![]() | March 21, 2025 Balance for DessertEpicDuel is back with some incredible new Gifter rewards and a light helping of balance changes and bug fixes. Plus, there is a special announcement and explanation concerning the upcoming Battlepass progress.
Balance Change and Fixes:
There is also a known issue in which NPCs can still target users with Lionhart's Shield active. This is mainly seen in 2v2. As a failsafe, the shield has extreme damage reduction forcing the minimum damage values (30-50 depending on attack type). This will have to be the case until an ideal solution is found.
Battlepass and Gifting Rewards UpdateRemember when we mentioned in an earlier DN post that the next Battlepass would be ready in March. Well, it's almost April, and still no Battlepass. What's the deal? We knew Gifting rewards would take up a big chunk of the year, but we had no idea until the event ended that we would still owe so many rewards. Lodrian and I have been working constantly for the last 2 months to complete the rewards as efficiently as possible, and while we've made good progress getting the list down to a more manageable level, there are still about 20 more to go. I thought initially that I could work on rewards during the "day shift" and the Battlepass content on the "night shift." That clearly didn't go as intended and both shifts were devoted to Gifting rewards. I know it seems like these things are taking forever, but please keep in mind it's just Lodrian and I making all the content you see in game, with occasional help from Tomcat and Bido. Even with others helping with content production, old crusty Nightwraith is still the only one who can implement the items in-game. EpicDuel's artists work hard and are very efficient with their time, but the fact remains that I'm THE bottleneck to anything new being added to the game. With that consideration, I will be shifting to focus on the Battlepass almost exclusively until its launch, after which I will shift back to rewards. I understand that this decision has the potential to upset both Gifters who were expecting their rewards soon AND everyone else in the community who expected a new Battlepass (or any new content, really) soon than later, but it has to be done for the overall health of the game unless folks are willing to wait until Summer for the next Battlepass. As always, thank you for your patience and understanding. I hope to have the new Battlepass ready as soon as I can before returning in earnest to the Gifting rewards. I wish I could do both at the same time, but we are all confined by the physical bounds of this reality.
NEW Undead Legion Heromart BundleUnleash the dark power of Dage the Evil’s Undead Legion Bundle! Embrace your darker side with chilling and terrifying designs straight from the twisted heart of the Undead Legion. These items will send a shiver down the spine of anyone who dares face you. Prove your loyalty as a devoted follower of the Legion! "If you already own the poster and don't want the bundle to include it use code DAGETHRONEPSTOWNER to receive a discount, you must enter this code at checkout using the same account that the original poster was purchased." *NOTE: HeroMart Bundles are the best value. You get all the physical products plus digital in-game items and exclusive badges and titles. This Bundle includes the following rewards in EpicDuel:
That's just a taste of the rewards included across AE's main games! Visit HEROMART now to get this pre-order while you still can! Tags: Nightwraith |
![]() | March 14, 2025 Balance Update 2: Second CourseThe most recent balance update made some big waves! This week we made further adjustments while reverting some changes from the previous update.
![]() | March 06, 2025 Big Beefy Balance UpdateThat's right, it's time for the first balance update of 2025! People either dread or rejoice these updates, but this one hits on enough general areas that there should be enough for everyone to chew on regardless of build. As usual, balance is subject to constant change so if you really hate these adjustments, we can always adjust in the future.
General Changes
Class Skill Changes
Battlepass PreviewWe're still working hard on the next Battlepass: Azrael's Doombringer! Though our progress has been slow, we're still chipping away at this next event to replace the current Deltamancer Showcase. If you still have several more levels to grind, you should still have plenty of time to complete the current BP before the next one arrives later in March! Tags: Nightwraith |
![]() | February 28, 2025 Epic Replicas Restocked!Epic Replicas Restocked!The replica rares of Alonzo Harris, S P I D E R, and BadWitch have returned to Oz for another weekend! They were a huge hit last week, and the Gifters were generous enough to give you one more chance to collect them all before they go permanently rare!
Reward ProgressMany more Gifter prizes went out this week and you may see some if you have a keen eye or happen to be lucky enough to receive one from a generous Gifter! At this point, we are currently at about the halfway point for our prize creation. If we continue to move at a steady pace, all prizes should be completed soon, allowing us to resume our regular update schedule. As always, we thank you for your patience as we work to build the rewards for the top 2024 Gifters.
