| April 12, 2024 EpicDuel Arcade Upgrade 2024
EpicDuel is live with new balance changes plus a great opportunity to max out your Rating with new achievement tiers for the Arcades and Legendary ranks!
Arcade Achievement Update
All arcade achievements have been updated with 7 more tiers, maxing out at 20, giving everyone a good reason to spend those excess Arcade Tokens. NOTE: If your score already exceeds the current maximum achievement tier, your achievement should update automatically after incrementing your score.
Legendary Achievement Update
Since so many have reached the max tier, we've raised the cap with 8 new tiers of of the Legendary achievement, maxing out at 20. NOTE: If your rank already exceeds 200, your achievement should update automatically after attaining a new rank.
Balance Changes
- Encumbrance: Updated tiers and include Support in debuffs.
- 1500-1699 HP: -5% all stats
- 1700-1799 HP: -10% all stats
- 1800-1899 HP: -15% all stats
- 1900-1999 HP: -20% all stats
- 2000+ HP: -25% all stats
- Agility: Same HP tiers as before, but Support is now be included in the buffs.
- Agility I Unencumbered by HP; no stat penalty.
- Agility II Unencumbered by HP; +3% all stats.
- Agility III Unencumbered by HP; +5% all stats.
- Paralysis Coating: Blockable --> Unblockable
- Necrotek Siphon P/E: 350 --> 300 max heal; heal strength is inverse of Rage amount drained. (i.e. heal is at max strength (300) when draining no Rage, at minimum strength (0) when draining all Rage); deal's 50% damage
Skill balance
- Tactical Mercenary
- Crippling Strike: Reduces Resistance as well as Defense; base values: 12% min, +2% per level; +1% per 6 → 7 Strength
- Field Commander: Removed Rage gain aura; grants +25% Rage on initial use
- Barbed Grenade: 15% → 10% defense ignore; 25% → 15% crit chance; 130 base energy cost, +20 per level
- Reroute: -5% to all values
- Tactical Grenade: Grants same amount of Energy drained → Grants 150 energy
- Toxic Grenade: Improves with Support → Strength; 100% → 85% damage
- Bounty Hunter
- Shadow Arts: Removed additional grenade stun chance; New values: 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 4%, 5%, 5%, 6%, 6%, 7%; added increased sidearm and increased auxiliary damage; reduced increased robot damage to match other percentages with value based on total robot damage.
- Cyber Hunter
- Neural Scythe: Removed Support scaling; improves 1% for every 4 levels over 20; damage is based on primary damage, plus a % of primary damage bonus; damage bonus values: 18%, 20%, 22%, 24%, 26%, 28%, 30%, 32%, 34%, 35%; removed energy drain
- Plasma Grenade: 15% → 10% Resistance ignore; removed lifesteal; +1 damage per 0.35 → 0.3 Technology
- Nanotech Shield: Removed defense/resistance buff; Removed stat boosts; added lifesteal equal to damage reduction values; new values: 1% min, 10% max
- Tech Mage
- Overload:95 → 105 base energy cost; +10 → +15 energy cost per level
- Plasma Rain: +1 damage per 0.5 → 0.25 levels above 20; Added 20% Resistance ignore
- Assimilation: 85% → 100% damage
- Blood Mage
- Terrify: +1 Strength reduced per 4 → 5 Technology
OMG Mode Removal
You may notice the OMG mode button missing from the main interface. It was removed intentionally until a better implementation can be devised with true rewards while not siphoning players from the other battle modes. A fun meme while it lasted, but not enough substance to make it stick as a feature (even if it was there for over 2 years). Tags: Nightwraith |