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     Botanical Knight A     Botanical Knight A CC
     Botanical Knight B     Botanical Knight B CC
     Botanical Knight C     Botanical Knight C CC
    Accomplishment's Pirate Rep.    Apocryphal Champion A
    Apocryphal Champion A CC    Apocryphal Champion B
    Apocryphal Champion B CC    Armored Wendigo
    Ascended Frost Archdemon    Ascended Frost Archdemon CC
    Ascended Frostborn Archdemon A    Ascended Frostborn Archdemon A CC
    Ascended Frostborn Archdemon B    Ascended Frostborn Archdemon B CC
    Azrael's Scorn MK-12 A    Azrael's Scorn MK-12 A CC
    Azrael's Scorn MK-12 B    Azrael's Scorn MK-12 B CC
    Bareknuckle Full Armor    Basic Armor
    Beast Rider M    Blood Hawk Armor
    Botanical Battle Suit M    Burning Frost Archdemon
    Burning Frost Archdemon CC    Caped Omega Pirate Captain
    Cardboard Crusader M    Cathedral Knight Armor A
    Cathedral Knight Armor A CC    Cathedral Knight Armor B
    Cathedral Knight Armor B CC    Cathedral Knight Armor C
    Cathedral Knight Armor C CC    CC Dragonslayer
    CC Dragonslayer    CC Dragonslayer
    Charfade's Armor    Classic Armor
    Cyber Razor Armor    Darkeater Armor A
    Darkeater Armor A CC    Darkeater Armor B
    Darkeater Armor B CC    Desert Ronin M
    Draconic Warlord Armor A    Draconic Warlord Armor A CC
    Draconic Warlord Armor B    Draconic Warlord Armor B CC
    Draconic Warlord Armor C    Draconic Warlord Armor C CC
    Draconic Warlord Armor D    Draconic Warlord Armor D CC
    Dragonoid Spawn Husk    Dread Plains Overlord
    Ebil Hazard Husk    Ebil Hazard Husk
    Ebil Hazard Husk    Ebil Hazard Husk
    Electro Hazard Husk    Evolved Charfade Armor
    Fallen Bean    Fate Subjugator Armor CC
    Festive Classic Armor    First Mate Armor M
    Flesh Demigod Armor    Flesh Demigod Armor CC
    Flesh Demigod Eradicator    Flesh Demigod Eradicator CC
    Flesh Demigod Obliterator    Flesh Demigod Obliterator CC
    Flesh Demigod Prototype    Flesh Demigod Prototype CC
    Fowdner ARmb0r    Frost Knight Armor
    Frost Knight Armor CC    Frost Knight Armor CC
    Frost Mogul    Frost Revenant Armor B
    Frost Revenant Armor B    Frost Warlord
    Frost Warlord Archangel    Frost Warlord Archangel CC
    Frost Warlord Archdemon    Frost Warlord Archdemon CC
    Frost Warlord Cavalier    Frost Warlord Cavalier CC
    Frost Warlord CC    Frostborn Archdemon A
    Frostborn Archdemon A CC    Frostborn Archdemon B
    Frostborn Archdemon B CC    Glorified Darkeater Armor A
    Glorified Darkeater Armor A CC    Glorified Darkeater Armor B
    Glorified Darkeater Armor B CC    Gold Dragonslayer
    Gold Light Mechachillid    Harbinger Husk M
    Hazmat Suit    Highlander Armor
    Hive Lord Husk    Infernal Fantasy Knight
    Infernal Gladiator    Infernal Gladiator CC
    Infernal Golem    Infernal Samurai CC
    Iron Husk    Kezeroth
    Legion Draconic Emperor    Legion Draconic Emperor CC
    Malefic Armor    Malefic Armor
    Merged Dragonoid Husk    Morphing Archangel
    Morphing Archangel CC    Naval Guard M CC
    Nightwraith's Armor    Nightwraith's Duds
    Nightwraith's Duds    Nightwraith's Duds
    Omega Bunny Borg    Omega Pirate Captain Armor
    Onyx Dragonslayer    ProtoSartorium Armor
    ProtoSartorium Armor CC    Pumpkin Lord
    Pumpkin Lord    Pumpkin Lord
    Sanguinomancer Armor B    Space Warrior
    Techstalker Exosuit A    Techstalker Exosuit A CC
    Techstalker Exosuit B    Techstalker Exosuit B CC
    Techstalker Exosuit C    Techstalker Exosuit C CC
    Tesla Armor    The Endless Armor
    Titan's Dread Armor    Typhoon Vanguard Armor
    Typhoon Vanguard Armor CC    4zr33l Bj0rn
    4zr33l Bj0rn SeeSee    Ancient Doom Cleaver
    Ancient Doom Crusher    Ancient Doom Impaler
    Ancient Doom Katana    Ancient Doom Reaper
    Ancient Doom Scythe    Ancient Doom Slicer
    Ancient Doom Spear    Ancient Legion Cleaver
    Ancient Legion Crusher    Ancient Legion Impaler
    Ancient Legion Katana    Ancient Legion Reaper
    Ancient Legion Scythe    Ancient Legion Slicer
    Angelic Sword E    Angelic Sword P
    Aphrodite's Woe E    Aphrodite's Woe P
    Apocryphal Cleaver E    Apocryphal Cleaver P
    Apocryphal Demigod Katana E    Apocryphal Demigod Katana P
    Apocryphal Demigod Slayer E    Apocryphal Demigod Slayer P
    Apocryphal Demigod Sword E    Apocryphal Demigod Sword P
    Apocryphal Eradicator Sword E    Apocryphal Eradicator Sword P
    Azrael Star Saber P    Azrael's Bloodletter E
    Azrael's Bloodletter P    Azrael's Reaper
    Azrael's Scorn Cleaver E    Azrael's Scorn Cleaver P
    Azrael's Scorn Scimitar E    Azrael's Scorn Scimitar P
    Azrael's Scorn Slayer E    Azrael's Scorn Slayer P
    Azrael's Spirit    Azreal Bean
    Azreal Bean SeeSee    Bane of Aurac E
    Bane of Aurac P    Bareknuckle E
    Bareknuckle P    Bido's Beast Breaker 2 E
    Bido's Beast Breaker 2 P    Bido's Beast Breaker CC E
    Bido's Beast Breaker CC P    Bido's Beast Breaker E
    Bido's Beast Breaker P    Bio Slayer P
    Black Abyss Slayer E    Black Abyss Slayer P
    Blazing Celtic Cleaver    Blazing Celtic Hunter
    Blood Hawk Slayer E    Blood Hawk Slayer P
    Borge's D3c1m4T0R    Borge's D3c1m4T0R SeeSee
    Botanical Knight Claymore E    Botanical Knight Claymore P
    Botanical Knight Dagger E    Botanical Knight Dagger P
    Botanical Knight Slayer E    Botanical Knight Slayer P
    Brutal Heartbreaker Saber E    Brutal Heartbreaker Saber P
    Buccaneer Claymore E    Buccaneer Claymore P
    Buccaneer Cutlass E    Buccaneer Cutlass P
    Bunny Bane E    Bunny Bane P
    Burning Snowfairy Sword P    Caladbolg E
    Caladbolg P    Candy Cane 2020 E
    Candy Cane 2020 P    Candy Cane 2020 P