1v1 Reward BoostDue to popular demand, 1v1 Credit and Experience rewards have been increased to be more on par with 2v2 rewards.
Next Week: BALANCE!Next week we will finally address balance with a major update. It's been awhile since EpicDuel had a balance update, but that time has allowed the community to brainstorm many interesting ideas which should really breathe some excitement back into PvP. Tags: Nightwraith |
![]() | February 21, 2025 Beta Replicas RevealedBeta Replicas Revealed!Thanks to the generosity of Alonzo Harris, S P I D E R, and BadWitch, replicas of Beta Gear will be available at Oz for this weekend and next weekend only! This should be more fair and less anxiety inducing than past replica launches with limited quantities that sold out almost instantly. This should be plenty of time for anyone who wants these replica rares to get them before they're gone forever! I applaud this group for their coordination and magnanimity in making their replicas available in such an open and transparent way.
New Nulgath RaresThe Overfiend Nulgath has been stocked with dozens of new weapons!
Tags: Nightwraith |
![]() | February 17, 2025 Omega Buyback OversightEarly this morning, it was brought to our attention that some were seeing Omega items for sale in the buyback shop. After some frantic, but thorough investigation, we finally determined exactly what was going on. Months ago we updated the buyback shop to include Omega Gear because some people had lost their Omega cores. If you recall, there was a brief period of time when the Omega cores could be removed, but instead of returning to your inventory as they should, they were destroyed. However, the requirements for Omega buyback were too broad. If you bought 10,000 Varium during the time of the Omega promotions, you would see the gear in the buyback shop even if you didn't buy the Omega packages. Something similar happened with the Delta Gear when the buyback shop was first released. Fortunately, very few people have taken advantage of this so far, which makes sense considering you had to be around in 2012-2013 and purchased a lot of Varium within a narrow time window. An additional side effect of that Omega buyback update was that people were also able to see Omega cores in their buyback shops if they owned the 2018 editions of the items. To remedy this issue. We removed all Omega items from the buyback shops unless it was an item you purchased with Varium and sold. Since they cannot be sold, there's not really a reason to include them. For those who were able to purchase the Omega items while they were available: fortunately this issue was limited due to the strict requirements of the shop. Only characters who purchased 10,000 Varium while the Omega packages were available (2012-2013) would see them in the shop. Since these few people *did* support EpicDuel during the time of the Omega packages by purchasing a quantity of Varium equivalent to the price of the Omega Gear, and because this was a mistake on our part, we will allow these limited of purchases to stand. Again, we are sorry for the inconvenience and confusion this caused. We spent all morning scrambing to figure out exactly what was going on and how it was occurring. Fortunately, the problem was very limited to about 5 people due to the restrictive requirements. Tags: Nightwraith |
![]() | February 14, 2025 Nulgath Arrives on Delta VNulgath Nation ArrivesNulgath the Overfiend has finally arrived on Delta V in physical form! Fortunately, rather than wage an unholy war on the citizens on this humble mining colony, he's extending a clawed hand in the name of the universal language, COMMERCE! Welcome this new friend (or fiend) to Delta V by patronizing his shop filled with new seasonal rares, including some new limited quantity items!
This is just a taste of Nulgath's full arsenal. Even more weapons are set to release next week!
Epic Silver Ingot MissionsWith this update, with a few exceptions, the Secret Packages have been converted to Epic Golden Ingots, and the Silver Secret Packages have been converted to Epic Silver Ingots. What should you do with these items? Visit the Krampus Trader in Frysteland to take on returning daily missions to convert these cold, hard ingots into cold, hard Credits!
Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Styles UnlockedNew styles to complement the Alpha-Omega Valkyrie gear have finally unlocked! While most of these are available for Credits or Varium, style 866-869 are exclusive to those with a Gifting score of 200,000 or higher!
Gifting Prize UpdateNew gifting prizes for Atlas, Mandatory, and Lele went out this release. Although Lodrian and I are making steady progress, we still have many more prizes to go! We thank the Gifters and the wider EpicDuel community for your patience as we work to reward the profound generosity of 2024's top Gifters! Tags: Nightwraith |
![]() | February 07, 2025 EpicDuel Nulgath 2025 PreviewGifting prizes are still underway, but that doesn't mean we don't have time to cook up a few extra entrées in the kitchen. Unfortunately, we weren't able to make enough progress to justify a release this week, but next week, we'll release a new batch of Nulgath weapons to EpicDuel!
