Behind the scenes information about EpicDuel's development and releases, a real-time PVP MMO that you can play online in your web browser.
 | May 28, 2015 Bido Showcase PreviewHello, EpicDuelists! No release this Friday as we continue to stock up content and ramp up on BioBeasts. However, we do have a restock of all Limited Quantity Shops at 10 AM and 4 PM EST. If you don’t know what time that is for your time zone, there are handy conversion guides available online. I will also likely Tweet before it is time. Getting the items before they’re gone is hard for some, but such is the nature of the LQS. Good luck, and happy shopping!

Coming up in EpicDuel in the coming weeks is the next showcase shop featuring Bido (formerly Bidoof). This will feature, like Deuce’s shop, a new NPC, new weapons, items, an achievement, and more! We’ve also got more missions from Ranloth, SSM, and OWA revealing the backstories of some of EpicDuel’s most popular and mysterious NPCs! We’ve also got a Central Station war on the horizon which will be the final war in this cycle before we return, at long last, to the Dread Plains!
Join the BioBeasts Discussion!
Did you know the EpicDuel team is working on a new mobile game called BioBeasts?

You can learn more about it by check out the Official BioBeasts website or following the development process on Facebook and Twitter! The release date nears with every passing day, but it's not too late to join the conversation and contribute your thoughts to the development process! Who knows? We may use your beasts idea in game! Tags: Nightwraith |
 | May 27, 2015 Hotfix - 1.6.46aNEW CHANGES/FEATURES:
- Lionhart seasonal rares, Legion/Exile Battlegear, and Dread auxiliaries and sidearms will now leave June 30 instead of May 31
- Back to Basics renamed Contemplative Combat
- Adjustments to Deuce
- Now uses Techblade of Awe E as primary
- +500 Energy
- Small buffs to Primary, Strength, Dexterity, and Support
- Increased rewards on the following Daily Missions:
- First Blood 75 to 250
- Dual Duel 125 to 350
- Wake Up Call 75 to 250
- Epic Dual 125 to 350
- Thinning the Ranks 75 to 250
- Guard Duty 125 to 350
- Body Count 75 to 250
- Old Soldiers 125 to 350
- Interrogation 75 to 250
- Partner in Crime 125 to 350
- Inquisition 75 to 250
- Tag Team 125 to 350
- Powerful Hunger 175 to 250
- Pocket Picker 125 to 350
- DNA Harvest 175 to 250
- Human Component 125 to 350
- Test Your Might 175 to 250
- Brothers in Arms 125 to 350
- Pirate Problems 250 to 350
- Deuce's Techblade of Awe P/E had much higher resell value than intended. Previously acquired versions of the weapon will retain their higher resell.
Tags: Hotfix Patch Notes RabbleFroth |
 | May 22, 2015 Patch Notes - 1.6.46NEW CHANGES/FEATURES:
- New Guest Artist NPC: Deuce
- New Achievement: Deuce's Defeat
- New Awe Hunting missions
- Information Hunting
- Aggressive Persuasion
- Uprooting the Situation
- Back to Basics
- Necronauts' Job
- Awe-ful Fight
- New Deuce Showcase Shop
- Tech Blade of Awe P/E (not in shop, 5% drop from Deuce)
- Tech Daggers of Awe P/E
- Tech Axe of Awe P/E
- Tech Staff of Awe P/E
- Dragon Control Sword P/E
- Broken Dragon Control Sword P/E
- Golden AK
- Energy AK
- Tommy Gun P/E
- 6 New Hair Styles
- New Home Item
- New Legendary Items
- Crystallic Claw P/E
- Crystallic Mace P/E
- Crystallic Staff P/E
- Sinful Slayer P/E
- Avensis War Armor M/F
- Sinful Pride P/E
- Maximum Rage defense ignore: 55% ⇒ 50%
- Effective level is now capped to 48 instead of 50 for PvP matches (since two Legendary skills only affect NPCs). This will affect matching as well as Underdog calculations.
- Underdog buffs will now be applied individual level differences, and have been adjusted upwards
- 1 level = +1 to Str/Dex/Tech/Supp
- 2 levels = Grants +1 to Str/Supp and +2 to Dex/Tech
- 3 levels = +2 to Str/Dex/Tech/Supp
- 4 levels = Grants +2 to Str/Supp and +3 to Dex/Tech
- 5 levels = +3 to Str/Dex/Tech/Supp
- 6 levels = Grants +3 to Str/Supp and +4 to Dex/Tech
- 7 levels = +4 to Str/Dex/Tech/Supp
- 8 levels = Grants +4 to Str/Supp and +5 to Dex/Tech
- 9 levels = +5 to Str/Dex/Tech/Supp
- 10 levels = Grants +5 to Str/Supp and +6 to Dex/Tech
- Losing now grants slightly less experience and Credits than before.
- Winning as an Underdog now grants slightly less experience and Credits per level difference than before.
- Auxiliary damage scaling now matches that of Primary weapons.
- Gun damage scaling slowed at high amount of Dexterity
- Assimilation
- No longer has a weapon requirement
- Berzerker
- Now has a club requirement
- Double Strike
- Now has a club requirement
- Energy cost lowered by 10 at all levels
- Fire Scythe
- Stat requirement lowered by 5 at all levels
- Shadow Arts
- Stat requirement lowered by 3 at all levels
- Static Smash
- No longer has a weapon requirement
- Now unblockable
- Drain: 37% - 64% (+3% per level) ⇒ 37% - 55% (+2% per level)
- Eteneral Enhance core correctly gives +2 to all stats
- Mark of Azrael correctly gives +6% critical chance
- Fixed an issue with level 1 Health/Energy being slightly lower than intended
- Ice Shield now correctly guarantees blocks and deflections. Again. (This skill really likes breaking)
- Character pages were not properly displaying red stars
Tags: Patch Notes RabbleFroth |
 | May 19, 2015 Epic Artist Showcase: Deuce
This Friday, we are excited to introduce our first in a series of artist showcase shops! This week, we'll be featuring Guest Artist: Deuce! This mysterious warrior, tired and weathered from years of torment and battle, recently arrived in a remote and forgotten portion of Delta V!