    Candy Cane CC E    Candy Cane CC P
    Candy Cane of Pain E    Candy Cane of Pain P
    Cathedral Knight Saber E    Cathedral Knight Saber P
    Cathedral Knight Star Saber CC E    Cathedral Knight Star Saber CC P
    Cathedral Knight Star Saber E    Cathedral Knight Star Saber P
    Cathedral Knight Sword CC E    Cathedral Knight Sword CC P
    Cathedral Knight Sword E    Cathedral Knight Sword P
    Celtic Cleaver    Chaos Amalgam Sword P
    Chaos Scimitar P    Chaos Sword E
    Chaos Sword P    Charbinger E Sword
    Charbinger Sword    Charfade's Battle Blade E
    Charfade's Battle Blade P    Charfade's Sword E
    Charfade's Sword P    Dage's CC Desolation E
    Dage's CC Desolation P    Dage's Desolation E
    Dage's Desolation P    Darkeater Greatsword E
    Darkeater Greatsword P    Darkeater Katana E
    Darkeater Katana P    Darkwraith Star Saber E
    Darkwraith Star Saber P    Darkwraith Star Saber P
    Death Caster Scythe E    Death Caster Scythe P
    Diamond Destroyer E    Diamond Destroyer P
    Doom Axe    Doom Destroyer Spear
    Doom Destroyer Sword    Doom Fusion Blade
    Doom Fusion Executioner    Dorge's Decimalat0r
    Dorge's Decimalat0r SeeSee    Draconic Overfiend E
    Draconic Overfiend P    Draconic Warlord Greatsword E
    Draconic Warlord Greatsword P    Draconic Warlord Saber E
    Draconic Warlord Saber P    Draconic Warlord Star Saber E
    Draconic Warlord Star Saber P    Dragon Scimitar
    Dragon War Blade    Dragonoid Sword P
    Dravaxian Sword E    Dravaxian Sword P
    Dread Destroyer E    Dread Destroyer P
    Dread Phase Edge E    Dread Phase Edge P
    Eldritch Rakuyo    Elite Charbinger E Sword
    Elite Charbinger Sword    Ember Slayer
    Ember Slayer CC    Emperor's Threnody P
    Endless Scythe E    Endless Scythe P
    Evolved Frostbane E    Evolved Frostbane P
    Experiment 2B    Festive Elf Scythe E
    Festive Elf Scythe P    Fiend Dragonblade E
    Fiend Dragonblade P    Flesh Demigod Bane E
    Flesh Demigod Bane P    Flesh Demigod Broken Bane E
    Flesh Demigod Broken Bane P    Flesh Demigod Excalibur E
    Flesh Demigod Excalibur P    Flesh Demigod Reaper E
    Flesh Demigod Reaper P    FluF B4n3
    FluF B4n3 SeeSee    Fourteen Year Alpha Sword E
    Fourteen Year Alpha Sword P    Frost Dracolich Sword E
    Frost Dracolich Sword P    Frost Queen Scythe
    Frost Revenant Katana E    Frost Revenant Katana P
    Frost Slayer CC    Frost Warlord Scimitar E
    Frost Warlord Scimitar P    Frost Warlord Slayer E
    Frost Warlord Slayer P    Frostborn Slayer Scythe E
    Frostborn Slayer Scythe P    Frostborn Slayer Sword E
    Frostborn Slayer Sword P    Frozen Azrael's Souleater
    Frozen Azrael's Souleater    Frozen Azrael's Souleater
    Frozen Dage's Desolation E    Frozen Dage's Desolation E
    Frozen Dage's Desolation P    Frozen Dage's Desolation P
    Frozen Falchion E    Frozen Falchion P
    Frozen Fury Scythe E    Frozen Fury Scythe P
    Fw0rsht B4n3    Fw0rsht B4n3 SeeSee
    Glacial Dread Knight Sword P    Glorious Slayer
    GodOfSanta Azrael's Bane Rep.    Gold Azrael's Deathbringer
    Gold Azrael's Deathbringer    Gold Azrael's Deathbringer
    Gold Azrael's Deathbringer    Gold Leviathan Impaler P
    Hellfire Havoc Lance E    Hellfire Havoc Lance P
    Hellfire Havoc Scimitar E    Hellfire Havoc Scimitar P
    Hero's Heart Broadsword    Holly Splitter E
    Holly Splitter P    Holly Sword E
    Holly Sword P    Holy Frost Claymore
    Hyperion Greatsword E    Hyperion Greatsword E CC
    Hyperion Greatsword P    Hyperion Greatsword P CC
    Impurrnal Slayer    Inf3rn0l Sl4y4h
    Inf3rn0l Sl4y4h SeeSee    Infernal Frostbane
    Infernal Gladiator Sword E    Infernal Gladiator Sword P
    Infernal Overfiend Slayer E    Infernal Overfiend Slayer P
    Infernal Overfiend Slayer P    Infernal Overfiend Slayer P
    Infernal Prism Katana E    Infernal Prism Katana P
    Infernal Prism Spear E    Infernal Prism Spear P
    Infernal Prism Sword CC E    Infernal Prism Sword CC P
    Infernal Prism Sword E    Infernal Prism Sword P
    Infernal Slayer 2 E    Infernal Slayer 2 P
    Infernal Sword E    Infernal Sword P
    Kartherax's Reaper E    Katie's Replica Slayer CC
    Legacy Dragonblade CC E    Legacy Dragonblade CC P
    Legacy Dragonblade E    Legacy Dragonblade P
    Legion Destroyer Spear    Legion Destroyer Sword
    Legion Draconic Bane E    Legion Draconic Bane P
    Legion Draconic Shadowblade E    Legion Draconic Shadowblade P
    Legion Draconic Star Saber P    Legion Draconic Sword E
    Legion Draconic Sword P    Legion Fusion Blade
    Legion Fusion Executioner    Legion Overfiend Scythe E
    Legion Overfiend Scythe P    Legion Phantasm Blade E
    Legion Phantasm Blade P    Liberty Ripper
    Lionhart's Scepter    Maple Cleaver
    Moonlit Abomination    Morning Star Claymore E
    Mystic Celtic Hunter    Mystic Celtic Hunter CC
    Nation Symbiote Sword E    Nation Symbiote Sword P
    Necrotek Executioner E    Necrotek Executioner P
    Necrotek Scythe E    Necrotek Scythe P
    Nightmare Seeker Slasher E    Nightmare Seeker Slasher P
    Nightmare Seeker Slaughterer E    Nightmare Seeker Slaughterer P
    Omega Frost Slayer E    Omega Frost Slayer P
    Omega Impaler 2018    Omega Slayer 2018
    Omega Wolf Fang E    Omega Wolf Fang P
    Overfiend Nemesis Slayer E    Overfiend Nemesis Slayer P
    Paragon of Parity Blade E    Paragon of Parity Blade P
    Phobos    Platinum Pan
    Proto Dragonblade CC E    Proto Dragonblade CC P
    Proto Dragonblade E    Proto Dragonblade P
    Pumpkin Reaver E    Pumpkin Reaver P
    Reincarnated Overfiend Scythe E    Reincarnated Overfiend Scythe P
    Reincarnated Overfiend Slayer E    Reincarnated Overfiend Slayer P
    S0l Inv1kToos SeeSee    Sanguinomancer Greatsword E