Seasonal ResetAll seasonal rares will be reset to their normal time after an update next Friday. Usually we reset them right after Gifting, but we wanted to make sure everyone had ample warning to quickly complete their weapon collections.
Ultra Corsair Promo Going RareThe Ultra Corsair Promo will be removed from the Varium shop next Friday. If you haven't purchased this promo to claim the rare achievement, you still have some time!
Upcoming Nulgath ItemsNext week, we're planning to launch a ton of new Nulgath items! We know Nulgath has fans across all AE games, and we didn't want EpicDuel to be left out of his birthday celebration!
Battlepass ProgressIn addition to working on the Gifter rewards, Acatriel is also developing the new Azrael's Doomslayer Battlepass! This Battlepass will replace the Deltamancer Showcase when it is released in March. Tags: Nightwraith |
![]() | February 04, 2025 EpicDuel Energy Reserve Bug FixEpicDuel just rebooted for the following fix:
We apologize for the inconvenience. Tags: Nightwraith |
![]() | January 31, 2025 EpicDuel The Valkyries ArriveThis week, we are finally distributing the Alpha-Omega Valkyrie bot! This epic, rare bot has been awarded to all Gifters who scored over 250,000 in the 2024 Gifting season! If you are among those lucky few, congratulations, and enjoy your well-earned exclusive bot!
Secret / Silver Secret Packages UnwrappedThe Secret and Silver Secret Packages have finally opened! Enjoy your bounty of rare prizes from another epic Gifting season! There may be a slight delay on this process so if you have a package, but no items, you may need to relog after a few minutes. The packages have not yet been converted to Ingots because still are still a few packages yet to be distributed. Silver Secret Package
Secret Package
Gifter Prize ProgressWe are still diligently working on completing the prizes for the 2024 Gifting winners. More prizes went out this week, and with the combined forces of Nightwraith and Lodrian, next week should be much more bountiful for our very patient and generous Gifting champions!
Faction Membership BoostThe Faction member size cap has been raised to 25 this week from 20! We think this is probably as large as Factions can be with the current state of the game so we have no plans to raise the cap again for the foreseeable future. Tags: Nightwraith |
![]() | January 24, 2025 EpicDuel Gifting 2024 Aftermath Part 2(EpicDuel) War ResumesGifting is over, but the 2025 fun is just beginning! Login now to battle it out in the first EpicDuel War of 2025! At long last, EpicDuel's Alignment War will resume with this update. Since EpicDuel can't run a War and Gifting simultaneously, the UI has been updated to replace the Gifting interface with the familiar War interface. The latest War should start shortly after this update. May the war drops be in your favor and your super-bombs hit for maximum damage!
Gifting Progress UpdateSo far, nearly all the Gifting winners have been contacted and prize progress has at least been started, if not completed, on several items. As stated already, this season has a much higher number of prizes than any previous season. The top 3 alone qualified for more prizes than the entire top 15 in 2018! Still, we are working diligently to fulfill these requests one-by-one. It's a heavy workload, but we are thankful for the patience and trust we have cultivated with our top Gifters, who understand that a rushed gift is much worse than a late one. This update will see several freshly created gifts going out to the winners. You'll certainly notice and appreciate the spectacle and creativity involved in these unique creations!
Gifting Secret PackagesThe Secret and Silver Secret Packages will open soon, but we are still waiting on a few allocations before opening them. It's vastly more efficient to open them all at once than one at a time, which can take hours and is prone to errors (because Nightwraith can't read). That said, we are planning on opening all outstanding packages next Friday January 31st. If packages are still unallocated, they will remain for awhile longer to accommodate stragglers. Additionally, instead of converting the excess packages directly into Credits, we will convert them into Gold and Silver Ingots. These will be redeemable in daily missions. The missions will remain in rotation for a time until the majority of the items are turned in.
Alpha-Omega Valkyrie ProgressThe bot and morph have recently been turned in by Lodrian and they are spectacular! Once these are finalized next week, they will be distributed to all who qualify for them! We will formally announce when this happens so you can all check your inventories for the new loot! Tags: Nightwraith |
![]() | January 17, 2025 Gifting is over, but 2025 is just getting started! With this update we're honoring the top 15 and top 50 Gifters!
