are in the home stretch of creating the game's 140+ monsters and 256 levels.

Yes, it will be free. Probably an optional upgrade in it -- but we do not know what yet, we have been competely focused on the gameplay and level design. We want you to fall in love with our first mobile game.
The Battle Gems project was started to "teach us how to make mobile games" so we would be ready to create a mobile version of AdventureQuest Worlds. It turned into something really amazing... we hope you will be one of the first people to download it and try it out when it is ready this December.
Want to be the first to know when it goes live!? Like the BattleGems Facebook page! Tags: Nightwraith |
 | November 25, 2013 Ultimate Game CardYour Key to Victory!
Our players are all over the world. The Ultimate Game Card is available all over the world. So you should try the Ultimate Game Card to easily upgrade your character inside EpicDuel! Ultimate Game Card is the ultimate way to get the gear you want and crush your foes in style! Plus you can get this card practically anywhere!
Find a Store Now!
 Tags: Ultimate Game Card Varium upgrade Titan |
 | November 22, 2013 The Dark Harvest
It's that time again! Time for family, giving thanks, and, of course, battling to save the world! We've crammed so much into this release that we'll need to hold off on releasing today (Friday) and instead release next Tuesday! Sorry for the inconvenience, but we're sure this update will be worth it. New bots, weapons, missions, achievements, an incredible boss fight, and a new item bank system! There should be something for everyone in this latest harvest release!
Darkness Rises
The evil Chairman Platinum was defeated by the combined efforts of Delta V's warriors and Elon Musk, but while his EbilCorp Factory was active, it stirred something terrible in the depths of Delta V's cavernous interior.

This mysterious region of Delta V is known as the Black Abyss. Years after the initial colonization of Delta V, Baelius' scientists concluded that there was nothing of value in this region so it was sealed off from all mining and exploration operations. At least, that was the official story. Once again, Legion and Exile forces are threatened by this fearsome new enemy. If it is not defeated, this may be the last Harvest Festival for the citizens of Delta V. Fortunately, new technology has emerged to help you prepare for the trials ahead!
Into the Black Abyss
The dark substance that emerged from the Ebilcorp Factory site was unlike anything Delta V scientists have ever seen. Like most new discoveries, however, it was quickly adopted for the manufacturing of new weapons! The Black Abyss Battlegear will be available in physical and energy flavors from an NPC near the current site of the Wasteland's SolarWorld Factory.

Again, the Black Abyss Battlegear will be available in-game with a new, locked, active core. We'll post more about that as we finalize details.
We are also restocking Rabblefroth with the seasonal Thanksgiving rares. Be sure to stop by and check them out if you missed them last year!
In addition to new weapons, we will be introducing an exclusive new Varium package that will include 2 new bots, the Black Abyss Bots! In addition to dealing a devastating slash attack, it is also capable to unleashing powerful secondary skill. Again, we will post more details as they become finalized.

Mighty Missions
An epic-sized release wouldn't be complete without new missions, and new missions wouldn't be complete without new achievements! Collect the new seasonal-rare Turkey Terminator achievement from any VendBot. It will only be available for a limited time so get it while you can. Also, the Hallowarrior Achievement will be leaving to make room for this new achievement, so if you haven't picked it up yet, now's your last chance!

New Achievements will also be available for completing the new mission chain related to the anomaly in the Black Abyss. One does not just walk into the cavernous depths of Delta V so level up and perfect your builds for one of the greatest challenges yet!
Bank Access Bots
This release introduces the new BankBot system, more accurately described as a Bank Access Bot. Once the release is live, you will be able to load inventory items into a centralized "bank." This bank can be accessed from any BABot you have on one of your homes. To make access as easy as possible, we are gifting all players one free Basic BABot with 20 bank slots. This feature introduces a lot of changes to the current inventory system so I will list them as clearly as possible:

