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 | December 18, 2020 Creative Collections
After 2 weeks of gifting your inventory is probably packed with new weapons. What will you do with them? Before you sell them or store them for posterity, visit Deuce and Bido for 46 new missions allowing you to cash in on your gifting collections with incredible Credit rewards and new achievements!
New Missions!
Deuce and Bido are offering 4 new mission chains to allow you to cash in on your collected gifts!
- Jolly Candy Collector
- Holly Jolly Sword
- Holly Jolly Jolts
- Blades of Candy
- Gleaming Jolly Claws
- Jolly Axe of Doom
- Jolly Soul Axe
- Jolly Candy Staff
- Jolly Candy Magician
- Crunchy Candy Gun
- Jolly Candy Blaster
- Jolly Candy Cannon
- Jolly Candy Kaboom
- Jolly Battle Test
- Krampus Curse Collector
- Sword of the Krampus996
- Krampus Spirit Sword
- Claws of the Krampus
- Glowing Claws of Evil
- Axe the Krampus
- Krampus Spirit Axe
- Krampus Crackles
- Krampus Catalyst
- Krampus Caliber
- Krampus Blaster
- Krampus Cannon
- Krampus Kaboom
- Krampus Battle Test
- Regal Festive Collector
- Regal Festive Sword
- Regal Energy
- Golden Regal Blades
- Electric Regal Edge
- Regal Axe Edge
- Gleaming Regal Edge
- Regal Sorcerer
- Regal Righteousness
- Regal Festive Test
- Regal Festive Finale
- Frozen Frenzy Collector
- Swords of Fire
- Swords of Ice
- Claws of Fire
- Claws of Ice
- Axes of Fire
- Axes of Ice
- Staffs of Fire
- Staffs of Ice
- Frozen Frenzy Test
- Frozen Frenzy Finale
Tags: Nightwraith |