In the old, forgotten Minestation, Deuce wanders, looking for clues to his mysterious arrival and the cause of his lack of memories of his past.

Speak with him to assist him is a series of brutally challenging missions (created with the assistance of Guest Writer Ranloth) or partake in his shop of signature items. Deuce somehow found time in the Void to handcraft these items and they all reflect his unique style. At least, that's his story. He may have "borrowed" them from some fellow travellers in the Void.

If you're feeling tough, you can challenge Deuce to a 1-on-1 battle for new boss achievement!

He won't give up this achievement easily -- his mind may be clouded, but his skills in battle are razor-sharp! He may have a weakness, though.

Be sure to say, "Hi" to Deuce if you see his real persona in game.
Again, this is the first of several Guest Artist showcase shops this summer! Our Guest Artists and Guest Writers have contributed so much to EpicDuel since the programs inception. They make these releases with loads of quality content possible. It has been truly inspiring to watch their progress as artists and writers through the weeks, months, and (in some cases) years since they joined the team. We are truly thankful for all of their hard work and tireless dedication to building the world of Delta V!
Legendary Update Update

This Friday, we'll be tying up loose ends from the Legendary update with balance improvement, bug fixes, and a hearty update to the Legendary shops! Tags: Nightwraith |
 | May 15, 2015 Power Up Preview
Live Now: EpicDuel Power Weekend! Get double experience and credits all weekend long! This is a great way to build Legendary ranks quickly and dominate your foes. That buff will help prepare you all for another BIG update next week featuring new items, NPCs, missions, balance changes, and bug fixes!
Legendary Update Update
Last week was a MAJOR update, but there are still items that didn't quite make it to the Legendary Shops. These items from Hatred Cuirass, Theon, and Assassin Order will be added next week!