- Everyone will get a FREE Basic Bank Access Bot with 20 slots
- Addtional BABots can be purchased from your home item inventory. They will not provide additional slots, but they will allow you to access your bank from any home in which they are placed. Plus, they look way cool
- Normal Inventory slots will be capped to 100 slots. If you have slots above 100, you will keep them
- New players will start with 20 normal inventory slots and 20 bank slots
- Players can buy more bank slots just like they can buy inventory slots
- 10 slot / 495 Varium (same price as normal inventory slots)
- Mission items WILL begin counting toward your inventory limit. This is for clarity and to discourage players from hoarding a million of the same item, bogging down the database
- If you exceed the inventory limit as a result of these changes you will not lose items
- In a future release, we will allow players to tag items with custom labels so they can easily be found, ex: "Beta Build", "My Alpha Gear", "Defeat Titan Set"
Stay tuned for more updates on this epic upcoming release! Tags: Nightwraith Black Abyss Bugs Turkey Thanksgiving Holiday Sale Cores Banks Inventory Bot Cores Weapons Achievements Boss Missions |
 | November 15, 2013 Patch Notes - 1.5.39NEW CHANGES/FEATURES:
- 10,000 Varium Promo Packages removed
- Omega Package
- Exile / Legion Packages
- Dread Package
- Omega Promo items now labeled as Ultra-Rare
- Omega Obliterator
- Omega Slayer
- Omega Onslaughter
- Omega Impaler
- Dread / Legion / Exile package items are now sellable
- Modified all skill effects to play once for performance. Buff / Debuff effects will no longer loop for their duration.
- Updated battle error and status messages to include skill icons
- Chairman Platinum battle background updated to "clean" version
- Retrain, Redeem Code, and Item Finder options have been removed from NPCs and added to the Upgrade Shop
NOTE: For additional information and discussion on these changes, please visit the forums HERE.
-Battle Duration Adjustments- In general we feel that battles are ending a little too quickly, especially in 1v1. With so few turns available in the average fight, strategic options become limited, and certain events in battle such as critical strikes and blocks have a bit too much impact.
- Health per stat point has been increased to 1.25 from 1. Now every 4 stat points will give +5 Max Health.
- The base damage of all weapons (Primary, Gun, and Auxiliary) has been lowered by 2.
- Critical Strikes now ignore 30% of defenses, down from 45%
- Critical Strike minimum damage is now 3-5, down from 4-7. Increases at level 15 and 30.
-Energy Flow Adjustments- With recent updates adding energy costs to cores, and reworking passive skills into useable skills, energy management has become much more important. We feel that this is an important aspect to managing the pace of a fight, but certain things are a little out of line, so we want to review the system in general to make it fit better with the updated skills.
- Energy per stat point has been increased to 1.25 from 1. Now every 4 stat points will give +5 Max Energy
- EMP Grenade
- Base energy drain increased from 7-24 to 12-27
- Increased cooldown from 2 to 3 turns
- Level scaling removed
- Atom Smasher
- Increased cooldown from 2 to 3 turns
- Increased drain amount by 2% at all levels
- Static Charge
- Now unblockable
- Cannot critically hit or Rage
- Increase cooldown from 2 to 3
- increase amount from 22-37% to 40-70%
- Static Smash
- Lower drain from 43-73% to 38-68%
- Bounty Hunter EMP Grenade has been replaced by Static Grenade
- Has a base energy drain of 10-25
- Steals 50% of energy drained
- 0 Energy cost, 3 turn cooldown
- Gains +1 energy drain every 4.5 Tech
- Battery Backup
- Lower base energy gain from 20-45 to 20-35
- Fixed a bug where level scaling was not working properly
- Assimilation
- Increased energy steal by 4 at all levels
- Now steals 50% of energy drained, down from 100%
- Energy Parasite
- In cases where the enemy has more than 150 Energy, it will work as though they had 150 Energy instead. This is intended to only affect NPC battles.
-General Balance-
- Plasma / Mineral Armor
- Increased defenses from 15-60% to 30-100%
- No longer affected by stat buffs and debuffs
- Fixed a bug where duration was 3 turns instead of 4
- Hybrid Armor
- Increase defenses from 10-30% to 15-50%
- No longer affected by stat buffs and debuffs
- Fixed a bug where duration was 3 turns instead of 4
- Mark of Blood
- Adjusted energy cost from 13-31 to 15-24
- Toxic Grenade
- Lowered energy cost from 15-33 to 10-28
- Venom Strike
- Lowered energy cost from 14-32 to 10-28
- Reflex Boost
- Energy gain effect has been removed
- Dexterity bonus increased by 2 at all levels
- Smokescreen / Malfunction
- NPCs
- Weapon damage lowered by about 4 on all NPCs
- NPCs with Bloodlust were gaining twice the intended health back
- Effects of Color Blast and Shadow Arts now clear upon death in battle
- Mark of Blood is no longer castable on targets that are already marked
- Shadow Arts now only darkens the caster. It no longer affects things like robots and skill effects.
- Energy Parasite no longer restores energy on dead casters, reviving them as disturbing zombie people.
- Fixed players getting a persistent yellow loop when loading battles
- Players are now prevented from changing gear while moving
- Fixed a bug allowing flags to be highlighted in battle
Tags: Patch Notes RabbleFroth |
 | November 14, 2013 2014 Poster Calendar StoryMessage incoming from Artix, here to tell you about the new 2014 Poster Calendar at HeroMart!
My favorite part of the design notes is sharing the behind the scenes stories of how we make things. Many of you have been with us for many years-- you have seen what I am about to talk about first hand. But if you are just joining us, this is an interesting point in the story to jump in! Behold, this year's brand new 2014 Artix Entertainment Calendar Poster!

