Behind the scenes information about EpicDuel's development and releases, a real-time PVP MMO that you can play online in your web browser.
 | August 31, 2018 Heroic Housing Contest Happy Friday, EpicDuelists! Are you ready for the long weekend? It's been a loooong time since our last EpicDuel contest and a reaaaaally long time since our last Home Decor contest. With today's update, you should be flooded with weird, wild home items to decorate your myriad of home styles to shake up the Delta V real estate market in our new Heroic Housing contest!
Contest Time Frame
The contest will run from Tuesday, September 4th to Sunday, September 30th at 11:59 PM EST. I pushed the start date to Tuesday to allow the Moglin contest to end before startin a new one. The winners will be announced via Twitter.
How to Enter
All you have to do is submit one screenshot of the best looking room of your best house to us at the AE_Contests Twitter account. There's no specific theme so there are no limits on your creativity! Please use #EpicDuelHeroicHousing when Tweeting us! Don't forget your character name!
Prize Details
Winners will get 5,000 ArtixPoints, a rare Achievement, and a rare Home Item!
Contest Rules
To make sure your hard work gets judged: Read all of the rules before submitting your entry!
- Your entry must be YOUR own in game EpicDuel house and not someone else’s (We will check).
- If you don't play EpicDuel regularly, don't worry! All players can claim one free home and there are many low-cost home items available to get started decorating!
- Create the best looking house you can! There are no parameters for theme so go wild! We'll consider your creativity, attention to detail, coordination, and the overall quality of entry.
- Please limit your entry to one screenshot of room of your home! We appreciate the thought of coordinating your entire house but we want to have mercy on our judges!
- Include your EpicDuel character name with the entry!
- The screenshot of your entry should be of the Highest Quality, and as large as possible. The more clear the picture, the better it will look.
- Don't edit or change your entry after the fact. You have nearly a month so take your time and create a truly epic entry!
- Post to the AE_Contests Twitter account using the #EpicDuelHeroicHousing . Uploading your photo to your Facebook and sending us a link does not allow us to see the photos. If you upload your photo to your locked image-sharing account, we cannot see it.
- One entry per person!
- Have fun!
Please don’t spam your entry or you will be disqualified! You can only enter once per person! We reserve the right to reward excellent examples of good sportsmanship or remove entries for abusive behavior towards staff or other contest participants!
Good Luck!
On behalf of the entire AE team, we are really looking forward to seeing your entries! Tags: Nightwraith |
 | August 31, 2018 Patch Notes - 1.6.86
Bonus Varium, Balance, and a metric TON of home items! This is all in preparation of the EpicDuel Heroic Housing contest! Details will be posted soon on how to enter!
New Features/Changes
- After the update today, $50 Varium package will give 18,000 Varium! Players who purchased this package since last Friday will receive the extra 6,000 Varium. This offer will last until the update next Friday (September 7th)
- Increased Bank Slot cap to 1500
- Delta Knight Armor sellable
- New Mission: Skeptical Study -- to redeem extra mission items from Frozen Fury
- 3 New Home Styles!
- Abandoned Ship
- Afterlife Shrine
- Fortune City Spire
- You can now place up to 25 items in each home room
- You can now have up to 25 people in a single room
- 211 New Home Items!
