![]() | November 09, 2023 EpicDuel Gifting Prize Bonus TiersIn addition to the other prizes offered by this year's gifting event, we will be introducing a new batch of prizes for Gifters who manage to achieve certain thresholds for gifts given. The main theme for these prizes will be the Cyber Wolf Set, but there will be some other bonus prizes scattered throughout the tiers. This is designed to provide an opportunity for prizes for those who aren't necessarily aiming to land on the final leaderboard. The hope was that there would be a cool GUI in game to track the scores and automate prize claim, but in due to the heavy workload, we'll be awarding the prizes manually at the conclusion of gifting. Unfortunately, we don't have many previews to show as the items are still in progress, but we can show you the tier levels as well as the names and types of items we plan to offer for each tier. We will post more previews as the items are completed!
10,000 Gifts (over 150 Gifters attained this level in 2021)
15,000 Gifts
20,000 Gifts
25,000 Gifts
50,000 Gifts
75,000 Gifts
100,000 Gifts
125,000 Gifts
150,000 Gifts
175,000 Gifts
200,000 Gifts
225,000 Gifts
250,000 Gifts (28 Gifters attained this level in 2021)
That's all for now. We apologize for the delay in updates, but getting a new Battlepass ready in addition to preparing hundreds of new items for Gifting is stretching us to the limit. Next week, with luck and elbow grease, we should be back on track! Tags: |