EpicDuel Home


    Alydroid Shell    Armored Wendigo
    Basic Armor    Camo City Guard
    Caped Omega Wolf Warrior CC    Cardboard Crusader F
    CC Dragonslayer    Clawsuit Armor
    Conductor Uniform    Cryo Battlesuit
    Cyber Razor Armor    Cyber Yeti Hulk
    Delta Knight    Draconic Frost King Armor
    Draconic Frost King no Flame    Draconic Frost King non CC
    Dragon Slayer F    Dread Defiler Armor
    Dread Plains Overlord    Ebil Hazard Husk
    Electro Hazard Husk    Elite Yeti Husk
    Fortune City Punk    Frost Knight Armor
    Frost Knight Armor CC    Frost Mogul
    Frost Reaper F    Frozen Commander Armor
    Heavy Mechachillid    Imperial Medic Armor
    Infernal Avatar    Infernal Battlesuit
    Infernal Fantasy Knight    Lady Tesla Armor
    Lionhart's Pride    Nightwraith's Armor
    Nightwraith's Duds    Oakheart Armor
    Omega Wolf Warrior    Omega Wolf Warrior CC
    Pirate Bot Armor    Platinum's Pride
    ProtoSartorium Armor    Pumpkin Lord
    Samurai Armor    Sea King's Protector
    Tactical Overlord Guard    The Endless Armor
    The Endless Armor    Trainer's Vestments
    Wavecarver Armor    Wendigo
    Winged Draconic Frost King    Winged Frost King no Flame
    Winged Frost King non CC    Azrael's Bane
    Azrael's Deathbringer    Azrael's Souleater
    Blazing Celtic Cleaver    Blazing Celtic Hunter
    Candy Cane 2020 E    Candy Cane 2020 P
    Candy Cane CC E    Candy Cane CC P
    Dage's CC Desolation P    Dark Overfiend Blade
    Death Caster Scythe E    Deimos
    Draconic Frost Kingslayer E    Draconic Frost Kingslayer P
    Dragon Buster II    Exile Pride Cleaver E
    Exile Pride Cleaver P    Festive Elf Scythe E
    Festive Elf Scythe P    Frost Queen Scythe
    Frozen Azrael's Souleater    Gold Leviathan Impaler E
    Infernal Fantasy Buster E    Infernal Fantasy Buster P
    Infernal Frostbane    Infernal Slayer
    Legion OverFiend Blade E    Legion Pride Cleaver E
    Legion Pride Cleaver P    Legion Skewer E
    Molecular Incinerator    Mystic Celtic Hunter
    Omega Impaler    Omega Slayer
    Omega Wolf Fang E    Omega Wolf Fang P
    Omnioth    Omnioth
    Overfiend Blade    Phobos
    Regal DragonBlade E    Regal DragonBlade P
    Sea King's Executioner E    Sea King's Executioner P
    Sol Invictus E    Sol Invictus P
    Tech Light of Destiny    Tech Light of Destiny
    Thawed Kezeroth's Bane E    Thawed Kezeroth's Bane P
    Titan Warlord Sword E    Titan Warlord Sword P
    Titanium Slayer E    Titanium Slayer P
    Ultra OmniKnight Blade E    Ultra OmniKnight Blade P
    Arctic Soldier Axe P    Frostbite Axe E
    Frostbite Axe P    Gold Dragon Axe E
    Gold Dragon Axe P    Titan Terminator Maul E
    Titan Terminator Maul P    Apprentice Staff
    Brutal Heartbreaker Staff E    Charfade's Staff E
    Crystal Staff    Blazing Celtic Pistol
    Bounty Pistol    Dage's Haunted Boomstick
    Draconic Frost King Blaster E    Draconic Frost King Blaster P
    Frozen Fury Blaster E    Frozen Fury Blaster P
    Infernal Fantasy Blaster E    Infernal Fantasy Blaster P
    Molecular Disruptor E    Molecular Disruptor P
    Mystic Celtic Pistol    Omega Disintegrator E
    Omega Disintegrator P    Omega Wolf Blaster E
    Omega Wolf Blaster P    Pirated Media E
    Pirated Media P    Sea King's Disruptor E
    Sea King's Disruptor P    Stun Blaster 2018
    Stun Cannon 2018    Super Mecha Cannon
    Vampiric Boomstick E    Vampiric Boomstick P
    Alley Cat's Claws E Replica    Alley Cat's Claws P Replica
    Festive Coal Sickle E    Gold Dragon Blades E