Titan's Peak ExpandedWe've carved out yet another chunk of Titan's Peak to create a new top 50 leaderboard room! Now all the top 50 Gifters will forever be immortalized as part of EpicDuel's history! I hope Titan doesn't mind us carving these huge rooms out of his house. He doesn't need to sleep, does he?
Epic Supporter UpdateStarting TODAY Friday January 17th, the 2024 Epic Gifting Supporter/Epic Legendary Gifting Supporter has been retired and replaced with the 2025 Epic Supporter/Epic Legendary Gifting achievements. The 4,000 Artix Point package achievements has also been updated. We would like to extend our congratulations and appreciation for all who were able to max out the previous year's achievements. At this rare, we'll need to add more rating star tiers before too long!
Winner Wishes ProgressThe first week after Gifting is always a frenzy recording all the Gifting winners' request and assembling references to help aid the creation process. This year our workload is unprecedented, which is a good problem to have when you think about it: It means Gifting was a huge success! It also means we have a lot of work to do in the next few weeks making all the wishes of our top 15 Gifters a reality, as well as developing enough new content to keep everyone else engaged. We were already able to deliver a few wishes this week while also starting the conceptualization process of several others. The first week is always the most daunting as the massive workload ahead looks so imposing, but each week we hope to complete more wishes at a steady pace, granting each Gifter a piece of EpicDuel history in the process! We thank you all for your patience as we work to fulfill all these wishes as expediently as possible while also maintaining a high level of quality (and preserving our health and sanity!). Tags: Nightwraith |
![]() | January 14, 2025 EpicDuel's 2024 season of Gifting finally concluded in the wee hours of the night and what a season it was! After rebooting to open the last of this year's gifting haul, we put a regal bow on this remarkable season. This season was incredible for a number of reasons, but the leaderboard should speak for itself! Special congratulations are due to the top 15 Gifters this year, putting up absolutely incredible numbers and ending with a 3-way tie for 1st place! With so many multi-million scores, we certainly have our work cut out for us!
I would also like to thank Smoking Shadow for keeping the events running smoothly and preventing overlaps and unnecessary drama. Gifting should be fun and exciting, not frustrating!
Secret and Silver Secret PrizesCurrently, the top 15 Gifters are deciding how to allocate their Secret and Silver Secret Packages. These items will "open" to reveal their contents to all who possess them after all distributions are completed.
Winner Prize ProgressAs of right now we have established contact with most of the winners. This year players blew past our expectations and earned themselves a wealth of options for personalized prizes. Last year we were able to move efficiently through the prizes, but this year, due to the sheer volume, I expect a longer period of prize creation than last year, even with Lodrian's help. If your patience is running thin, remember the paraphrased saying that a late prize is eventually good, but a rushed prize is bad forever! The next few weeks should be very exciting as new prizes are delivered to the winners and shown off in-game.
Epic Supporter AchievementsStarting THIS Friday January 17th, the 2024 Epic Gifting Supporter/Epic Legendary Gifting Supporter will be retired and replaced with the 2025 Epic Supporter/Epic Legendary Gifting achievements. The 4,000 Artix Point package achievements will also be updated.
Post Gifting GenerositySome of this year's Gifters have generously opted to grant the general EpicDuel populace access to their prizes from previous seasons. Winner Alonzo Harris is offering replicas of some of his prizes from a previous Gifting season, the newly renamed Brigade’s Fire P and Alonzo’s Triumph E, at Oz while CactusChan is offering his hairstyle 382 for Varium.