We created our first calendar 4 years ago. We worked really hard on it, using mostly Oishii's art (Oishii was the first artist to join the team.) It featured all of our female characters. The reaction was overwhelmingly "Uh... this is girly!" We even recieved a phone call from a parent asking if we had any that were more... you know... for boys.
So, LOL, the next year Diozz joined the team. He created a more villain oriented calendar and it was recieved really well. We were able to make it thanks to Toys"R"Us to helped cover the costs of production. It sold out completely HeroMart, but, unlike our card game, it did not do well at all in Toys"R"Us. We actually bought calendars back from Toys"R"Us to put more on HeroMart that year. The following year, we created our first Calendar Poster. It was the coolest thing we had ever created. We made it double sided. The front side had the calendar on it. The idea was, when the year was over people could flip it over and it would be an awesome stand-alone-poster. Players loved it!
This year, Diozz drew the scene above as a personal gift to me. It was so... dark, dangerous, with a feeling of action and no matter how many undead surrounded Artix he was going to fight and fight and fight and win! I asked Diozz if we could use his art for this year's 2014 calendar and he smiled and said he was honored.
Dage spent several days digitally painting it. It was tricky because the original picture was landscape. We tried it, but a sideways poster just felt weird. So Diozz and Dage spend a lot of time repainting and re-editing it to fit perfectly on a tall poster. You probably want to hear about the class and items that come with it, but you can see all of that on the HeroMart site.
I really wanted to share the story and love that went into creating this. The poster/calendar has become a new yearly tradition and this one... perfectly matches the new dark, epic, and heroic feel that we want to put into our games. If you get one -- I would love to see a picture of it on your wall!
NOTE: To give our support and help those affected by Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda, we will be donating 20% of all calendar profit to the Red Cross in the Philippines through the end of November. AdventureQuest Worlds has 1,329,791 players who live in the Philippines. So if you are going to get a calendar, order it now—it feels better knowing your game stuff is chipping in for a good cause! Tags: Cinderella |
 | November 14, 2013 Big Balance Bonanza
Prepare for one of the most comprehensive balance updates EpicDuel has ever seen! Every class will be affected as we focus on making battle more interesting, strategic, and fair. We understand that these changes can be rough, especially as everyone struggles to find new builds and strategies, but know that we're trying our best to keep all the classes fun, interesting, and competative.
Balance is not my specialty, so I'll defer to our resident Numeromancer Rabblefroth. If you wish to comment about the changes or following the specific nuances of the changes, you can follow this thread in the AE forums! The following is a quote from Rabblefroth in the thread's first post.
Hey everyone!
We have quite a lot of balance changes on their way this week, so I wanted to highlight some of the major ones and discuss why we're making them so it doesn't come as a big, overwhelming shock.
OVERVIEW Most of the changes fall under three major areas that we want to address. They are:
- Battle duration
- Energy flow
- Followup balance for the new skills
BATTLE DURATION In general we feel that battles are ending a little too quickly, especially in 1v1. With so few turns available in the average fight, strategic options become limited, and certain events in battle such as critical strikes and blocks have a bit too much impact.
In order to help extend the duration of battle, we're making a couple of key changes:
- Increase the amount of health players have.
- Decrease base damage in a couple of key areas, especially on weapons.
- Reduce the effect of critical strikes
