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EpicDuel PVP Game Design Notes

Behind the scenes information about EpicDuel's development and releases, a real-time PVP MMO that you can play online in your web browser.

December 02, 2011

Frosty Destruction!

The Delta weapons are going, gone GONE! They have been replaced with the Frost Destroyer mutating weapon AND the Frost Slayer broadsword! These beautiful and powerful mutating weapons are available with the 10K varium package!

This set of amazing weapons comes with an ability called Frostbite, which is a chance to cause your opponent to "leak" energy for 3 turns.  If you have Baby Yeti and one of the new Frost Destroyer or Frost Slayer weapons equipped, your Yeti will also gain this ability to inflict Frostbite on your foes!


Frost Slayer

Frost Destroyer



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