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EpicDuel PVP Game Design Notes

Behind the scenes information about EpicDuel's development and releases, a real-time PVP MMO that you can play online in your web browser.

February 07, 2025

EpicDuel Nulgath 2025 Preview

Gifting prizes are still underway, but that doesn't mean we don't have time to cook up a few extra entrées in the kitchen. Unfortunately, we weren't able to make enough progress to justify a release this week, but next week, we'll release a new batch of Nulgath weapons to EpicDuel!


Seasonal Reset

All seasonal rares will be reset to their normal time after an update next Friday. Usually we reset them right after Gifting, but we wanted to make sure everyone had ample warning to quickly complete their weapon collections.


Ultra Corsair Promo Going Rare

The Ultra Corsair Promo will be removed from the Varium shop next Friday. If you haven't purchased this promo to claim the rare achievement, you still have some time!


Upcoming Nulgath Items

Next week, we're planning to launch a ton of new Nulgath items! We know Nulgath has fans across all AE games, and we didn't want EpicDuel to be left out of his birthday celebration!


Battlepass Progress

In addition to working on the Gifter rewards, Acatriel is also developing the new Azrael's Doomslayer Battlepass! This Battlepass will replace the Deltamancer Showcase when it is released in March.

Tags: Nightwraith


February 04, 2025

EpicDuel Energy Reserve Bug Fix

EpicDuel just rebooted for the following fix:

  • The Energy Reserve unlimited core would revert to the x25 limited version of the core after being removed and re-equipped to an item. This update fixes that bug.
  • This was happening due to a code overlap between the 2 cores, but they have now been fully separated.
  • In addition to fixing that bug, anyone who purchased the unlimited version of Energy Reserve will receive the difference in Varium between the limited and unlimited cores (400 Varium) per purchase of Energy Reserve (unlimited).

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Tags: Nightwraith


January 31, 2025

EpicDuel The Valkyries Arrive

Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Bot

This week, we are finally distributing the Alpha-Omega Valkyrie bot! This epic, rare bot has been awarded to all Gifters who scored over 250,000 in the 2024 Gifting season! If you are among those lucky few, congratulations, and enjoy your well-earned exclusive bot!

  • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie P:
    • Valhalla Charge P: Strike the ground with holy light, ignoring 20% defense.
    • Asgard's Fury P: Deal more damage based on target's missing Energy; +1% per 5% up to 120% dmg. The less energy the target has, the higher the damage dealt.
  • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie E:
    • Valhalla Charge E: Strike the ground with holy light, ignoring 20% defense.
    • Asgard's Fury E: Deal more damage based on target's missing Energy; +1% per 5% up to 120% dmg. The less energy the target has, the higher the damage dealt.


Secret / Silver Secret Packages Unwrapped

The Secret and Silver Secret Packages have finally opened! Enjoy your bounty of rare prizes from another epic Gifting season! There may be a slight delay on this process so if you have a package, but no items, you may need to relog after a few minutes. The packages have not yet been converted to Ingots because still are still a few packages yet to be distributed.

Silver Secret Package

  • Omegatron Armor B (Armor)
  • Omegatron Armor B CC (Armor)
  • Omegatron Armor C (Armor)
  • Omegatron Armor C CC (Armor)
  • Omegatron Slayer P (Weapon)
  • Omegatron Slayer E (Weapon)
  • Omegatron Blaster P (Weapon)
  • Omegatron Blaster E (Weapon)
  • Omegatron Bike (Vehicle)

Secret Package

  • Omegatron Armor A (Armor)
  • Omegatron Armor A CC (Armor)
  • Omegatron Omegalith P (Weapon) (changed from Omegatron Dagger because the design matched new name better)
  • Omegatron Omegalith E (Weapon) (changed from Omegatron Dagger because the design matched new name better)
  • Omegatron Railgun P (Weapon)
  • Omegatron Railgun E (Weapon)
  • Omegatron Destroyer P (Weapon)
  • Omegatron Destroyer E (Weapon)
  • Omegatron Scythe P (Weapon)
  • Omegatron Scythe E (Weapon)
  • Omegatron Obliterator P (Weapon)
  • Omegatron Obliterator E (Weapon)
  • Omegatron Bike CC (Vehicle)


Gifter Prize Progress

We are still diligently working on completing the prizes for the 2024 Gifting winners. More prizes went out this week, and with the combined forces of Nightwraith and Lodrian, next week should be much more bountiful for our very patient and generous Gifting champions!


