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Properto Reloaded

    Arctic Soldier M    Armored Wendigo
    Avensis War Armor M    Banana Suit
    Basic Armor    Beast Rider M
    Bloodseeker    Bone Hazard Armor
    Botanical Battle Suit M    Bunny Borg
    Caden's Cuirass M    Caped Omega Pirate Captain
    Caped Omega Wolf Warrior CC    Cardboard Crusader F
    Cardboard Crusader M    CC Dragonslayer
    Charfade's Armor    Classic Armor
    Corrupted Chronomancer    Cryo Husk
    Cyber Spartan CC    Dage's Gold Paragon
    Dage's Paragon    Darkspawn Husk
    Delta Knight    Desert Cyborg M
    Desert Marine M    Desert Marine M
    Desert Ronin M    Dragon Slayer F
    Dragon Slayer M    Dragonoid Spawn Husk
    Ebil Hazard Husk    Ebil Hazard Husk
    Egg Shell    Elite Yeti Husk
    Evolved Charfade Armor    Evolved Dragonlord M
    Fortune War Armor    Fowdner ARmb0r
    Frost Knight Armor    Frost Knight Armor CC
    Frost Reaper M    Gold Cyber Spartan
    Gold Dragonslayer    Harbinger Husk M
    Hazmat Suit    Heavy Mechachillid
    Highlander Armor    Highlander Armor CC
    Horror Husk Armor    Infernal Gladiator
    Infernal Gladiator CC    Infernal Golem
    Infernal Golem CC    Infested Guard M
    Infested Hazard    Iron Husk
    Junker Armor    Kartherax Husk
    Kezeroth    Kezeroth (No Cape)
    Land Shark Suit    Legendary Paladin Armor M
    M4tr1x's Armor M    Malefic Armor
    Merged Dragonoid Husk    Necronaut Armor
    NegaWraith Armor M    Nightwraith's Armor
    Nightwraith's Duds    Nightwraith's Duds
    Nightwraith's Duds    Omega Bunny Borg
    Omega Pirate Captain Armor    Onyx Dragonslayer
    Platinum's Pride    ProtoSartorium Armor
    ProtoSartorium Armor CC    Seraphic Inquisitor M
    Space Warrior    Steve 2.0's Chassis
    Tesla Armor    The Endless Armor
    Voracianor Plate M    Warbot
    Wendigo    Winter Slayer M
    Alchemical Onyx Blade E    Alchemical Onyx Blade P
    Alchemical Onyx Katana E    Alchemical Onyx Katana P
    Alchemical Onyx Ripper E    Alchemical Onyx Ripper P
    Alley Cat's Awe E Replica    Alley Cat's Awe P Replica
    Angelic Sword E    Angelic Sword P
    Aphrodite's Woe E    Aphrodite's Woe P
    Apocalypse Blade E    Apocalypse Blade P
    Aquatic Cleaver    Arboreal Broadsword E
    Arboreal Broadsword P    Arctic Soldier Pike E
    Arctic Soldier Pike P    Arcturus
    Azrael's Bloodletter E    Azrael's Bloodletter P
    Azrael's Reaper    Azrael's Spirit
    Bane of Aurac E    Bane of Aurac P
    Bareknuckle E    Bareknuckle P
    Barrens Buster E    Barrens Buster P
    Bido's Rune Blade E    Bido's Rune Blade P
    Bido's Sacred Claymore E    Bido's Sacred Claymore P
    Bio Buster E    Bio Buster P
    Bio Slayer E    Bio Slayer P
    Biotic Sword E    Biotic Sword P
    Black Abyss Slayer E    Blade Master Katana E
    Blade Master Katana P    Blade Master Sword E
    Blade Master Sword P    Blazing Celtic Cleaver
    Blood Hawk Slayer E    Blood Hawk Slayer P
    Botanical Broadsword    Botanical Reaper
    Botanical Reaper    Buccaneer Claymore E
    Buccaneer Claymore P    Buccaneer Cutlass E
    Buccaneer Cutlass P    Bunny Bane E
    Bunny Bane P    Bunny Hunter Scythe E
    Bunny Hunter Scythe P    Burning Snowfairy Sword E
    Caladbolg Bloodletter E    Caladbolg Bloodletter P
    Caladbolg E    Caladbolg P
    Celtic Cleaver    Celtic War Axe
    Chaos Dragonslayer Sword E    Chaos Dragonslayer Sword P
    Chaos Scimitar E    Chaos Scimitar P
    Chaos Sword E    Chaos Sword P
    Charbinger E Sword    Charbinger Sword
    Charfade's Battle Blade E    Charfade's Battle Blade P
    Charfade's Sword E    Charfade's Sword P
    Charsketch Sword    Chrono Blade 2017
    Chrono Cluster Sword E    Chrono Cluster Sword P
    Cookie Buster E    Cookie Buster P
    Cookie Claymore E    Cookie Claymore P
    Cookie Saber E    Cookie Saber P
    Crystallic Piercer E    Crystallic Piercer P
    Cyber Spartan Sword E    Cyber Spartan Sword P
    Dark Botanical Broadsword    Dark Caster Scythe E
    Dark Caster Scythe P    Dark Heartbreaker Sword
    Dark Omen Hatchet E    Dark Omen Hatchet P
    Dark Omen War Sword E    Dark Omen War Sword P
    Death Scythe E    Death Scythe P
    Death Sword E    Death Sword P
    Deep Sea Rapier E    Deep Sea Rapier P
    Deimos    Delta Destroyer E
    Delta Destroyer P    Demonic Heartbreaker P
    Dimming Frostbite Blade    Divine Conqueror E
    Divine Conqueror P    Divinity Claymore E
    Divinity Claymore P    Divinity Slayer E
    Divinity Slayer P    Dragon Buster
    Dragon Buster II    Dragon Scimitar
    Dragon War Blade    Dragonoid Sword E
    Dragonoid Sword P    Dravaxian Sword E
    Dravaxian Sword P    Dread Destroyer E
    Dread Destroyer P    E Nautilasher
    Easter Edge 2 E    Easter Edge 2 P
