| April 26, 2024 Azrael's Guardian Unleashed
Azrael's Guardian Unleashed
For the first time in a LONG time, a new boss has emerged from the Time Fortress to challenge EpicDuel's most elite players. Borne from the blood of Azrael, this Guardian seeks vengeance on those who tormented the solitude of his master. This boss hungers for blood so challenging him will be a constant battle to prevent him from stealing your own life essence for his own.
The following are the new boss drop items + their drop rates. Remember that boss drop percentages are on a per battle basis, meaning if you defeat the boss 4 times to get an item with a 25% drop rate, you aren't guaranteed to receive that drop. This always creates confusion with people writing bugs reports about NPC drops so I feel I need to clarify it again here.
Azrael's Guardian (Normal)
- Azrael's Cavalier Executioner P (25%)
- Azrael's Cavalier Executioner E (25%)
- Azrael's Cavalier Executioner CC P (15%)
- Azrael's Cavalier Executioner CC E (15%)
Nightmare Azrael's Guardian
- Azrael's Cavalier Exsanguinator P (35%)
- Azrael's Cavalier Exsanguinator E (35%)
- Azrael's Cavalier Exsanguinator CC P (25%)
- Azrael's Cavalier Exsanguinator CC E (25%)
Since this is the first new superboss in a long while, if you are among the first to defeat Azrael's Guardian or his Nightmare variant, you will be manually awarded a special achievement upon the next update!
Balance Changes / Fixes
- Skills:
- Nanotech Shield: +2% to all levels (12% max)
- Static Charge: Removed Technology requirement
- Fireball: +20 energy cost to all levels (max 240)
- Reactive Armor: Requires Dexterity —> Technology
- Necrotek Bot Special: Correctly calculates health gain vs. Rage. Was previously rounding to either 0 or 100% Rage when calculating how much HP to restore. Rounding may cause max HP restore to exceed 300 slightly when used on NPCs because they have 0 Rage by default.
- Cores:
- Salvage: 110% --> 100% damage
- Sea King's Spirit: 100 —> 150 initial energy gain
- Darkeater’s Adjudication/Pacify/Convergent Exsanguination: 100% —> 50% Rage drain; 5 —> 3 turn duration
- Arcade Token drop rates: 100% for 1v1/2v2; 50% for jugg
- Arcade Token cost: 100 --> 50 for x10; 15 --> 7 for single
Cyber Wolf Morphs
Everyone who achieved over a 150,000 Gifting score in the most recent Gifting season has now received the Cyber Wolf Morph and the Cyber Wolf Morph CC. Tags: Nightwraith |
 | April 12, 2024 EpicDuel Arcade Upgrade 2024
EpicDuel is live with new balance changes plus a great opportunity to max out your Rating with new achievement tiers for the Arcades and Legendary ranks!
Arcade Achievement Update
All arcade achievements have been updated with 7 more tiers, maxing out at 20, giving everyone a good reason to spend those excess Arcade Tokens. NOTE: If your score already exceeds the current maximum achievement tier, your achievement should update automatically after incrementing your score.
Legendary Achievement Update
Since so many have reached the max tier, we've raised the cap with 8 new tiers of of the Legendary achievement, maxing out at 20. NOTE: If your rank already exceeds 200, your achievement should update automatically after attaining a new rank.
Balance Changes
- Encumbrance: Updated tiers and include Support in debuffs.
- 1500-1699 HP: -5% all stats
- 1700-1799 HP: -10% all stats
- 1800-1899 HP: -15% all stats
- 1900-1999 HP: -20% all stats
- 2000+ HP: -25% all stats
- Agility: Same HP tiers as before, but Support is now be included in the buffs.
- Agility I Unencumbered by HP; no stat penalty.
- Agility II Unencumbered by HP; +3% all stats.
- Agility III Unencumbered by HP; +5% all stats.