    Gold Dragon Blades P    Arctic Soldier Cannon E
    Arctic Soldier Cannon P    Azrael's Wrath Blaster
    Biotic Blaster P    Blazing Celtic War Bow
    Bunnyzooka 2019    Caterpillar Bugzooka
    Dage's Doom Cannon    Dage's Doom Cannon
    Dage's Spirit Cannon    Dage's Spirit Cannon
    Draconic Frost King Bow E    Draconic Frost King Bow P
    Eggzooka    Energy Bunnyzooka 2019
    Frozen Fury Annihilator E    Frozen Fury Annihilator P
    Ghoul Cannon 2018    Ghoul Cannon 2019
    Heartbreaker Bow E    Heartbreaker Bow E
    Heartbreaker Bow P    Infernal Artillery E
    Infernal Artillery P    Infernal Fantasy Bazooka E
    Infernal Fantasy Bazooka P    Molecular Obliterator E
    Molecular Obliterator P    Mystic Celtic War Bow
    Omega Dominator E    Omega Dominator P
    Omega Wolf Rifle E    Omega Wolf Rifle P
    Pirate Mage Flintlock E    Pirate Mage Flintlock P
    Platinum Pulverizer    Royal Dragon Cannon
    Sea King's Disintegrator E    Sea King's Disintegrator P
    Spectral Blaster 2018    Spectral Blaster 2019
    Spring Boltcaster P    Super Mecha Disintegrator
    Super Mecha Launcher    Theon's Gifted Rifle E
    Theon's Gifted Rifle P    Winterzooka P
    Wraith Destroyer    Wraith Devastator
    Yuletide Terror    Dexterity Boost (Armor)
    FrostBite    Husk Blaster
    Sea King's Corruption    Sea King's Curse
    Sea King's Spirit    Sea King's Venom
    Technology Boost x30    War Commander x10
    Armored Omega Wolf Mutation    Assault Buggy
    Assault Cruiser    Bionic Bear Bike
    Blood Hawk Mutation    Botanical Hazard Mutation
    Bunny Mutation    Classic VendBot
    Cryo Craft CC    CSPF Cruiser
    Cyber Shark Mutation    Dage's Blood Rider
    Dark Caster Skull    Davarril Mutation
    Draconic Frost King's Avatar    Dragonoid Pod
    Dreadcycle    Eggscape Pod
    Exile Mecha Cruiser    Festive Gift
    Fortune Light Cycle    Gold Little Gear
    Holiday Boo    Infernal Fantasy Bike
    Knightmare War Horse    Knightmare War Horse
    Kraken Carver    Lepus Clone
    Omega Frostbike    Omega Frostbike CC
    Omega Wolf Mutation    Omega Wolf Rider
    Pyro Fly Mutation    Pyro Fly Mutation CC
    Road Ravager    Screaming Holiday Skull
    Sea King's Cruiser    Shego's Gamma Bike
    Snow Sprite    Snowman
    Stalagmite Mutation    Tactical Shark Morph
    Ten Year Titan    Titan's Bacon Bike
    Tuna Express 2    Tyrant Tank Mk1
    UwU Replica    Assault Bot E
    Azrael's Borg    Ballistic Bunny Bot
    Bio Borg    Blood Hawk E
    Blood Hawk P    Cyber Yeti E
    Cyber Yeti P    Dark Botanical Borg
    Dark Botanical Hazard    Electro Bunny Bot
    Golden Yeti    Kartherax's Darkspawn P
    Lionhart's Avatar E    Lionhart's Avatar P
    Omega Baby Yeti    Omega Dark Yeti
    Phantasm Droid E    Phantasm Droid P
    Pink Yeti    Pirate Bot E
    Plasma Fly    Pyro Fly
    Shego's Gamma Bot    Arcade Token
    Bacon    Botanical Key
    Chairman Bux    Dragonoid Ship Key
    Dragonoid Spawn Bone    Dravax's Artifact
    Egg Key    Emerald
    Endless Spirit    Flawed Emerald
    Flawed Infernal Gem    Hank's Cake
    Infernal Gem    Iron Husk's Plans
    M4tr1x Token    Nightmare Egg
    Noragh's Head Trophy    Omega Egg
    Omega Ticket    Omega Wolf Key
    OneX6 Key    Perfect Emerald
    Perfect Infernal Gem    Silver Skull Card
    Titan's Cosmic Cake    Yeti Pelt
    Abyss Acolyte E    Abyss Acolyte P
    Avatar of Nightwraith E    Avatar of Nightwraith P
    Azrael's Curse    Barrens Battlegear P
    Bionic Battlegear E    Bionic Battlegear P
    Blazing Celtic Destroyer    Draconic Drekonator E
