Behind the scenes information about EpicDuel's development and releases, a real-time PVP MMO that you can play online in your web browser.
 | December 06, 2013 Winter Returns Patch Notes - 1.5.41NEW CHANGES / FEATURES
- New achievement Module
- Main interface console bar lowered to give more room for the map
- Main interface options shrunk to fit new Achievements btn
- Stats / skills Module has a much wider stance to provider more visible room for character
- Added 75+ new seasonal and Black Abyss home items
- Returned Winter Seasonal Rares
- Visit Hank or Valestra in Frysteland for seasonal weapons
- Return of seasonal home items
- Frost Warrior Achievement
- Winterized Screens / NPCs
- Removed Fall/Harvest Items
- Removed Fall/Harvest Missions
- Hallowarriors
- Gourd Grinding
- Removed Nightwraith Items
- Removed NW Missions
- OneX6 Retrieval
- Party Business
- World Domination achievement now tracks the number of times it has been awarded
- Tactical Map sellable for 250 credits
- Egg Sac sellable for 150 credits
- Energy stealing skills are now capped to the target’s current energy. This affects Static Smash and Static Grenade.
- Piston Punch
- Will no longer consume your Rage or Critical as it does flat damage
- Poison Spores
- Initial damage will no longer consume Rage or Critical as it does flat damage
- Now deals 50% of bot damage each turn, down from 60%
- Cooldown increased to 4 turns
- Static Grenade and Static Smash
- Will no longer drain more energy than the target has.
- Example: Target has 15 Energy left. Previously, Static Grenade would drain 30 Energy and grant 15. Now, it will drain 15 and grant 7.
- Fixed 0 HP display issue
- Fixed client-hanging bug when using Pyro Fly special or Concussive Shot core on a boss
- Fixed sizing inconsistency with achievements
Tags: RabbleFroth |