    Sanguinomancer Greatsword P    Scythe of Liberty
    Sea King's Executioner P    Sepulsword
    Shadowscythe's Doom E    Shadowscythe's Doom P
    Sheer Insanity Slayer P    Shrouded Hyperion E
    Shrouded Hyperion E CC    Shrouded Hyperion P
    Shrouded Hyperion P CC    Shrouded Nightmare
    Sinful Slayer E    Snowfairy Spellsword E
    Snowfairy Spellsword P    Sol Inv1ct Meows SeeSee
    Soul Devourer E    Soul Devourer P
    Soul Slayer Sword E    Soul Slayer Sword P
    Spear of Hyperion E    Spear of Hyperion P
    Taro's ManSlayer CC E    Taro's ManSlayer CC P
    Techstalker Sword E    Techstalker Sword P
    Titan's Dread Slayer P    Titan's Triumph E
    Titan's Triumph P    Typhoon Terror Lance E
    Typhoon Terror Lance P    Typhoon Terror Razor E
    Typhoon Terror Razor P    Typhoon Terror Spear E
    Typhoon Terror Spear P    Typhoon Terror Sword E
    Typhoon Terror Sword P    Tyrant Slasher E
    Tyrant Slasher P    Void Fang
    Voidborn Star Saber E    Voidborn Star Saber P
    Voideater    WarSeeker's Blade E
    WarSeeker's Blade P    World Eater E
    World Eater P    Wrath Blade E
    Wrath Blade P    Wrath of Nulgath E
    Wrath of Nulgath P    Charfade's Club E
    Charfade's Club P    Darkwraith Star Axe E
    Darkwraith Star Axe P    Doom Fusion Maul
    Dragon Breath Maul    Dragon Mace
    Dravaxian Axe E    Dravaxian Axe P
    Elite Charbinger Axe    Elite Charbinger E Axe
    Evolved Frostbane Axe E    Evolved Frostbane Axe P
    Infernal Overfiend Axe E    Infernal Overfiend Axe P
    Legion Draconic Hammer E    Legion Draconic Hammer P
    Legion Fusion Maul    Legion Phantasm Axe E
    Legion Phantasm Axe P    Morning Star Axe E
    Morning Star Axe P    Necrotek Hammer E
    Necrotek Hammer P    Overfiend Nemesis Axe E
    Overfiend Nemesis Axe P    Overfiend Nemesis Axe P
    Wrath of the Legion Axe E    Wrath of the Legion Axe P
    Charbinger E Staff    Charbinger Staff
    Charfade's Staff E    Darkwraith Star Staff E
    Darkwraith Star Staff E    Darkwraith Star Staff P
    Doom Fusion Staff    Dragon Master Staff
    Dragon Overlord Staff    Dravaxian Staff E
    Dravaxian Staff P    Elite Charbinger E Staff
    Elite Charbinger Staff    Evolved Frostbane Staff E
    Evolved Frostbane Staff P    Infernal Overfiend Staff E
    Infernal Overfiend Staff P    Legion Draconic Staff E
    Legion Draconic Staff P    Legion Fusion Staff
    Legion Sigil Staff E    Legion Sigil Staff P
    Morning Star Staff E    Morning Star Staff P
    Necrotek Staff E    Necrotek Staff E
    Necrotek Staff P    Overfiend Nemesis Staff E
    Overfiend Nemesis Staff P    Regal Dragon Staff E
    Regal Dragon Staff P    SpellCaster's Dark Staff E
    SpellCaster's Dark Staff P    Apocryphal Demigod Handgun E
    Apocryphal Demigod Handgun P    Apocryphal Demigod Striker E
    Apocryphal Demigod Striker P    Apocryphal Eradicator Gun E
    Apocryphal Eradicator Gun P    Azrael's Anguish E
    Azrael's Anguish P    Azrael's Punisher E
    Azrael's Punisher P    Azrael's Scorn Shotgun E
    Azrael's Scorn Shotgun P    Bareknuckle Blaster E
    Bareknuckle Blaster P    Bio Blaster E
    Bio Blaster P    Blazing Celtic Pistol
    Blazing Celtic Pistol CC    Botanical Knight Crossbow E
    Botanical Knight Crossbow P    Buccaneer Shotgun E
    Buccaneer Shotgun P    Cathedral Knight Pistol E
    Cathedral Knight Pistol P    Charfade's Blaster E
    Charfade's Blaster P    Dage's Haunted Boomstick
    Dage's Haunted Boomstick    Dage's Haunted Boomstick
    Dage's Skull Boomstick    Dark Caster Gun E
    Dark Caster Gun P    Dark Varium Blaster
    Darkeater Breaker E    Darkeater Breaker P
    Draconic Warlord Magnum E    Draconic Warlord Magnum P
    Draconic Warlord Revolver E    Draconic Warlord Revolver P
    Dragonoid Blaster E    Dragonoid Blaster P
    Dread Disruptor E    Dread Disruptor P
    Dread Phase Blaster E    Dread Phase Blaster P
    Evolved Frostbane Blaster E    Evolved Frostbane Blaster P
    Flesh Demigod Blaster E    Flesh Demigod Blaster P
    Frost Revenant Blaster E    Frost Revenant Blaster P
    Frost Warlord Cryo Pistol E    Frost Warlord Cryo Pistol P
    Frost Warlord Repeater E    Frost Warlord Repeater P
    Frostbolt Blaster    Frostborn Hand Cannon E
    Frostborn Hand Cannon P    Frozen Fury Blaster E
    Frozen Fury Blaster P    Holly Boltgun E
    Holly Boltgun P    Imperial ACP
    Infernal Blaster E    Infernal Blaster P
    Molecular Disruptor P    Morning Star Launcher E
    Morning Star Launcher P    Mystic Celtic Pistol
    Necrotek SMG E    Necrotek SMG P
    Oblivinator    Oblivinator
    Omega Frost Blaster E    Omega Frost Blaster P
    Omega Wolf Blaster E    Omega Wolf Blaster P
    Pandora's Fate Blaster E    Pandora's Fate Blaster P
    Pandora's Fate Handcannon E    Pandora's Fate Handcannon P
    Pirated Media E    Pirated Media P
    Sanguinomancer Revolver E    Sanguinomancer Revolver P
    Skeletal Rail E    Skeletal Rail E
    Skeletal Rail E    Skeletal Rail P
    Skeletal Rail P    Skullfire Blaster
    Soul Slayer Gun E    Soul Slayer Gun P
    Stun Blaster 2018    Stun Blaster 2018
    Stun Cannon 2018    Stun Cannon 2018
    Techstalker Repeater E    Techstalker Repeater P
    Typhoon Terror Toxifier E    Typhoon Terror Toxifier P
    Tyrant Injector E    Tyrant Injector P
    Vampiric Boomstick E    Vampiric Boomstick P
    Zedmyr's Rifle    Charbinger Claws
    Charbinger E Claws    Charfade's Claws P
    Darkwraith Star Blades E    Darkwraith Star Blades P
    Doom Fusion Daggers    Dragon Claws
    Dragon Torch    Dravaxian Blades E
    Dravaxian Blades P    Elite Charbinger Claws
    Elite Charbinger E Claws    Evolved Frostbane Blades E
    Evolved Frostbane Blades P    Infernal Overfiend Blades E