    Draconic Frost King E    Draconic Frost King P
    Dragonoid Battlegear E    Dragonoid Battlegear P
    Egg Splitter Arsenal P    Ember Destroyer
    Frost Dracolich Arsenal P    Frozen Dage's Apocalypse E
    Frozen Dage's Apocalypse P    Glorious Battlegear
    Harbinger Battlegear E    Harbinger Battlegear P
    Harvest Reaper    Infernal Fantasy Battlegear E
    Infernal Fantasy Battlegear P    Infernal Interdictor E
    Infernal Interdictor P    Lagomorph Battlegear E
    Lagomorph Battlegear P    Malevolent Soulbinder E
    Malevolent Soulbinder P    Molecular Destroyer E
    Molecular Destroyer P    Mystic Celtic Destroyer
    Omega Obliterator    Omega Onslaughter
    Omega Wolf Bloodletter    Omega Wolf Souleater
    Sea King's Terror    Sea King's Wrath
    Spectral Reaper    Thawed Dage's Apocalypse P
    Titanite Destroyer P    Titanium Terminator E
    Titanium Terminator P    Trainyard Terror Battlegear P
    Xenoforged Destructor E    Xenoforged Destructor P

10 Year Anniversary2020 Victory
Abyssal ExterminatorAce
Administrator 10 SlayerAdventureQuest VIP
Aldhagrimm’s HeartAmmo
AnnihilatorAnya's Badge
Apocalypse AvertedAQ Worlds VIP
Arbor AnnihilatorArbor Warrior
Artillery MasterArtmageddon VIP
AssaulterAustralia Day 2020
Australia Day 2021Bacon Cupcake
Barrens Outpost CaptainBattlesuit Model
Bido BreakerBig Game LIII
Big Game LIVBig Game LV
Big Game XLVIBig Game XLVII
Big Show 2018Big Show 2019
Big Show 2020Big Show 2021
Big Tuna's SurfboardBio Hazard
BioBeasts BackstoryBiodome Commander
Bionic BattalionBionic Engineer
Birth of TitanBlack Mamba Forever
Blood MoneyBomb
Brachylagus BreakerBronze Yeti Trophy
Brunson's Bounty VIPBrutal Heartbreaker Collector
Buy Backer Lvl 3Caden's Eye
Caden's LegacyCaden's Wheel
CakeCandy Pin
Capt. Shoggoth's HeadCelebrity
Celtic HunterCentral Station Captain
Charfade's HelmetClass Master
CollectorCollector Cleanser
Conductor's CapCorporate Espionage
Curse of AlexisDage Collector 2019
Dage Collector 2020Dage Collector 2021
Dage's CC DesolationDage's Doom VIP
Dage's Friday The 13thDage's Helm
Daily Gift ChampionDaily Gift Leader Lvl 1
Daily Gift Leader Lvl 1Daily Gift Leader Lvl 1
Daily Gift LegendDaily Prize Champion Tier 5
Daily Team Champion Tier 1Dark Future
DefenderDelta Knight
Delta V DefenderDeuce's Defeat
DevastatorDragon Master
Dragon's BreathDragon's Destruction VIP
DragonFable VIPDragonoid Brain Slayer
Dragonoid SlayerDravax Slayer
Dread Plains CaptainEbil Crusher
EbilCorp ConquerorEdgar's Eyes
Egg HeadEggcellent Eggtravaganza VIP
Eight BallEleven Year Alpha
Elite EngineerEMP
EmperorEndless Guardian
Epic BuddyEpic Conservationist
Epic Gifter 2016Epic Gifter 2017
Epic HoarderEpic Legendary Banker
Epic Legendary HoarderEpic Origins
Epic Stylist VEpic Supporter
Epic Supporter 2017Epic Supporter 2018 Lvl 10
Epic Supporter 2019 Lvl 10Epic Supporter 2020 Lvl 10
Epic ThreadsEvil Overlord
ExileExile Leader Slayer
Exile Locker KeyExtreme Buddy
Extreme HoarderFamily Crest
Family MattersFamous
Festive Coal Collector 2019Fighter
FirestarterFlag Captured
Fortune City CaptainFriday The 13th
Friday The 13thFriday The 13th 2021
Frost WarriorFrost Warrior 2.0
Frost Warrior 3.0Frost Warrior 4.0
Frozen Frenzy CollectorFrozen Fury VIP
Frysteland CaptainGalatea's Med Tablet
GladiatorGolden Omega Ticket
Grand Gifter 2015Grand Legendary Hoarder
Great GifterGreat Leg. Code Crafter
Guard HelmHabuki's Visor
HalloWarriorHalloWarrior 2.0
HalloWarrior 3.0Hank's Leg
Harrowing HarvestHarvest Havoc VIP
Hazard Havoc VIPHazard Heart
HealerHeart Breaker
Heart DestroyerHeartbreaker Hoard VIP
