January 14, 2025 
EpicDuel's 2024 season of Gifting finally concluded in the wee hours of the night and what a season it was! After rebooting to open the last of this year's gifting haul, we put a regal bow on this remarkable season. This season was incredible for a number of reasons, but the leaderboard should speak for itself!

Special congratulations are due to the top 15 Gifters this year, putting up absolutely incredible numbers and ending with a 3-way tie for 1st place! With so many multi-million scores, we certainly have our work cut out for us!
- Atlas
- Mandatory
- Smoking Shadow
- Alonzo Harris
- F L O K I
- l Fade l
- Enchant
- CactusChan
- 2 mil
- Lele
- S P l D E R
- Adromeda
- Adrianozzq
- BadWitch
- D Y S P O
I would also like to thank Smoking Shadow for keeping the events running smoothly and preventing overlaps and unnecessary drama. Gifting should be fun and exciting, not frustrating!
Secret and Silver Secret Prizes
Currently, the top 15 Gifters are deciding how to allocate their Secret and Silver Secret Packages. These items will "open" to reveal their contents to all who possess them after all distributions are completed.
Winner Prize Progress
As of right now we have established contact with most of the winners. This year players blew past our expectations and earned themselves a wealth of options for personalized prizes. Last year we were able to move efficiently through the prizes, but this year, due to the sheer volume, I expect a longer period of prize creation than last year, even with Lodrian's help. If your patience is running thin, remember the paraphrased saying that a late prize is eventually good, but a rushed prize is bad forever! The next few weeks should be very exciting as new prizes are delivered to the winners and shown off in-game.
Epic Supporter Achievements
Starting THIS Friday January 17th, the 2024 Epic Gifting Supporter/Epic Legendary Gifting Supporter will be retired and replaced with the 2025 Epic Supporter/Epic Legendary Gifting achievements. The 4,000 Artix Point package achievements will also be updated.
Post Gifting Generosity
Some of this year's Gifters have generously opted to grant the general EpicDuel populace access to their prizes from previous seasons. Winner Alonzo Harris is offering replicas of some of his prizes from a previous Gifting season, the newly renamed Brigade’s Fire P and Alonzo’s Triumph E, at Oz while CactusChan is offering his hairstyle 382 for Varium.
Final Gifting Thoughts
Honestly, professions of humility and gratitude are sincere, but frankly, inadequate to express the emotions I feel in the aftermath of this latest event. Every year a part of me worries, "Is this the year we throw a party and nobody shows up?" It might seem ridiculous given the track record, but it is certainly scary to see it happening all over the game industry. This year, once again, the EpicDuel community showed up and delivered. I'm still shocked by the player count creeping past 600! There are plenty of games that come and go, fading into obscurity without seeing anywhere near those numbers. I feel truly blessed that we still have a community that makes EpicDuel worthy of its name!
Let's Duel On into 2025! Tags: |