- New Arcade: Raymus' Realty
- Cores:
- Bloodseeker Blast x25, Paralysis Coating x25, and Mega Curse x25 price reduction to 125 Varium
- Thorns - Reduced damage reflected to 65% from 75%
- Icy Chill - unlocked on weapons where it comes pre-equipped
- Piston Punch - new 25x variant
Balance Changes
- Bounty Hunter
- Smoke Screen:Diminishing returns on skill levels:+3 level 1-3, +2 level 3-6, +1 level 6-10; Improves with every 2 levels above 20; Improves with every 3.4 Technology
- Cheap Shot: Increased defense reduction 5% per level
- Shadow Arts: Reduced energy cost by 10; Increased damage reduction by 5% per level
- Tech Mage
- Plasma Bolt: Improves with every .3 Technology
- Malfunction: Diminishing returns on skill levels: +3 level 1-3, +2 level 3-6, +1 level 6-10; Improves with every 2.8 Support; Improves for every 3 levels above 20
- Blood Mage
- Plasma Cannon: Cooldown reduced to 2
- Energy Parasite: Initial damage reduced to 85%
- Mercenary
- Bunker Buster: Cooldown reduced to 2
- Berzerker: Weaken every 2 levels below 20; Increased damage +10% for all levels
- Double Strike: Reduced energy cost by 10; Damage increased +6% per level
- Adrenaline Rush: Reduced cost by 10; 100% damage
- Maul: Decreased energy cost by 10; Reduced energy cost per level by 5
- Tactical Mercenary
- Blood Shield: Improves with every 3 Support; Increased Resistance buff by 10 per level
- Double Strike: Reduced energy cost by 10; Damage increased +6% per level
- Atom Smasher: Improved energy conversion +5% per level; Improves with every 5 Strength
- Field Commander: Improves with every 3 Support; Weakens with every 2 levels below 20; +4 Strength per level
- Cyber Hunter
- Malfunction: Diminishing returns on skill levels: +3 level 1-3, +2 level 3-6, +1 level 6-10; Improves with every 2.8 Support; Improves for every 3 levels above 20
- Plasma Armor: +5 Resistance at all levels
- Cheap Shot: Increased defense reduction 5% per level
- Shadow Arts: Reduced energy cost by 10; Increased damage reduction by 5% per level
Bug Fixes
- Adjusted /fly animation to create a more natural angle for knee joints
- Growth Serum - removed small transparent square on core graphic
Tags: Nightwraith |
 | August 23, 2018 Heroic Housing
Have you been putting off being a homeowner in EpicDuel? In an upcoming release, we'll introduce more reasons than ever to join the Delta V real estate market with a freighter-load of new homes, items, and an arcade to win some incredible new decorations! There's so much in this update that I've decided to postpone this week's release to combine it into next week's. This will allow for more content, more testing, and an opportunity to draw attention to a new home decorating contest!
What's Coming?
3 new homes, dozens of new home items (going for 50+, but might hit 100!), new achievements, new arcade, and additional improvements to homes. The item cap will be lifted from 15 to 25 items per room. Additionally, in clear violation of Delta V fire codes, I'm increasing the player cap per room to 25! I may try to squeeze in some more bug fixes and balance adjustments depending on how quickly things come together. As I mentioned, there will also be a new contest launching next Friday!
Weapon Stat Fix
A decent chunk of time was taken this week with work on the persistent and annoying weapon stat bug that has been kicking players for weeks. A few weeks ago EpicDuel increased the amount of stats that could be assigned to class-specific weapons such as clubs and wrist blades. A consequence was that this put certain items in an "illegal" configuration, which would kick players when they tried to upgrade these weapons. I had been fixing weapons for individual players who reported these issues, but a broader fix was needed. Our solution was to "unlock" any primary item that could be affected by this bug up to their owner's level. This fix resulted in many weapons being unlocked for free, but this was preferable to players being kicked from the game and not knowing why.
Stay tuned for more previews as the release progresses! Tags: Nightwraith |
 | August 17, 2018 Patch Notes - 1.6.85
New Features/Changes
- New Legendary Boss + Achievement
- Missions:
- A Feast for Titan - Event
- Party of One
- Grub Hub
- Fine Rustic Decor
- Homemade Horror
- Many Cakes
- Hype Man
- Every Man Has His Price
- Top 10 Anime Betrayals
- Accidental Antiquing
- Slayer's Bounty - Permanent
- Marauder Matchup
- Hazard Handler
- Arctic Antagonism
- Crushing Chitin
- Dragonoid Duster
- Bone Breaker
- Abyss Anarchy
- Preternatural Prey
- Monarch Massacre
- Slayer's Slaughter
- Whispers in the Dark - Event
- Stealthy Scavenger
- Scappy Scrapper
- Scoundrel Shakedown
- Residual Resonance
- Sinister Samples
- Sadistic Source
- Translation Trouble
- Spacefaring Scribbler
- Shakedown Sequel
- Dreadful Destiny
Balance Changes
- Blood Mage
- Fireball: +20 energy cost; -40 damage per level
Tags: Nightwraith |
 | August 14, 2018 Patch Notes - 1.6.84New Features/Changes
- Mission:
- Trash or Treasure (Krampus Technician) available for turning in Elemental Controller for players who have an extra after completing Frozen Fury Part 3.