HeartcrackerHeroic Memorial
Heroic Memorial 2021HeroSmash VIP
HitmanHunter Token
Husk BusterHusk Mania VIP
Independence DayIndependence Day 2
Independence Day 3Infernal Conqueror
Infernal FantasyInfernal Mines Warlord
Infernal SlayerInfernal Slayer 2
Infernal War ChiefInfinite Egg
InsomniacJ6's Jackpot VIP
Jolly Candy CollectorJuggernaut Tier 1
Junker's Junkyard VIPKartherax Slayer
KingslayerKrampus Curse Collector
Lagomorph CharmsLagomorph Destiny
Lagomorph MercenaryLandlord
Leg. Big Tuna's SurfboardLeg. Epic Supporter 2018
Leg. Epic Supporter 2019Leg. Epic Supporter 2020
Legendary Beard TitanLegendary Bido Breaker
Legendary BuddyLegendary Capt. Shoggoth's Head
Legendary Deuce's DefeatLegendary Dragonoid Skull
Legendary Endless M4tr1xLegendary Enhancer
Legendary Gifting StreakLegendary Gifting Streak
Legendary Gifting StreakLegendary Hoarder
Legendary Nightwraith ChopLegendary Nightwraith's Hat
Legendary Slayer's ShurikenLegion
Lemon Gold CaneLepus Cloned
Lord of All HeartsM4tr1x's Legendary Emblem
Mage TokenMama's Feast
Maple Bacon SushiMark of Rage
Mark of RespectMark of the Oathbreaker
MassacreMaster of Disguise
MechQuest AnniversaryMechQuest VIP
Mer'a ArtifactMercenary Token
Merged Dragonoid SkullMirv's Mug
Mission PossibleMonkakazi Mayhem VIP
Mort's MaskMurdoc's Helm
Naomi's KeepsakeNFTeaser
Nightmare Capt. Shoggoth's HeadNightmare Kartherax Slayer
Nightmare Nightwraith's HatNightmare's End
Nightwraith AnnihilatorNightwraith's Friday The 13th
Nightwraith's HatNightwraith's Nightmare VIP
Noragh's HeadNuclear
Olympic Games 2Olympic Games 2012
Olympic Games 3Omega Endures
Omega OverlordOne Small Step
Overlord DeputyOverlord Facility General
Overlord's HelmetOverSoul VIP
Pride of the ExilesPride of the Legion
ProtectorPumpkin God
Rabblefroth's TomeRainbow Egg
Raymus' House KeyRaymus' Realty VIP
Regal Festive CollectorRevontheus Slayer
Rising Star Tier 1Rockstar
Sea King's CrestShark God
SharpshooterShoggoth's Stash VIP
SlayerSlayer Shuriken
Slayer Vs HarbingerSlayer's Bounty
Snork's Stash VIPSpringtime Smash VIP
Steve 2.0's ChassisStun
Super DefenderSuper Spore Hunter
SuperstarSupreme Leg. Gifter 2018
Supreme Leg. Gifter 2019Supreme Leg. Gifter 2020
SurvivorTalk Like a Pirate
Ten Year AlphaThe Big Game
Theon SlayerTitan Burger
Titan's Cookie BanquetTitan's Helm
Titan's Legendary HelmTitan's Mug Achievement
Titan's Triumph VIPTo Boldly Go
Token ContributorTreasure Hunter
Tungsten FistTurkey Terminator
Twelve Year AlphaTyrant King
Ultimate Party PlannerUltra Archivist
Ultra Legendary HoarderUnstoppable Legend
Valestra's Nail PolishValestra's Vault VIP
Vault Breaker IIVault Cracker III
Vault Sim DestroyerVisionary
Void ConquerorVoid Explorer
Void King SlayerVoid Master
War Hero Tier 10War Item Supreme Legend
Wasteland GeneralWaves of Conquest
Welcome to Delta VWest Naval Yard Commander
Women's World Cup 2019World Cup
World Cup 2018World Domination Tier 3
Yeti for the HolidaysYeti for Winter 2015
Yeti for Winter 2016Yeti for Winter 2017
Yeti for Winter 2018Yeti for Winter 2019
Yeti for Winter 2020Yin Yang
Zed's Dead

   Abandoned Ship   Afterlife Shrine
   Barrens Yurt   Biodome Bunker
   Fortune City Efficiency   Fortune City Loft
   Fortune City Spire   Fortune Studio Apartment
   Frysteland Yurt   Infernal Apartment
   Junkyard Crawler   Luxury Mine Suite
   Paragon Fiend's Dome

Missions Completed
2 Ply Kevlar
3D PrintingA Boss Matchup
A Bounty Well Deserved!A Box of Scraps
A Challenging RequestA Cure for the Beast
A Delicious SnackA Dozen Defeats
A Fair HairA Friendly Wager
A Frosty ReceptionA Frosty Redux
A Frosty Redux 2A Good Beatin’!
