![]() | July 22, 2016 West Naval Yard War!After a long period of relative peace, war has returned to the West Naval Yard! For those who've forgotten the minutia of this particular region's conflict, here's a brief refresher.
Prepare for War! The West Naval Yard is the latest flashpoint in the ongoing alignment War. Battle for dominance and new prizes now as the war has already gone live! The Legion forces have control of the full-restored Pirate Flagship sitting ominously in the Naval Yard. Obviously, this could be very bad for Exiles, so they'll use Naval Shells and Super Naval Shells to bombard the ship from turrets located around the Naval Yard. Legion forces on the shore can take out the turrets with Naval Bombs and Super Naval Bombs. Pick up Super Naval Shell and Super Naval Bombs at the Ammo Depot located right of Big Tuna! Good luck, and war on! Tags: Nightwraith |