Final Gifting ThoughtsHonestly, professions of humility and gratitude are sincere, but frankly, inadequate to express the emotions I feel in the aftermath of this latest event. Every year a part of me worries, "Is this the year we throw a party and nobody shows up?" It might seem ridiculous given the track record, but it is certainly scary to see it happening all over the game industry. This year, once again, the EpicDuel community showed up and delivered. I'm still shocked by the player count creeping past 600! There are plenty of games that come and go, fading into obscurity without seeing anywhere near those numbers. I feel truly blessed that we still have a community that makes EpicDuel worthy of its name! Let's Duel On into 2025! Tags: Nightwraith |
![]() | January 14, 2025 EpicDuel Gifting 2024: The Home StretchEpicDuel Gifting 2024 Finale ApproachesIt's hard to believe that another Gifting season is nearing its end. For those of you who have been here before, you know what to expect, but for newcomers to EpicDuel Gifting, here is a primer on what to expect after Gifting ends. If you didn't know from the Design Notes posts or the in-game Gifting interface, Gifting will officially end at the end of the day on Monday January 13th. This means that Gifting will be unavailable stating January 14th and will remain disabled until the next season. If you are still sitting on a pile of Gifting Varium waiting for your opportunity to grab a spot on the leaderboard, it's not too late, but you'd better hurry before the window closes on the current season! After Gifting deactivates, the leaderboard will finalize its list of top 50 Gifters and Gifting functionality will be disabled. Within a few hours after Gifting, emails will be sent to the top 15 winners to offer congratulations, gratitude, and begin the process of creating all the winners' prizes. If you are in the top 15 and don't receive an email within the first few hours, or we don't hear back from you for a day, we will find alternative means of contacting you. Next, we will distribute the completed score tier items (Alpha-Omega Valkyrie Collection) to all the qualifying Gifters. This should also be completed an hour or 2 after Gifting ends. Due to the larger number of items and tiers this year (a self-inflicted problem to be sure), some items are still works-in-progress and the completed items will be distributed first, with additional items being released as they are completed. The Secret and Silver Secret Packages will not open until they are all distributed by the top 15 winners. This typically takes about 1-2 weeks for all the winners to decide so don't expect them in your inventory immediately after Gifting ends. This season has truly seen some phenomenal Gifting, with the highest top 15 scores we've ever seen! This is great news for EpicDuel, but it also means a ton of work for the EpicDuel. We hope for your patience and understanding as we work to fulfill the our obligations to the winners and all participants in this blockbuster Gifting season!
Epic Supporter AchievementsStarting next Friday January 17th, the 2024 Epic Gifting Supporter/Epic Legendary Gifting Supporter will be retired and replaced with the 2025 Epic Supporter/Epic Legendary Gifting achievements. The 4,000 Artix Point package achievements will also be updated.
Gifting Score Tier Bonus ItemsAfter Gifting ends, items from this list will be distributed to those who meet the requirements for each tier. Due to the quantity of items and tiers (a self-inflicted problem, admittedly) some items are not yet completed. Items with a ✔ next to them will be distributed immediately, while the rest are still in development and will be distributed as they are completed.
This list will be updated weekly as items on the list are completed and distributed. If you accidentally sell these items, they should appear in your Varium sellback shop.
Gifting GratitudeThere's no sugarcoating it: 2024 was an absolute bloodbath for the game industry, to say nothing of broader economic challenges. Studio closures, mass layoffs, and live-service cancellations after a few weeks of operation were just a few of the cataclysms that shook gaming this past year. In spite of all of that, we're still here! EpicDuel endures! We're very proud of and humbled by the passion of our community that continues to sustain this small but unique game created in an apartment in Ohio over 15 years ago. You have allowed us to weather the storm of this turbulent industry to continue to deliver content updates on a regular (and sometimes semi-regular) basis year after year. That's not just uncommon, it's practically a miracle! You are all key parts of that miracle that allows EpicDuel to continue functioning and remain in active development. We feel truly blessed to have you as our players, and we will do everything we can to justify the trust you have placed in us for the upcoming year! Let us all DUEL ON into 2025! Tags: Nightwraith |
![]() | December 31, 2024 EpicDuel New Year UpdateIn preparation for some very large Gifting events on the horizon, including a massive one planned for January 2nd, we are once again manually opening all currently unopened gifts. If you suddenly see your inbox go from 10,000 to 0, don't panic! This just means we saved you the time of opening your own gifts by automatically converting them into credits, Arcade Tokens, and shards! Hopefully we won't have to do this again until the end of Gifting (January 13th!), but given the amount of gifts yet to be dropped, we may need to shortly! As a quality of life improvement, we've also removed the Gifting animation. Gifting still puts a heavy burden on the server, but this change is likely to help with client-side lag, meaning people in intense Gifting sessions might be able to achieve 2 fps instead of 1! Every bit helps!
New Rares!We've also taken this update as an opportunity to introduce new items created by Deuce.
Happy New Year!This is the final update of 2024 so we wish all Epic Duelists a very happy, safe, and exciting New Year! Here's to an Epic 2025! Tags: Nightwraith |