A Good Explanation For This (Maybe)A Less Friendly Wager
A Light Dust UpA Necessary Evil
A Passer In the StormA Platinum Monger
A Price for EverythingA Proper Trap
A Shadow on the HorizonA Tale's End
A White LieAbominable? Adorable
Abyss AnarchyAccess Denied
Accidental AntiquingAdept at the Arcane
Adorable TaskmasterAgent of Chaos
Aggressive PersuasionAhead of the Competition
Alaric and AldhagrimAll Assembly Require
All I See Is RedAlms for the Rich
Also Good for CabinetsAmmunation
An Endless QuestAn Order from Beyond
An Ounce of PreventionAn Unexpected Revelation
Another SignalAntagonistic Eggs
AppetizersArachno Analysis
Arachno HarvestArachno Rescue
Arctic AntagonismArmor Harvest
Armor HoarderArmor Sample
Armored to the TeethArms for the Poor
Arthropod AlloysArtificial Sweetener
Asking for DirectionsAtomic Antagonist
Awe-ful FightAxe the Krampus
Axes of FireAxes of Ice
Back to BasicsBack to Business School
Back to SkullBad Blood
Bad for BusinessBad Gourd
Baelius' PactBallistic Bunnies
Bargain for BloodBatesian Mimicry
Battle BornBattle Bruised
Battle CryBattleforged
Beast InitiationBeast Mode
Beast PatrolBeast Versus Boss
Beast's BurdenBegging for Strips
Beginner BuyingBeginning of the End
BelladonnaBerry Blues
Berry CartelBerry Holidays
Betrayal in My VeinsBetter Late Than Never
Bio BasherBio Guard Rejects
Black VariumBlades of Candy
Bleed for the DeadBless My Bullets
Bloody ResearchBodyguards
Bomb ImprovementsBone Breaker
Boom!Boost Juice
BORED!Both Sides!
Bounds of FleshBountiful Blackmail
Brawling for BuxBreakdown of Diplomacy
Bribe or FightBroken Defenses
Budget BazookasBug Bounty
Bundorable DisguiseBunny Blueprints
Bunny BrawlBunny Bribe
Buried TreasureBusiness Partners
Business PlanCaden's Reverie
Caden’s LegacyCaden’s Love
Caden’s MirthCaden’s Wrath
Cake and BaconCall a Tactician
Calming ThoughtsCandy Corn Crisis
Candy DeliveryCandy Fever
Captain's WrathCarrots for Capensis
Casual BrosCease Fire
Chains of BloodChains of Life
Chairman ChompedChallenging for Me
Charfade TrainingChemical Warfare
Chink in the Supply ChainChomp!
Chump KingCircuits and Steel
Cite SourcesClash of Legends
Claws of FireClaws of Ice
Claws of the KrampusCleanup
Clear the DocksCoffee, Tea, or Battle
Cold ComfortComing Home
Coming TogetherComplaints Department
Conjure the WindConstruction Crackdown
Contemplative CombatControlling the Situation
Cooking Up a RevolutionCopper Ritual
Corrupted BeastsCosmic Connections
Costumed KrampusCrackin' Skulls
Cruel CollectionCrunchy Candy Gun
Crushing BonesCrushing Chitin
Cryptic CrimesCrystals and Light
CSI Delta VCult Infiltration
Cup Runneth OverCurse of the Evil Teddy
Cute CatchersCutthroat Prices
Cyanide FishingDaddy's Girl's Got a Gun
Damaged GoodsDance, Puppets! Dance!