    Easter Edge E    Easter Edge P
    Elite Charbinger E Sword    Elite Charbinger Sword
    Emerald Sword E    Emerald Sword P
    Enchanted Caster Scythe E    Enchanted Caster Scythe P
    Endless Scythe E    Endless Scythe P
    Exile Pride Cleaver E    Exile Pride Cleaver P
    Experiment 2B    Festive Broadsword E
    Festive Broadsword P    Fishing Pole
    Fortune City Slayer E    Fortune City Slayer P
    Frost Dragon Scythe E    Frost Dragon Scythe P
    Frost Queen Scythe    Frost Scimitar
    Frost Slayer    Frostbite Sword E
    Frostbite Sword P    Frostgrim Slayer E
    Frostgrim Slayer E    Frostgrim Slayer P
    Frozen Azrael's Souleater    Frozen Azrael's Souleater
    Frozen Azrael's Souleater    Frozen Dage's Desolation E
    Frozen Dage's Desolation E    Frozen Dage's Desolation E
    Frozen Dage's Desolation E    Frozen Dage's Desolation E
    Frozen Dage's Desolation E    Frozen Dage's Desolation E
    Frozen Dage's Desolation E    Frozen Dage's Desolation E
    Frozen Dage's Desolation P    Frozen Dage's Desolation P
    Frozen Dage's Desolation P    Frozen Dage's Desolation P
    Frozen Dage's Desolation P    Frozen Dage's Desolation P
    Frozen Dage's Desolation P    Frozen Dage's Desolation P
    Frozen Dage's Desolation P    Frozen Fire Sword E
    Frozen Fire Sword P    Frozen Fleshreaver E
    Frozen Fleshreaver P    Frozen Fury Scythe E
    Frozen Fury Scythe P    Frozen Katana E
    Frozen Katana P    Frozen Skull Slayer E
    Frozen Skull Slayer P    Frozen Vengeance E
    Frozen Vengeance P    Galana's Blade
    Gilded Football Sword E    Gilded Football Sword P
    Glacial Gladiator E    Glacial Gladiator P
    Glacial Impaler E    Glacial Impaler P
    Gold Dage's Desolation E    Gold Dage's Desolation P
    Gold Leviathan Impaler E    Gold Leviathan Impaler E
    Gorthor Axe E    Gorthor Axe P
    Grim Heartbreaker E    Harvest Wrecker Blade E
    Harvest Wrecker Blade P    Hazard Scimitar E
    Hazard Scimitar P    Heartbeat Sword E
    Heartbeat Sword P    Heartbreaker Broadsword E
    Heartbreaker Broadsword P    Heartbreaker Cleaver E
    Heartbreaker Cleaver P    Heartbreaker Gladiator
    Heartbreaker Longsword    Heartbreaker Slayer
    Hero's Heart Broadsword    Highlander Broadsword E
    Highlander Broadsword P    Highlander Shortsword E
    Highlander Shortsword P    Holiday Cleaver
    Holly Sword E    Horror Beastbreaker E
    Horror Beastbreaker P    Immanence's Reaper
    Immanence's Reaper    Imperial Battle Axe
    Infernal Frostbane    Infernal Gladiator Sword E
    Infernal Gladiator Sword P    Infernal Slayer
    Infernal Slayer 2 E    Infernal Slayer 2 P
    Infinity Titan Axe E    Infinity Titan Axe P
    Infinity Titan Sword E    Infinity Titan Sword P
    Ivory Cutlass E    Kartherax's Reaper E
    Kartherax's Reaper P    Kezeroth's Bane E
    Kezeroth's Bane P    Legion Bright Scythe E
    Legion Bright Scythe P    Legion Dark Scythe E
    Legion Dark Scythe P    Legion OverFiend Blade E
    Legion OverFiend Blade P    Legion Phantasm Blade E
    Legion Phantasm Blade P    Legion Pride Cleaver E
    Legion Pride Cleaver P    Liberty Ripper
    Lucky Sword E    Lucky Sword P
    Mana Rapier E    Mana Rapier P
    Nautical Nightmare E    Nautical Nightmare P
    Nightsketch Sword    Oblivion Blade of Alchemy E
    Oblivion Blade of Alchemy P    Omega Frost Slayer E
    Omega Frost Slayer P    Omega Impaler
    Omega Impaler 2018    Omega Slayer
    Omega Slayer 2018    Omega Wolf Fang E
    Omega Wolf Fang P    Omnioth
    Overlord Overkill E    Overlord Overkill P
    Paladin Great Sword E    Paladin Great Sword P
    Paladin Sword E    Paladin Sword P
    Paragon Fiend's Blade E    Paragon Fiend's Blade P
    Paragon of Parity Blade E    Paragon of Parity Blade P
    Paragon OverFiend's Blade E    Paragon OverFiend's Blade P
    Paragon Spear E    Paragon Spear P
    Phobos    Platinum Dage's Desolation E
    Platinum Dage's Desolation P    Platinum Spartan Sword E
    Platinum Spartan Sword P    Pro's Ungodly Reaver
    Rabbit Reaper E    Rabbit Reaper P
    Radiant Heartbreaker Sword E    Radiant Heartbreaker Sword P
    Regal DragonBlade E    Regal DragonBlade P
    Regal Festive Broadsword P    Screaming Sword E
    Screaming Sword P    Scythe of Liberty
    Sepulsword    Shillelagh E
    Shillelagh P    Sinful Slayer E
    Sinful Slayer P    Soul Binder Sword E
    Soul Binder Sword P    Soulcursed Vanquisher E
    Soulcursed Vanquisher P    Spring Slayer E
    Spring Slayer P    Spring Spear E
    Spring Spear P    Thawed Kezeroth's Bane E
    Thawed Kezeroth's Bane P    Titan Slayer E
    Titan Slayer P    Titan Warlord Sword P
    Titan's Triumph P    Titanite Sword E
    Titanite Sword P    Titanium Slayer E
    Titanium Slayer P    Too Big!