We will also be addressing some lingering issues from the Legendary update, including bug fixes and further balance adjustments!
Deuce's Showcase
Next week we will also be introducing our first artist showcase featuring Guest Artist Deuce!

Look for his NPC in Delta V with a hearty stock of new Blade of Awe-themed items! He will also have some challenging missions to test your worth. Follow Deuce on Twitter for more previews of his spectacular showcase!
Triumph over Titan!

Last week we released the hardest boss in game: Legendary Titan. We honestly weren't sure if he was actually possible to defeat and the initial impression was that we possibly overshot his stats. As usual, you exceeded our expectations and brought the demi-god down! Congratulations to the following duelists who claimed the Legendary Titan achievement with their incredible combat prowess!
- comicalbiker
- ..Cosmic Emperor..
- ConQrR
- Drogo.
- Emolicious
- FlaShSyll R3v0luTiOn
- Hegemony
- RomanianMaster
- Variation
Who will be the next player to knock the god off the mountain? Will it be...YOU? *points* Tags: Nightwraith |
 | May 08, 2015 Patch Notes - 1.6.45NEW CHANGES/FEATURES:
- New Legendary categories
- Medical Mastery: Field Medic heal +2 per point
- Energy Efficiency: Active core energy cost -1 per point
- NPC Crusher: +2 damage to NPCs per point
- NPC Armor: -2 damage from NPCs per point
- Legendary Achievement
- A new evolving achievement based on your Legendary Rank with many tiers. Reaching the highest tier will be an incredible accomplishment. Existing Legendary players should immediately see this achievement unlocked.
- Legendary Shops
- Three new shops have been added to Titan’s mountain. The items in this shop are unlocked by reaching Legendary Rank 1, Rank 15, and Rank 50, respectively.
- Items sold by these shops have a new Legendary rarity. They are equivalent in rarity score to Rares.
- Titan - Legendary mode
- Titan has a new ultra-difficult challenge option available. A new achievement awaits anyone powerful enough to take him down.
Along with the normal slew of number adjustments, we’ve made a few deeper changes mainly aimed at balancing high-level matches, namely the Underdog buff and using Legendary Rank when considering matchmaking. We’re also adjusting the power of Strength as a stat in a few key ways.
- Effective Level
- A lot of changes involve an idea we call your “effective level” or “eLvl” and mainly applies to Legendary players. Basically, we consider each 10 Legendary Ranks you gain to be about equal to 1 level. So if you are Rank 10, your “eLvl” is 41. If you are Rank 78, your eLvl is 47. Since you can spend a maximum of 100 legendary points right now, we cap your eLvl to 50. If you are lower than level 40, your eLvl is the same as your actual level.
- Underdog Buff
- This is a new buff that will be applied automatically to 1v1 PvP players when they are lower level than their opponent. For every 2 levels (including eLvls), the lower level player will receive +1 to Strength, Dexterity, Technology, and Support. This is not designed to completely even the playing field, just to give lower level players a fighting chance.
While this will initially only apply to 1v1 matches, we’re considering ways to expand this into 2v2 and Juggernaut.
- Matching
- eLvl is now considered by matchmaking. It will attempt to match players with similar eLvls before allowing higher level differences. Legendary players can match with non-Legendary players just like before, but the Underdog buff may be applied in this case to compensate.
- eLvl is now considered for First Strike chance and experience / Credit bonuses for winning against higher level players. This means that an eLvl 41 player will have a greater chance to go first and will get bonus experience and Credits for a win against an eLvl 45 player.
- Maximum level range for non-Legendary 2v2 matches is now 5, down from 6.
- Gun Damage
- Gun damage now scales with Dexterity instead of Strength.
