| August 31, 2018 Heroic Housing Contest Happy Friday, EpicDuelists! Are you ready for the long weekend? It's been a loooong time since our last EpicDuel contest and a reaaaaally long time since our last Home Decor contest. With today's update, you should be flooded with weird, wild home items to decorate your myriad of home styles to shake up the Delta V real estate market in our new Heroic Housing contest!
Contest Time Frame
The contest will run from Tuesday, September 4th to Sunday, September 30th at 11:59 PM EST. I pushed the start date to Tuesday to allow the Moglin contest to end before startin a new one. The winners will be announced via Twitter.
How to Enter
All you have to do is submit one screenshot of the best looking room of your best house to us at the AE_Contests Twitter account. There's no specific theme so there are no limits on your creativity! Please use #EpicDuelHeroicHousing when Tweeting us! Don't forget your character name!
Prize Details
Winners will get 5,000 ArtixPoints, a rare Achievement, and a rare Home Item!
Contest Rules
To make sure your hard work gets judged: Read all of the rules before submitting your entry!
- Your entry must be YOUR own in game EpicDuel house and not someone else’s (We will check).
- If you don't play EpicDuel regularly, don't worry! All players can claim one free home and there are many low-cost home items available to get started decorating!
- Create the best looking house you can! There are no parameters for theme so go wild! We'll consider your creativity, attention to detail, coordination, and the overall quality of entry.
- Please limit your entry to one screenshot of room of your home! We appreciate the thought of coordinating your entire house but we want to have mercy on our judges!
- Include your EpicDuel character name with the entry!
- The screenshot of your entry should be of the Highest Quality, and as large as possible. The more clear the picture, the better it will look.
- Don't edit or change your entry after the fact. You have nearly a month so take your time and create a truly epic entry!
- Post to the AE_Contests Twitter account using the #EpicDuelHeroicHousing . Uploading your photo to your Facebook and sending us a link does not allow us to see the photos. If you upload your photo to your locked image-sharing account, we cannot see it.
- One entry per person!
- Have fun!
Please don’t spam your entry or you will be disqualified! You can only enter once per person! We reserve the right to reward excellent examples of good sportsmanship or remove entries for abusive behavior towards staff or other contest participants!
Good Luck!
On behalf of the entire AE team, we are really looking forward to seeing your entries! Tags: Nightwraith |