    Toxic Bloodriver E    Toxic Bloodriver P
    Trainyard Terror E    Trainyard Terror P
    UltraWrath of the Legion E    UltraWrath of the Legion P
    Unlucky Scythe E    Unlucky Scythe P
    Valentine's Saber E    Valentine's Saber P
    Valentine's Sword E    Valentine's Sword P
    Valoroth Nightmare E    Valoroth Nightmare P
    Valoween Sword E    Valoween Sword P
    WarSeeker's Blade E    WarSeeker's Blade P
    Wasteland Warden E    Wasteland Warden P
    Winter Scythe    Winter Sword
    Winter War Sword E    Winter War Sword P
    Wolf Scimitar E    Wolf Scimitar P
    Wolf Tri Sword E    Wolf Tri Sword P
    Wolf War Scythe E    Wolf War Scythe P
    World Eater E    World Eater P
    Wrath of the Legion Blade E    Wrath of the Legion Blade P
    Wreath Wrath    Zealith Reaver E
    Zealith Reaver P    Alchemical Onyx Mace E
    Alchemical Onyx Mace P    Aqua Egg Smasher
    Arctic Soldier Axe E    Arctic Soldier Axe P
    Bido's Sacred Axe E    Bido's Sacred Axe P
    Bunny Energy Axe    Bunny War Axe
    Celtic Battle Axe E    Celtic Battle Axe P
    Celtic Maul    Chaos Club E
    Chaos Club P    Charbinger Axe
    Charbinger E Axe    Charfade's Club E
    Charfade's Club P    Crimson Egg Smasher
    Crystallic Mace E    Crystallic Mace P
    Cyber Shillelagh    Cyber Spartan Mace E
    Cyber Spartan Mace P    Dragon Breath Maul
    Earthen Maul E    Earthen Maul P
    Egg Maul    Electro Axe
    Elite Charbinger Axe    Elite Charbinger E Axe
    Festive Mace E    Festive Mace P
    Frostbite Axe E    Frostbite Axe P
    Frostbreaker    Frostwrath
    Gilded Football Maul E    Gilded Football Maul P
    Gold Dragon Axe P    Heartbeat Mace E
    Heartbeat Mace P    Heartbreaker Maul
    Heartbreaker Scepter    Highlander Cleaver E
    Highlander Cleaver P    Ice Crusher
    Ice Maul    Infinity Titan Maul E
    Infinity Titan Maul P    Jester's Maul
    Legion Caladbolg Axe E    Legion Caladbolg Axe P
    Legion Phantasm Axe E    Legion Phantasm Axe P
    Legion War Axe E    Legion War Axe E
    Legion War Axe P    Lucky Maul E
    Lucky Maul P    Maul of Chance E
    Maul of Chance P    Metallic Heart Axe E
    Metallic Heart Axe P    Mjolnir 2
    Paladin Mace E    Paladin Mace P
    Platinum Spartan Mace E    Platinum Spartan Mace P
    Sandwich Club    Screaming Maul E
    Screaming Maul P    Soulcursed Mace E
    Soulcursed Mace P    Spring Axe E
    Spring Axe P    The Absorbed Scream
    Titan Terminator Maul E    Titan Terminator Maul E
    Titan Terminator Maul P    Toxic Rune Axe E
    Toxic Rune Axe P    Unlucky Maul E
    Unlucky Maul P    WarSeeker's Axe E
    WarSeeker's Axe P    Winter Axe
    Wolf War Axe E    Wolf War Axe P
    World Maul E    World Maul P
    Wraith Axe    Wraith Baton
    Wrath of the Legion Axe E    Wrath of the Legion Axe P
    Alchemical Onyx Staff E    Alchemical Onyx Staff P
    Alley Cat's Summoner E Replica    Alley Cat's Summoner P Replica
    Aqua Egg Caster    Arctic Dragon Staff
    Arctic Staff    Azrael
    Bido's Sacred Staff E    Bido's Sacred Staff P
    Bunny Staff    Bunny War Staff
    Celtic Battle Staff E    Celtic Battle Staff P
    Celtic Clover Staff    Celtic War Staff
    Chaos Staff E    Chaos Staff P
    Charfade's Staff E    Charfade's Staff P
    Crimson Egg Caster    Cryomancer Staff
    Crystallic Staff E    Crystallic Staff P
    Cyber Spartan Staff E    Cyber Spartan Staff P
    Earthen Staff E    Earthen Staff P
    Egg Staff    Frostbite Staff E
    Frostbite Staff P    Frozen Horror Staff
    Gilded Football Staff E    Gilded Football Staff P
    Heartbeat Staff E    Heartbeat Staff P
    Heartbreaker Staff    Highlander Staff E
    Highlander Staff P    Horror Staff
    Infinity Titan Staff E    Infinity Titan Staff P
    Jester's Staff    Krampus Shaman Staff
    Kringle Bot Staff    Legion Caladbolg Staff E
    Legion Caladbolg Staff P    Legion Sigil Staff E
    Legion Sigil Staff P    Lucky Staff E
    Lucky Staff P    Metallic Heart Staff E
    Metallic Heart Staff P    Paladin Staff E
    Paladin Staff P    Platinum Spartan Staff E
    Platinum Spartan Staff P    Robo Pirate Staff
    Screaming Staff E    Screaming Staff P
    Serpent Warder    Serpent Warder P
    Soulcursed Staff E    Soulcursed Staff P
    SpellCaster's Bright Staff E    SpellCaster's Bright Staff P
    SpellCaster's Dark Staff E    SpellCaster's Dark Staff P
    Spring Staff E    Spring Staff P
    Staff of Chance E    Staff of Chance P
    Titan Terminator Staff E    Titan Terminator Staff P
    Toxic Rune Staff E    Toxic Rune Staff P
    Unlucky Staff E    Unlucky Staff P
    WarSeeker's Staff E    WarSeeker's Staff P
    Winter Staff    Wolf War Staff E
    Wolf War Staff P    World Staff E
    World Staff P    Wraith Staff
    Wraith Warder    Arboreal Blaster E