Dark HeartsDarkish Grey Ops
Data RecoveryDead End
Dead Man's ChestDead Memories
Dead Men Tell No TalesDealt a Cruel Blow
Death's in the BagDeclawed
Deeply RootedDefensive Demolition
Deity StuffDelicate and Deadly
Derpy DespotDeseronto et. al.
Desperate SearchDessert
Devil's AdvocateDiaspora
Dispel the DemonDistraction Game
District DisastersDivine Intervention
DO NOT DELETE!Don't Cry No More
Double TroubleDouble Vision
Dragon's BreathDragonoid Defection
Dragonoid DusterDragonoid Removal
Dragonoid Removal PlusDreadful Destiny
Dreams of the DeadDreams of the Void
Dummy HazardDying to Get Here
Early PaymentEarn Your Ears
Easy Bein' GreenEdging Out the Competition
Egg FuelEgg-citing Adventure
Electric ExorcismElectric Regal Edge
Electro Light DisplayElegy for a Tuna
Elegy for the ExilesEssence of Nightmares
Eternal GiftEternal Power
Every Man Has His PriceEVP
Executive SuiteEXFOLIATE
Exile RallyExile War Depot
Extended ContractsExtensive Combat Data
Facets and ReflectionsFact Checking
Fade to BlueFaded Memories
False FuelFamily Business
Farewell FlowerFashion Disaster
Fashion ForwardFather and Son
Faulty AIFear Factor
Fearless LeaderFeeble Freelancers
Female TroublesFighter Bros
Fighting for FabulousFinal Exam
Final PreparationsFinal Shakedown
Fine Rustic DecorFire Night
First WaveFish Combo Production
Five Year PlanFlash Files
Flora ArrangementsFlower Power
Fluffy LiberatorFocus
Focus on the SubjectFood for the Gods
Food For ThoughtFor Freedom!
For Fresh Air!Forensic Magic
Forever My NemesisFortune City Soldier
Fractured MemoriesFreedom of Information
Friendly FireFrom the Dark
Frozen Frenzy FinaleFrozen Frenzy Test
Frozen HeartFrying Flesh
Frysteland FaunaFuel Cell Guardian
Full RefundFuneral Bells
Furry FiascoFurther Arachno Analysis
Gamma GlitchGamma-Powered Goon
Gasket CaseGatekeeper
Gathering IntelGentlemanly Fisticuffs
Get the FactsGhost of a Rose
Gift of LifeGirl's Best Friend
Give Up the GhostGleaming Jolly Claws
Gleaming Regal EdgeGlowing Claws of Evil
Glowing GuardsmanGoing Solo
Golden Gun GalGolden Parachute
Golden Regal BladesGood Gourd
Goop TroopGourd Core
Gourd IntermissionGreat Minds
Greed Is GoodGreedy Harvest
Green Goddess VinaigretteGrid Grind
Grim CatchGrinding Gears
Ground Control to Major BunnyGrub Hub
Guard DetailGuard Gauntlet
Guinea PigHalcyon Hunters
Half Pint KnightHalt!
Handle It!Hank's Revenger
Hankering for a BiteHappy Oyster!
Harbinger's StaffHard Bargain
Harder BargainHarnessing the Void
Harvest CompanionHarvest Tradition
Hazard HandlerHazardous
Head-Bashing OpportunityHeart of the Abyss
Hearts on FireHelter Smelter
Hidden SignalHide nor Hair
High OctaneHolly Jolly Jolts
Holly Jolly SwordHomemade Horror
Hope from the OutsideHuman Hazard
Hungry ProgenitorHunter and the Prey
Hunting Down the EndHurts to Heal
Husk BusterHusk's Gambit
I can haz caek?I Don't Even
I Doubt They’re FriendlyI Spy
I've Got the PowerIf It Bacons...