Faction Membership Boost

The Faction member size cap has been raised to 25 this week from 20! We think this is probably as large as Factions can be with the current state of the game so we have no plans to raise the cap again for the foreseeable future.

Tags: Nightwraith


January 24, 2025

EpicDuel Gifting 2024 Aftermath Part 2

EpicDuel Final Gifting 2024 Leaderboard

(EpicDuel) War Resumes

Gifting is over, but the 2025 fun is just beginning! Login now to battle it out in the first EpicDuel War of 2025! At long last, EpicDuel's Alignment War will resume with this update. Since EpicDuel can't run a War and Gifting simultaneously, the UI has been updated to replace the Gifting interface with the familiar War interface. The latest War should start shortly after this update. May the war drops be in your favor and your super-bombs hit for maximum damage!


Gifting Progress Update

So far, nearly all the Gifting winners have been contacted and prize progress has at least been started, if not completed, on several items. As stated already, this season has a much higher number of prizes than any previous season. The top 3 alone qualified for more prizes than the entire top 15 in 2018! Still, we are working diligently to fulfill these requests one-by-one. It's a heavy workload, but we are thankful for the patience and trust we have cultivated with our top Gifters, who understand that a rushed gift is much worse than a late one.

This update will see several freshly created gifts going out to the winners. You'll certainly notice and appreciate the spectacle and creativity involved in these unique creations! 


Gifting Secret Packages

The Secret and Silver Secret Packages will open soon, but we are still waiting on a few allocations before opening them. It's vastly more efficient to open them all at once than one at a time, which can take hours and is prone to errors (because Nightwraith can't read). That said, we are planning on opening all outstanding packages next Friday January 31st. If packages are still unallocated, they will remain for awhile longer to accommodate stragglers. Additionally, instead of converting the excess packages directly into Credits, we will convert them into Gold and Silver Ingots. These will be redeemable in daily missions. The missions will remain in rotation for a time until the majority of the items are turned in. 


Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Progress

The bot and morph have recently been turned in by Lodrian and they are spectacular! Once these are finalized next week, they will be distributed to all who qualify for them! We will formally announce when this happens so you can all check your inventories for the new loot!

Tags: Nightwraith


January 17, 2025

Gifting is over, but 2025 is just getting started! With this update we're honoring the top 15 and top 50 Gifters!


Titan's Peak Expanded

We've carved out yet another chunk of Titan's Peak to create a new top 50 leaderboard room! Now all the top 50 Gifters will forever be immortalized as part of EpicDuel's history! I hope Titan doesn't mind us carving these huge rooms out of his house. He doesn't need to sleep, does he?


Epic Supporter Update

Starting TODAY Friday January 17th, the 2024 Epic Gifting Supporter/Epic Legendary Gifting Supporter has been retired and replaced with the 2025 Epic Supporter/Epic Legendary Gifting achievements. The 4,000 Artix Point package achievements has also been updated. We would like to extend our congratulations and appreciation for all who were able to max out the previous year's achievements. At this rare, we'll need to add more rating star tiers before too long!


Winner Wishes Progress

The first week after Gifting is always a frenzy recording all the Gifting winners' request and assembling references to help aid the creation process. This year our workload is unprecedented, which is a good problem to have when you think about it: It means Gifting was a huge success! It also means we have a lot of work to do in the next few weeks making all the wishes of our top 15 Gifters a reality, as well as developing enough new content to keep everyone else engaged. We were already able to deliver a few wishes this week while also starting the conceptualization process of several others. 

The first week is always the most daunting as the massive workload ahead looks so imposing, but each week we hope to complete more wishes at a steady pace, granting each Gifter a piece of EpicDuel history in the process! We thank you all for your patience as we work to fulfill all these wishes as expediently as possible while also maintaining a high level of quality (and preserving our health and sanity!).

Tags: Nightwraith


January 14, 2025

EpicDuel Gifting 2024 Ends

EpicDuel's 2024 season of Gifting finally concluded in the wee hours of the night and what a season it was! After rebooting to open the last of this year's gifting haul, we put a regal bow on this remarkable season. This season was incredible for a number of reasons, but the leaderboard should speak for itself!

Final Gifting 2024 Leaderboard

Special congratulations are due to the top 15 Gifters this year, putting up absolutely incredible numbers and ending with a 3-way tie for 1st place! With so many multi-million scores, we certainly have our work cut out for us!