    Arboreal Blaster P    Azrael's Anguish E
    Azrael's Anguish P    Azrael's Punisher E
    Azrael's Punisher P    Bang Gun
    Bareknuckle Blaster E    Bareknuckle Blaster P
    Big Bang Gun    Biotic Gun E
    Biotic Gun P    Botanical Buster E
    Botanical Buster P    Buccaneer Shotgun E
    Buccaneer Shotgun P    Candy Cane Capper E
    Candy Cane Capper P    Carrot Blaster
    Carrot Impaler    Charfade's Battle Blaster E
    Charfade's Battle Blaster P    Charfade's Blaster E
    Charfade's Blaster P    Dage's Haunted Boomstick
    Dage's Skull Boomstick    Dark Caster Gun E
    Dark Caster Gun P    Dark Varium Blaster
    Dread Disruptor E    Dread Disruptor P
    Egg Gun    Egg Laser
    Freeze Blaster    Frostbolt Blaster
    Frozen Fury Blaster E    Frozen Fury Blaster P
    Gold Pirate Pistol E    Gold Pirate Pistol P
    Heartbreaker Blaster E    Heartbreaker Blaster P
    Heartbreaker Magnum E    Heartbreaker Magnum P
    Heartbreaker Revolver E    Heartbreaker Revolver P
    Heartbreaker Special E    Heartbreaker Special P
    HHS Cannon E    HHS Cannon P
    Highlander Blaster E    Highlander Blaster P
    Highlander Shotgun E    Highlander Shotgun P
    Infernal Blaster E    Infernal Blaster P
    Kurz Elite    Machine Blaster
    Nightmare Kurz Elite E    Nightmare Kurz Elite P
    Oblivinator    Omega Frost Blaster E
    Omega Frost Blaster P    Omega Wolf Blaster E
    Omega Wolf Blaster P    Pirate Mage Pistol E
    Pirate Mage Pistol P    Pirated Media E
    Pirated Media E    Pirated Media P
    Plasma ACP    Radiant Magnum E
    Radiant Magnum P    Seraph Handcannon E
    Seraph Handcannon P    Skullfire Blaster
    Stun Blaster    Stun Blaster 2018
    Stun Blaster 2018    Stun Blaster 2018
    Stun Blaster 2018    Stun Cannon
    Stun Cannon 2018    Stun Cannon 2018
    Stun Cannon 2018    Stun Cannon 2018
    Super Freeze Blaster    Super Mecha Cannon
    Super Mecha Laser    Theon's Gifted Blaster E
    Theon's Gifted Blaster P    Trench Broom E
    Trench Broom P    Vampirate Magnum E
    Vampirate Magnum P    Vampiric Boomstick E
    Vampiric Boomstick E    Vampiric Boomstick E
    Vampiric Boomstick P    Vampiric Boomstick P
    Vampiric Boomstick P    Void Pirate Pistol E
    Void Pirate Pistol P    Winter Blaster E
    Winter Blaster P    Wraith Repeater
    Wraith Repeater    Wraith Revolver
    Alchemical Onyx Daggers E    Alchemical Onyx Daggers P
    Aqua Egg Stabber    Arctic Soldier Blades E
    Arctic Soldier Blades P    Bido's Sacred Blades E
    Bido's Sacred Blades P    Bunny Chompers
    Bunny Jaws    Celtic Buckler E
    Celtic Buckler P    Celtic Claws
    Celtic Fangs    Chaos Claws E
    Chaos Claws P    Charbinger Claws
    Charbinger E Claws    Charfade's Claws E
    Charfade's Claws P    Crimson Egg Stabber
    Crimson Egg Stabber    Cryo Claws
    Crystallic Claws E    Crystallic Claws P
    Cyber Spartan Blades E    Cyber Spartan Blades P
    Deep Freeze    Dragon Claws
    Dragon Torch    E Bunny Chompers
    E Megalablades    Earthen Blades E
    Earthen Blades P    Electro Bunny Jaws
    Elite Charbinger Claws    Elite Charbinger E Claws
    Festive Blades E    Festive Blades P
    Fists of Chance E    Fists of Chance P
    Frostbite Claws E    Frostbite Claws P
    Frostbite Daggers    Gilded Football Daggers E
    Gilded Football Daggers P    Gold Dragon Blades P
    Heartbeat Blades E    Heartbeat Blades P
    Heartbreaker Blades    Heartbreaker Claws
    Highlander Gauntlets E    Highlander Gauntlets P
    Infinity Titan Daggers E    Infinity Titan Daggers P
    Krampus Klaws    Legion Caladbolg Blades E
    Legion Caladbolg Blades P    Legion Dark Reavers E
    Legion Dark Reavers P    Legion Phantasm Daggers E
    Legion Phantasm Daggers P    Light Blades
    Lucky Blades E    Lucky Blades P
    Lucky Lacerators    Lucky Lacerators E
    Megalablades    Metallic Heart Blades E
    Metallic Heart Blades P    Paladin Daggers E
    Paladin Daggers P    Platinum Spartan Blades E
    Platinum Spartan Blades P    Screaming Blades E
    Screaming Blades P    Soulcursed Blades E
    Soulcursed Blades P    Spring Slicers E
    Spring Slicers P    Titan Terminator Daggers E
    Titan Terminator Daggers P    Toxic Rune Claws E
    Toxic Rune Claws P    Unlucky Daggers E
    Unlucky Daggers P    WarSeeker's Dual Blades E
    WarSeeker's Dual Blades P    Winter Arm Blades
    Winter Cleavers    Wolf War Blades E
    Wolf War Blades P    World Blades E
    World Blades P    Wraith Pikes
    Wraith Reapers    Wrath of the Legion Daggers E
    Wrath of the Legion Daggers P    Yeti Claws
    Abyssal Flame Cannon    Arboreal Artillery E
    Arboreal Artillery P    Azrael's Annihilator E
    Azrael's Annihilator P    Azrael's Artillery E
    Azrael's Artillery P    Backpackzooka
    Bareknuckle Breaker E    Bareknuckle Breaker P
