EpicDuel Home


    Armored Wendigo    Azrael's Scorn MK-12 B
    Banana Suit    Basic Armor
    Beast Rider M    Blood Hawk Armor
    Bloodseeker    Botanical Battle Suit M
    Bunny Borg    Caden's Cuirass M
    Caped Festive Frostwalker    Caped Omega Pirate Captain
    CC Dragonslayer    Classic Armor
    Cryo Husk    Cyber Spartan CC
    Cybermancer M    Dage's Paragon CC
    Darkspawn Husk    Desert Ronin M
    Egg Shell    Evolved Charfade Armor
    Evolved Dragonlord M    Festive Frostwalker
    First Mate Armor M    Flesh Demigod Prototype
    Frost Knight Armor    Frost Knight Armor CC
    Frost Reaper M    Gold Cyber Spartan
    Gothic Hunter M    Harbinger Husk M
    Hazmat Suit    Highlander Armor
    Highlander Armor CC    Infernal Gladiator
    Infernal Gladiator CC    Infernal Golem
    Iron Husk    Kartherax Husk
    Land Shark Suit    Legendary Paladin Armor M
    Malefic Armor    Naval Guard M
    Naval Guard M CC    Necro Mage M
    NegaWraith Armor M    Nightwraith's Duds
    Omega Bunny Borg    Omega Pirate Captain Armor
    Omega Wolf Warrior    Omega Wolf Warrior CC
    Paladin Armor M    Radiant Golem
    Radiant Golem CC    Regal Heart Armor
    Regal Heart Armor CC    Seraph Armor M
    Space Pirate M    Space Warrior
    Stealth Suit M    Steve 2.0's Chassis
    Tactical Overlord Guard    Tesla Armor
    The Endless Armor    The Endless Armor CC
    Transcendence Armor    Warbot
    Winter Slayer M    Winter Warrior
    Aphrodite's Woe E    Apocalypse Blade E
    Apocalypse Blade P    Arcturus
    Azrael Star Saber P    Azrael's Bane
    Azrael's Bloodletter E    Azrael's Bloodletter P
    Azrael's Scorn Cleaver E    Azrael's Scorn Cleaver P
    Bane of Aurac P    Bareknuckle P
    Beta Cleaver 2023 E    Beta Cleaver 2023 P
    Beta Cleaver E    Beta Cleaver P
    Bio Slayer E    Bio Slayer P
    Black Abyss Slayer E    Blazing Celtic Cleaver
    Blazing Celtic Hunter    Buccaneer Claymore E
    Buccaneer Claymore P    Buccaneer Cutlass E
    Buccaneer Cutlass P    Bunny Bane E
    Bunny Bane P    Burning Snowfairy Sword E
    Burning Snowfairy Sword P    Burning Snowfairy Sword P
    Caladbolg E    Caladbolg P
    Crysaliss    Dage's CC Desolation E
    Dage's CC Desolation P    Death Caster Scythe P
    Dragon Buster    Dragonoid Sword E
    Dread Destroyer E    Endless Scythe E
    Endless Scythe P    Festive Coalbringer P
    Fleshreaver E    Fourteen Year Alpha Sword E
    Fourteen Year Alpha Sword P    Frost Dragon Scythe E
    Frost Dragon Scythe P    Frostbane
    Frozen Fury Scythe E    Frozen Fury Scythe P
    Glacial Dread Knight Sword P    Gold Dage's Desolation P
    Harvest Wrecker Blade E    Harvest Wrecker Blade P
    Holly Sword E    Holly Sword P
    Infernal Gladiator Sword E    Infernal Gladiator Sword P
    Infernal Slayer 2 E    Knifey Spoony P
    Legion Overfiend Scythe E    Legion Overfiend Scythe P
    Legion Slayer Sword P    Legion SoulKeeper E
    Liberty Ripper    Mystic Celtic Hunter
    Necrotek Executioner E    Necrotek Executioner P
    Necrotek Scythe E    Necrotek Scythe P
    Necrotek Scythe P    Necrotek Scythe P
    Now THIS Is A Knife E    Omega Frost Slayer E