ImaginationImperial Resurrection
Impious ConvictionsImpossible Infiltration
Impostor SyndromeIn a Flash
Incidental ReportsIncrease Security
Ineptitude and IniquitiesInformation Hunting
Inside JobInsider Information
Intern InterrogationIntern Invasion
Into the AbyssInto the Flames
Is Your Baby Yeti?It's a Living
It’s Always A Good Time for DessertJolly Axe of Doom
Jolly Battle TestJolly Candy Blaster
Jolly Candy CannonJolly Candy Kaboom
Jolly Candy MagicianJolly Candy Staff
Jolly Soul AxeJuloffenblotten Truce
Junk DataJunkyard Parts
Just Icing on the CakeJust Nuke It
JuvenaliaKeepin' It Fresh
Kill the QueenKingslayer
Knowledge of the DeepKrampus Battle Test
Krampus BlasterKrampus Caliber
Krampus CannonKrampus Catalyst
Krampus CracklesKrampus Kaboom
Krampus Spirit AxeKrampus Spirit Sword
Krampus TraditionLagomorphic Innovations
Law GiverLeft For Dead
Legion RallyLegion War Depot
Lepus for AllLepus' New Friends!
Let 'em Burn!Let the Colors Burst
Lies and DeceitLifetime Memories
Locksmith! Locksmith!Lonely Hearts Club
Look! A Distraction!Looting the Lawman
Lost SonLuau
Lucky LagomorphsLucrative Partnership
Magic and ScienceMain Course
Making ReadyMalfunctioning Wife
Mama's RecipeMandate of Heaven
ManpowerMany Cakes
Marauder MatchupMarket Research
Maximum ArtilleryMedical Waste
Menacing MooksMer'a Metallurgy
Midnight RaidsMind of Steel
Mindful MageMine for Memories
Miner InconvenienceMinesweeper
Miniature MunitionsMining for Memories
Minor InsubordinationMischief Makers
Missionary MercsMonarch Massacre
Mother and ChildMY BALLOONS!!!
My Name Isn't MikeNaptime!
Natural Fruit FlavorNecronauts' Job
Need More JuiceNerves of Floof
Network OutageNetworking Opportunities
Never-ending TortureNew Allegiance
Nice Shiny CoatNightmare Cleanse
Nightmare FuelNightmare Gate
Nightmare PreppersNightmare Prince
Nightmare TetherNightmare's End
Nightwraith AnnihilatorNo Country for Old Men
NostalgiaNot a Good Reason
Not Hockey PadsNotary Public
Nuclear DataNuclear Omelette
Nuclear OptionNursing to Health
Obstructed OpportunismOffering of Blood
Omega DataOmega Omelete
Omega OrphanOmega Wolf Key
Omni Knight UltraOne Order of Nemesis
One Order of OmegaOne Tiny Hop
OneX6OneX6 3
OneX6 4OneX6 5
Onslaught EngineOoky Spooky
Ooooo Piece of CandyOtherworldly Outerwear
OuroborosOutsider Fire
OverflowOverlord Overkill
Overlord OxidationPaint the Town
Paradox NowParting Ways
Party of OnePatience, Please
Peaceful SolutionsPest Control
Petty TyrannyPipeline Disruption
Pirate HuntPlow the Road
Poached YetiPoint A to Point B
Pollen PowerPoor Synergy
Positive EnforcementPowered by Goo
Practice Makes PerfectPre-game
Precious DataPresumed Guilty
Preternatural PreyPreventing Paradoxes
Prince CharmingPrisoner of the Nightmare
Profit MarginsProject Delta
Proof of PersistenceProve Your Worth
Prowling for PumpkinsPulling Through
Pumpkin TrailPurify
Pyre ProblemsQED
Queen ReconQuickduel
Rabbit on RecordRabbit Rocket Science
Rabble's VendettaRage and Grace
Random SpoilsReactor Room
Ready, Aim, Fire!Reaper Revolt
Rebel ScumRebranding
Recruitment DriveRed Dead Nightmare
RefinedRegal Axe Edge
Regal EnergyRegal Festive Finale
Regal Festive SwordRegal Festive Test
Regal RighteousnessRegal Sorcerer
Reign in BloodRequirement Not Met
Research ResumeResearch Trip
Residual ResonanceRestock
RevelationReverse Engineering 101
Reverse OsmosisRighteous Resistance
Rigor MortisRise Against the Guard
Rocket GreaseRocket Recovery
Rookie BrosRoxy Roller
Royal Beast ModeRusted Joints
Saccharine SentimentsSacrifice
Sadistic SourceSafety Measures
Salt in the WoundSample Set
