April 27, 2011 Player Appreciation Week!What is this madness?
Hey there, EpicDuelists! You might have noticed that there’s something... different about this week’s DNs. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Cinderella, EpicDuel’s lovely Warrior Princess. I’ve been a part of EpicDuel since December 2008, when Nightwraith asked me to participate in a private Alpha test (as “Belka”, my name on the EpicDuel Forums), and I was one of the first players during the public Alpha. I’ve been a forum moderator (first on the EDF and now on the AEF) since early 2009, and I’ve been an in-game moderator since the merger with ArtixEntertainment. In addition, I am the administrator for the official EpicDuel Facebook page. As the game has grown since launching in 2009, Nightwraith and Titan have become very busy, and the need has been pointed out for additional staff to take care of some of the public relations responsibilities- that’s where I come in! I am the liaison between the Developers and Players. So, you’ll be seeing a lot more of my face in the weeks to come!
But that’s far enough about me. This week, it’s all about you, Players! That’s right, an update chock-full of goodies for the people who make it all possible: YOU!
Spotlight on Fame
First things first. A lot of our players are very excited about the Fame feature- maybe a little TOO excited. Begging for Fame has become a problem not only in-game but in the social media connected to the game.
However, this was never our intention in introducing Fame- we’d anticipated that it would bring recognition to some of our best and friendliest players. In light of that, we’d like to turn the spotlight to one such player: Elf Priest Jzaanu, whose YouTube Channel features battle, weapon and armor demos, NPC strategy videos, and general videos that act as Public Service Announcements for the EpicDuel community. Jzaanu has always been friendly and helpful as long as I’ve known her in-game, and is one of our more diligent players.
It would be good for some of our players who grief for fame to take a look at how classy our players can be.
Mission Drops!
With the success of the recent update introducing NPC drops, we’re adding drops to completed missions! Following this update, completion of certain missions will result in a reward for completing said mission! Naomi Page needs rare flowers from Xraal over in the BioDome and Valery needs your help in supplementing her gun stash. We have a LOT more missions in development as well, to give players a more important role in the evolving EpicDuel storyline (we might even release some of these super-secret missions on Friday- time permitting).

Missions released this week:
Flower Power!: Naomi needs your help in gathering precious Bio Orchids from Xraal in the BioDome.
Restock!: Valery’s decided that the bike business just isn’t enough anymore, and is branching out into the weapons business. She needs you to get her some Imperial Blasters for a unique reward.
We have a LOT more missions in development as well, to give players a more important role in the evolving EpicDuel storyline.
This is truly an exciting time for EpicDuel, as we move forward from being simply a repetitive PvP game to a fully fleshed-out MMORPG. In the coming weeks and months we’ll be fleshing out the storyline more fully- Baby Steps!
Founder Appreciation
There’s been some concern lately that we’ve been ignoring a small but significant portion of our player base- our Founders. We are eternally grateful for everything the Founders have done for us, without them there would BE no EpicDuel, so we thank you from the bottoms of our hearts. In recognition of the valuable contribution you have made to the community at large, every Founder member (that includes Elites and Founders without the armor) will receive a gift of 1,000 Varium. Which will come in handy since we’re also introducing...

Varium Sellback
Yes, the long requested feature is finally here! The vendors all around Delta V have upgraded their outdated returns system and have agreed to give all players selling back premium items 15% of the item’s varium price across the board. That means that, if an item originally cost you 1,000 Varium, you will recieve 150 varium back from the sale of that item. For enhanced items, 15% of the Varium enhancement price will be factored into the sellback. For those who enhanced with credits before the update, those purchased slots WILL receive a Varium sellback. However, going forward, credit ehancements will not receive sellback.

Graphical Update
More convenient travel options have been implemented throughout Delta V! Look for increased Teleportation Pads that will take you to the furthest reaches of the planet!

Relay for Life
This weekend, Titan and Nightwraith will be participating along with the rest of the AE team in the 2011 Relay for Life! I think Artix's Design Notes post summarized the situation nicely:
This weekend, the Artix Entertainment team will be battling one of the most dangerous diseases on Earth by walking around in circle for 18 hours straight. That is right! We will be sponsoring our first American Cancer Society Relay for Life this Friday, April 29th at 6pm at Sunlake High School in Land O' Lakes, Florida (Mmmmm Butter). The relay will begin at “game release-time” on Friday night, and last 18 hours with at least one member of the AE team walking the track at all times. (Yes, they are allowed to carry their computers…)
Faith is setting up a tent on the track with HeroMart merchandise. 100% of the proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society. If you live in the area, you are welcome to come down and hang out and walk with us. There will be a lot of other teams from other local companies participating too... and hopefully selling lots of hot cocoa to keep us awake all night!
The AE team has donated $1,000 to the Relay for Life to help in the fight against cancer. If you would like to make a donation on behalf of the AE team, please visit the official Relay for Life Website. Oh, and because you are probably going to ask... no, sadly, that is not a picture of us. They would have taken a picture of us, but they were too scared we would break the camera :-)
There’s so much more to come in the weeks ahead! And we can’t do it without you guys- thank you for being awesome.
Tags: Cinderella Missions Founders Varium Sellback Players Fame |