- Paralysis Coating: Blockable --> Unblockable
- Necrotek Siphon P/E: 350 --> 300 max heal; heal strength is inverse of Rage amount drained. (i.e. heal is at max strength (300) when draining no Rage, at minimum strength (0) when draining all Rage); deal's 50% damage
Skill balance
- Tactical Mercenary
- Crippling Strike: Reduces Resistance as well as Defense; base values: 12% min, +2% per level; +1% per 6 → 7 Strength
- Field Commander: Removed Rage gain aura; grants +25% Rage on initial use
- Barbed Grenade: 15% → 10% defense ignore; 25% → 15% crit chance; 130 base energy cost, +20 per level
- Reroute: -5% to all values
- Tactical Grenade: Grants same amount of Energy drained → Grants 150 energy
- Toxic Grenade: Improves with Support → Strength; 100% → 85% damage
- Bounty Hunter
- Shadow Arts: Removed additional grenade stun chance; New values: 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 4%, 5%, 5%, 6%, 6%, 7%; added increased sidearm and increased auxiliary damage; reduced increased robot damage to match other percentages with value based on total robot damage.
- Cyber Hunter
- Neural Scythe: Removed Support scaling; improves 1% for every 4 levels over 20; damage is based on primary damage, plus a % of primary damage bonus; damage bonus values: 18%, 20%, 22%, 24%, 26%, 28%, 30%, 32%, 34%, 35%; removed energy drain
- Plasma Grenade: 15% → 10% Resistance ignore; removed lifesteal; +1 damage per 0.35 → 0.3 Technology
- Nanotech Shield: Removed defense/resistance buff; Removed stat boosts; added lifesteal equal to damage reduction values; new values: 1% min, 10% max
- Tech Mage
- Overload:95 → 105 base energy cost; +10 → +15 energy cost per level
- Plasma Rain: +1 damage per 0.5 → 0.25 levels above 20; Added 20% Resistance ignore
- Assimilation: 85% → 100% damage
- Blood Mage
- Terrify: +1 Strength reduced per 4 → 5 Technology
OMG Mode Removal
You may notice the OMG mode button missing from the main interface. It was removed intentionally until a better implementation can be devised with true rewards while not siphoning players from the other battle modes. A fun meme while it lasted, but not enough substance to make it stick as a feature (even if it was there for over 2 years). Tags: Nightwraith |
 | April 06, 2024 EpicDuel Patch 1.8.859
Class Skill Balance
Last week we made a major class balance update, but one skill was left out of the overall plan due to challenges of implementation. We intended for Shadow Arts to increase robot damage, which isn't something that any cores or skills have been able to do up until now. This is due to the complexity of the caculations for robot damage versus other gear categories. However, after a week of struggle, it appears to finally be working. This change should be an interesting benefit, especially focus Bounty Hunters. It also opens the possibilty of adding new cores that can debuff or buff robot damage in the future.
- Bounty Hunter
- Shadow Arts: Removed increased block chance, increased sidearm damage, and increased auxiliary damage; added effect that increases robot damage. The robot's base damage will increase by twice the skill value %. So a robot that has a base 175 damage will increaes by 20%, granting a bonus 35 damage at max level.
Core Fixes
- Frost Revenants Retribution P/E: Can no longer be removed by buff-removing skills like Azrael's Torment.
Cyber Wolf Distribution
This week we were able to distribute another batch of Cyber Wolf items and styles! The collection is nearly complete, but there are a few items that are still being refined, specifically the travel forms. We certainly hope you enjoy the items you've received so far and find them worth the wait!
The following is a list of the distributed items plus the minimum Gifting scores for receiving each item.
- 200,000 Gifting Score and Up
- Cyber Wolf Armor
- Cyber Wolf Armor CC
- Helm 741
- Helm 742
- 225,000 Gifting Score and Up
- Savage Cyber Wolf Armor
- Savage Cyber Wolf Armor CC
- Helm 743
- Helm 744
New Cyber Wolf Styles
If you're browsing the style shop, you'll notice that styles 745-762 are available for purchase! These are based on the Cyber Wolf armors but they looked so cool, we wanted to share them with everyone, while still retaining a few exclusives for the Gifting tiers. Tags: Nightwraith |