EpicDuel Home


    Basic Armor    Classic Armor
    Delta Knight    Egg Shell
    Azrael's Deathbringer    Botanical Reaper
    Bunny Bane P    Celtic Cleaver
    Basic Club    Rusted Plasma Crusher
    Apprentice Staff    Azrael's Anguish E
    Azrael's Anguish P    Super Mecha Laser
    Light Blades    Azrael's Annihilator E
    Azrael's Annihilator P    Caterpillar Bugzooka
    Ten Year Titan    Assault Bot P
    Dark Yeti Warrior    Infernal Android E
    Infernal Android P    Bacon
    Botanical Key    Chairman Bux
    Dravax's Artifact    Egg Key
    Infernal Gem    Purified Spores
    Silver Skull Card    Super Dread Shell
    Super Sabotage Kit    Yeti Pelt
    Infernal Interdictor E

10 Year AnniversaryAce
AnnihilatorArbor Annihilator
Arbor WarriorBeta Tester
Break on ThroughClass Master
Delta KnightDevastator
Dragon's BreathEgg Head
EMPEpic Stylist
FamousFlag Captured
Frost WarriorGamma Tester
Hank's LegHeroic Memorial
HitmanIllustrious Enhancer
Independence DayInfernal Infantry Officer
LegionNightwraith's Hat
Omega OverlordOverlord's Helmet
PeaceRabblefroth's Tome
Spore HunterTitan's Helm
Treasure HunterVault Breaker I
Vault Breaker IIIVault Cracker
Yeti for the Holidays


Missions Completed
28Abominable? Adorable
Alms for the RichAntigen
Ballistic BunniesBattle Born
Beast ModeBusiness Plan
DeclawedDeeply Rooted
Dragon's BreathFaded Memories
Flower PowerForever My Nemesis
Gift of LifeGolden Gun Gal
Golden ParachuteGreed Is Good
Human HazardLook! A Distraction!
Not a Good ReasonNuclear Option
Omega OmeleteProve Your Worth
Scrambled NightmaresSeverance Package
Silence the GodsSweet Teeth
Tailor MadeThe Yetikiller
Toxic LoveTrinkets from the Gods
Twilight of the Gods