Balance Changes
- Skills:
- Field Medic: +15 healing to all levels
- Bounty Hunter
- Smoke Screen: Improved Tech scaling to +1 for every 4.2 points
- Tech Mage
- Plasma Bolt: Tech scaling now +1 for every .27 of Tech
- Super Charge: Reduced defense ignore back down to 30%; increased cost +20 energy points; Reduced scaling to improve with every .4 Tech
- Blood Mage
- Super Charge: Reduced defense ignore back down to 30%; increased cost +20 energy points; Reduced scaling to improve with every .4 Tech
Tags: Nightwraith |
 | August 10, 2018 Patch Notes - 1.6.83
New Features/Changes
- Styles
- Crafts
- Auxiliaries
- Burginator P
- Burginator E
- Home Items
- Burger Beanbag
- Burger Pile
- Floating Burger
- Gold Titan Bobblehead
- Platinum Titan Bobblehead
- Crisp Titan Bobblehead
- Burger Pillar
- Young Titan Poster
- Achievements
- Omega Endures -- Available for free for supporters of Omega after the old achievement went rare
- Titan’s Beard -- 10 level upgradeable achievement
- General
- Strength nerfed slightly -- should see less primary damage
- Clubs/Wrist Blades/Staffs -- can now have as many stats as swords. Swords still maintain a damage advantage
- Cores
- Chairman’s Fury -- buffed to 100% damage, energy cost removed, Rage steal buffed to 35%
- Frost Shards -- buffed to 100% damage
- Robots
- Necrosis -- Increased amount of defense reduction
- Spore Bombardment -- Added 15% defense ignore; removed use limit
- Lionhart’s Roar -- 75% Rage buff
- Bounty Hunter
- Smoke Screen -- Improves with every 5.2 Tech
- Massacre -- Reduced energy cost by 30; Damage % goes from 40-130 with 10 per level; Scales 1% for every 6 Tech
- Mercenary
- Intimidate -- +1 Strength for every 3 levels above 20; No longer weakens below level 20
- Bunker Buster -- Reduced base energy cost by 10; Increased defense reduction to 15%
- Blood Commander -- Lifesteal reduced to 60%
- Tech Mage
- Malfunction -- Improves for every 4 levels over 20; Improves with every 5 Support
- Plasma Bolt -- Improves for every .25 Tech; Weakens for every .8 levels below 20
- Super Charge -- Reduced cost by 20; Improves for every .3 Tech; Improves for every .3 levels above 20; 35% defense reduction
- Cyber Hunter
- EMP Grenade -- +10 energy drain per level
- Malfunction -- Improves 1 Tech for every 2 levels over 20; Improves with every 3.8 Support
- Static Charge -- 100% damage; Unblockable
- Massacre -- Reduced energy cost by 30; Damage % goes from 40-130 with 10 per level; Scales 1% for every 4 Tech
- Tactical Mercenary
- Frenzy -- Removed defense ignore
- Atom Smasher -- Unblockable
- Blood Mage
- Intimidate -- +1 Strength per every 3 points of Support; +1 Strength for every 2.4 levels above 20; No longer weakens below level 20
- Plasma Cannon -- Damage adjusted to match Bunker Buster
- Super Charge -- Reduced cost by 20; Improves for every .3 Tech; Improves for every .3 levels above 20; 35% defense reduction
Bug Fixes/Changes
- Omega Baby/Dark Yeti price change -- The Omega Yeti is now sold at Nightwraith for 1900 Varium which is a steep discount versus buying it through upgrades. As of this update, the cost of the Serums will be decreased and the cost of the Omega Baby/Dark Yeti will be increased so there will be no price difference in acquiring the bots. Those who've acquired the Omega Baby/Dark Yeti by purchasing Serums since May 2018 (around when the Omega Yetis were equipped to Nightwraith) will be compensated for the cost discrepancy. This only applies to Serums purchased, not those acquired through missions. If you are impacted by this change, please allow a few hours for compensation.
- Buy Back Shop additions -- those who purchased the appropriate packages during the eligibility windows will see the apropriate items available for buyback
- Stun Guns (original)
- Frostbane
- Beast Rider
- Frost Reaper
- Heavy Mechachillid Armor
- Super Mecha Cannon/Laser
- Super Mecha Launcher/Disintegrator
- Mechachillid armors allow separate hairstyles
- Color customizer issues fixed
- Malefic Armor F
- Cardboard Crusader F
- Heavy Mechachillid “hairstyle”
Tags: Nightwraith |
 | August 01, 2018 Patch Notes - 1.6.82
New Features/Changes
- Varium Buy Back Shop
- Visit any VendBot to access the Varium Buy Back Shop
- Re-purchase any item sold that was purchased with Varium (excluding cores), upgraded with Varium, or acquired through a promotion
- For a complete guide, consult the Varium Buy Back Shop FAQ
- Achievements
- Buy Backer -- Attained by spending Varium in the Varium Buy Back Shop
- Mercenary
- Static Smash: Reduced 4% at all levels
- Tactical Mercenary
- Atom Smasher: Buffed 4% at all levels
Tags: Nightwraith |
 | August 01, 2018 Varium Buy BackVarium Buy Back Shop!

