![]() | June 09, 2015 BioBeasts Breech Battleon!Here at Artix Entertainment, it can sometimes seem like all the game teams are completely separated, almost adversarial at times. However, as we move into the next generation of AE games, we want to make it clear that we're all in this together! So far, many other programmers, artists, and writers have pitched in and helped us focus our efforts on making BioBeasts the best game it can possibly be.
----- Unlock exclusive BioBeasts Armor Sets in AQWorldsAre you as excited about BioBeasts as we are?!? The creative minds behind EpicDuel are proud to announce BioBeasts, a free single-player arcade-survival game coming soon to iOS and Android. Your mission: escape, mutate, DESTROY! Play as a mutating monster fighting its way through a robot-controlled laboratory. But you’re not just some ordinary monster… you’re a BioBeast, and as you grow stronger and more powerful, you evolve and mutate! Wicked. Use simple tap controls to unleash devastating damage upon the onslaught of bad guys trying to capture you. It’s a fast-paced fun game that’s simple to pick up but hard to put down. “We cannot wait for you to unleash the BioBeast within you(r phone)!” – the EpicDuel Team
Exclusive Items, aww yeah!We know that you and all your friends are going to LOVE this game. And that’s why we need YOUR help telling everyone about BioBeasts! This is kind of like a contest…except everyone will win prizes if we all team up and work together! All you need to do is Like the BioBeasts Facebook page, and the more Likes we get, the closer we will be at unlocking exclusive BioBeasts-themed Armors, Helms, Weapons, and more in AQWorlds. How to unlock exclusive BioBeasts Items:
Click here to Like the BioBeasts Facebook page, and we will be one step closer at obtaining these exclusive BioBeasts-themed items for AQW!
Thanks so much for supporting BioBeasts, EpicDuel, AdventureQuest Worlds, and all your favorite Artix Entertainment games.
You’re the best!!
xoxo Beleen =D
BioBeasts Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BioBeasts BioBeasts Homepage: http://biobeasts.artix.com/ BioBeasts Twitter: https://twitter.com/BioBeasts EpicDuel Homepage: http://epicduel.artix.com/ Tags: Beleen |
![]() | July 02, 2013 Bad Guys, Good Battles Contest!Contest now live at Artix.com!It's that time again -- time to sharpen your pencils and test your creative mettle against the best the AE community has to offer. Since Beleen already nailed the contest details in her post over at Artix.com and AQ.com, I'll repost it here for your enjoyement rather than force you to slog through my mangled prose. ------ It’s a good day for bad monsters! Instead of using weapons and magic, pit your creative talent and artistic skills against all the existing monsters and villains from your favorite Artix Entertainment games. And have a chance at winning awesome loot in the Bad Guys & Good Battles Contest!
Your QuestHelp Loremaster Maya! Create artwork or write histories for Artix Entertainment’s monsters and villains! Winning entries will help us build the AE Encyclopedia Lorepedia (currently on AQ.com, but probably not there forever)!
How to Start Your AdventureTake a look at one of Loremaster Maya’s first Bestiary pages, then get out and hunt up a monster or villain of your own to observe! http://www.aq.com/lore/monsters/Frogdrake
Ideas for writing submissions include:
So long as your submission is a monster and/or a villain from your favorite Artix Entertainment game, then you’re one step closer to winning the contest! Make sure you post your submission in the contest thread at Artix.com!
Quest Requirements
Quest Rewards Here’s your chance at wining awesome stuff in your favorite online game! The Bad Guys & Good Battles Contest prizes will be broken down by game, but since the Lorepedia encompasses ALL our games, we will award prizes in Artix Points! Additional prizes may be awarded to those who go above and beyond!
Quest Turn-In In the Comments field below, please include:
Please make sure your URL link works online! Use a free online photo uploader like Tinypic, Photobucket, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
Quest Time Frame The Bad Guys & Good Battles Contest begins today, July 2, 2013. Submissions will be accepted until July 10, 2013, at 11:59pm EST. Judging will ensue the following week, and prizes will be announced and delivered around that time too! Good luck everyone, and may the best Bad Guy & Good Battles entry win!
--Beleen Tags: Nightwraith Artix contest Design Monsters AE Beleen Lore LorePedia Good Evil Art |