![]() | January 25, 2011 EpicDuel Is Defrosting!The holiday season on Delta V is once again coming to a close. The citizens are shelving their festive holiday garb, and the powerful Frost Weapons are beginning to thaw and melt away for another year. This means you will only have until this Friday to grab Frostbane or any of the other seasonal rares to destroy your enemies, boost your rarity score, and cut through George Lowe's defenses! In other news we just received the first batch of our EpicDuel shirts! We did a big photo shoot yesterday to get shots of Titan, myself, and other AE staff wearing the shirts in EpicDuel poses...but we realized we had a bunch of logos from other companies and our business address in some of the shots! 0_o
However, YOU will have a chance to look as cool as us, if not cooler (hopefully cooler), because the shirts are on sale NOW at HeroMart! As a bonus with your purchase, by entering a promotional code in EpicDuel you will receive the EpicThreads achievement, and in AQWorlds you'll receive the awesome Cyber Hunter Armor! Stay tuned for more news on the release this week. We're going to try something we have never done before, so I hope you enjoy it! Tags: Nightwraith |