    Bido's Bowzooka E    Bido's Bowzooka P
    Bio Hunter Rifle E    Bio Hunter Rifle P
    Biotic Blaster E    Biotic Blaster P
    Buccaneer Cannon E    Buccaneer Cannon P
    Bunnyzooka 2019    Burginator E
    Burginator P    Candy Cane Cannon E
    Candy Cane Cannon P    Carrierzooka
    Carrotic Cannon    Carrotic Collider
    Caterpillar Bugzooka    Charfade's Battle Rifle E
    Charfade's Battle Rifle P    Charfade's Launcher E
    Charfade's Launcher P    Coffinzooka E
    Coffinzooka P    Cupid's Bane
    Cupid's Sorrow    Cyber Dragon
    Cyber Dragon    Dage's Doom Cannon
    Dage's Doom Cannon    Dage's Doom Cannon
    Dage's Spirit Cannon    Dage's Spirit Cannon
    Dage's Spirit Cannon    Dage's Spirit Cannon
    Dragon Cannon    Dread Desolator E
    Dread Desolator P    Dual Chainzooka
    E Megalazooka    Eggzooka
    Elite Big 50 E    Elite Big 50 P
    Energy Bunnyzooka 2019    Energy Eggzooka
    Festive Coal Cannon E    Festive Coal Cannon P
    Frost Cannon    Frozen Fury Annihilator E
    Frozen Fury Annihilator P    Gatzooka
    Ghoul Cannon 2018    Ghoul Cannon 2018
    Ghoul Cannon 2018    Ghoul Cannon 2019
    Goo Gun E    Goo Gun P
    Graphite Gun    Harrowing Harvest Bow E
    Harrowing Harvest Bow P    Heartbreaker Bow E
    Heartbreaker Bow E    Heartbreaker Bow P
    Heartbreaker Bow P    Heartbreaker Bow P
    Heartbreaker Bow P    Highlander Launcher E
    Highlander Launcher P    Hornet Cannon E
    Hornet Cannon P    Infernal Artillery E
    Infernal Artillery P    Ishmael's Impaler E
    Ishmael's Impaler P    Lagomorph Laser
    Lagomorph Launcher    Legion Caladbolg Bow E
    Legion Caladbolg Bow P    Megalazooka
    Omega Frost Cannon E    Omega Frost Cannon P
    Omega Wolf Rifle E    Omega Wolf Rifle P
    Pirate Cannon    Pirate Mage Flintlock E
    Pirate Mage Flintlock P    Platinum Pulverizer
    Pumpkin Annihilator E    Pumpkin Annihilator P
    Pyroclastic Cannon    Radiant Bowzooka E
    Radiant Bowzooka P    Royal Dragon Blaster
    Royal Dragon Cannon    Seraphic Launcher E
    Seraphic Launcher P    Serpent Striker
    Spectral Blaster 2018    Spectral Blaster 2018
    Spectral Blaster 2018    Spectral Blaster 2019
    Spring Boltcaster P    Stars and Stripes
    Super Mecha Disintegrator    Super Mecha Launcher
    Super Megalazooka E    Super Megalazooka P
    Tactical Sniper E    Tactical Sniper P
    The Legion Breaker E    The Legion Breaker P
    Theon's Gauss Rifle E    Theon's Gifted Rifle E
    Theon's Gifted Rifle P    Winterzooka E
    Winterzooka P    Wraith Cannon E
    Wraith Cannon P    Wraith Destroyer
    Wraith Devastator    Yuletide Terror
    Zeuszooka    Zombie Devastator E
    Zombie Devastator P    Absorption
    Bacon Breath P x25    Bacon Rain P x25
    Bloodseeker Blast    Concussive Shot x25
    Curse    Curse Aura
    Deflection Shield    Dexterity Boost x30
    Energy Shot x25    Energy Storm x25
    Exile Strike    Frost Shards x25
    Generator x25    Growth Serum
    Hardened Armor    Hawk Guardian E
    Icy Overkill (Aux)    Improbability Gate
    Infinity Mind Spears    Infinity Mind Spears x25
    Jack-O-Fire P x25    Legion Strike
    Lifeline    Lionhart's Shield
    Lucky Strike    Massive Strike

10 Year AnniversaryAbyssal Exterminator
AceAdministrator 10 Slayer
AdventureQuest VIPAldhagrimm’s Heart
Anya's BadgeApocalypse Averted
AQ Worlds VIPArbor Annihilator
Artillery MasterArtmageddon VIP
AssaulterBacon Cupcake
Barrens Outpost LieutenantBattlesuit Model
Bido BreakerBig Game LIII
Big Game XLVIBig Game XLVII
Big Show 2018Big Tuna's Surfboard
Bio HazardBioBeasts Backstory
Biodome LieutenantBionic Battalion
Bionic EngineerBirth of Titan
Blood MoneyBomb
BombadierBrachylagus Breaker
Break on ThroughBrunson's Bounty VIP
Buy Backer Lvl 12Caden's Eye
Caden's WheelCake
Candy PinCapt. Shoggoth's Head
CelebrityCentral Station Major
Chaotic PumpkinCharfade's Challenge Slayer
Charfade's HelmetClass Master
Conductor's CapCurse of Alexis
Dage Collector 2019Dage's Doom VIP
Dage's HelmDaily Gift Leader Lvl 2
Daily Prize Champion Tier 4Daily Solo Champion Tier 1
Daily Team Champion Tier 1Dark Future
DefenderDelta Knight
Delta V DefenderDeuce's Defeat
DevastatorDouble Deuce
Dragon MasterDragon's Breath
Dragon's Destruction VIPDragonFable VIP
Dragonoid Brain SlayerDragonoid Slayer
Dravax SlayerDread Plains Captain
Ebil CrusherEbilCorp Conqueror
Edgar's EyesEight Ball
Elite EngineerEMP
Endless GuardianEnforcer
EngineerEpic Buddy
Epic ConservationistEpic Hoarder
Epic Legendary ArchivistEpic Legendary Banker
Epic OriginsEpic Stylist V
Epic Supporter 2017Epic Supporter 2018 Lvl 10
Epic Supporter 2019 Lvl 3Epic Threads
Evil OverlordExile
Exile Leader SlayerExtreme Buddy
Extreme HoarderFamily Crest
Family MattersFamous
Festive Coal Collector 2019Fighter
FirestarterFlag Captured