Scappy ScrapperScattershot Scapegoating
Schematic SchemeScience and Magic
Scorch the EarthScoundrel Shakedown
Scrambled NightmaresScribbles
Search for the Primo ShardSearch for the Secondo Shard
Search for the Terzo ShardSearch the Shadows
Seasonal ShipmentSeasons in the Abyss
Secret SauceSecure the Perimeter
Security v SecuritySee My Vest
Seeing DoubleSeeking the Answer
Set the World on FireSet Us Up the Noms
Seven DeadliesSeverance Package
Severing the LinkShadow Hunt
Shady DealingsShakedown Sequel
Shaman SpiritShard Search
Shattered by a White HareShell Game
Shrimp ShakedownSilence the Gods
Silence the Gods 2Silence the Titan
SinergySinister Samples
Sinking the ShipSins of the Father
Slayer's SlaughterSlicing and Dicing
Slight DelaySmash the Smash Bros
SmashingSmoke and Floof
Snack ShowdownSneaky Peaky
Snork's StashSnow-splosions
SnowdropSoldier Bros
Soldier's TestSoldiers of Fortune
Something's FishySoup and Salad
Sowing DiscordSpacefaring Scribbler
Spare TimeSparring Lesson
Sparring PartnerSpeak to the Manager
Spore HuntSpring The Trap
SQUIRREL!Staffs of Fire
Staffs of IceStalling for Science
Stalling for TimeStand Guard
Status ReportStayin’ Alive
Stealthy ScavengerSteel Shell
Stick It to the ManStony Tark
Stories of the PastStrategery
Sugar RushSuicide Squad
Supernatural SnoopingSupply Lines Restored
Suppression FieldSurveillance State
Sweet TeethSword of the Krampus
Swords of FireSwords of Ice
Tailor MadeTake Out the Trash
TakenTakes the Cake
Takesy BacksiesTalia's Treason
Target LockTea and Titan
Team Building ExercisesTeam Guard Duty
Team PlayerTest of Innocence
Testing 1,2,3...The Annoyance of Humanity
The ApprenticeThe Banishment
The Big Picture (Exile)The Cake Is a Lie
The Doom Came to CharfadeThe Early Bird
The End for EndlessThe Entrance to Avalon
The Equation of LifeThe Horror in the Eyes
The Horror in the WaterThe Human Wall
The Hunt BeginsThe Hunter's Test
The Illegal EconomyThe Iron Manhunt
The Justice BringerThe Last Stand
The Madness from the SeaThe Mastermind
The Nightmare SpreadsThe Nuclear Option
The Old OneThe Old Ways
The Platinum ProblemThe Poison Is the Cure
The PropositionThe Queen Returns
The ReckoningThe Revival
The Shadow Over TunaThe Short List
The Sound of SilenceThe Tip Off
The Torch PassesThe Tyrant King
The Unusual SuspectsThe Waking World
The White ShipThe Yetikiller
The Zest of LifeThick Tungsten Husk
Thirsty HankThree Orders of Nightmare
Three Orders of NuclearThugs and Thieves
Tides of FearTidings of Fighting
Time to ThinkTin Soldiers
To the Other SideTop 10 Anime Betrayals
Tough Furry ShellTough Stuff
Toxic LoveTrade Hazards
Training for OblivionTransaction 77782
Translation TroubleTrash Train
TrashvilleTrick or Treat
Trinkets from the GodsTriple Dog Dare
Trouble at SeaTrustworthy
Truth in CharacterTurkey Trap
Turn the TideTwilight of the Gods
Tyrant of the VoidUltimate Baby Yeti
UncannyUnderground Uprising
Undying GrudgeUneasy Feeling
Unexpected Turn of EventsUnion Membership
Unlikely AllyUnruly Crisis
UnsatisfactoryUnwanted Attention
Unwanted InnovationUp to the Challenge
Uprooting the SituationUse as Directed
Vanquish the VoidVehicular Vandal
Veteran BrosViva la Resistance
Void SoupVoid’s Essence
War WoundsWarming Up
Warrior BrosWascally Wabbits
Watching the WatchmenWeapon Forging
Weapons DealersWelcome Committee
Welcome to My WorldWell-Deserved Whuppin'
What Do Gods Fear?What Is Delicious?
What's in the Box?Wild Numbers
World Eater's ReturnYeti Corruption
Yeti EncounterYeti Hulk Havoc
Yeti HuntYou Best Not Miss
You Know My ChoiceYou Saw This Coming