The goal here is to both increase Health pools and lower some of the free damage everyone does to slow the pace of battle down, putting less emphasis on each individual turn. Every turn you take should carry weight, but currently we feel it's a bit too much.
Each individual change is relatively small, but we hope that the cumulative effect will be a noticeable improvement.
ENERGY FLOW With recent updates adding energy costs to cores, and reworking passive skills into useable skills, energy management has become much more important. We feel that this is an important aspect to managing the pace of a fight, but certain things are a little out of line, so we want to review the system in general to make it fit better with the updated skills.
The major changes here include:
- Increasing the amount of Energy players have.
- In general, lowering the impact of energy draining effects. These have become much stronger now that Energy is a more important resource, so they just need a little nudge to bring them in line.
- Adjusting energy gain on each class. Examples include giving Bounty Hunters a reliable way to generate energy, reducing Tech Mage energy generation, and adjusting Static Smash to be more useful.
Nearly every energy-affecting class skill has been adjusted in some way. We hope that this will improve the strategies around Energy management and help push the pacing of battle into a more interesting direction.
One other change I'd like to cover is the removal of the Energy gain effect from Reflex Boost. We want to change skills that have odd sets of effects that don't really make sense together. Reflex Boost currently gives you a stat that makes you take less damage, then gives you energy based on damage taken. The two effects are counter-productive and make the reason to cast the skill unclear. "Do I want this for extra Dexterity, or for extra Energy?" We want each skill to have one clear primary goal, and to accomplish that goal well. Now that the classes that use Reflex Boost have more reliable ways to generate Energy, we feel that this effect can be comfortably removed.
BALANCING THE NEW SKILLS There has been a lot of great feedback regarding the new skills, and you have highlighted a couple of clear areas where we can improve them.
Some of the planned changes here include:
- Increasing the amount of defenses given by the Armor skills. They will also no longer be affected by buffs or debuffs. The intention here was to create some gameplay around buffing yourself, further improving your defense, but the real result was that in too many cases a debuff would make the skills not worth casting. Finally, a bug was causing the duration of these skills to be 3 turns instead of 4. In short, these skills should be much stronger than before.
- Lowering the Energy cost of Mark of Blood. This should make the skill feel worth casting in more situations and lessen the drain on the relevant classes' energy pools.
- As partially covered in the previous section, we're also lowering the Energy gain from Battery Backup.
- Not directly affecting any one skill, but relevant to the removal of passives, NPCs got a bit harder in the last update. Part of this was due to a bug in the Bloodlust values on them that was giving them twice the intended amount of lifesteal (Oops!). But they also needed to deal a bit less damage, so we're lowering their base weapon damages across the board.
CONCLUSION There are a few other balance changes coming this week that weren't covered here, but since there are so many I wanted to cover some of the major ideas and explain our reasoning behind them.
I'll be happy to answer questions or concerns you have, but I might not be able to delve too deep into specifics since things are liable to change before the update. I also might not be able to respond tonight, but I'll be around tomorrow so I'll make sure to address what I can then!
Black Friday Preview
A dark force is awakening in Delta V. Elon Musk may have stopped the Chairman's Ebilcorp factory from destroying the planet, but he couldn't stop the evil Chairman from disturbing something that was better left forgotten.

