Behind the scenes information about EpicDuel's development and releases, a real-time PVP MMO that you can play online in your web browser.
 | July 11, 2014 Patch Notes - 1.6.19
- War Population balance
- During War cooldown, it is now FREE to switch alignments to the lower population alignment
- Price remains the same when switching to higher population
- Lionhart Alliance Part 3
- 9 new missions
- Kingslayer Achievement
- New Lionhart Items
- Sold at Level 35 Lionhart Soldier in Overlord Facility
- Lionhart's Gladius
- Lionhart's Might
- Lionhart's Maul
- Lionhart's Staff
- Lionhart's Blades
- Lionhart Soldier armor
- World Cup Seasonal-Rare Weapons
- Sold at Overlord Guard in Overlord Facility
- Gilded Football Sword
- Gilded Football Daggers
- Gilded Football Maul
- Gilded Football Staff
- Assault Shuttle
- New Limited-Rare vehicle sold at Overlord Guard in Overlord Facility
- Mission Groups can now require completion of previous mission groups (Part 2 now requires Part 1)
- War Rally duration message now properly reads 60 minutes
- Jumping to Shadow Guard in Barrens no longer jumps to Exile Soldier
- NPC names in Overlord Facility now properly bolded
- When selling a developer statue home item, it takes the name of the item sold previously
- Level 3 City Guards now show up on Fortune City world map
- Fixed incorrerct icons on a few influence achievements
- Fixed gfx issue with Dage's Desolation E
- Damage percent values now displaying properly in skill descriptions
- Fixed calculation issue with Improbability Gate
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