    Omega Frost Slayer P    Omega Wolf Fang P
    Paladin Great Sword E    Paladin Great Sword P
    Platinum Angelic Oblivion P    Radiant Brutalizer E
    Radiant Brutalizer P    Regal Heart Short Sword E
    Rune Cleaver    Scythe of Liberty
    Sinful Slayer P    Snowfairy Spellsword E
    Snowfairy Spellsword P    Spring Slayer E
    Sword of Alliance E    Sword of Alliance P
    Underworld Chrono Scythe E    Underworld Chrono Scythe P
    Void Reaver Blade E    Winter Slayer
    World Eater E    World Eater P
    Basic Club    Basic Club
    Celtic Maul E    Cyber Shillelagh
    Necrotek Hammer P    Apprentice Staff
    Apprentice Staff    Apprentice Staff
    Arctic Dragon Staff    Azrael
    Charfade's Staff E    Cyber Spartan Staff E
    Infinity Titan Staff E    Necrotek Staff E
    Necrotek Staff P    Overlord Staff
    Paladin Staff E    Soulcursed Staff E
    Spirit Scythe    Templar Staff
    Arboreal Blaster P    Azrael's Anguish E
    Azrael's Anguish P    Azrael's Punisher E
    Azrael's Punisher P    Beta Blaster E
    Beta Blaster P    Bio Blaster E
    Bio Blaster P    Blazing Celtic Pistol
    Buccaneer Shotgun E    Buccaneer Shotgun P
    Charfade's Battle Blaster E    Charfade's Blaster P
    Dage's Haunted Boomstick    Dage's Skull Boomstick
    Dark Caster Gun P    Dark Varium Blaster
    Egg Laser    Festive Coal Buster P
    Freeze Blaster    Frostbolt Blaster
    Frozen Fury Blaster E    Frozen Fury Blaster P
    Heartbreaker Blaster E    Heartbreaker Magnum P
    Imperial ACP    Imperial SMG
    Infernal Blaster E    Infernal Blaster P
    Mystic Celtic Pistol    Necrotek SMG P
    Necrotek SMG P    Omega Disintegrator E
    Omega Disintegrator P    Omega Frost Blaster E
    Omega Frost Blaster P    Omega Wolf Blaster E
    Omega Wolf Blaster P    Overlord Blaster
    Plasma ACP    Radiant Battle Blaster P
    Radiant Magnum P    Regal Heart Hand Cannon E
    Seraph Handcannon P    Soul Raiser
    Splicer E    Super Freeze Blaster
    Underworld Pirate Pistol P    Vampirate Magnum E
    Vampirate Magnum P    Bloodlust Blades
    Bunny Chompers    Cyber Spartan Blades P
    E Bunny Chompers    Festive Coal Sickle P
    Heartbreaker Blades    Heartbreaker Claws
    Industrial Claws    Legion Phantasm Daggers E
    Light Blades    Light Blades
    Lucky Lacerators    Necrotek Blades E
    Necrotek Blades P    Necrotek Blades P
    Necrotek Blades P    Radiant Battle Blades P
    Spring Slicers E    Wolf War Blades P
    Agony's Sorrow P    Arboreal Artillery E
    Azrael's Annihilator E    Azrael's Annihilator P
    Azrael's Artillery E    Azrael's Artillery P
    Beta Bazooka E    Beta Bazooka P
    Bio Hunter Rifle E    Bio Hunter Rifle P
    Blazing Celtic War Bow    Buccaneer Cannon E
    Buccaneer Cannon P    Bunnyzooka
    Bunnyzooka 2019    Charfade's Battle Rifle P
    Cupid's Bane    Cyber Dragon
    Dage's Spirit Cannon    Dread Desolator E
    Dread Desolator P    Eggzooka
    Energy Bunnyzooka    Energy Bunnyzooka 2019
    Energy Eggzooka    Energy Vendzooka
    Festive Coal Cannon P    Frost Cannon
    Ghoul Cannon 2019    Infernal Artillery E
    Infernal Artillery P    Ishmael's Impaler E
    Mystic Celtic War Bow    Necrotek HMG P
