![]() | January 29, 2021 Arcade Upgrade 2021Arcade Upgrade:If you participated in the 2020 Gifting Event you probably have an Arcade Token or 2 in your pocket. Or 2,000. To help you spend those tokens and boost your Rating Score, all 26 Arcades have been upgraded with 3 new achievement tiers each. Do you have enough spare tokens to obtain them all?
Achievement Update:In the Seasonal section of the Achievement shop, you'll find the Australia Day 2021 and Big Game LV achievements, available for a limited time!
Prize Progress:The 2020 Gifter prizes are still underway. You may have seen some of them running around Delta V or encountered them in battle. It's always a joy to work with the winners each year to design a unique creation for the winner to cherish. Completed!
In Progress:
Thank you for your patience as these projects are completed! These prizes are fun, unique challenges to design, and I hope to have them all delivered very soon!
Drop Adjustment:Legendary Titan will no longer drop Titan's Battlegear E, and it will be tagged rare. Congratulations for those who were able to receive this mighty prize!
Slot Unlock:The slots on Azrael's Curse have been unlocked.
Coming Attractions:Next week, the plan is to open all the Silver Secret Packages! Finally, you will be able to enjoy the hard-earned gifts contained within! The Secret Package Prizes will unlock shortly thereafter! New weapons and armors are also being created by Deuce and Bido for release in February! There's a new NPC coming to Delta V. It's been ages since we added a new member to the cast of characters in our little post-apocalyptic world, and this will be one to remember. You may already know her! Tags: Nightwraith |
![]() | January 18, 2021 Farewell to Seasonal ArmsFarewell to Seasonal ArmsWith today's update, EpicDuel's seasonal rares have been returned to their usual schedule. Also leaving are several seasonal missions such as 'A Bold Bounty' and 'Party Business'. The next seasonal rares on the horizon are Australia Day, Heartbreaker, and Azrael weapons! Also leaving is the bonus Varium that was a part of the 10,000 AP packages. The Epic Supporter 2020 achievements will also no longer be available. Massive "Thank Yous" to all who took part in this incredible sale and supported EpicDuel through the holiday season!
![]() | January 11, 2021 Gifting 2020 Aftermath
Gifting 2020 WinnersEpicDuel's 2020 Gifting Event ended in spectacular fashion as the top gifters blew away old records to secure their places in Delta V history! Be sure to stop by the 2020 shrine in Titan's Peak to pay your respects to the latest group of EpicDuel Gifting Legends! (Note: The left side of the Peak was expanded and all the shrines were moved one screen over to accommodate this new shrine.)
If you are among this group and have not received an email yet, please check your spam folder. I know some prefer to communicate by Twitter or Discord, but email is the way. I look forward to working with you all to realize your visions for this year's round of prizes! As with previous years, this will be the primary focus of EpicDuel for a few weeks to make sure these rewards are delivered as quickly as possible. If you have Secret and Silver Secret Packages, first of all, congratulations, and second of all don't worry if they're still just a box. They will transform into epic prizes at a future date! I know this is how it's worked in previous events, but you might be surprised by how many don't know this! Plus, the winners still have to allocate their extra packages to their lucky friends! Hang in there, the prizes will be worth the wait!
New ItemsStop by Endless M4trix in Titan's peak for 2 new travel forms!
Balance Changes:
Bonus Varium and Seasonal Rares Extension!Normally, we remove the bonus Varium that comes with the packages shortly after the Gifting Event ends, but due to demand, we're extending the sale until Monday January 18th. After an update, the packages will revert and the included achievements will be removed. On the 18th we will also be removing the seasonal rares that were made available during Gifting. Now is the perfect opportunity to cash in those accumulated gifts and grab all the seasonals you missed throughout the year to boost your rarity score!
20212020 was a long, loooong year for many. A year in which it feels like everything happened yet nothing happened. While the world seemed to be going wild outside our window, we were glad to be able to continue to deliver new adventures to your in the world of Delta V. Now, our attention moves forward to 2021, which should prove to be a pivotal year for EpicDuel, if not all of Artix Entertainment, as it will be the first year without Flash. This is an obligatory reminder that Flash is now being blocked by most major browsers. If you haven't yet, please download the latest version of the Artix Games Launcher! This will guarantee you can continue to play all your favorite Artix Entertainment browser games, including EpicDuel! Make sure you have the latest version so there's no interruption to your gameplay! New years are good times to reflect on accomplishments and failures. While we were able to survive and thrive as a Flash game at the threshold of the platform's annihilation, we didn't accomplish all we set out to in 2020. We know you all have very strong opinions on what you want to see in EpicDuel, and I know that suggestion list a mile long. The struggle is determining the biggest features to make the most players happy. To help guide the direction of EpicDuel's development in the new year, we're crafting a document which should be available soon to help you provide us with focused feedback concerning the EpicDuel's past, present, and future direction. This will help us concentrate the beam of our resources to make 2021 the best year yet for EpicDuel and pave the way for a brighter future! Tags: Nightwraith |