  1. Atlas
  2. Mandatory
  3. Smoking Shadow
  4. Alonzo Harris
  5. F L O K I
  6. l Fade l
  7. Enchant
  8. CactusChan
  9. 2 mil
  10. Lele
  11. S P l D E R
  12. Adromeda
  13. Adrianozzq
  14. BadWitch
  15. D Y S P O

I would also like to thank Smoking Shadow for keeping the events running smoothly and preventing overlaps and unnecessary drama. Gifting should be fun and exciting, not frustrating! 


Secret and Silver Secret Prizes

Currently, the top 15 Gifters are deciding how to allocate their Secret and Silver Secret Packages. These items will "open" to reveal their contents to all who possess them after all distributions are completed.


Winner Prize Progress

As of right now we have established contact with most of the winners. This year players blew past our expectations and earned themselves a wealth of options for personalized prizes. Last year we were able to move efficiently through the prizes, but this year, due to the sheer volume, I expect a longer period of prize creation than last year, even with Lodrian's help. If your patience is running thin, remember the paraphrased saying that a late prize is eventually good, but a rushed prize is bad forever! The next few weeks should be very exciting as new prizes are delivered to the winners and shown off in-game.


Epic Supporter Achievements

Starting THIS Friday January 17th, the 2024 Epic Gifting Supporter/Epic Legendary Gifting Supporter will be retired and replaced with the 2025 Epic Supporter/Epic Legendary Gifting achievements. The 4,000 Artix Point package achievements will also be updated.


Post Gifting Generosity

Some of this year's Gifters have generously opted to grant the general EpicDuel populace access to their prizes from previous seasons. Winner Alonzo Harris is offering replicas of some of his prizes from a previous Gifting season, the newly renamed Brigade’s Fire P and Alonzo’s Triumph E, at Oz while CactusChan is offering his hairstyle 382 for Varium.


Final Gifting Thoughts

Honestly, professions of humility and gratitude are sincere, but frankly, inadequate to express the emotions I feel in the aftermath of this latest event. Every year a part of me worries, "Is this the year we throw a party and nobody shows up?" It might seem ridiculous given the track record, but it is certainly scary to see it happening all over the game industry. This year, once again, the EpicDuel community showed up and delivered. I'm still shocked by the player count creeping past 600! There are plenty of games that come and go, fading into obscurity without seeing anywhere near those numbers. I feel truly blessed that we still have a community that makes EpicDuel worthy of its name!

Let's Duel On into 2025!

Tags: Nightwraith


January 14, 2025

EpicDuel Gifting 2024: The Home Stretch

EpicDuel Gifting The Home Stretch

EpicDuel Gifting 2024 Finale Approaches

It's hard to believe that another Gifting season is nearing its end. For those of you who have been here before, you know what to expect, but for newcomers to EpicDuel Gifting, here is a primer on what to expect after Gifting ends.

If you didn't know from the Design Notes posts or the in-game Gifting interface, Gifting will officially end at the end of the day on Monday January 13th. This means that Gifting will be unavailable stating January 14th and will remain disabled until the next season. If you are still sitting on a pile of Gifting Varium waiting for your opportunity to grab a spot on the leaderboard, it's not too late, but you'd better hurry before the window closes on the current season!

After Gifting deactivates, the leaderboard will finalize its list of top 50 Gifters and Gifting functionality will be disabled. Within a few hours after Gifting, emails will be sent to the top 15 winners to offer congratulations, gratitude, and begin the process of creating all the winners' prizes. If you are in the top 15 and don't receive an email within the first few hours, or we don't hear back from you for a day, we will find alternative means of contacting you.

Next, we will distribute the completed score tier items (Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Collection) to all the qualifying Gifters. This should also be completed an hour or 2 after Gifting ends. Due to the larger number of items and tiers this year (a self-inflicted problem to be sure), some items are still works-in-progress and the completed items will be distributed first, with additional items being released as they are completed.

The Secret and Silver Secret Packages will not open until they are all distributed by the top 15 winners. This typically takes about 1-2 weeks for all the winners to decide so don't expect them in your inventory immediately after Gifting ends.

This season has truly seen some phenomenal Gifting, with the highest top 15 scores we've ever seen! This is great news for EpicDuel, but it also means a ton of work for the EpicDuel. We hope for your patience and understanding as we work to fulfill the our obligations to the winners and all participants in this blockbuster Gifting season!