    Necrotek HMG P    Omega Dominator E
    Omega Dominator P    Omega Frost Cannon E
    Omega Frost Cannon P    Omega Wolf Rifle E
    Omega Wolf Rifle P    Radiant Battle Bow P
    Radiant Bowzooka E    Radiant Bowzooka P
    Regal Heart Cannon E    Royal Dragon Blaster
    Spectral Blaster 2019    Super Megalazooka E
    Super Megalazooka P    Super Splicer E
    The Legion Breaker P    Vendzooka
    Blood Bullet    Bloodseeker Blast
    Energy Booster x25    Exsanguinating Shield
    Piston Punch    Strength Boost (Auxiliary)
    Strength Boost (Sidearm)    Support Boost (Primary)
    Support Boost x30    Tactical Reload
    Technology Boost (Sidearm)    Technology Boost x30
    Tranquility    Unbreakable Spirit
    Armored Omega Wolf Mutation    Charfade's Cruiser
    Dage's Blood Rider    Derpy War Horse
    Fancy Koala    Fancy Koala CC
    Fancy Platypus CC    Festive Gift
    Festive Tree    Flight Module
    Gamma Bike    Gold Charfade's Cruiser
    Harnessed Yeti Bike    Imperial Skull Bike
    Liberty Eagle Bike    Marauder Bike
    Mini Boo    Necro Tech Bike
    Nulgath Bike    Omega Frostbike
    Omega Frostbike CC    Phantom
    Platypus    Platypus CC
    Screaming Eagle    Skeletal Bunny Bike
    Snowman    Stalagmite Mutation
    Tyrant Tank Mk1    UwU Replica
    Yeti Mutation    Assault Bot E
    Assault Bot P    Azrael's Borg
    Baby Yeti Warrior    Ballistic Bunny Bot
    Bio Borg    Black Abyss Bot P
    Blood Hawk P    Botanical Borg
    Cyber Shark E    Cyber Shark P
    Cyber Yeti E    Cyber Yeti P
    Dark Botanical Borg    Dark Botanical Hazard
    Electro Bunny Bot    Electro Gamma Bot
    Gamma Bot    Infernal Android PxE
    Kartherax's Darkspawn E    Kartherax's Darkspawn P
    Lionhart's Avatar E    Lionhart's Avatar P
    Monkakazi E    Monkakazi P
    Phantasm Droid E    Phantasm Droid P
    Pirate Bot E    Pirate Bot P
    Plasma Fly    Pyro Fly
    Arcade Token    Bacon
    Beast Spores    Bio Spore
    Blueprint Scrap    Class Change Coupon
    CS Bomb    Dark Heart Key
    Dragonoid Ship Key    Dread Bomb
    Dread Shell    Drone Sabotage Kit
    Egg Sac    EMP Bomb
    Endless Spirit    Flawed Soul Gem
    Fortune Battery    Fortune Bomb
    Gold Skull Card    Ice Gem
    Infernal Beacon    Naval Bomb
    Naval Shell    Nemesis Egg
    Nightmare Egg    Nuclear Egg
    Omega Egg    Omega Wolf Key
    Omega Wolf Shard    OneX6 Key
    Perfect Soul Gem    Silver Skull
    Skill Retrain Coupon    Soul Gem
    Super Bio Spore    Super CS Bomb
    Super Dread Bomb    Super Dread Shell
    Super Drone Sabotage Kit    Super EMP Bomb
    Super Fortune Battery    Super Fortune Bomb
    Super Naval Bomb    Super Yeti Bait
    Tactical Map    Void Shard
    War Bomb    Yeti Bait
    Yeti Pelt    Yutilian Artifact
    Arboreal Annihilator E    Avatar of Nightwraith E
    Avatar of Nightwraith P    Azrael's Evolution E
    Azrael's Evolution P    Beta Brutalizer 2023 E
    Beta Brutalizer 2023 P    Beta Brutalizer E
    Beta Brutalizer P    Bio Berserker E
    Bio Berserker P    Bio Berserker P
    Black Abyss Battlegear P    Blazing Celtic Destroyer
    Blood Hawk Battlegear P    Botanical Battlegear E
