![]() | July 02, 2013 Bad Guys, Good Battles Contest!Contest now live at Artix.com!It's that time again -- time to sharpen your pencils and test your creative mettle against the best the AE community has to offer. Since Beleen already nailed the contest details in her post over at Artix.com and AQ.com, I'll repost it here for your enjoyement rather than force you to slog through my mangled prose. ------ It’s a good day for bad monsters! Instead of using weapons and magic, pit your creative talent and artistic skills against all the existing monsters and villains from your favorite Artix Entertainment games. And have a chance at winning awesome loot in the Bad Guys & Good Battles Contest!
Your QuestHelp Loremaster Maya! Create artwork or write histories for Artix Entertainment’s monsters and villains! Winning entries will help us build the AE Encyclopedia Lorepedia (currently on AQ.com, but probably not there forever)!
How to Start Your AdventureTake a look at one of Loremaster Maya’s first Bestiary pages, then get out and hunt up a monster or villain of your own to observe! http://www.aq.com/lore/monsters/Frogdrake
Ideas for writing submissions include:
So long as your submission is a monster and/or a villain from your favorite Artix Entertainment game, then you’re one step closer to winning the contest! Make sure you post your submission in the contest thread at Artix.com!
Quest Requirements
Quest Rewards Here’s your chance at wining awesome stuff in your favorite online game! The Bad Guys & Good Battles Contest prizes will be broken down by game, but since the Lorepedia encompasses ALL our games, we will award prizes in Artix Points! Additional prizes may be awarded to those who go above and beyond!
Quest Turn-In In the Comments field below, please include:
Please make sure your URL link works online! Use a free online photo uploader like Tinypic, Photobucket, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
Quest Time Frame The Bad Guys & Good Battles Contest begins today, July 2, 2013. Submissions will be accepted until July 10, 2013, at 11:59pm EST. Judging will ensue the following week, and prizes will be announced and delivered around that time too! Good luck everyone, and may the best Bad Guy & Good Battles entry win!
--Beleen Tags: Nightwraith Artix contest Design Monsters AE Beleen Lore LorePedia Good Evil Art |
![]() | October 12, 2012 Begun, The EbilWar HasThis is what happens when you trust executives...or at least allow them to remain on your home planet! The nefarious Chairman Platinum has assembled an army of Corporate Ninjas and freshly recruited Ebil Hazards to take Delta V by force! Fortunately for us, the Chairman's enemies are numerous and powerful. One such ally is the newly arrived Kimberly, Space Warrior and professional face-melting guitarist of One-Eyed Doll! Visit Kimberly in Fortune City, who's happily wading through the Chairman's henchgoons, to receive your assignments. Delta V has scarcely seen a threat like this and Kimberly knows exactly how to take the Chairman down! However, before we can take the fight to the Chairman, we need to clear out some of his goons! Scattered throughout Fortune City and Central Station are EbilCorp minions. Challenge these minions to fill the War Bar and fire EbilCorp for good! What is it? You'll find out after you've expelled EbilCorp from Delta V! Wouldn't want the Chairman to steal it from you! Once the bar is full, everyone who participated in the War will receive a rare prize! Defeating More challenging enemies will award you more points, and give you a better chance of gaining these: They're barely worth the paper they're printed on, but they ARE printed on very expensive paper. Sell them back to Delta V merchants for bonus credits! This is it! No going back! Delta V and all of Artix Entertainment is counting on you to defeat EbilCorp!
Cheevo Get! In lighter news, you can stop by any VendBot to pick up a new, free Achievement! This shiny little badge will show that you were present for this milestone! After the event, it will be gone forever (or until time loops around and we have another 10 year anniversary, but that could be awhile), and those who own it will receive a hefty Rating Point bonus! Thanks again for letting us make awesome games for you and a pre-emptive thanks for helping us kick the Chairman's butt back into space! I understand there is also another achievement lurking around. What is its purpose? It is a mystery! New Livestream! Join us this Sunday at 10AM EDT for a new EpicDuel Artists Livestream! For those unfamiliar with the streams, we have the Dev team and several mods join us for a live Q and A while Charfade or I draw something. You can check out some of the previous streams to see what you've been missing and get a feel for what they're like. If you do join us, please be courteous as we will ban anyone for any misconduct during the stream. If you miss out, the stream will be recorded for later viewing.
Suggestion Shop? Disturbed and I are still busy bringing your suggestions to life! If you haven't posted yet, there's still time to get noticed! Remember to post your suggestions in the official EpicDuel items suggestion thread! Tags: EbilCorp Ninjas Platinum 10 Year Anniversary AE Artix Kimberly OED Nightwraith |