- Because Dexterity provides a number of defensive bonuses, it will scale slower than Primary damage. We’ll be watching to see if adjustments are needed after the patch.
- Primary Damage
- The amount of Primary Damage per point of Strength has been lowered.
For comparison, a player with 100 Strength will do roughly 17 less damage with a normal Strike than before.
- Critical, Block, Deflect chance
- The minimum chance for these effects is now 0%.
- This means a high enough stat advantage will reduce your opponent’s chance to crit, block, or deflect to 0. The number of stats required to accomplish this has been increased, however. See below for details.
- Cores affecting these chances have been buffed to compensate for this change, making them more effective at balancing weaknesses in your build. These cores are still not affected by stats.
- These Cores can also no longer exceed the maximum chance for these effects to prevent abuse cases.
- Critical chance
- Minimum chance: 1% ⇒ 0%
- +1% per 7 Support over opponent ⇒ 7.5 Support
- Block chance
- Minimum chance: 2% ⇒ 0%
- 1% per 2.5 Dexterity over opponent ⇒ 5 Dexterity
- Deflect chance
- Minimum chance: 2% ⇒ 0%
- 1% per 3 Technology over opponent ⇒ 5 Technology
- Skills
- Artillery Strike
- Damage: 200-410 ⇒ 205-430 (+25 per point)
- Energy cost: +5 at all levels (+10 against 2 opponents)
- Multi-Shot
- Damage: 200-390 ⇒ 194-410 (+24 per point)
- Plasma Rain
- Damage: 180-390 ⇒ 183-390 (+23 per point)
- Energy cost: -5 at all levels (-10 against 2 opponents)
- Skill Cores
- Primary / Gun / Auxiliary Mastery
- Lucky Strike
- Hit chance: 2% version ⇒ 4%
- Hit chance: 7% version ⇒ 8%
- Armored Roots
- Defense increase: 25% ⇒ 33%
- Chairman’s Fury
- Damage: 100% ⇒ 85%
- Energy cost:110 ⇒ 95
- Frostbite Aura
- Frostbite chance: 11% ⇒ 15%
- Spirit Thorns
- Energy cost: 90 ⇒ 0
- Now useable once per battle
- Yeti Fury
- Energy Cost: 110 ⇒ 100
- Damage: 115% ⇒ 105%
- Now unblockable
- Infernal Overload
- Maximum Damage: 125% ⇒ 120%
- Azrael's Torment
- Buff reduction: 65% ⇒ 70%
- Heart Attack
- Buff reduction: 65% ⇒ 70%
- Cleanse
- Debuff reduction: 65% ⇒ 70%
- Credit option added to Lionhart weapons and bots
► Tags: RabbleFroth Patch Notes |
This Friday, prepare for a Legendary update! New Legendary stats, new achievements, new Legendary gear, and a new Legendary boss are coming to EpicDuel!
Near Titan's lonely home in Frysteland, new shops have spawned that are only accessible by those deemed worthy. In these shops, Legendary players will be able to access up to three tiers of Legendary gear. The following is just a small sampling of the amazing content created by our talented Guest Artist team.

Don't worry, there's a "normal" variant of the war horse as well.

These shops will be expanded over time to continually offer the the most epic gear in Delta V. We'll try to keep the updates rares, but of a very high quality to prevent the shops from being diluted. There's also a chance items will be rotated out of the shops to make room for more items.
Legendary Achievement
Rank up with the new Legendary achievement!

Show off your status by evolving your achievement all the way up to the 12th tier! This tier is worth a nice tidy sum of Rating Points. Can you reach it?
Legendary Titan
Titan has been working out to a steady regimen of double bacon cheeseburgers and lifting mountains, and he's ready to crack some skulls.

Challenge Legendary Titan at your own risk. He was designed to be the most challenging fight in the game.

Triumphing over this impressive foe will reward you with a Legendary Titan Achievement!
Underdog Mode and Balance

As mentioned before, Underdog Mode is still in progress. We're vigorously testing and reworking the numbers to make sure it's strong enough to be noticeable, but not so strong that it negates the level advantage of the stronger opponent. More specific numbers will be avaible in the patch notes. Tags: Nightwraith |