Fortune City LieutenantFriday The 13th
Friday The 13thFrost Warrior
Frost Warrior 2.0Frost Warrior 3.0
Frozen Fury VIPFrysteland Lieutenant
Frysteland Platoon CorporalGalatea's Med Tablet
Gamma TesterGladiator
Gold Yeti TrophyGolden Omega Ticket
Good Gifter 2016Good Gifter 2017
Grand EmperorGrand Legendary Gifter 2019
Great CollectorGuard Helm
Habuki's VisorHalloWarrior
HalloWarrior 2.0Hank's Leg
Harrowing HarvestHarvest Havoc VIP
Hazard Havoc VIPHazard Heart
HealerHeart Breaker
Heart DestroyerHeartbreaker Hoard VIP
HeartcrackerHeroic Memorial
HeroSmash VIPHitman
Hunter TokenHusk Mania VIP
Independence DayInfernal Field Commander
Infernal Mines LieutenantInfernal Slayer
Infernal Slayer 2Insomniac
J6's Jackpot VIPJuggernaut Tier 2
Junker's Junkyard VIPKartherax Slayer
KingslayerLagomorph Charms
Lagomorph DestinyLagomorph Mercenary
LandlordLeg. Big Tuna's Surfboard
Leg. Epic Supporter 2018Leg. Epic Supporter 2019
Legendary Beard TitanLegendary Bido Breaker
Legendary BuddyLegendary Capt. Shoggoth's Head
Legendary Charfade's HelmetLegendary Code Crafter
Legendary Dage's HelmLegendary Deuce's Defeat
Legendary Dragonoid SkullLegendary Endless M4tr1x
Legendary EnhancerLegendary Gifting Streak
Legendary Gifting StreakLegendary Hoarder
Legendary Nightwraith's HatLegendary Slayer's Shuriken
Legendary Void King SlayerLegion
Legion BaneLegion Locker Key
Lemon Gold CaneLepus Cloned
M4tr1x's Legendary EmblemMage Token
Mama's FeastMaple Bacon Sushi
Mark of RageMark of Respect
Mark of the OathbreakerMassacre
Master of DisguiseMechQuest VIP
Mega Shark TrophyMer'a Artifact
Mercenary TokenMerged Dragonoid Skull
Mirv's MugMission Possible
Monkakazi Mayhem VIPMort's Mask
Murdoc's HelmNaomi's Keepsake
Nightmare Capt. Shoggoth's HeadNightmare Charfade's Helmet
Nightmare Kartherax SlayerNightmare Nightwraith's Hat
Nightmare's EndNightwraith Annihilator
Nightwraith's HatNightwraith's Nightmare VIP
Noragh's HeadNuclear
Olympic Games 2Olympic Games 2012
Omega EnduresOmega Overlord
One Small StepOne X Six
Overlord DeputyOverlord Facility Major
Overlord's HelmetOverSoul VIP
Platinum HeartPride of the Exiles
Pride of the LegionProtector
Rabblefroth's TomeRainbow Egg
Raymus' House KeyRaymus' Realty VIP
Revontheus SlayerRising Star Tier 3
SharpshooterShoggoth's Stash VIP
SlayerSlayer Shuriken
Slayer Vs HarbingerSlayer's Bounty
Snork's Stash VIPSpringtime Smash VIP
Steve 2.0's ChassisStun
Super DefenderSupreme Leg. Gifter 2018
SurvivorTalk Like a Pirate
Ten Year AlphaThe Big Game
Theon SlayerTitan Burger
Titan's Cookie BanquetTitan's Helm
Titan's Legendary HelmTitan's Triumph VIP
Token ContributorTreasure Hunter
Tungsten FistTurkey Terminator
Tyrant KingUltimate Party Planner
Unstoppable LegendValestra's Nail Polish
Valestra's Vault VIPVault Breaker I
Vault Breaker IIIVault Cracker II
VisionaryVoid Conqueror
Void ExplorerVoid King Slayer
Void MasterWar Hero Tier 3
War Item CommanderWarhead
Wasteland LieutenantWaves of Conquest
Welcome to Delta VWest Naval Yard Captain
Women's World Cup 2019World Cup
World Cup 2018World Domination Tier 1
Yeti for Winter 2016Yeti for Winter 2017
Yeti for Winter 2018Yeti for Winter 2019
Yin YangZed's Dead

   Barrens Yurt   Biodome Bunker
   Fortune City Efficiency   Fortune City Loft
   Fortune Studio Apartment

Missions Completed
2 Ply Kevlar
3D PrintingA Better Brain
A Boss MatchupA Bounty Well Deserved!
A Box of ScrapsA Brain Reborn
A Challenging RequestA Cure for the Beast
A Delicious SnackA Dozen Defeats
A Fair HairA Friendly Wager
A Frosty ReceptionA Frosty Redux
A Frosty Redux 2A Good Beatin’!
A Good Explanation For This (Maybe)A Less Friendly Wager
A Light Dust UpA Necessary Evil
A Passer In the StormA Perfect Fit
A Platinum MongerA Proper Trap
A Shadow on the HorizonA Tale's End
A White LieAbominable? Adorable
Abyss AnarchyAccess Denied
Accidental AntiquingAdorable Taskmaster
Agent of ChaosAggressive Persuasion
Ahead of the CompetitionAlaric and Aldhagrim
All Assembly RequireAll I See Is Red
Alms for the RichAlso Good for Cabinets
AmmunationAn Unexpected Revelation
Angelic AmmoAntagonistic Eggs
Arachno AnalysisArachno Harvest
Arachno RescueArctic Antagonism
Armor HarvestArmor Hoarder
Armor SampleArmored to the Teeth
Arms for the PoorArthropod Alloys
Artificial SweetenerAsking for Directions
Atomic AntagonistAwe-ful Fight
Back to BasicsBack to Business School
Back to SkullBad for Business
Bad GourdBaelius' Pact
Ballistic BunniesBargain for Blood
Base of EvilBatesian Mimicry
Battle BornBattle Bruised
Be PreparedBeast Initiation
Beast PatrolBeast Versus Boss
Beast's BurdenBegging for Strips
Beginner BuyingBeginning of the End
BelladonnaBerry Blues
Berry CartelBerry Holidays
Betrayal in My VeinsBetter Late Than Never
Bio BasherBio Guard Rejects
Black VariumBless My Bullets
Bloody ResearchBlue Orchid
BodyguardsBone Breaker
Boom!Boost Juice
BORED!Both Sides!
