Behind the scenes information about EpicDuel's development and releases, a real-time PVP MMO that you can play online in your web browser.
 | September 27, 2019 Ghoulish Gear Shark Attack!
Yaaaar! Last week Ishmael, feared shark hunter and merchant of the West Naval Yard, reeled in quite a haul of Pirate-themed gear, but this week he's brought his masterpiece: The Cyber Shark! This new bot is perfect for those who want to complete a lifesteal build! It's standard attack also comes with a beefy 25% crit chance to rip your foes to shreds!
- Cyber Shark P/E
- Shark Bite:Chomp your foe with metal jaws with a 25% crit chance.
- Feeding Frenzy: Inflict open wounds that grant 30% lifesteal on target for 3 turns.
Ghoulish Gear Returns!
This update EpicDuel is also welcoming the return of the 2018's Ghoulish Gear! Visit Snork at the base of the in the Wasteland Minetower for access to this spooky and powerful gear. As with past returning gear, it's available for Credits or Varium. The cores will remain Varium only.
- Vampiric Boomstick P/E
- Passive: Spreadfire: Damages all enemies. Deals 85% damage if it hits multiple targets.
- Special: Blood Shot: Fire a powerful shot with a 25% chance to crit that returns 20% damage to user as HP.
- Phantasm Droid P / E
- Special: Phantasm Blast: Deal 45% base damage to Energy, increasing by 4% each round in battle (65% max).
- Additional Aux Core
- Soul Siphon: Reduce and absorb enemy energy by 25% of normal auxiliary damage.
- The Ghoul Cannon 2018 and Spectral Blaster 2018 were 2018 edition weapons and thus are permanent rare. However, there will be 2019 editions in an upcoming update!
Tags: Titan |