Epic Supporter Achievements

Starting next Friday January 17th, the 2024 Epic Gifting Supporter/Epic Legendary Gifting Supporter will be retired and replaced with the 2025 Epic Supporter/Epic Legendary Gifting achievements. The 4,000 Artix Point package achievements will also be updated. 


Gifting Score Tier Bonus Items

After Gifting ends, items from this list will be distributed to those who meet the requirements for each tier. Due to the quantity of items and tiers (a self-inflicted problem, admittedly) some items are not yet completed. Items with a ✔ next to them will be distributed immediately, while the rest are still in development and will be distributed as they are completed.

  • 10,000
    • Asgardian Champion Blade P 
    • Asgardian Champion Blade E 
  • 15,000
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Greatsword P 
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Greatsword E 
  • 20,000
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Enforcer P 
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Enforcer E 
  • 25,000
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Barrage P
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Barrage E
    • Festive Omega Default Armor 2024 
  • 50,000
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Slayer P
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Slayer E
    • Festive Frost Slayer 
    • Festive Ember Slayer 
  • 75,000
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Bow P
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Bow E
  • 100,000
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Arsenal P 
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Arsenal E 
    • Frostbane CC 2024 
    • Infernal Frostbane CC 2024 
  • 125,000
    • Odin's Eye P 
    • Odin's Eye E 
  • 150,000
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Bike 
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Bike CC 
  • 175,000
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Scythe P
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Scythe E
  • 200,000
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Armor 
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Armor CC 
  • 225,000
    • Ascended-Alpha Omega Valkyrie Armor ✔
    • Ascended-Alpha Omega Valkyrie Armor CC ✔
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Morph
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Morph CC
  • 250,000
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie P
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie E
    • Ascended Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Morph
    • Ascended Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Morph CC
  • 275,000
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Spear P
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Spear E
    • Festive Wendigo 
    • Ascended Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Bike
    • Ascended Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Bike CC
  • 300,000
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Wing Blade P 
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Wing Blade E 
    • Alpha-Omega Imperator Blade P 
    • Alpha-Omega Imperator Blade E 
    • Festive Armored Wendigo 
  • 350,000
    • Alpha-Omega Annihilator Blade P 
    • Alpha-Omega Annihilator Blade E 
    • Frost Destroyer CC 
    • Ember Destroyer CC 
  • 400,000
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Smiter P 
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Smiter E 
    • Festive Frost Destroyer 2024 ✔
    • Festive Ember Destroyer 2024 ✔
  • 450,000
    • Alpha-Omega Ethereal Blade P
    • Alpha-Omega Ethereal Blade E
    • Void Frostbane P
    • Void Frostbane E
  • 500,000
    • Corrupted Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Armor
    • Corrupted Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Armor CC
    • Corrupted Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Morph
    • Corrupted Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Morph CC
    • Festive Frostbane 
    • Festive Infernal Frostbane 
  • 600,000
    • Asgard's Triumph P 
    • Asgard's Triumph E 
    • Alpha-Omega Ethereal Spear P
    • Alpha-Omega Ethereal Spear E
  • 700,000
    • All-Father's Omen P 
    • All-Father's Omen E 
    • Cosmic Frostbane P
    • Cosmic Frostbane E
  • 800,000
    • Radiant Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Armor
    • Radiant Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Armor CC
    • Radiant Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Morph
    • Radiant Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Morph CC
  • 900,000
    • Odin's Pride P 
    • Odin's Pride E 
    • Alpha-Omega Ethereal Arsenal P
    • Alpha-Omega Ethereal Arsenal E
  • 1,000,000
    • Valhalla Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Armor
    • Valhalla Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Armor CC
    • Valhalla Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Morph
    • Valhalla Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Morph CC

This list will be updated weekly as items on the list are completed and distributed. If you accidentally sell these items, they should appear in your Varium sellback shop.


Gifting Gratitude

There's no sugarcoating it: 2024 was an absolute bloodbath for the game industry, to say nothing of broader economic challenges. Studio closures, mass layoffs, and live-service cancellations after a few weeks of operation were just a few of the cataclysms that shook gaming this past year. In spite of all of that, we're still here! EpicDuel endures! We're very proud of and humbled by the passion of our community that continues to sustain this small but unique game created in an apartment in Ohio over 15 years ago. You have allowed us to weather the storm of this turbulent industry to continue to deliver content updates on a regular (and sometimes semi-regular) basis year after year. That's not just uncommon, it's practically a miracle! You are all key parts of that miracle that allows EpicDuel to continue functioning and remain in active development. We feel truly blessed to have you as our players, and we will do everything we can to justify the trust you have placed in us for the upcoming year!