    Buccaneer Battlegear E    Buccaneer Battlegear P
    Dark Botanical Nightmare    Dark Omen Battlegear E
    Dark Omen Battlegear P    Fourteen Year Alpha Annihilator E
    Fourteen Year Alpha Annihilator P    Frozen Fury Destroyer E
    Frozen Fury Destroyer P    Infernal Gladiator Gear E
    Infernal Gladiator Gear P    Legion Rune Brawler E
    Lionhart's Knowledge    Mystic Celtic Destroyer
    Omega Frost Destroyer E    Omega Frost Destroyer P
    Omega Wolf Bloodletter    Omega Wolf Souleater
    Radiant Heartbreaker E    Radiant Heartbreaker P

20 Year AnniversaryAbyssal Exterminator
AceAdministrator 10 Slayer
Aldhagrimm’s HeartAnya's Badge
Apocalypse AvertedAQ Worlds VIP
Artillery MasterAssaulter
Astonishing LegendAustralia Day 2020
Azrael's Scorn ShowcaseBattle Tested
Beta TesterBig Game LIV
Big Tuna's SurfboardBioBeasts Backstory
Biodome GruntBionic Battalion
Black Mamba ForeverBomb
Brachylagus BreakerBuy Backer Lvl 1
Caden's EyeCaden's Wheel
CakeCandy Pin
Capt. Shoggoth's HeadCelebrity
Celtic HunterCenturion
ChampionCharfade's Helmet
Class MasterCurse of Alexis
Dage Collector 2019Dage Collector 2020
Dage's CC DesolationDage's Doom VIP
Daily Gift Leader Lvl 1Daily Solo Champion Tier 2
Daily Team Champion Tier 1Dark Future
DefenderDelta Knight
Deuce's DefeatDevastator
Dragon MasterDragon's Destruction VIP
DragonFable VIPDragonoid Slayer
Dravax SlayerEight Ball
Eleven Year AlphaEnforcer
EngineerEpic Buddy
Epic ConservationistEpic Hoarder
Epic Stylist IIIEpic Supporter 2019 Lvl 10
Evil OverlordExile
Exile Leader SlayerExtreme Hoarder
Family CrestFamous
Festive Coal Collector 2019Flag Captured
Fortune City CadetFourteen Year Alpha
Friday The 13thFrost Warrior 2.0
Frost Warrior 3.0Frozen Fury VIP
Frysteland Junior CadetGalatea's Med Tablet
Gamma HeartGamma Tester
Gender ChangerGrand Archivist
Grand EmperorGuard Helm
Hank's LegHarrowing Harvest
Hazard HeartHealer
Heart BreakerHitman
Husk Mania VIPIndependence Day
Infernal Mines LieutenantInfernal Slayer 2
InsomniacJuggernaut Tier 1
Kartherax SlayerKingslayer
Lagomorph CharmsLagomorph Destiny
Legendary EnhancerLegendary Gifting Streak
Legendary HoarderLegion
Mark of RageMark of the Oathbreaker
MassacreMaster of Disguise
Merged Dragonoid SkullMirv's Mug
Mission PossibleMonkakazi Mayhem VIP
Mort's MaskMurdoc's Helm
Naomi's KeepsakeNightmare Capt. Shoggoth's Head
Nightwraith's HatNoragh's Head
Omega EnduresOmega Overlord
One Small StepOverlord Facility Veteran
Overlord's HelmetPeace
Raymus' House KeyRising Star Tier 1
Slayer ShurikenSlayer's Bounty
Snork's Stash VIPSpringtime Smash VIP
Store-bought CookiesTalk Like a Pirate
Ten Year AlphaTheon Slayer
Titan's HelmTreasure Hunter
Tungsten FistTyrant King
Ultimate Leg. Gifter 2019Ultimate Party Planner
Underworld Chronomancer 2020Valestra's Nail Polish
Void ConquerorVoid Explorer
Void King SlayerVoid Master
War Item DominatorWarhead
Waves of ConquestWest Naval Yard Grunt
World Domination Tier 1Year of the Dragon
Yeti for Winter 2019Yin Yang

   Afterlife Shrine   Fortune City Efficiency
   Fortune City Loft   Junkyard Crawler

Missions Completed
2 Ply KevlarA Bounty Well Deserved!
A Challenging RequestA Fair Hair
A Friendly WagerA Good Beatin’!
