Behind the scenes information about EpicDuel's development and releases, a real-time PVP MMO that you can play online in your web browser.
 | July 19, 2013 Patch Notes - 1.5.23NEW CHANGES/FEATURES:
- New Dread Domination promo package: Includes Physical and Energy versions of the Dread Desolator Auxiliary and Dread Disruptor Sidearm. The Auxiliary also includes a brand new core that deals extra damage based on your enemy’s maximum Health!
- Alignment switching is now available! Visit any prominent member of the faction you wish to join to find the option. Keep in mind you may only switch alignments once every 30 days.
- All-time character Influence leaderboards added to each War Objective.
- When clicking "view War Map" from the What's New, you're taken back to the mailbox
- Numbers could overlap each other in the Influential Factions page
- Fixed inconsistent naming of many War Objectives
- Certain parts of color customized armors were not showing their correct colors in the Character Pages
- Several issues involving regional influence and their respective achievements were resolved
- Juggernaut faction wins were not being recorded properly
- Fixed an admin kick that could happen when opening War Objectives
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