Let us all DUEL ON into 2025!

Tags: Nightwraith


December 31, 2024

EpicDuel New Year Update

Happy New Year Update

In preparation for some very large Gifting events on the horizon, including a massive one planned for January 2nd, we are once again manually opening all currently unopened gifts. If you suddenly see your inbox go from 10,000 to 0, don't panic! This just means we saved you the time of opening your own gifts by automatically converting them into credits, Arcade Tokens, and shards! Hopefully we won't have to do this again until the end of Gifting (January 13th!), but given the amount of gifts yet to be dropped, we may need to shortly!

As a quality of life improvement, we've also removed the Gifting animation. Gifting still puts a heavy burden on the server, but this change is likely to help with client-side lag, meaning people in intense Gifting sessions might be able to achieve 2 fps instead of 1! Every bit helps!


New Rares!

We've also taken this update as an opportunity to introduce new items created by Deuce.

  • Added to Nightwraith
    • Fifteen Year Alpha Sword P
    • Fifteen Year Alpha Sword E
    • Fifteen Year Alpha Annihilator P
    • Fifteen Year Alpha Annihilator E
    • Fifteen Year Alpha Blaster P
    • Fifteen Year Alpha Blaster E
    • Fifteen Year Alpha Bow P
    • Fifteen Year Alpha Bow E
  • Added to Krampus Trader
    • Gingerdread Saber P
    • Gingerdread Saber E
    • Gingerdread Blades P
    • Gingerdread Blades E
    • Gingerdread Axe P
    • Gingerdread Axe E
    • Gingerdread Staff P
    • Gingerdread Staff E
    • Gingerdread Blaster P
    • Gingerdread Blaster E
    • Gingerdread Bazooka P
    • Gingerdread Bazooka E


Happy New Year!

This is the final update of 2024 so we wish all Epic Duelists a very happy, safe, and exciting New Year! Here's to an Epic 2025!

Tags: Nightwraith


December 20, 2024

EpicDuel Gifting 2024 Continues

Gifting Continues

EpicDuel is back online after an update to manually open all currently unopened gifts. If you login and see your mailbox empty, don't panic: your items and Credits have already been awarded! This was done to alleviate stress of the server of storing millions of mail records for just as many gifts. Since Gifting gets crazier with each daily event, it is almost guaranteed we will need to perform this action again before the conclusion of Gifting. 


Secret and Silver Secret Package Prizes Revealed

We're finally able to reveal a preview of the Secret and Silver Secret prizes! If you didn't know, Secret packages are awarded to the #1 Daily Gifter each day. Silver Secret packages are awarded to the top 5 places of the Daily Gifting leaderboard each day. Anyone giving more than 15,000 gifts in a day also qualifies for a Silver Secret Package.

Secret Package Prizes

Secret Package Prizes:

  • Omegatron Armor A (Armor)
  • Omegatron Armor A CC (Armor)
  • Omegatron Omegalith P (Weapon)
  • Omegatron Omegalith E (Weapon)
  • Omegatron Railgun P (Auxiliary)
  • Omegatron Railgun E (Auxiliary)
  • Omegatron Destroyer P (Mutating Weapon)
  • Omegatron Destroyer E (Mutating Weapon)
  • Omegatron Obliterator P (Mutating Weapon)
  • Omegatron Obliterator E (Mutating Weapon)
  • Omegatron Scythe P (Weapon)
  • Omegatron Scythe E (Weapon)
  • Omegatron Bike CC (Vehicle)

Silver Secret Package Prizes

Silver Secret Package Prizes:

  • Omegatron Armor B (Armor)
  • Omegatron Armor B CC (Armor)
  • Omegatron Armor C (Armor)
  • Omegatron Armor C CC (Armor)
  • Omegatron Slayer P (Weapon)
  • Omegatron Slayer E (Weapon)
  • Omegatron Blaster P (Sidearm)
  • Omegatron Blaster E (Sidearm)
  • Omegatron Bike (Vehicle)


Gifting Score Tier Bonus Items

The following is a preview of the Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Collection, including all the tiers and currently planned items for each tier. We would love to have graphics for all the items ready, but some are still in progress so we're showing off the most complete items right now. The preview graphic should provide a good overview for what the collection's style will be.

