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 | May 17, 2013 Patch Notes - 1.5.15NEW CHANGES/FEATURES:
New Weapons
- Botanical Nightmare Physical Mutating Weapon
- Dark Botanical Nightmare Energy Mutating Weapon
- Botanical Broadsword
- Dark Botanical Broadsword
- NPCs reverted to pre-Arborgeddon state
- Missions will remain to allow last-minute turn ins
- Shops will receive a final restock
Player Mail 2.0
- Player-to-player mail (Friends and faction members only)
- Autocomplete recipients based on your current Buddy List and Faction
- Mods can send mail to anyone (Muting/warning a player automatically sends them a mail)
- Mail search
- Ability to report mail
New 12,000 Varium package
- Will always stay
- Does not include items
Tags: RabbleFroth Arborgeddon Patch Notes |