    Infernal Overfiend Blades P    Legion Draconic Claws E
    Legion Draconic Claws P    Legion Fusion Daggers
    Legion Phantasm Daggers E    Legion Phantasm Daggers P
    Light Blades    Morning Star Cutters E
    Morning Star Cutters P    Necrotek Blades E
    Necrotek Blades P    Overfiend Nemesis Blades E
    Overfiend Nemesis Blades P    Regal Dragon Claws E
    Regal Dragon Claws P    Tyrant Titan Blades E
    Tyrant Titan Blades P    Wraith Reavers
    Apocryphal Obliterator E    Apocryphal Obliterator P
    Azrael's Annihilator E    Azrael's Annihilator P
    Azrael's Artillery E    Azrael's Artillery P
    Azrael's Scorn Bow E    Azrael's Scorn Bow P
    Azrael's Scorn Sunderer E    Azrael's Scorn Sunderer P
    Backpackzooka    Bareknuckle Breaker E
    Bareknuckle Breaker P    Bio Hunter Rifle E
    Bio Hunter Rifle P    Blazing Celtic War Bow
    Blazing Celtic War Bow CC    Boom Blaster
    Botanical Knight Rifle E    Botanical Knight Rifle P
    Buccaneer Cannon E    Buccaneer Cannon P
    Bunnmaykr    Bunnyzooka 2019
    Cathedral Knight Flamethrower E    Cathedral Knight Flamethrower P
    Charfade's Launcher P    Charfade's Nightmare Rifle
    Coffinzooka E    Coffinzooka E
    Coffinzooka P    Coffinzooka P
    Cyber Dragon    Dage's Doom Cannon
    Dage's Spirit Cannon    Dark Bunnmaykr
    Darkeater Consumer E    Darkeater Consumer P
    Draconic Warlord Siegebreaker E    Draconic Warlord Siegebreaker P
    Dragon Cannon    Dragonoid Cannon E
    Dragonoid Cannon P    Dread Desolator E
    Dread Desolator P    Dread Phase Cannon E
    Dread Phase Cannon P    Energy Bunnyzooka 2019
    Evolved Frostbane Bow E    Evolved Frostbane Bow E
    Evolved Frostbane Bow P    Flesh Demigod Cannon E
    Flesh Demigod Cannon P    Flesh Demigod Flamethrower E
    Flesh Demigod Flamethrower P    Frost Revenant Blunderbuss E
    Frost Revenant Blunderbuss P    Frost Warlord Cannon E
    Frost Warlord Cannon P    Frozen Fury Annihilator E
    Frozen Fury Annihilator P    Ghoul Cannon 2018
    Ghoul Cannon 2019    Graphite Gun
    Heartbreaker Bow E    Heartbreaker Bow P
    Holiday Bow E    Holiday Bow P
    Holly Splitter Bow E    Holly Splitter Bow P
    Ice Climber Crossbow E    Ice Climber Crossbow P
    Infernal Artillery E    Infernal Artillery P
    Ishmael's Impaler E    Ishmael's Impaler P
    Legion Draconic Sniper E    Legion Draconic Sniper P
    Morning Star Plasma Cannon E    Morning Star Plasma Cannon P
    Mystic Celtic War Bow    Necrotek HMG E
    Necrotek HMG P    Omega Frost Cannon E
    Omega Frost Cannon P    Omega Wolf Rifle E
    Omega Wolf Rifle P    Pandora's Arc of Fate E
    Pandora's Arc of Fate P    Spectral Blaster 2018
    Spectral Blaster 2019    Stars and Stripes
    Super Megalazooka E    Super Megalazooka P
    Tactical Sniper E    Tactical Sniper P
    Techstalker Railgun E    Techstalker Railgun P
    Typhoon Terror Tusk E    Typhoon Terror Tusk P
    Tyrant Rocket Cannon E    Tyrant Rocket Cannon P
    Apocryphal Champion Rift    Azrael's Will
    Baby Yeti Charge    Botanical Entrapment
    Botanical Infestation    Consecrated Ground
    Darkeater's Edge    Dexterity Boost x30
    Dexterity Boost x30    Dexterity Boost x30
    Energy Booster x25    Energy Booster x25
    Energy Storm x25    Exsanguinating Spear
    Flagellation    Flagellation
    Forbidden Pact    Forbidden Pact
    FrostBite    Generator x25
    Health Booster x25    Health Booster x25
    Improbability Gate    Incensory
    Indominus Spear    Inexpiabilis
    Jack-O-Fire P x25    Lifeline
    Lionhart's Shield    Piercing Shot
    Prime Dexterity Boost    Resonant Armor
    Saevussax Annihilation    Saevussax Evisceration
    Saevussax Heart    Saevussax Slash
    Sea King's Spirit    Shell Shocker
    Spirit Meld    Strength Boost (Auxiliary)
    Strength Boost x30    Strength Boost x30
    Support Boost x30    Support Boost x30
    Support Boost x30    Supremacy (Auxiliary)
    Tactical Reload (Aux)    Technology Boost (Auxiliary)
    Technology Boost (Sidearm)    Technology Boost x30
    Technology Boost x30    Titan's Shroud
    TrueShot    Wolf's Fury
    Apocryphal Beast    Armored Omega Wolf Mutation
    Assault Buggy    Azrael's Chimera
    Azrael's Chimera CC    Azrael's Scorn MK Bike
    Azrael's Scorn MK Bike CC    Baby Bio Hazard
    Bionic Bear Bike    Blood Demigod Bike
    Blood Hawk Mutation    Blue Cryo Craft
    Botanical Bike    Botanical Knight Bike
    Botanical Knight Bike CC    Botanical Squirrel
    Botanical Squirrel CC    Bunny Bot Morph
    Bunny Mutation    Candy Trobble
    Cathedral Knight Bike    Cathedral Knight Bike CC
    Central Station Engine    Charfade's Cruiser
    Cryo Craft CC    Cyber Shark Mutation
    Cyber Shark Mutation    Dage's Blood Rider
    Dage's Blood Rider    Darkeater Drifter
    Darkeater Drifter CC    Draconic Warlord Morph
    Draconic Warlord Morph CC    Dreadcycle
    Eggscape Pod    Eggscape Pod
    Eggscape Pod    Eggscape Pod
    Fancy Koala CC    Fancy Platypus CC
    Festive Cyber Yeti Morph    Festive Cyber Yeti Morph CC
    Festive Gift    Festive Mini Rex Mutation
    Festive Tree    Festive Trobble
    Flight Module    Fortune Light Cycle
    Fowdner Byk    Frost Revenant Bike
    Frost Warlord Bike    Frost Warlord Bike CC
    Frostborn Archdemon Bike    Frostborn Archdemon Bike CC
    Holiday Boo    Holiday Boo 2021
    Immortal Frost Warlord Bike    Immortal Frost Warlord Bike CC
    Imperial Skull Bike    Jack Frost Morph
    Jack Frost Morph CC    Knightmare Horse CC
    Kraken Carver    Lepus Clone
    Leviathan Morph    Liberty Eagle Bike
    Lycan Replica    Mini Draconic Warlord Morph
    Mini Draconic Warlord Morph CC    Model L
    Necrotek Skull Morph    Necrotek Skull Morph CC