Alpha Omega Valkyrie

  • 10,000
    • Asgardian Champion Blade P
    • Asgardian Champion Blade E
  • 15,000
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Greatsword P
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Greatsword E
  • 20,000
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Enforcer P
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Enforcer E
  • 25,000
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Barrage P
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Barrage E
    • Festive Omega Default Armor 2024
  • 50,000
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Slayer P
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Slayer E
    • Festive Frost Slayer
    • Festive Ember Slayer
  • 75,000
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Bow P
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Bow E
  • 100,000
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Arsenal P
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Arsenal E
    • Frostbane CC 2024
    • Infernal Frostbane CC 2024
  • 125,000
    • Odin's Eye P
    • Odin's Eye E
  • 150,000
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Bike
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Bike CC
  • 175,000
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Scythe P
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Scythe E
  • 200,000
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Armor
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Armor CC
  • 225,000
    • Ascended-Alpha Omega Valkyrie Armor
    • Ascended-Alpha Omega Valkyrie Armor CC
    • Ascended Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Morph
    • Ascended Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Morph CC
  • 250,000
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie P
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie E
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Morph
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Morph CC
  • 275,000
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Spear P
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Spear E
    • Festive Wendigo
    • Ascended Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Bike
    • Ascended Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Bike CC
  • 300,000
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Wing Blade P
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Wing Blade E
    • Alpha-Omega Imperator Blade P
    • Alpha-Omega Imperator Blade E
    • Festive Armored Wendigo
  • 350,000
    • Alpha-Omega Annihilator Blade P
    • Alpha-Omega Annihilator Blade E
    • Frost Destroyer CC
    • Ember Destroyer CC
  • 400,000
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Smiter P
    • Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Smiter E
    • Festive Frost Slayer
    • Festive Ember Slayer
  • 450,000
    • Alpha-Omega Ethereal Blade P
    • Alpha-Omega Ethereal Blade E
    • Void Frostbane P
    • Void Frostbane E
  • 500,000
    • Corrupted Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Armor
    • Corrupted Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Armor CC
    • Corrupted Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Morph
    • Corrupted Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Morph CC
    • Festive Frostbane
    • Festive Infernal Frostbane
  • 600,000
    • Asgard's Triumph P
    • Asgard's Triumph E
    • Alpha-Omega Ethereal Spear P
    • Alpha-Omega Ethereal Spear E
  • 700,000
    • All-Father's Omen P
    • All-Father's Omen E
    • Cosmic Frostbane P
    • Cosmic Frostbane E
  • 800,000
    • Radiant Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Armor
    • Radiant Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Armor CC
    • Radiant Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Morph
    • Radiant Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Morph CC
  • 900,000
    • Odin's Pride P
    • Odin's Pride E
    • Alpha-Omega Ethereal Arsenal P
    • Alpha-Omega Ethereal Arsenal E
  • 1,000,000
    • Valhalla Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Armor
    • Valhalla Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Armor CC
    • Valhalla Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Morph
    • Valhalla Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Morph CC

It's possible this list will change between now and the end of Gifting, so pay attention to the Design Notes for notification of any alterations.


Balance Changes

  • Deep Plague: 5 turn cooldown --> 0 turn cooldown (adjusted to match cooldown of corresponding application method)
  • Molten Bullet: 5 turn cooldown --> 2 turn cooldown
  • Molten Shrapnel: 5 turn cooldown --> 3 turn cooldown
  • Hunter's Retribution: 5 turn cooldown --> 3 turn cooldown
  • Botanical Infection: 5 turn cooldown --> 2 turn cooldown
  • Max Block Chance: 50% --> 30%
  • Max Deflection Chance: 50% --> 30%
  • Minotaur's Rage P/E: 20% --> 15% stun chance; 3 --> 2 turn debuff duration
  • Sea King's Curse: Add armor removal for 1 turn
  • Plasma cannon : +20 base damage to all levels; 20% --> 10% energy conversion; 25% --> 15% Crit chance
  • Bunker Buster: 25% --> 15% Crit chance


Bug Fixes

The daily login prize Festive Callisto P was failing to load and preventing players from joining battle. This has been fixed as of the latest update.

Tags: Nightwraith


December 15, 2024

EpicDuel Patch 1-8-888

EpicDuel is back online after an unscheduled Sunday update, but we didn't want Gifting to progress too long without making these urgent changes!


Credit Rewards Boosted

With this update, we are increasing Credit rewards for gifts. This will not affect gifts already given, but will apply to all gifts given for the rest of Gifting.

To help some Gifters catch up with their expected Credit rewards, we're introducing a new item: Epic Ingot. This item will be available with Prize Codes and can be turned in via daily missions available from Krampus Trader. These ingots will be given out throughout Gifting so be on the lookout for this extremely valuable new item.

