Behind the scenes information about EpicDuel's development and releases, a real-time PVP MMO that you can play online in your web browser.
 | June 06, 2012 1.4.5d Patch NotesCHANGES/FEATURES:
- Beta weapons now Ultra-Rare (from Rare)
- Multi damage on more than one target increased from 75% to 85%
- Poison and Frost Bite debuffs were lasting longer than intended
- Fixed an exploit that allowed users to spam messages
- Several fixes to Finder Bot entries for unavailable weapons
- Improvements to battle timers
- Many client packets reduced in size
- Dead battle deletion improved
There were also a few fixes over the last weekend in a hotfix. The following changes were made:
- Fixed a problem with NPCs not being cleared after battle resulting in an eventual server crash
- Fixed the text for mission "Saccharine Sentiments" saying you needed 5 wins instead of 1
- Fixed a completion issue with the "Equal Opportunity Head Banging" mission
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