    Necrotek Technician CC    Necrotek Technician Morph
    Nulgath Bike    Omega Wolf Mutation
    Overlord Assault Drone    Platinum Polar Bear
    Polar Bear CC    Pyro Fly Mutation
    Road Ravager    Rusted Mini Rex Mutation
    Screaming Holiday Skull    Shadowlord Morph F
    Shadowlord Morph F CC    Shadowlord Morph M
    Shadowlord Morph M CC    Snow Sprite
    Snowman    Soul Slayer Bike
    Techstalker Bike    Techstalker Bike CC
    Tyrant Tank Mk1    UwU Replica
    Voidborn Bike    Witch Alley Cat
    Yeti Mutation    Azrael's Borg
    Azrael's Chimera E    Azrael's Chimera P
    Ballistic Bunny Bot    Bio Borg
    Blood Hawk E    Blood Hawk P
    Botanical Borg    Botanical Hazard
    Botanical Hazard    Botanical Squirrel Bot E
    Botanical Squirrel Bot P    Cyber Shark E
    Cyber Shark P    Cyber Yeti E
    Cyber Yeti P    Dark Botanical Borg
    Dark Botanical Hazard    Dark Downton Yeti
    Digital X's Replica Bot    Downton Yeti
    Dragonblade Familiar E    Dragonblade Familiar P
    Festive Cyber Yeti E    Festive Cyber Yeti P
    Flesh Demigod Avatar E    Flesh Demigod Avatar P
    Kartherax's Darkspawn E    Kartherax's Darkspawn P
    Lionhart's Avatar E    Lionhart's Avatar P
    Necrotek Skull Bot E    Necrotek Skull Bot P
    Omega Baby Yeti    Omega Dark Yeti
    Phantasm Droid E    Phantasm Droid P
    Pink Yeti    Pink Yeti
    Pink Yeti    Pirate Bot P
    Pyro Fly    Roman's Ascended Replica Bot

20 Year Anniversary2020 Victory
2nd Friday The 13th 2023Abyssal Exterminator Tier 5
Acatriel's HoodAce
Adjudicator's EyeAdministrator 10 Slayer Tier 5
AdventureQuest VIPAldhagrimm’s Heart
Alydriah AnnihilatorAmmo
AnnihilatorAnya's Badge Tier 5
Apex Legendary HoarderApocalypse Averted
AQ Worlds VIPArbor Annihilator Tier 5
Arcade Token RedeemerArtmageddon VIP
AssaulterAustralia Day 2020
Australia Day 2021Australia Day 2023
Australia Day 2024Azrael's Cavalier Showcase
Azrael's Scorn Achiever 10Azrael's Scorn Achiever 25
Azrael's Scorn Achiever 50Azrael's Scorn Showcase
Bacon CupcakeBarrens Outpost Captain
Battlepass Achiever 10Bido Breaker Badge
Bido Breaker Tier 5Big Game LIII
Big Game LIVBig Game LV
Big Game LVIBig Game LVII
Big Game LVIIIBig Show 2018
Big Show 2019Big Show 2020
Big Show 2021Big Show 2022
Big Show 2023Big Tuna's Surfboard
Bio HazardBioBeasts Backstory
Biodome CaptainBirth of Titan
Black Mamba ForeverBlessed Festival
BombBotanical Knight Achiever 10
Botanical Knight Achiever 25Botanical Knight Achiever 50
Botanical Knight ShowcaseBounty Hunter Juggernaut Tier 8
Brachylagus Breaker Tier 5Brunson's Bounty VIP
Brutal Heartbreaker CollectorBuy Backer Lvl 3
Caden's EyeCaden's Legacy
Caden's WheelCake
Candy PinCapt. Shoggoth's Head Tier 5
CaptainCathedral Knight Achiever 10
Cathedral Knight Achiever 25Cathedral Knight Achiever 50
Cathedral Knight ShowcaseCelebrity
Celtic HunterCentral Station General
Charfade's Challenge SlayerCharfade's Helmet
Cheff's Challenge VIPClass Master
Collector CleanserConductor's Cap Tier 5
Corporate Espionage Cosmic Carnage 2 Ticket
Cosmic Legendary HoarderCurse of Alexis Tier 5
Cyber Hunter Juggernaut Tier 5Dage Collector 2019
Dage Collector 2020Dage Collector 2022
Dage Collector 2023Dage's CC Desolation
Dage's Doom VIPDage's Friday The 13th
Dage's HelmDaily Mission Achiever Tier 10
Daily Prize Champion Tier 5Daily Solo Champion Tier 1
Daily Team Champion Tier 2Dark Future
Darkeater's CrestDarkon Destroyer
DefenderDeuce's Defeat
DevastatorDivine Legendary Hoarder
Double DeuceDraconic Warlord Achiever 10
Draconic Warlord Achiever 25Draconic Warlord Achiever 50
Draconic Warlord ShowcaseDragon Master
Dragon's Destruction VIPDragonFable VIP
Dragonoid Brain Slayer Tier 5Dragonoid Slayer
Dravax SlayerDravax the Harbinger Slayer Tier 5
Dread Plains WarlordEbil Crusher
Edgar Boothe's Badge Tier 5Eggcellent Eggtravaganza VIP
Eight BallEldritch Onslaught Showcase
Eleven Year AlphaElite Engineer
Elite Yeti's Crest Tier 5EMP
EngineerEnh. Azrael's Scorn Ach. 10
Enh. Azrael's Scorn Ach. 25Enh. Azrael's Scorn Ach. 50
Enh. Azrael's Scorn ShowcaseEnh. Botanical Knight Ach. 10
Enh. Botanical Knight Ach. 25Enh. Botanical Knight Ach. 50
Enh. Cathedral Knight Ach. 10Enh. Cathedral Knight Ach. 25
Enh. Cathedral Knight Ach. 50Enh. Cathedral Knight Showcase
Enh. Draconic Warlord Ach. 10Enh. Draconic Warlord Ach. 25
Enh. Draconic Warlord Ach. 50Enh. Draconic Warlord Showcase
Enh.Botanical Knight ShowcaseEpic Buddy
Epic ConservationistEpic Gifter 2016
Epic Gifter 2019Epic Hoarder
Epic Leg. Code CrafterEpic Legendary Archivist
Epic Legendary BankerEpic Legendary Hoarder
Epic Legendary SnowflakeEpic Origins
Epic PrideEpic Stylist IV
Epic SuperstarEpic Supporter
Epic Supporter 2017Epic Supporter 2018 Lvl 4
Epic Supporter 2019 Lvl 1Epic Supporter 2022 Lvl 1
Epic Supporter 2023 Lvl 1Evil Overlord
Evolved Frostbane CollectorExile
Exile Leader Slayer Tier 5Extreme Buddy
Extreme HoarderExtreme Legendary Hoarder
Family CrestFamous
Festive Coal Collector 2019Fifteen Year Alpha
Flesh Demigod's BrandFortune City Major
Fourteen Year AlphaFriday The 13th
Friday The 13thFriday The 13th 2021
Friday The 13th 2022Friday The 13th 2023
Frost Revenant Achiever 10Frost Revenant Achiever 25
Frost Revenant ShowcaseFrost Warrior
Frost Warrior 2.0Frost Warrior 3.0
Frost Warrior 4.0Frozen Fury VIP
Frysteland MajorGalatea's Med Tablet Tier 5
Gamma Heart Tier 5Gender Changer
Gifting StreakGladiator
Global SuperstarGodkiller
Gourd Be GoneGrand Gifter
Grand Legendary HoarderGreat Collector
Great Legendary Gifter 2018Guard Helm
Habuki's Visor Tier 5HalloWarrior
HalloWarrior 2.0HalloWarrior 3.0
Hank's Leg Tier 5Harrowing Harvest
Harvest Havoc VIPHazard Havoc VIP
Hazard Heart Tier 5Healer
Heart BreakerHeartbreaker Hoard VIP
Hellfire Havoc TicketHeroic Memorial