Ultra Corsair items added to The Lawman

Since the Ultra Corsair bundle has been available in game for over a year, we're making some items from this package available in-game with a 2024 affix where applicable. The Ultra Corsair package will still be available until the end of Gifting to give everyone a fair opportunity to get the bundle + achievement.

  • Revolver Retribution
  • Ultra Obliteration
  • Ultra Corsair Bot 2024 P
  • Ultra Corsair Bot 2024 E
  • Ultra Corsair Revolver 2024 P
  • Ultra Corsair Revolver 2024 E 
  • Ultra Corsair Revolver CC 2024 P
  • Ultra Corsair Revolver CC 2024 E
  • Ultra Corsair Shotgun 2024 P
  • Ultra Corsair Shotgun 2024 E
  • Ultra Corsair Shotgun CC 2024 P
  • Ultra Corsair Shotgun CC 2024 E

Skill/Core Changes

  • Kaijuzilla Nuclear Breath P/E: 85% dmg, 150% MP dmg, 20% MP gain. Target MP recovers 50% over 5 rounds.
  • Deep Plague / Molten Bullet / Molten Shrapnel / Hunter's Retribution / Botanical Infection: Automatically removed after 5 turns.

Tags: Nightwraith


December 14, 2024

EpicDuel Deltamancer Showcase Battlepass NOW LIVE!

EpicDuel Deltamancer Battlepass

The Deltamancer Showcase Battlepass is NOW LIVE! Login now to earn the latest collection of necromancer-themed weapons, armors, morphs, bots, and more crafted with care by Acatriel!

Good luck and happy dueling to reach level 60 of EpicDuel's latest Battlepass season!

So you all know what you're getting into with the new bots available in this season, the skill descriptions are listed below:

  • Deltamancer Droid P
    • Deltamancer Impaler P: Stab target multiple times with a 25% crit chance.
    • Deltamancer Disintegration P: Physical beam dealing bonus damage based on 15% of target's max Energy; 15% stun.
  • Deltamancer Droid E
    • Deltamancer Impaler E: Stab target multiple times with a 25% crit chance.
    • Deltamancer Disintegration E: Energy beam dealing bonus damage based on 15% of target's max Energy; 15% stun.

Tags: Nightwraith


December 10, 2024

EpicDuel Gifting 2024 Patch

EpicDuel Gifting Global Gift Boost

EpicDuel is now LIVE after a brief reboot to increase the chance of global gifting! Previously, the chance to send a global gift (gifting to everyone in the entire server rather than just the people in the current room) was capped at 20% at a Gifting streak of over 200. Now, the cap has been raised to 100%, meaning global gifts are now guaranteed as long as the gifter maintains a streak of over 200. Plus, all lower tiers have been boosted as well:

  • 200 streak: 100%
  • 150 streak: 35%
  • 100 streak: 25%
  • 70 streak: 20%
  • 45 streak: 15%
  • 30 streak: 10%
  • 15 streak: 5%

This change was made to address the issue of the impossibility of trying to cram every player on the server into one room. Even though the rooms technically have unlimited capacity, the Flash and the server simply can't handle that many players on one screen. This leaves many poor souls locked out of the Gifting rooms when the big events are occurring. With this change, as long as the highest streak is maintained, everyone on the server can share in the bounty!


Score Adjustment

If you already participated in Gifting before this update, don't panic! We will be adjusting scores upwards by 11.4% (rounding up) to account for the lower rate of global gifts. Scores were recorded right before the update, and they will be adjusted manually as quickly as we can. If the score increase bumps your achievement into a higher tier, you will receive that new tier. We apologize for the inconvenience, but making this change earlier in the season should make Gifting more fair for everyone. Nobody should have to melt their CPU just to stand in the same room as the main Gifting event!

Tags: Nightwraith


December 09, 2024

EpicDuel Gifting 2024 is NOW LIVE!

EpicDuel Gifting Begins!

EpicDuel's latest Gifting event is NOW LIVE! Login now to give and receive thousands and prizes and climb the leaderboards! Though it's difficult to imagine a more intense Gifting season than 2023, we hope this current season is equally full of excitement and triumph until it concludes at the end of the day on January 13th, 2025!