A Necessary EvilA Passer In the Storm
A Proper TrapA White Lie
Abyss AnarchyAccess Denied
Accidental AntiquingAgent of Chaos
Aggressive PersuasionAhead of the Competition
All Assembly RequireAmmunation
An Unexpected RevelationAntagonistic Eggs
Arachno AnalysisArachno Harvest
Arachno RescueArctic Antagonism
Armor HarvestArmor Hoarder
Armor SampleArmored to the Teeth
Arms for the PoorArthropod Alloys
Artificial SweetenerAsking for Directions
Atomic AntagonistAwe-ful Fight
Back to Business SchoolBack to Skull
Bad for BusinessBaelius' Pact
Bargain for BloodBeast Initiation
Beast PatrolBeginner Buying
Beginning of the EndBerry Blues
Berry CartelBerry Holidays
Better Late Than NeverBio Guard Rejects
Black VariumBless My Bullets
Bloody ResearchBodyguards
Bone BreakerBoost Juice
Bounds of FleshBountiful Blackmail
Breakdown of DiplomacyBribe or Fight
Broken DefensesBudget Bazookas
Bug BountyBunny Brawl
Bunny BribeCaden's Reverie
Call a TacticianCan't Tame the Reaper
Candy Corn CrisisCandy Delivery
Candy FeverCaptain's Wrath
Cease FireChains of Blood
Chains of LifeChairman Chomped
Change in CommandChink in the Supply Chain
Chomp!Chump King
Cite SourcesCleanup
Clear the DocksComing Home
Coming TogetherContemplative Combat
Controlling the SituationCooking Up a Revolution
Copper RitualCorrupted Beasts
Cosmic ConnectionsCostumed Krampus
Crackin' SkullsCruel Collection
Crushing ChitinCult Infiltration
Curse of the Evil TeddyCute Catchers
Cutthroat PricesDark Hearts
Dead EndDead Man's Chest
Dead Men Tell No TalesDefensive Demolition
Deseronto et. al.Desperate Search
Devil's AdvocateDispel the Demon
Distraction GameDistrict Disasters
Divine InterventionDO NOT DELETE!
Dragonoid DusterDreadful Destiny
Dreams of the DeadDreams of the Void
Dummy HazardDying to Get Here
Early PaymentEdging Out the Competition
Egg FuelElectro Light Display
Elegy for a TunaEnemy Spirits
Eternal GiftEternal Power
Every Man Has His PriceEVP
Exile RallyExile War Depot
Fact CheckingFamily Business
Farewell FlowerFashion Forward
Father and SonFear Factor
Fearless LeaderFemale Troubles
Fighting for FabulousFinal Preparations
Final ShakedownFine Rustic Decor
First WaveFlash Files
Flower PowerFluffy Liberator
Food For ThoughtFor Fresh Air!
For Order!Freedom of Information
From the DarkFrysteland Fauna
Fuel Cell GuardianFurry Fiasco
Further Arachno AnalysisGamma Glitch
Gamma-Powered GoonGift of Life
Glowing GuardsmanGoing Solo
Golden Gun GalGoop Troop
Greedy HarvestGrid Grind
Grim CatchGround Control to Major Bunny
Grub HubGuard Detail
Guinea PigHankering for a Bite
Happy Oyster!Harbinger's Staff
Hard BargainHarnessing the Void
Harvest CompanionHarvest Tradition
Hazard HandlerHead-Bashing Opportunity
Heart of the AbyssHeartbroken
Homemade HorrorHunter and the Prey
Hype ManI Don't Even
I Doubt They’re FriendlyI Spy
Ice RaceImperial Resurrection
Impossible InfiltrationIn a Flash
Incidental ReportsIncrease Security
Ineptitude and IniquitiesInformation Hunting
Inside JobInsider Information
Into the AbyssInto the Flames
Into the Fray!It’s Always A Good Time for Dessert
Juloffenblotten TruceJunk Data
Junkyard PartsJust Nuke It
Keepin' It FreshKill the Queen
KingslayerKnowledge of the Deep
Left For DeadLegion Rally
Legion War DepotLies and Deceit
Lifetime MemoriesLocksmith! Locksmith!