You requested it, so we're delivering! With the power of Titan, this week we are introducing the Varium Buy Back Shop, which will be available at all VendBots throughout Delta V. This means that any item you purchased with Varium, acquired with a Promotion, or invested Varium into to upgrade will be eligible for repurchasing in this shop. Since this feature is similar to Buy Back Shop in AQW, I've ripped a bit from their FAQ, but there are some key differences worth noting:
Frequently Asked Questions
- Where is this shop?
It is available as an NPC option on all VendBots scattered throughout Delta V. You can't walk far without stumbling across one.
- What items qualify?
Nearly every EpicDuel item you've purchased or upgraded in game with Varium is available in the Varium Buy Back Shop! If you paid Varium for an item and sold it back, it will appear in the shop. This also includes most promotional items that were included with Varium packages. Any item that a player has invested Varium into to upgrade stats will also be eligible. Cores, however, are not eligible.
- Does this include Home Items?
No. Home items have a separate shop and inventory interface from items a player can equip onto themselves so they do not use the Buy Back feature. Also, most Home Items can simply be purchased normally from the shop.
- What about LQS items?
These will appear in the Buy Back shop as well.
- What about duplicate items?
Unfortunately, the Varium Buy Back Shop will only track one instance of an item. If you have 10 duplicates of a Varium sword and sell them all, the shop will only track one. Also, if you sell a Varium item, then purchase it from a normal shop, it will be removed from the Varium Buy Back Shop.
- How much will it cost to buy the items back?
- You will need to pay the full, original price of the item in order to buy it back. This prevents potential exploits.
- How long will it take until items I've sold/lost appear in the buyback shop?
The items will be added to the list instantly, however, you will need to close and reopen the shop if you are selling items while the Buy Back shop is still open.
- What about prize code items, NPC drops, Arcade prizes, HeroMart items, War Prizes, etc?
While a lot of these items are indeed very cool, they do not have purchase records and therefore are not eligible for the Varium Buy Back Shop UNLESS you invest Varium to upgrade them. Even a small amount is enough keep them eligible for the shop.
- How many of my items does the Buy Back Shop store/display?
The Varium Buy Back Shop will show ALL of the Varium items you've EVER purchased or upgraded (excluding individual cores), all the way back to your account creation date.
- Why are you bringing back RARE ITEMS?!!?
Never fear, we are NOT bringing back rare items! The only items people can get from the Buy Back Shop are ones they previously bought (then sold or deleted). There is one except detailed below.* You will also be able to repurchase seasonal items that appear in the shop even when they are out of season.
- *I see promotional items I don't remember buying!
We use date ranges and Varium purchase quantitiy to determine whether or not you qualify for certain promotional items in the Buy Back Shop. Since some date ranges for promotions overlap, it is possible to qualify for multiple promotional items, including items you may have never purchased originally. Since tracking of the items in promotions before a certain date was limited, this was the only solution we had to allow players to have access to their old promotional items. The alternative was locking down nearly every promotion before 2013, which would have greatly diminished the usefulness of the system.
- Why do you not see ALL the items you used to have?
Some items, like mission rewards, prize code items, HeroMart items, NPC drops, were not tracked as being "purchased" and since they were 0 cost items, were not tracked as being "sold". These types of items we can not provide for buy-back. There may also be old promotional items that were released prior to our modern receipt tracking that do not appear. We apologize for not being able to have everything available for buy-back. However, many items can be made eligible by investing Varium in them to upgrade. Credit-only items are not tracked.
- Will I get an achievement?
Yes! Because some items have low credit buyback prices, only Varium Buy Backs will be eligible.
- HELP! My little brother got into my account, and sold all my items! Can the Artix Help Team give them back?
The Artix Help Team will not return any items that have been sold. The only way to get your items back is through the Varium Buy Back Shop. Please do not share you account and keep it safe!
Tags: Titan |