More Returning Seasonals

This year, to eliminate the millions of duplicate items people receive from large Gifting sessions, we've removed the normal drops from the Gifting pool, leaving either various quantities of Credits or Arcade Tokens. Many items that were formerly in the Gifting drop pools have been added to NPCs throughout Frysteland, including Aldhagrimm, Fenris, King Alaric, and the Krampus Trader. If you are mission the items necessary to complete the various missions tied to these drops, simply buying the items will be enough.

In addition to more stock added to these festive NPCs, we've also returned the Evolved Frostbane drops to the PvP drop pool and reactivated the Void Shard missions. These missions will remain in place until shortly after Gifting concludes.

Tags: Nightwraith


December 06, 2024

Are You Yeti for Gifting 2024?

Gifting Last Call

Gifting 2024 launches on Monday December 9th which means you still have a few days to prepare! We plan to activate Gifting in the early afternoon on Monday (between 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM EST). There are a ton of moving parts for Gifting, and we're doing everything we can to make sure this year's launch goes as smoothly as possible.

If you need to refresh yourself on the current rules and rewards for this upcoming Gifting season, you can inform yourself with this thorough Design Notes post!


Gifting Concierge Reminder

Smoking Shadow has been the Gifting Concierge for many years so if you're thinking about participating in Gifting in a big way, you'll have a much easier time if you contact him. He allows Gifters to schedule time so two or more major Gifting sessions don't overlap and compete against each other. Booking your time in advance gives you a better chance of maximizing your score to secure a spot on the leaderboard! If you haven't reached out already, you can still get in touch with him through a few ways:

In-game: Smoking Shadow
Discord: mihawk98
Twitter: Mihawkplayss

Gifting slots are limited so the sooner you secure your booking, the better.


Deltamancer Battlepass Preview

Deltamancer Preview

The Deltamancer Battlepass will launch Friday December 13. This will help us minimize problems for Gifting's launch on Monday and provide everyone a few more days to finish off the Kaiju Slayer Showcase. 

Tags: Nightwraith


November 22, 2024

Challenger Restock 2024

The Gifting Challenger

Visit the Challenger for a new stock of returning Battlepass items! Also, all seasonal rare items have returned to their respective shops!


Battlepass Restock

Missed a few months (or years) of EpicDuel updates? No problem! The Challenger's inventory has been boosted with a fresh stock of returning Battlepass items from this past year.

  • Olympus' Wrath Showcase
  • Azrael's Cavalier Showcase
  • Eldritch Onslaught Showcase
  • Nanotech Nightmare Showcase

Also, all hairstyles from these Battlepasses are now ready to purchase from the style shop. Basic styles are available for Credits while Enhanced styles are available for Varium.


Seasonal Restock

As in past years, all seasonal rares have returned to their respective shops! These rares will remain until sometime after the conclusion of Gifting. Combined with the return of the Battlepass rares, this an excellent time to complete your collections and boost your achievement score!


Epic Gifting Achievements

The Epic Supporter and Legendary Epic Supporter achievements have been retired and will be replaced with new Epic Gifting Supporter (10,000 AP packages) and Legendary Epic Gifting Supporter (20,000 AP package) achievements. These achievements will be available throughout Gifting and will eventually be replaced with 2025 achievements sometime after Gifting ends so there will be a limited time to max them out!

In addition to the new Epic Gifting Supporter and Legendary Epic Gifting Supporter achievements, we will also offer recognition to those who purchase the 4,000 Artix Point packages in the form of a Gifting Supporter 2024 evolving achievement! This achievement will also be applied to those who purchase the 20,000 AP and 10,000 AP packages.


Gifting Rewards Preview

We are hard at work conceptualizing and rendering the rewards for this year's Gifting. Below are some previews of the Alpha-Omega Valkyrie collection, which will work similarly to the Cyber Wolf Collection from last year. This set will offer rewards from 10,000 Gifts all the way up to 1 million!  These are still just a few of the reward items that are still in-progress.

Alpha Omega Valkyrie Armor Preview

Alpha Omega Valkyrie Weapons Preview

Please keep in mind that these are still works-in-progress so the exact designs may change before their final release at the conclusion of Gifting. We are working hard to maximize the rewards so we will try to have as many reward items as possible while still maintaining a high level of quality!


War Pause

As we approach Gifting, we will need to pause the alignment War as soon as the current war for Frysteland ends. Please do not be alarmed if you see the cooldown timer extend to 10,000 hours or something like that. We must do this because the War and Gifting aren't able to run at the same time. The War will resume its regular schedule sometime after Gifting ends.

Tags: Nightwraith


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