| July 31, 2020 Infernal Fantasy Rides Again!
Infernal Fantasy Bike!
The Infernal Fantasy Gear package is already an incredible deal loaded with new weapons, armor, and powerful cores, but that deal is about to get even sweeter! With today's release, the Infernal Fantasy Bike will be added to the Infernal Fantasy promotional package for all future buyers. Do you already own the Infernal Fantasy Gear? Awesome! You'll receive the bike for free within a few hours of the release! This bike is tagged Rare and will only be offered with this promotion. After the package leaves the store, it will not be offered in game again!
New Styles!
Haircut looking a little stale and...wild? We've added 24 new styles for all classes and genders!
We've made some important changes to balance over the last few weeks. The biggest is definitely the introduction of Level 6 Focus, which should produce some interesting builds and counter-builds. We've also buffed some of the cores included in the Infernal Fantasy package!
- Level 6 Focus unlocked at 50 points in each Stat.
- Cyber Hunter:
- Static Charge: 85% damage and blockable
- Blood Mage:
- Deadly Aim: Stat requirement changed to Dex
- Mana Burst: Buffed to 40%
- Feeding Frenzy: Buff to 85% damage
- Revitalization: Defense / Resistance reduction reduced to 10% from 25%
Varium Sale Final Extension!
Our Summer sale has been extended once again for the final time! Since this Summer has been a trying time for all of us (I hate it when companies say that, but it's still true!) we've decided to carry this current sale through to September 14th! You've still got plenty of time to take advantage of this great deal on Varium or other currencies from the rest of the extensive library of Artix Entertainment games! Tags: Nightwraith |
 | July 17, 2020 Infernal Fantasy Gear!
Forged in the heat and pressure of the Infernal Mines, the new Infernal Fantasy set channels otherworldly powers that are sure to impress your friends and terrify your foes!
Infernal Fantasy Gear!
For a limited time in EpicDuel, you can purchase the full Infernal Fantasy Gear set, which includes new weapons, cores, and armor! These amazing items were forged with great care and talent by artists Bido and Deuce!
- Infernal Fantasy Buster P
- Infernal Fantasy Buster E
- Infernal Fantasy Blaster P
- Infernal Fantasy Blaster E
- Infernal Fantasy Bazooka P
- Infernal Fantasy Bazooka E
- Infernal Fantasy Battlegear P
- Infernal Fantasy Battlegear E
- Infernal Fantasy Knight
- Infernal Fantasy Bike
To give you an edge in battle, this new set comes pre-equipped with 4 new Active cores designed to greatly enhance survivability and damage output!
- Revitalization (Armor): Sacrifice Armor's Defense / Resistance and an extra 25% for 6 turns for up to 1700 HP.
- Focused Fury (Primary): Attack with fury, dealing primary damage plus 12% of your target's max Health (Max 500)
- TrueShot (Gun): Deal 95% Sidearm damage, increasing by 5% per round, (135% max).
- Mana Burst (Auxiliary): Reduce enemy energy by 40% of normal auxiliary damage.
This package also comes with an Ultra Rare Infernal Fantasy achievement as a special thanks for supporting EpicDuel!
New Cores:
The VendBots across Delta V have received a new stock of Passive and Active cores to aid in your future battles!
- War Commander (Gun) x10: Guarantees a war drop upon battle victory. Doesn't stack
- War Commander (Aux) x10: Guarantees a war drop upon battle victory. Doesn't stack
- Health Reserve x25: Restore health based on your armor’s defense
- Energy Reserve x25: Restore energy based on your armor’s resistance
- Thrown Shot x25: Throw away your shot, destroying your sidearm for 500 HP
Strength builds should see higher damage as the Strength Divisors for determining Primary Damage have been adjusted to provide more damage per point of strength for the higher tiers of diminishing returns:
- Before 55 Strength: 0.42 = 2.4 points of damage increase per point of Strength
- After 55 Strength: 0.58 = 1.7 points of damage increase per point of Strength
- After 85 Strength: 0.58 = 1.7 points of damage increase per point of Strength
- After 100 Strength: 0.75 = 1.33 points of damage increase per point of Strength
Summer Varium Sale
The Summer Varium sale that started months ago is nearing its end, tentatively scheduled to end July 31st. Though it's possible the sale could be extended further, you don't want to wait too long to guarantee you get the best value for your money in EpicDuel while also getting the newest weapons and cores on Delta V! Tags: Nightwraith |
 | July 03, 2020 Independence Day Eve
Fireworks! Fireworks everywhere! New weapons, new cores, major core re-balancing, and a new achievement are coming this Independence Day Eve release!
New Command
To help aid the festivities this weekend, we've temporarily added a /fireworks command to be used in the game chat. Try it! It's a blast!
New Items
New weapons and armors have been added to the Overlord Guard in the Overlord Facility. For those powerful enough to access the Exquisite Legendary Arsenal, a CC version of the Seraphic Inquisitor Armor is now available!
Overlord Guard
- Energy Stars and Stripes
- Energy Carrierzooka
- Fireworks Launcher P
- Fireworks Launcher E
Exquisite Legendary Arsenal
- Seraphic Inquisitor M CC
- Seraphic Inquisitor F CC
New Hairstyle
- Seraphic Inquisitor Helm CC
Home Items
- Classic Vendbot Bank
- Gold Vendbot Bank
Open the achievement shop to claim the new 2020 edition of the Independence Day achievement!
- Independence Day 2
- Independence Day achievement removed from shop
New Cores
In order to make some underutilized Passive cores more tactically useful, we've created new "merged" cores that combine the traits of 2 other Passive cores into one.
- Ballistic Shield: +10% chance to deflect attacks, reduces damage when you deflect +20%
- Super Scope: -10% chance to be deflected, +20% damage when attack deflected
To increase the usefulness of underutilized cores and decrease the reliance on other passive cores, several passives have received crucial re-balancing. Ideally, this will lead to more build diversity as new effective strategies emerge.
- Cores:
- Primary Master: +35 Damage, increased price to 10000 Credits, 395 Varium
- Sidearm Mastery: +55 Damage, increased price to 10000 Credits, 395 Varium*
- This core was bugged as it was and changed to give +4% Gun Damage**
- This core was breaking Deadly Aim so it was changed to give +15% Crit
- Auxiliary Mastery: +60 Damage, increased price to 10000 Credits, 395 Varium*
- This core was bugged as it was and changed to give +15% Crit
- Nanosteel Armor: Decreases the ignored defense of incoming critical strikes by 30% instead of 20%
- Strength Boost: Lowered to +3 Strength from 4 except for Primary variant which remains +4 and has been renamed to Prime Strength Boost (New cost of Prime core is 8000 Credits, 295 Varium)
- Dexterity Boost: Lowered to +3 Dexterity from 4 except for Sidearm variant which remains +4 and has been renamed to Prime Dexterity Boost (New cost of Prime core is 8000 Credits, 295 Varium)
- Technology Boost: Lowered to +3 Technology from 4 except for Armor variant which remains +4 and has been renamed to Prime Technology Boost (New cost of Prime core is 8000 Credits, 295 Varium)
- Support Boost: Lowered to +3 Support from 4 except for Auxiliary variant which remains +4 and has been renamed to Prime Support Boost (New cost of Prime core is 8000 Credits, 295 Varium)
- Eternal Enhance: +4 Strength, Dexterity, Technology, and Support
- Blood Mage:
- Brutal Strike: Removed staff requirement
Tags: Nightwraith |