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 | October 02, 2015 Patch Notes - 1.6.55NEW CHANGES/FEATURES:
- New Rare Mission Chain -- Caden’s Curse
- An Order from Beyond
- Data Recovery
- Hungry Progenitor
- CSI Delta V
- Bad Blood
- Caden’s Mirth
- Caden’s Wrath
- Caden’s Love
- Caden’s Legacy
- New Rare Achievement
- Bludgeon
- Damage: 23-50% -> 21%-48%
- EP cost: 110 -> 150
- EP cost per level: 20 -> 15
- Energy Parasite
- Stat Requirement lowered by 5 per level
- Phase Shift
- Static Charge
- Now gives correct values from last updae
Tags: RabbleFroth Patch Notes |