Heroic Memorial 2022Heroic Memorial 2023
HeroSmash VIPHitman
Home Decorator 2019 ParticipantHunter Token
Hunters' Festival BronzeHunters' Festival Ticket
Husk BusterHusk Buster Sim. Tier 5
Husk Mania VIPIndependence Day
Independence Day 4Independence Day 5
Infernal Mines MajorInfernal Slayer 2
Infinite EggInsomniac
J6's Jackpot VIPJuggernaut Tier 5
Junker's Junkyard VIPKartherax Slayer Tier 5
King Alaric's Crown Tier 5Kingslayer
Kraggor's Cache VIPLagomorph Charms
Lagomorph DestinyLagomorph Mercenary
LandlordLeg. Big Tuna's Surfboard Tier 5
Leg. Epic Supporter 2018Leg. Epic Supporter 2023
Legendary Beard TitanLegendary Bido Breaker
Legendary BuddyLegendary Caden's Eye
Legendary Capt. Shoggoth's HeadLegendary Charfade's Helmet
Legendary Dage's HelmLegendary Deuce's Defeat Tier 5
Legendary Dragonoid Brain SlayerLegendary Dragonoid Skull
Legendary Endless M4tr1xLegendary Gifter 2015
Legendary HoarderLegendary Nightwraith Chop
Legendary Nightwraith's Hat Tier 2Legendary Rune
Legendary Slayer's ShurikenLegendary Vault Sim Destroyer
Legendary Void King SlayerLegion
Lemon Gold CaneLepus Cloned
Lord of All HeartsM4tr1x's Legendary Emblem
Mage TokenMama's Feast
Maple Bacon SushiMark of Rage Tier 5
Mark of RespectMark of the Oathbreaker Tier 5
MassacreMaster of Disguise
MechQuest AnniversaryMechQuest VIP
Mega Gifting StreakMer'a Artifact
Mercenary TokenMerged Dragonoid Skull Tier 5
Mirv's Mug Tier 5Mission Possible
Monkakazi Mayhem VIPMort's Mask Tier 5
Murdoc's Helm Tier 5Mysterious Man Vanquisher
Mythic LegendNaomi's Keepsake Tier 5
NFTeaserNightmare Capt. Shoggoth's Head Tier 4
Nightmare Charfade's HelmetNightmare Dage's Helm
Nightmare ExterminatorNightmare Husk Buster
Nightmare Kartherax Slayer Tier 3Nightmare Nightwraith's Hat
Nightmare Pumpkin Lord SkullNightmare Titan's Helm Tier 5
Nightmare's EndNightwraith Annihilator
Nightwraith's Friday The 13thNightwraith's Hat
Nightwraith's Nightmare VIPNoragh's Head Tier 5
NuclearNulgath Collector 2022
Nulgath Nation VIPOlympic Games 2
Olympic Games 3Olympus' Wrath Showcase
Omega EnduresOmega Legendary Hoarder
Omega OverlordOne Small Step
Overlord DeputyOverlord Facility Major
Overlord's HelmetOverSoul VIP
ProtectorPumpkin God
Pumpkin Lord SkullRabblefroth's Tome Tier 5
Rainbow EggRaymus' House Key Tier 5
Raymus' Realty VIPRevontheus Slayer Tier 5
Rising Star Tier 5Rockstar
Saeva Lionhart's Crest Tier 5Sanguine Showcase
Shark GodSharpshooter
Shoggoth's Showdown TicketShoggoth's Stash VIP
SlayerSlayer Shuriken Tier 5
Slayer's BountySnork's Stash VIP
Springtime Smash VIPSteve 2.0's Chassis Tier 5
StunSuper Defender
Superior Legendary HoarderSuperstar
Supreme Legendary HoarderSurvivor
Talk Like a PirateTechstalker's Crest
Ten Year AlphaThe Big Game
The Endless' Eye Tier 5Theon Slayer Tier 5
Thirteen Year AlphaTitan Burger
Titan's Cookie BanquetTitan's Helm Tier 5
Titan's Legendary HelmTitan's Mug Achievement
Titan's Triumph VIPTo Boldly Go
Treasure HunterTungsten Fist Tier 5
Turkey TerminatorTwelve Year Alpha
Typhoon Terror SilverTyphoon Terror Ticket
Tyrant KingUltimate Legendary Hoarder
Ultimate Legendary HoarderUltimate Party Planner
Ultra Gifter 2017Ultra Legendary Hoarder
Valestra's Nail Polish Tier 5Valestra's Vault VIP
Vault Sim Destroyer Tier 5Visionary
Void ConquerorVoid Explorer
Void King Slayer Tier 5Void Master
War Hero Tier 10War Item Legend
WarheadWasteland Captain
Waves of ConquestWelcome to Delta V
West Naval Yard CaptainWomen's World Cup 2019
World CupWorld Cup 2018
World Cup 2022World Domination Tier 5
Yeti for the HolidaysYeti for Winter 2015
Yeti for Winter 2016Yeti for Winter 2017
Yeti for Winter 2018Yeti for Winter 2019
Yeti for Winter 2020Yeti for Winter 2021
Yeti for Winter 2023 Lvl 4Yin Yang
Zed's Dead Tier 3

   Abandoned Ship   Afterlife Shrine
   Barrens Yurt   Biodome Bunker
   Fortune City Efficiency   Fortune City Loft
   Fortune City Spire   Fortune Studio Apartment
   Frysteland Yurt   Infernal Apartment
   Junkyard Crawler   Luxury Mine Suite
   Paragon Fiend's Dome

Missions Completed
2 Ply Kevlar
3D PrintingA Better Brain
A Bounty Well Deserved!A Box of Scraps
A Brain RebornA Challenging Request
A Drop of BlueA Drop of Green
A Dual DuelA Fair Hair
A Friendly WagerA Good Beatin’!
A Good Explanation For This (Maybe)A Hazardous Situation
A Less Friendly WagerA Light Dust Up
A Necessary EvilA Passer In the Storm
A Perfect FitA Platinum Monger
A Price for EverythingA Proper Trap
A Shadow on the HorizonA Tale's End
A White LieAbominable? Adorable
Abyss AnarchyAbyssal Arbitration
Accidental AntiquingAdorable Taskmaster
Agent of ChaosAggressive Persuasion
All Assembly RequireAll Hail the Pumpking
AmmunationAn Order from Beyond
An Unexpected RevelationAnalysis Required
Angelic AmmoAnother Signal
Antagonistic AnalysisAntagonistic Eggs
Arachno AnalysisArachno Harvest
Arachno RescueArcade Token Buyback 1
Arcade Token Buyback 10Arcade Token Buyback 2
Arcade Token Buyback 3Arcade Token Buyback 4
Arcade Token Buyback 5Arcade Token Buyback 6
Arcade Token Buyback 7Arcade Token Buyback 8
Arcade Token Buyback 9Arctic Antagonism
Armor HarvestArmor Hoarder
Armor SampleArmored to the Teeth
Arms for the PoorArthropod Alloys
Artificial SweetenerAsking for Directions
Atomic AntagonistAwe-ful Fight
Back to BasicsBack to Business School
Back to SkullBad Blood
Bad for BusinessBad Gourd
Baelius' PactBalanced Diet
Bargain BrainBargain for Blood
Base of EvilBeach Barricade
Beach QuarantineBeast Initiation
Beast PatrolBeast's Burden
Beginner BuyingBeginning of the End
Berry BluesBerry Cartel
Berry HolidaysBetter Late Than Never
Bido's Birthday Bash 1Bido's Birthday Bash 2
Bido's Birthday Bash 3Bido's Birthday Bash 4
Bio BasherBio Guard Guidance
Bio Guard RejectsBlack Varium
Bless My BulletsBlood of the Void
Bloody ResearchBodyguards
Bone BreakerBoom!