Bounds of FleshBountiful Blackmail
Brawling for BuxBreak on Through
Breakdown of DiplomacyBreaking Bad
Bribe or FightBroken Defenses
Broken HomeBudget Bazookas
Bug BountyBuild Time
Bundorable DisguiseBunny Blueprints
Bunny BrawlBunny Bribe
Buried TreasureBusiness Partners
Business PlanCaden's Reverie
Cake and BaconCall a Tactician
Calming ThoughtsCan't Tame the Reaper
Candy Corn CrisisCandy Delivery
Candy FeverCaptain's Wrath
Carrots for CapensisCease Fire
Celestial CannonChains of Blood
Chains of LifeChairman Chomped
Challenge Complete!Challenging for Me
Change in CommandCharfade Training
Chemical WarfareChink in the Supply Chain
Chomp!Chump King
Circuits and SteelCite Sources
Clash of LegendsCleansing Breath
CleanupClear the Docks
Clear the VoidCoffee, Tea, or Battle
Cold ComfortComing Home
Coming TogetherContemplative Combat
Controlling the SituationCooking Up a Revolution
Copper RitualCorporeal Cacophony
Corrupted BeastsCosmic Connections
Costumed KrampusCrackin' Skulls
Cruel CollectionCrushing Bones
Crushing ChitinCrushing Flames
Cryptic CrimesCrystals and Light
Cult InfiltrationCurse of the Evil Teddy
Cut Off the HeadCute Catchers
Cutthroat PricesDaddy's Girl's Got a Gun
Damaged GoodsDance, Puppets! Dance!
Dark HeartsDarkish Grey Ops
Dead EndDead Man's Chest
Dead MemoriesDead Men Tell No Tales
Dealt a Cruel BlowDeath Is Endless Night
DeclawedDefensive Demolition
Demonic ScienceDerpy Despot
Deseronto et. al.Desperate Search
DessertDestruction of Innocence
Devil's AdvocateDiamonds and Rust
DiasporaDispel the Demon
Dissection and DiscoverDistraction Game
District DisastersDivine Intervention
DO NOT DELETE!Don't Cry No More
Double TroubleDragon's Breath
Dragonoid DusterDragonoid Removal
Dragonoid Removal PlusDreadful Destiny
Dreams of the DeadDreams of the Void
Drums of WarDummy Hazard
Dying to Get HereEarly Payment
Earn Your EarsEasy Bein' Green
Edging Out the CompetitionEgg Fuel
Egg-citing AdventureElectric Exorcism
Electro Light DisplayElegy for a Tuna
Elemental EngineeringEncroaching Roaches
Endless FlameEnemy Spirits
Essence of NightmaresEternal and Arcane
Eternal GiftEternal Power
Every Man Has His PriceEVP
Exile War DepotExtensive Combat Data
Fact CheckingFaded Memories
False FuelFamily Business
Family MattersFan the Flames of War
Farewell FlowerFashion Disaster
Fashion ForwardFather and Son
Fear FactorFearless Leader
Female TroublesFighting for Fabulous
Final ExamFinal Preparations
Final ShakedownFine Rustic Decor
Fire and IceFire Night
First WaveFish Combo Production
Flash and GuileFlash Files
Flower PowerFluffy Liberator
FocusFood for the Gods
Food For ThoughtFor Fresh Air!
For Order!For the Heart I Once Had
Forensic MagicFortune City Soldier
Freedom of InformationFresh Meat
Friendly FireFrom the Dark
Frysteland FaunaFuel Cell Guardian
Full RefundFuneral Bells
Furry FiascoFurther Arachno Analysis
Gamma GlitchGamma-Powered Goon
Gasket CaseGatekeeper
Gathering IntelGentlemanly Fisticuffs
Get the FactsGhosts of the Past
Gift of LifeGirl's Best Friend
Glowing GuardsmanGod Prefers a Heretic
GodburgerGoing Solo
Golden Gun GalGolden Parachute
Good GourdGoop Troop
Gourd CoreGourd Intermission
Great MindsGreed Is Good
Greedy HarvestGreen Goddess Vinaigrette
Grid GrindGrim Catch
Grinding GearsGround Control to Major Bunny
Grub HubGuard Detail
Guard GauntletGuinea Pig
Halcyon HuntersHalf Pint Knight
Halt!Hang Up Your Blades
Hank's RevengerHankering for a Bite
Happy Oyster!Harbinger's Staff
Hard BargainHarder Bargain
Harnessing the VoidHarvest Companion
Harvest TraditionHazard Handler
HazardousHead-Bashing Opportunity
Heart of the AbyssHeartbroken
HeartcrackerHearts on Fire
Helter SmelterHide nor Hair
Homemade HorrorHope from the Outside
Hunter and the PreyHurts to Heal
Hush a bye Heavy GuardHype Man
I AM A KRAMPUSI can haz caek?
I Don't EvenI Doubt They’re Friendly
I SpyI've Got the Power
Ice RaceImagination
Imperial ResurrectionImpossible Infiltration
Impostor SyndromeIn a Flash
Incidental ReportsIncrease Security
Ineptitude and IniquitiesInformation Hunting
Inside JobInsider Information
Into the AbyssInto the Flames
It’s Always A Good Time for DessertJuloffenblotten Truce
Junk DataJunkyard Parts
Just Icing on the CakeJust Nuke It
Keepin' It FreshKill the King
Kill the QueenKingslayer
Knowledge of the DeepLagomorphic Innovations
Lament for the LegionLaw Giver
Left For DeadLegend of Charfade
Legendary RevengeLegion Rally
Legion War DepotLepus for All
Lepus' New Friends!Let the Colors Burst
Let Us Set You Up the BombLet's Try Science!
Lies and DeceitLifetime Memories
Locksmith! Locksmith!Lonely Hearts Club
Lonely Is The WordLook! A Distraction!
Looting the LawmanLost Son
LuauLucky Lagomorphs
Main CourseMaking Ready
Malfunctioning WifeMama's Recipe
Mandate of HeavenManpower
Many CakesMarauder Matchup
Market ResearchMaster and Commander
Maximum ArtilleryMecha Metal
Medical WasteMenacing Mooks
Mer'a IngenuityMer'a Metallurgy
Midnight RaidsMind of Steel
Mindful MageMine for Memories
MinesweeperMiniature Munitions
Mining for MemoriesMinor Insubordination
Mischief MakersMissionary Mercs
Monarch MassacreMY BALLOONS!!!
My Heart in Your HandsNaptime!