Something is returning. Something that has slept for thousands of years. Something that is very hungry. Stay tuned for more updates on this new threat! Tags: balance preview Thanksgiving Skills Weapons Black Friday Nightwraith |
 | November 08, 2013 Patch Notes - 1.5.38NEW CHANGES/FEATURES:
- ArmoryBot has returned with Nightwraith's Birthday rares
- Returning Nightwraith missions
- I Can Haz Caek?
- The Cake Is a Lie
- Just Icing on the Cake
- Fish Combo Production
- Mischief Makers
- Cake and Bacon
- New Nightwraith missions
- Nightwraith and Titan upgraded to level 36
- Daily Achievements will now start tracking the number of times you win (Unfortunately this tracking only applies to days going forward, and is not retroactive).
- Daily 1v1 Champion
- Daily 2v2 Champion
- Daily Juggernaut Champion
- Rising Star (Most Fame)
- "Frost" (energy loss) now appears as a more standard "-Energy"
- Exile and Legion Strike cores now cost 8 Energy, up from 5
- Frostbite core now costs 7 Energy, down from 9
- All passive class skills have been reworked into active skills. The passive skills were by largely must-have skills, decreasing build diversity while adding little strategy to battles. The new actives now generally have uses in both 1v1 and 2v2 matches, and should provide more meaningful choices both during battle and while creating a new build. Because this is such a large change to every class, we will be closely monitoring balance and making adjustments accordingly.
- Bloodlust
- Replaced with Mark of Blood. Mark of Blood leaves a mark on the target for 3 turns, granting lifesteal to anyone that attacks the marked target.
- Reroute
- Replaced with Battery Backup. Battery Backup grants the target an immediate boost to Energy, and doesn't cost the user anything to cast.
- Adrenaline
- Replaced with Adrenaline Rush. Adrenaline Rush instantly grants the target a percentage of their maximum Rage.
- Hybrid Armor
- Hybrid Armor now increases the target's Defense and Resistance by a percentage of their base Defense and Resistance (the portion from your Dexterity and Technology) for 4 turns.
- Mineral Armor
- Mineral Armor now increases the target's Defense by a percentage of their base Defense for 4 turns.
- Plasma Armor
- Plasma Armor now increases the target's Resistance by a percentage of their base Resistance for 4 turns.
- Shadow Arts
- Shadow Arts now casts the target in shadow and reduces all damage they take by a percentage for 3 turns.
- Deadly Aim
- Deadly Aim was replaced by two new skills: Fire Scythe for Tech Mages, and Energy Parasite for Blood Mages
- Fire Scythe deals physical damage to the target, ignoring a percentage of their Defense.
- Energy Parasite applies a debuff that steals a percentage of the target's current Energy for 3 turns, granting 1.5x the amount stolen back to the caster.
- Thorns Assault incorrectly cost 0 Energy instead of 10
- The Solar Spear home item's price has been corrected
- A number of typos have been mercilessly shown who's boss
- ArmoryBot has returned with Nightwraith's Birthday rares
- Returning Nightwraith missions
- I Can Haz Caek?
- The Cake Is a Lie
- Just Icing on the Cake
- Fish Combo Production
- Mischief Makers
- Cake and Bacon
- New Nightwraith missions
- Nightwraith and Titan upgraded to level 36
- Daily Achievements will now start tracking the number of times you win (Unfortunately this tracking only applies to days going forward, and is not retroactive).
- Daily 1v1 Champion
- Daily 2v2 Champion
- Daily Juggernaut Champion
- Rising Star (Most Fame)
- "Frost" (energy loss) now appears as a more standard "-Energy"
- Exile and Legion Strike cores now cost 8 Energy, up from 5
- Frostbite core now costs 7 Energy, down from 9
- All passive class skills have been reworked into active skills. The passive skills were by largely must-have skills, decreasing build diversity while adding little strategy to battles. The new actives now generally have uses in both 1v1 and 2v2 matches, and should provide more meaningful choices both during battle and while creating a new build. Because this is such a large change to every class, we will be closely monitoring balance and making adjustments accordingly.
- Bloodlust
- Replaced with Mark of Blood. Mark of Blood leaves a mark on the target for 3 turns, granting lifesteal to anyone that attacks the marked target.
- Reroute
- Replaced with Battery Backup. Battery Backup grants the target an immediate boost to Energy, and doesn't cost the user anything to cast.
- Adrenaline
- Replaced with Adrenaline Rush. Adrenaline Rush instantly grants the target a percentage of their maximum Rage.
- Hybrid Armor
- Hybrid Armor now increases the target's Defense and Resistance by a percentage of their base Defense and Resistance (the portion from your Dexterity and Technology) for 4 turns.
- Mineral Armor
- Mineral Armor now increases the target's Defense by a percentage of their base Defense for 4 turns.
- Plasma Armor
- Plasma Armor now increases the target's Resistance by a percentage of their base Resistance for 4 turns.
- Shadow Arts
- Shadow Arts now casts the target in shadow and reduces all damage they take by a percentage for 3 turns.
- Deadly Aim
- Deadly Aim was replaced by two new skills: Fire Scythe for Tech Mages, and Energy Parasite for Blood Mages
- Fire Scythe deals physical damage to the target, ignoring a percentage of their Defense.
- Energy Parasite applies a debuff that steals a percentage of the target's current Energy for 3 turns, granting 1.5x the amount stolen back to the caster.
- Thorns Assault incorrectly cost 0 Energy instead of 10
- The Solar Spear home item's price has been corrected
- A number of typos have been mercilessly shown who's boss
Tags: Patch Notes |
 | November 07, 2013 Shameless Self Indulgence
Prepare to party! This week, celebrate the birthday of EpicDuel's resident artist/assassin: Nightwraith. New missions, new weapons, and revamped skills await for your celebratory needs! As if that weren't enough reason to celebrate: the winners of the Creative Carving Contest will be announced in-game at Elon Musk!
Back to Party Business
Visit me at my usual haunt in the Wasteland to investigate my stash of weapons and armors! Do you have your OneX6 Keys? No? We've got you covered -- you can either buy one directly or win one by completing a new mission. Be warned: I've been buffed to level 36 so I'm not the pushover I used to be!