Boost JuiceBoth Sides!
Bounds of FleshBountiful Blackmail
Brawling for BuxBreakdown of Diplomacy
Bribe or FightBroken Defenses
Budget BazookasBug Bounty
Build TimeBundorable Disguise
Bunny BrawlBunny Bribe
Buried TreasureCaden's Reverie
Caden’s LegacyCaden’s Love
Caden’s MirthCaden’s Wrath
Cake and BaconCall a Tactician
Calming ThoughtsCan't Tame the Reaper
Candy Corn CrisisCandy Delivery
Candy FeverCaptain's Wrath
Casual BrosCasual Contract
Cease FireCelestial Cannon
Celtic ConditioningCeltic Creation Complete
Chains of BloodChains of Life
Chairman ChompedChallenge Complete!
Challenging for MeChange in Command
Charfade TrainingCharfaded
Checking It TwiceChink in the Supply Chain
Chomp!Chump King
Cite SourcesClash of Legends
Cleansing BreathCleanup
Clear the DocksClear the Void
Coming TogetherComplaints Department
Conjure the WindConstruction Concludes
Construction ContinuesConstruction Crackdown
Contemplative CombatControlling the Situation
Cooking Up a RevolutionCopper Ritual
Corrupted BeastsCosmic Connections
Costumed KrampusCrackin' Skulls
Cruel CollectionCrushing Bones
Crushing ChitinCryptic Crimes
CSI Delta VCult Infiltration
Cup Runneth OverCurse of the Evil Teddy
Cut Off the HeadCute Catchers
Cutest ClippingCutthroat Prices
Daddy's Girl's Got a GunDage's 2023 Arsenal 1
Dage's 2023 Arsenal 10Dage's 2023 Arsenal 11
Dage's 2023 Arsenal 2Dage's 2023 Arsenal 3
Dage's 2023 Arsenal 4Dage's 2023 Arsenal 5
Dage's 2023 Arsenal 6Dage's 2023 Arsenal 7
Dage's 2023 Arsenal 8Dage's 2023 Arsenal 9
Dage's Arsenal 1Dage's Arsenal 2
Dage's Arsenal 3Dage's Arsenal 4
Dage's Arsenal 5Dage's Arsenal 6
Dage's Arsenal 7Dage's Arsenal 8
Damaged GoodsDark Hearts
Data RecoveryDead End
Dead Man's ChestDead Memories
Dead Men Tell No TalesDefensive Demolition
Deity StuffDerpy Despot
Deseronto et. al.Desperate Search
DessertDevil's Advocate
Disgusting DeliveryDispel the Demon
Distraction GameDivine Intervention
Divine ProtectionDO NOT DELETE!
Double TroubleDouble Vision
Dragonoid DefectionDragonoid Dissection
Dragonoid DusterDragonoid Essence
Dragonoid RemovalDragonoid Removal Plus
Dreadful DestinyDream Seeker
Dreams of the DeadDreams of the Void
Drone DistractionDummy Hazard
Dying to Get HereEarly Payment
Earn Your EarsEdging Out the Competition
Egg FuelElectric Exorcism
Electro Light DisplayElegy for a Tuna
Elemental EngineeringEncroaching Roaches
Enemy SpiritsEpic Open Contract
Essence of NightmaresEternal Gift
Eternal PowerEvery Man Has His Price
EVPExecutive Suite
Exile RallyExile War Depot
Expert Open ContractExplosive Recipe
Extended ContractsExtensive Combat Data
Fact CheckingFalling from Grace
False FuelFamily Business
Farewell FlowerFashion Disaster
Fashion ForwardFather and Son
Faulty AIFear Factor
Fearless LeaderFeeble Freelancers
Female TroublesFighting for Fabulous
Final ExamFinal Preparations
Final ShakedownFine Rustic Decor
Fire NightFirst Wave
Fish Combo ProductionFive Year Plan
Flash FilesFlower Power
Fluffy LiberatorFocus
Food For ThoughtFor Fresh Air!
For Order!Forensic Magic
Fortune City SoldierFreedom of Information
From the DarkFrosty Evolution 1
Frosty Evolution 2Frosty Evolution 3
Frosty Evolution 4Frosty Evolution 5
Frosty Evolution 6Frozen Heart
Frysteland FaunaFuel Cell Guardian
Full RefundFurry Fiasco
Further Arachno AnalysisGamma Glitch
Gamma InfectionGamma-Powered Goon
GatekeeperGathering Intel
Get the FactsGift of Life
Glowing GuardsmanGodburger
GodkillerGoing Solo
Golden Gun GalGood Gourd
Goop TroopGourd Core
Gourd GorgingGourd Intermission
Great Open ContractGreedy Harvest
Green Goddess VinaigretteGrid Grind
Grim CatchGrub Hub
Guard DetailGuard Gauntlet
Guinea PigHalcyon Hunters
Half Pint KnightHandle It!
Hank's RevengerHappy Oyster!
Harbinger's StaffHard Bargain
Harder BargainHarnessing the Void
Harvest CompanionHarvest Tradition
Hazard HandlerHead-Bashing Opportunity
Heart of the AbyssHeartbroken
Helter SmelterHeroic Open Contract
Hidden SignalHigh Octane
Homemade HorrorHungry Progenitor
Hunter and the PreyHusk Buster
Husk CrackerHusk's Gambit
Husk-Proof HuskHype Man
I can haz caek?I Don't Even
I Doubt They’re FriendlyI Spy
I've Got the PowerIce Race
ImaginationImperial Resurrection
Impossible InfiltrationImpostor Syndrome
In a FlashIncidental Reports
Increase SecurityIneptitude and Iniquities
Inferior CraftsmanshipInfernal Bargain
Infernal PromotionInformation Hunting
Inside JobInsider Information
Intern InterrogationIntern Invasion
Into the AbyssInto the Flames
Into the Fray!It's a Living
It’s Always A Good Time for DessertJuloffenblotten Truce
Junk DataJunkyard Parts
Just Icing on the CakeJust Nuke It
Keepin' It FreshKill the Queen
Killing an ImmortalKingslayer
Knocking SkullsKnowledge of the Deep
Kraken's CorruptionKrampus Care
Krampus TraditionLarge Open Contract
Law GiverLeft For Dead
Legend of CharfadeLegendary Revenge
Legion Draconic EmperorLegion Draconic Emperor CC
Legion RallyLegion War Depot
Lepus for AllLies and Deceit
Lifetime MemoriesLocksmith! Locksmith!