Looting the LawmanLost Son
Lucky LagomorphsMalfunctioning Wife
Mama's RecipeMandate of Heaven
ManpowerMany Cakes
Marauder MatchupMarket Research
Maximum ArtilleryMenacing Mooks
Mer'a MetallurgyMine for Memories
MinesweeperMiniature Munitions
Mining for MemoriesMonarch Massacre
MY BALLOONS!!!Naptime!
Natural Fruit FlavorNecronauts' Job
Nerves of FloofNice Shiny Coat
Nightmare GateNightmare Preppers
Nightmare PrinceNightmare Tether
No Country for Old MenNostalgia
Not Hockey PadsNursing to Health
Obstructed OpportunismOffering of Blood
Omega Wolf KeyOne Order of Nemesis
One Order of OmegaOnslaught Engine
Ooky SpookyOoooo Piece of Candy
Otherworldly OuterwearOuroboros
Overlord OverkillOverlord Oxidation
Paint the TownParadox Now
Parting WaysParty of One
Patience, PleasePeaceful Solutions
Pirate HuntPlow the Road
Poached YetiPollen Power
Powered by GooPowerful Dirt
Preternatural PreyPreventing Paradoxes
Prince CharmingPrisoner of the Nightmare
Project DeltaProof of Persistence
Prowling for PumpkinsPulling Through
Pumpkin TrailPurify
Pyre ProblemsQED
Rabbit on RecordRabbit Rocket Science
Random SpoilsReady, Aim, Fire!
Rebel ScumRecruitment Drive
Requirement Not MetResearch Resume
Research TripResidual Resonance
Reverse Engineering 101Righteous Resistance
Rise Against the GuardRocket Grease
Rocket RecoveryRusted Joints
Saccharine SentimentsSacrifice
Sadistic SourceSafety Measures
Sample SetScappy Scrapper
Scattershot ScapegoatingSchematic Scheme
Scorch the EarthScoundrel Shakedown
ScribblesSearch for the Primo Shard
Search for the Secondo ShardSearch for the Terzo Shard
Search the ShadowsSeasonal Shipment
Secure the PerimeterSeeking the Answer
Seven DeadliesSevering the Link
Shakedown SequelShell Game
Shrimp ShakedownSilence the Titan
Sinister SamplesSinking the Ship
Slayer's SlaughterSlight Delay
Snack ShowdownSnork's Stash
Snow-splosionsSoldier's Test
Something's FishySowing Discord
Spacefaring ScribblerSpare Time
Spies AboundSpore Hunt
Spring The TrapSQUIRREL!
Status ReportStealthy Scavenger
Steel ShellStick It to the Man
Stories of the PastStrategery
Sugar RushSuicide Squad
Super SpySupernatural Snooping
Suppression FieldSweet Teeth
Take Out the TrashTaken
Target LockTeam Building Exercises
Team Guard DutyTeam Player
The ApprenticeThe Banishment
The Doom Came to CharfadeThe Early Bird
The End for EndlessThe Horror in the Eyes
The Horror in the WaterThe Hunt Begins
The Justice BringerThe Last Stand
The Madness from the SeaThe Mastermind
The Nightmare SpreadsThe Nuclear Option
The Old OneThe Old Ways
The PropositionThe Revival
The Shadow Over TunaThe Tyrant King
The White ShipThe Zest of Life
Thick Tungsten HuskThree Orders of Nightmare
Three Orders of NuclearThugs and Thieves
Tides of FearTidings of Fighting
Time to ThinkTin Soldiers
Top 10 Anime BetrayalsTough Furry Shell
Tough StuffToxic Love
Trade HazardsTraining for Oblivion
Translation TroubleTrouble at Sea
Turkey TrapTurn the Tide
Twisted LoveTyrant of the Void
Undying GrudgeUneasy Feeling
Unexpected Turn of EventsUnion Membership
Unlikely AllyUnruly Crisis
Unusual GlyphsUnwanted Attention
Up to the ChallengeUprooting the Situation
Vanquish the VoidVehicular Vandal
Void SoupWar Wounds
Watching the WatchmenWeapon Forging
Weapons DealersWelcome Committee
Well-Deserved Whuppin'What Do Gods Fear?
What Is Delicious?What's in the Box?
Where's the Beef?Wild Numbers
World Eater's ReturnYeti Encounter
Yeti HuntYou Saw This Coming