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    Basic Armor    Classic Armor
    Delta Knight    Platinum's Pride
    Azrael's Deathbringer    Celtic Cleaver
    Frozen Fury Scythe E    Omega Impaler
    Omega Slayer    Omni Knight Blade
    Basic Club    Apprentice Staff
    Azrael's Anguish P    Light Blades
    Azrael's Annihilator E    Golden Yeti
    Arcane Sack    Bacon
    Drone Sabotage Kit    Nightmare Egg
    Old Fortune City Key    Omega Ticket
    Silver Skull Card    Summoning Stone
    Titan's Mug    Omega Obliterator
    Omega Onslaughter

AssaulterBig Tuna's Surfboard
BombCaden's Eye
Candy PinCenturion
ChampionClass Master
Delta KnightDragon Master
Eight BallEMP
Endless GuardianEngineer
Epic StylistExile
FirestarterFlag Captured
Frost WarriorGolden Omega Ticket
Guard HelmHealer
Hunter TokenMage Token
Mama's FeastMercenary Token
Mission PossibleOmega Overlord
Overlord's HelmetPeace
ProtectorRabblefroth's Tome
Silver Yeti TrophySlayer Shuriken
StunSuper Defender
SurvivorTreasure Hunter
Tungsten FistWar Item Upgrader
WarheadWasteland Veteran
Yin Yang


Missions Completed
28A Friendly Wager
A Frosty ReceptionA Frosty Reception
A Frosty ReduxAbominable? Adorable
Access DeniedAdept at the Arcane
Alms for the RichAn Endless Quest
AppetizersBattle Born
Beast Versus BossBoom!
Boost JuiceBrawling for Bux
Busted TorchChomp!
Cold ComfortCrushing Flames
Daddy's Girl's Got a GunDance, Puppets! Dance!
DeclawedDeity Stuff
DessertEasy Bein' Green
Endless FlameEXFOLIATE
Faded MemoriesFan the Flames of War
Female TroublesFight Frost with Fire
Fire and FrostFire and Ice
Fire NightFlora Arrangements
Flower PowerFocus
Focus on the SubjectFood for the Gods
GatekeeperGift of Life
Golden Gun GalGolden Parachute
Green Goddess VinaigretteHalcyon Hunters
Handle It!Head-Bashing Opportunity
I can haz caek?Imagination
Incidental ReportsJunkyard Parts
Magic and ScienceMain Course
Memory Like a RiverMindful Mage
Missionary MercsNaptime!
New AllegianceNot a Good Reason
Paint the TownPest Control
Point A to Point BProve Your Worth
PurifyRabble's Vendetta
Rage and GraceRandom Spoils
Rebel ScumRefined
RestockRigor Mortis
Rise Against the GuardRusted Joints
Saccharine SentimentsScience and Magic
Set Us Up the NomsShard Search
Shattered by a White HareSmash the Smash Bros
Soldiers of FortuneSoup and Salad
Spark of BattleStand Guard
Stick It to the ManSweet Teeth
Tailor MadeThe Boards Did Shrink
The Cake Is a LieThe Equation of Life
The Hunter's TestThe Sound of Silence
The Torch PassesThe Unusual Suspects
Toxic LoveTrick or Treat
Triple Dog DareTwilight of the Gods
Ultimate Baby YetiUnsatisfactory
Use as DirectedWhat Is Delicious?