Looting the LawmanLost Son
Luck of the IrishLucky Lagomorphs
Lucrative PartnershipMagic Bullet
Main CourseMaking a List
Malevolent MirvMalfunctioning Wife
Mama's RecipeMandate of Heaven
ManpowerMany Cakes
Marauder BalkMarauder Matchup
Maximum ArtilleryMecha Metal
Menacing MooksMer'a Ingenuity
Mer'a MetallurgyMidnight Raids
Mind of SteelMindful Mage
Mine for MemoriesMiner Inconvenience
MinesweeperMiniature Munitions
Mining for MemoriesMischief Makers
Missionary MercsMonarch Massacre
More Pirate PunchingMY BALLOONS!!!
Naptime!Natural Fruit Flavor
Necronauts' JobNeed More Juice
Nerves of FloofNetwork Outage
Networking OpportunitiesNever-ending Torture
Nice Shiny CoatNightmare Cleanse
Nightmare EmissaryNightmare Fuel
Nightmare GateNightmare Preppers
Nightmare PrinceNightmare Tether
Nightmare's EndNightwraith Annihilator
No Country for Old MenNostalgia
Not Hockey PadsNuclear Data
Nuclear OmeletteNuclear Pickpocket
Nulgath's Arsenal 1Nulgath's Arsenal 10
Nulgath's Arsenal 11Nulgath's Arsenal 2
Nulgath's Arsenal 3Nulgath's Arsenal 4
Nulgath's Arsenal 5Nulgath's Arsenal 6
Nulgath's Arsenal 7Nulgath's Arsenal 8
Nulgath's Arsenal 9Nursing to Health
Obstructed OpportunismOffering of Blood
Omega DataOmega Wolf Key
Omni Knight UltraOne Final Piece
One Order of NemesisOne Order of Omega
OneX6 4OneX6 5
Onslaught EngineOoky Spooky
Ooooo Piece of CandyOpen Contract
Otherworldly OuterwearOuroboros
Outsider FireOverflow
Overlord OverkillOverlord Oxidation
Pact FulfilledPaint Job
Paradox NowParting Ways
Party of OnePatience, Please
Peaceful SolutionsPerilous Pacifier
Pest ControlPetty Tyranny
Pierce the NightmarePipeline Disruption
Pirate HuntPirate Parasite
Pirate PunchingPlow the Road
Poached YetiPoint A to Point B
Pollen PowerPoor Synergy
Positive EnforcementPowered by Goo
Powerful DirtPractice Makes Perfect
Pre-gamePrecious Data
Presumed GuiltyPreternatural Prey
Preventing ParadoxesPrince Charming
Prisoner of the NightmareProfit Margins
Project DeltaProof of Persistence
Prowling for PumpkinsPulling Through
Pumpkin Lord RisesPumpkin Trail
PurifyPyre Problems
QEDQuarantine Zone
Queen ReconQuickduel
Rabbit on RecordRabbit Rocket Science
Radioactive RationRage and Grace
Random SpoilsReady, Aim, Fire!
Reaper RevoltRebel Scum
RebrandingRecruitment Drive
Red Dead NightmareRequirement Not Met
Research ResumeResearch Trip
Residual ResonanceRestock
RevelationReverse Engineering 101
Righteous ResistanceRigor Mortis
Rise Against the GuardRocket Grease
Rocket RecoveryRookie Contract
Rounding UpRoyal Beast Mode
Royal RetaliationRusted Joints
Saccharine SentimentsSacrifice
Sadistic SourceSafety Measures
Sample SetSanctuary
Santa's Snowy SouvenirScappy Scrapper
Schematic SchemeScience and Magic
Scorch the EarthScoundrel Shakedown
ScribblesSearch for the Primo Shard
Search for the Secondo ShardSearch for the Terzo Shard
Search the ShadowsSeasonal Shipment
Secure the PerimeterSecurity v Security
Seeing DoubleSeeking the Answer
Serious SuppliesSeven Deadlies
Severing the LinkShadow Hunt
Shakedown SequelShaman Spirit
Shard SearchShell Game
Shoggoth's StruggleShrimp Shakedown
Signal SeekingSilence the Titan
Silent ScavengerSinister Sample
Sinister SamplesSinking the Ship
Slayer's SlaughterSlicing and Dicing
Slight DelaySludge Time Again
SmashingSnack Showdown
Snork's StashSnow-splosions
Soldier's TestSoldiers of Fortune
Something's FishySoup and Salad
Sowing DiscordSpacefaring Scribbler
Spare TimeSparring Lesson
Sparring PartnerSpeak to the Manager
Spies AboundSpore Hunt
Spring The TrapSpy Control
SQUIRREL!Stalling for Science
Stalling for TimeStand Guard
Status ReportStayin’ Alive
Stealthy ScavengerSteel Shell
Stellar SteelStick It to the Man
Stony TarkStories of the Past
StrategerySugar Rush
Sugar...WaterSuicide Squad
Super SpySupernatural Snooping
Supply Lines RestoredSuppression Field
Surveillance StateSweet Teeth
Take Out the TrashTaken
Takesy BacksiesTalia's Treason
Target LockTarget: Nightmare Pumpkin Lord
Team Building ExercisesTeam Guard Duty
Team PlayerTears of the Void
Teething on ToxinsTerror Shell
Test of InnocenceTesting 1,2,3...
The ApprenticeThe Banishment
The Cake Is a LieThe Doom Came to Charfade
The Early BirdThe End for Endless
The Horror in the EyesThe Horror in the Water
The Hunt BeginsThe Hunter's Test
The Iron ManhuntThe Justice Bringer
The Last StandThe Madness from the Sea
The MastermindThe Nightmare Spreads
The Nuclear OptionThe Old One
The Old WaysThe Platinum Problem
The PropositionThe Queen Returns
The RevivalThe Shadow Over Tuna
The Short ListThe Sound of Silence
The SourceThe Tip Off
The Tyrant KingThe Void Sundered
The Waking WorldThe White Ship
The Zest of LifeThick Tungsten Husk
Thirsty HankThree Orders of Nightmare
Three Orders of NuclearTides of Fear
Tidings of FightingTime to Think
Tin SoldiersTop 10 Anime Betrayals
Tough Furry ShellTough Stuff
Trade HazardsTraining for Oblivion
Translation TroubleTrash Train
TrashvilleTrick or Treat
Triple Dog DareTrouble at Sea
Truth in CharacterTruth Serum
Turkey TrapTurn the Tide
Twisted LoveTwisted Tuna
Tyrant of the VoidUltimate Baby Yeti
Ultimate Open ContractUnder the Sea
Underground UprisingUndying Grudge
Uneasy FeelingUnexpected Turn of Events
Union MembershipUnlikely Ally
Unruly CrisisUnsatisfactory
Unusual GlyphsUnwanted Innovation
Up to the ChallengeUprooting the Situation
Use as DirectedVanquish the Void
Vehicular VandalVeteran Open Contract
Void HarvestVoid Soup
Void SunderedWake the Nightmare
War for the War GodWar Wounds
Waste ReductionWatching the Watchmen
Weapon ForgingWeapons Dealers
Weeding Out the WeakWelcome Committee
Welcome to My WorldWhat Do Gods Fear?
What Is Delicious?What's in the Box?
Where's the Beef?World Eater's Return
Yeti CorruptionYeti Encounter
Yeti Hulk HavocYeti Hunt
Yeti InspectorYou Best Not Miss
You Saw This ComingYour Worst Nightmare