Natural Fruit FlavorNecronauts' Job
Need More JuiceNerves of Floof
Never-ending TortureNew Allegiance
Nice Shiny CoatNightmare Cleanse
Nightmare FuelNightmare Gate
Nightmare PreppersNightmare Prince
Nightmare TetherNightmare's End
Nightwraith AnnihilatorNo Country for Old Men
No Prayer for the DyingNostalgia
Not a Good ReasonNot Hockey Pads
Notary PublicNuclear Data
Nuclear OmeletteNuclear Pickpocket
Nursing to HealthObstructed Opportunism
Offering of BloodOmega Data
Omega Wolf KeyOne Final Piece
One Order of NemesisOne Order of Omega
One Tiny HopOneX6
OneX6 5OneX6 6
Onslaught EngineOoky Spooky
Ooooo Piece of CandyOtherworldly Outerwear
OuroborosOverlord Overkill
Overlord OxidationPaint Job
Paint the TownParadox Now
Parting WaysParty of One
Patience, PleasePeaceful Solutions
Pest ControlPetty Tyranny
Pirate HuntPlow the Road
Poached YetiPoint A to Point B
Pollen PowerPositive Enforcement
Powered by GooPowerful Dirt
Practice Makes PerfectPre-game
Precious DataPresumed Guilty
Preternatural PreyPretty Deadly
Preventing ParadoxesPrince Charming
Prisoner of the NightmareProfit Margins
Project DeltaPromises Promises
Proof of PersistenceProve Your Worth
Prowling for PumpkinsPulling Through
Pumpkin TrailPurify
Pyre ProblemsQED
QuickduelRabbit on Record
Rabbit Rocket ScienceRabble's Vendetta
Radioactive RationRage and Grace
Random SpoilsReactor Room
Ready, Aim, Fire!Rebel Scum
RebrandingRecruitment Drive
Red Dead NightmareRefined
Reign in BloodRequirement Not Met
Research ResumeResearch Trip
Residual ResonanceRespite for the Fallen
Reverse Engineering 101Reverse Osmosis
Righteous ResistanceRigor Mortis
Rise Against the GuardRocket Grease
Rocket RecoveryRoxy Roller
Royal RetaliationRusted Joints
Saccharine SentimentsSacrifice
Sadistic SourceSafety Measures
Salt in the WoundSample Set
SanctuaryScappy Scrapper
Scattershot ScapegoatingSchematic Scheme
Science and MagicScorch the Earth
Scoundrel ShakedownScribbles
Search for the Primo ShardSearch for the Secondo Shard
Search for the Terzo ShardSearch the Shadows
Seasonal ShipmentSeasons in the Abyss
Secret SauceSecure the Perimeter
Security v SecuritySee My Vest
Seeing DoubleSeeking the Answer
Senses CaptureSet the World on Fire
Set Us Up the NomsSeven Deadlies
Severance PackageSevering the Link
Shadow HuntShady Dealings
Shakedown SequelShattered by a White Hare
Shell GameSHINY!
ShrapnelShrimp Shakedown
Silence the GodsSilence the Gods 2
Silence the TitanSinergy
Sinister SamplesSinking the Ship
Slayer's SlaughterSlicing and Dicing
Slight DelaySludge Time Again
Smash the Smash BrosSmashing
Smoke and FloofSnack Showdown
Snork's StashSnow Angels Don't Kill
Soldier's TestSoldiers of Fortune
Something's FishySoup and Salad
Sowing DiscordSpacefaring Scribbler
Spare TimeSparring Lesson
Sparring PartnerSpies Abound
Spoils of WarSpore Hunt
Spring The TrapSpy Control
SQUIRREL!Stalling for Science
Stalling for TimeStand Guard
Status ReportStayin’ Alive
Stealthy ScavengerSteel Shell
Stellar SteelStick It to the Man
Stony TarkStories of the Past
StrategeryStrategic Maneuvering
Sugar RushSuicide Squad
Super SpySupernatural Snooping
Supply Lines RestoredSuppression Field
Surveillance StateSweet Smell of Death
Sweet TeethTailor Made
Take Out the TrashTaken
Takes the CakeTalia's Talents
Talia's TreasonTarget Lock
Tea and TitanTeam Building Exercises
Team Guard DutyTeam Player
Terror ShellTest of Innocence
Testing 1,2,3...The Annoyance of Humanity
The ApprenticeThe Banishment
The Beast MastersThe Big Picture (Legion)
The Boards Did ShrinkThe Cake Is a Lie
The Doom Came to CharfadeThe Early Bird
The End for EndlessThe Endless Hunt
The Equation of LifeThe Horror in the Eyes
The Horror in the WaterThe Human Wall
The Hunt BeginsThe Hunter's Test
The Illegal EconomyThe Iron Manhunt
The Justice BringerThe Last Stand
The Love We're InThe Madness from the Sea
The MastermindThe Nightmare Spreads
The Nuclear OptionThe Old One
The Old WaysThe Opposite of Love
The Platinum ProblemThe Poison Is the Cure
The Poison Was the CureThe Proposition
The ReckoningThe Revival
The Shadow Over TunaThe Short List
The SourceThe Tip Off
The Torch PassesThe Tyrant King
The Unusual SuspectsThe Waking World
The White ShipThe Yetikiller
The Zest of LifeThick Tungsten Husk
Thirsty HankThree Orders of Nightmare
Three Orders of NuclearThugs and Thieves
Tides of FearTidings of Fighting
Time to ThinkTime to Upgrade
Tin SoldiersTop 10 Anime Betrayals
Tough Furry ShellTough Stuff
Toxic LoveTrade Hazards
Training for OblivionTransaction 77782
Translation TroubleTrash Train
TrashvilleTrick or Treat
Trinkets from the GodsTriple Dog Dare
Trouble at SeaTruth Serum
Turkey TrapTurn the Tide
Twilight of the GodsTwisted Love
Tyrant of the VoidUltimate Baby Yeti
UncannyUndying Grudge
Uneasy FeelingUnexpected Turn of Events
Union MembershipUnlikely Ally
Unruly CrisisUnsatisfactory
Unusual GlyphsUnwanted Attention
Up to the ChallengeUprooting the Situation
Use as DirectedVanquish the Void
Vehicular VandalVermin
Viva la ResistanceVoid Harvest
Void SoupWailing Wintry Wind
Wake the NightmareWar Wounds
Warming UpWascally Wabbits
Watching the WatchmenWeapon Forging
Weapons DealersWelcome Committee
Welcome to My WorldWell-Deserved Whuppin'
What Do Gods Fear?What Is Delicious?
What's in the Box?What's the Plan?
Where's the Beef?Wild Numbers
World Eater's ReturnYeti Encounter
Yeti HuntYin and Yang
You Know My ChoiceYou Saw This Coming
Your Worst Nightmare