Behind the scenes information about EpicDuel's development and releases, a real-time PVP MMO that you can play online in your web browser.
 | December 09, 2014 Patch Notes - 1.6.33a (Hotfix)NEW CHANGES/FEATURES:
- New performance option is now available in the settings panel: Hide other characters. This will disable visibility on all other characters in a room, vastly improving performance in crowded rooms. This option will never turn on automatically, unlike a few other changes we’ve implemented.
- Automated performance settings: Entering rooms with 20+ players will automatically set Flash quality to Low, stop NPC animations, and prevent “warp in/out” animations from playing. When a room has 30+ players, the game will stop showing the walk animation when a player moves, simply “snapping” them to their final location. It will also prevent you from doing slash emotes (such as /dance).
- Error when healing with Hatchling Rush active
- Removed Hank’s Harvest and Frozen Harvest from mission list (They were meant to be removed December 1st).
New option location:

Tags: Patch Notes Hotfix RabbleFroth |