![]() | August 08, 2022 EpicDuel Darkeater CollectionThe Darkeater Collection!Finally, a new promo package arrives -- the Darkeater Collection! This new promo is absolutely stuffed with new content! Those who purchase this achievement will receive the commemorative Darkeater's Crest achievement. Armors:
Bot Abilities
This pack will be the perfect power-up you need to get a head start in the upcoming tournament! *All items in this package aside from the weapon/armor cores are now flagged as RARE, meaning they will not be available for sale in-game at a future date.* Since it's relatively short notice, the Flesh Demigod Promotional Package will remain online for another few weeks to give new and returning players coming to play the tournament a change to gear up.
Hellfire Havoc Begins!A new tournament is nearly upon us! Visit the Slayer in the Barrens to purchase a Hellfire Havoc Ticket to guarantee participation in Delta V's latest test of might and endurance! For this latest tournament we're trying something a bit different. The cost of entry will be the lowest yet, but the prize pool will also be smaller. The tournament will also have a shorter duration, lasting from Friday August 12 at 6:00 PM (EST) to Monday August 15 at noon (EST). As usual, at the tournament's conclusion, the server will restart briefly to award some prizes manually. As of Monday August 8, the scoring per victory will be as follows:
For a complete list of prizes, read on:
BRONZE Those who finish the tournament with the Bronze tier achievement will receive:
Bronze tier finalists will also receive the participation rewards. SILVER Those who finish the tournament with the Silver tier achievement will receive:
Silver tier finalists will also receive the rewards from lower tiers. GOLD Those who finish the tournament with the Gold tier achievement will receive:
Gold tier finalists will also receive the rewards from lower tiers. PLATINUM The hardcore duelist who finishes the tournament with the Platinum tier achievement will receive:
The Platinum tier finalist will also receive the rewards from lower tiers.
Upcoming TournamentsShortly after Hellfire Havoc concludes, we will be launching a new tournament, Shoggoth's Showdown, featuring new achievements and prizes with a similar duration. We'll follow that up with Typhoon Terror to conclude this tournament trilogy. This is a bit of an experiment to see if shorter more frequent tournaments can be more successful than longer tournaments spaced months apart. We hope you enjoy them! In the meantime, gear up and duel on! Tags: |