The classic birthday missions are also returning, with a few new additions in case you've already completed the old ones. Complete them all for huge rewards!
Suggestion Shop
In addition to hunting bounties and weaving baskets, I (Nightwraith) am EpicDuel's lead artist, but I don't mind sharing the spotlight with aspiring artists. That's why we're combining my birthday celebration with the introduction of a new round of suggestion shop weapons, created from ideas submitted from our creative EpicDuel community!

It's been way too long since we've done a shop like this so we're really going all out. We hope to have over 12 new weapons culled from the best of the best suggestions. Charfade and I are working as hard as possible to deliver more, but this is a thoroughly packed release. The weapons are still in progress so check back for a full list of items and their associated artist after we go live. If your suggestion was not selected, that does not mean it was terrible or we hate you -- it just means it may have to wait for the next suggestion shop. Hopefully it won't take a full year to do another one! I wouldn't be surprised if more items enter the game next week!
It wouldn't be a proper birthday without a new Arcade Game!

Horrifying! Give it a spin and be the first to claim the grand prize! As with other games, Nightwraith's Nightmare will introduce it's own new evolving achievment and leaderboard!
Cheevo Counter
Speaking of achievements -- we now have tracking for many of the daily achievements like the 1v1 and 2v2 automatch daily winners. Players who win the daily achievements multiple times will increment their number on the appropriate achievement.
Active Update
To address balance this update, we will be tweaking a few energy numbers from last week's update, but we also have a far grander change in store: Converting all passive skills into active ones.

That means Blood Lust, Reroute, Deadly Aim, Shadow Arts, Adrenaline, and all the Armor skills will be converted into active skills. Blood Lust and Reroute will become Mark of Blood and Battery Backup respectively. The purpose of this change is to add strategy to battle. Currently, passives grant HUGE benefits with little sacrifice, especially for level cap players. Active skills require more sacrifice in terms of energy cost and turn cost. To compensate for these sacrifices, the effects of the skills will be modified. This change will affect all classes so we're really interested to see what new strategies emerge from this change.

Hybrid Armor, Mineral Armor, and Plasma Armor

Hybrid Armor
Mineral Armor
Plasma Armor

Deadly Aim

Deadly Aim
- Deadly Aim was replaced by two new skills: Fire Scythe for Tech Mages, and Energy Parasite for Blood Mages
Blood Lust

Shadow Arts

Contest Announcement

When this update goes live, be sure to visit Elon Musk for a list of the winning entries! The effort so far has been stellar with such short notice. We are currently in the process of judging entries and narrowing down the list of finalists! Tags: Titan Nightwraith Suggestion Shop Elon Musk contest Arcade Missions balance Skills Weapons Birthday |
 | November 01, 2013 Patch Notes - 1.5.37NEW CHANGES / FEATURES
- New “Musk Mania” Arcade Game
- New and returning Musk and Ebil-themed items
- New Achievement
- 12 new home items
- New scavenger hunt mission chain on Elon Musk
- Mission manager now has scrolling
- Revamped Leaderboard layout supports up to 20 players, 5 portraits, linkage to character page
- Some active cores will now have energy costs
Tags: Nightwraith Patch Notes Cores Arcade Items balance |