Behind the scenes information about EpicDuel's development and releases, a real-time PVP MMO that you can play online in your web browser.
 | April 01, 2022 Egg-stra-terrestrial Invasion
A new rift in the cosmos has scrambled the natural order of Delta V. Horrific hybrids from outside the known Universe have infiltrated the planetary protection field and invaded PvP. Battle friends and foes to egg-spose these egg-stra-terrestrial menaces and capture them for your own!
Egg-celent New PvP Drops
New April Fools-themed drops have been added to all battle modes. Here's a complete list of all the possible new drops so if you want to be surprised, look away!
Event Weapon Drops
- Fw0rsht B4n3
- FluF B4n3
- Inf3rn0l Sl4y4h
- Impurrnal Slayer
- S0l Inv1kToos
- Sol Inv1ct Meows
- Dorge's Decimalat0r
- Borge's D3c1m4T0R
- 4zr33l Bj0rn
- Azreal Bean
Rare Dage-themedTravel Form Drops
- Knightmare War Horse CC
- Knightmare Horse CC
Home Item Drops
- ChickenCalf Right
- ChickenCalf Left
- Armored ChickenCalf Right
- Armored ChickenCalf Left
- Chibi Ox Right
- Chibi Ox Left
- DF ChickenCow Right
- DF ChickenCow Left
- ChickenCow Right
- ChickenCow Left
- ChickenCow 2 Right
- ChickenCow 2 Left
- RoosterBull Right
- RoosterBull Left
- Spirit RoosterBull Right
- Spirit RoosterBull Left
- Sriracha RoosterBull Right
- Sriracha RoosterBull Left
New Hairstyles
Don new poultry-based paraphernalia with 5 new hairstyles for each class!
Bug Fixes / Changes
- NPCs will deploy shields less frequently
- Varium sellback in quantities higher than 1000 will award correctly.
Tags: Nightwraith |