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 | July 31, 2015 Patch Notes - 1.6.51NEW CHANGES/FEATURES:
- New mission chain: Ode to the Oathbreaker
- Taken
- Asking for Directions
- Dead End
- Desperate Search
- An Unexpected Revelation
- New NPC Seth Juron in the Infernal Mines
- Challenge and defeat this new 2v1 boss for an achievement!
- 2 new drops: Arcturus and Kutsal Ant
- Seth Juron Showcase Shop
- Armors
- Oathbreaker Suit M
- Oathbreaker Suit F
- Sidearms
- Oathkeeper Blaster P
- Oathkeeper Blaster E
- Auxiliaries
- Oathbreaker Cannon P
- Oathbreaker Cannon E
- Oathkeeper Bazooka P
- Oathkeeper Bazooka E
- Nano Annihilator Cannon P
- Nano Annihilator Cannon E
- Mutating
- Nano Annihilator P
- Nano Annihilator E
- Swords
- Nano Slayer P
- Nano Slayer E
- Oathstone Slayer P
- Oathstone Slayer E
- Naval Oathblade P
- Naval Oathblade E
- Desire of the Hatred P
- Desire of the Hatred E
- Oathsaber P
- Oathsaber E
- Sacramentum
- Juramentum
- Wrist Blades
- Oathstone Claws P
- Oathstone Claws E
- Clubs
- Oathstone Axe P
- Oathstone Axe E
- Staffs
- Oathstone Staff P
- Oathstone Staff E
- Bike
- Fireball
- Now applies a 1 turn debuff that lowers target’s defense and resistance from (unbuffed) stats and armor by 5%
- Atom Smasher
- Now drains energy as a percentage of primary weapon damage, instead of total primary damage
- Energy Drain: 52-79% → 48-75%
- Now gains +1% drain per 8 Strength
- Static Smash
- Now drains energy as a percentage of primary weapon damage, instead of total primary damage
- Now scales +1% drain per 8 Strength
- 75% energy absorb remains unchanged
- Stun Grenade
- Damage: 185-320 → 195-330
- Level scale: +1 damage per 0.44 levels → 0.4 levels (increased damage at level 40)
- Overload
- Damage: 170-350 → 180 → 360
- Level scale: +1 damage per 0.44 levels → 0.4 levels (increased damage at level 40)
- Plasma Grenade
- Damage: 160-340 → 170-350
- Level scale: +1 damage per 0.44 levels → 0.4 levels (increased damage at level 40)
- Improbability Gate
- Description now mentions the 400 damage cap to high health NPCs (functionality unchanged)
- Icy Chill and Ebil Crusher were not working correctly on their respective NPCs
- Field Medic was adding your own Medical Mastery values when viewing other player’s Field Medic skill.
Tags: RabbleFroth Patch Notes |