EpicDuel Home

Gag On A Fish

    Basic Armor    Classic Armor
    Delta Knight    Elite Yeti Husk
    Omega Bunny Borg    Platinum's Pride
    Black Abyss Slayer P    Charsketch Sword
    Delta Destroyer E    Nightsketch Sword
    Omega Impaler    Omega Slayer
    Titan's Triumph P    Apprentice Staff
    Bunny Staff    Spirit Scythe
    Azrael's Anguish E    Azrael's Anguish P
    Light Blades    Azrael's Annihilator E
    Azrael's Annihilator P    Energy Eggzooka
    Energy Storm x25    Generator x25
    Dage's Blood Rider    Nulgath Bike
    Ten Year Titan    Bio Borg
    Dark Botanical Borg    Infernal Android E
    Infernal Android P    Omega Baby Yeti
    Omega Dark Yeti    Botanical Key
    Dravax's Artifact    Dread Shell
    Egg Key    Gold Skull Card
    Old Fortune City Key    Omega Ticket
    OneX6 Key    Purified Spores
    Red Gem    Summoning Stone
    Infernal Interdictor E    Infernal Interdictor P
    Omega Obliterator    Omega Onslaughter

10 Year AnniversaryAce
Administrator 10 SlayerAmmo
Artillery MasterAssaulter
Bacon CupcakeBattle Tested
Battlesuit ModelBeta Tester
Big Game XLVIBig Game XLVII
Big Tuna's SurfboardBionic Battalion
Bionic EngineerBirth of Titan
Blood MoneyBomb
BombadierBreak on Through
Brunson's Bounty VIPCaden's Eye
Candy PinCelebrity
Central Station GruntCenturion
Charfade's HelmetClass Master
Dage's Doom VIPDelta Knight
Delta V DefenderDragon Master
Dragon's BreathEbilCorp Conqueror
Edgar's EyesEgg Head
Endless GuardianEpic Stylist III
Exile Leader SlayerFamily Matters
FamousFlag Captured
Frysteland Contract SergeantGamma Tester
Golden Omega TicketHalloWarrior
Hank's LegHazard Heart
Heart DestroyerHeartcracker
Heroic MemorialInfernal Contract Sergeant
Krampus SlayerLegion Locker Key
Mage TokenMama's Feast
Master of DisguiseMission Possible
Naomi's KeepsakeNightwraith's Hat
NuclearOlympic Games 2012
Omega EnduresOmega Overlord
One X SixOverlord's Helmet
ProtectorRabblefroth's Tome
Slayer ShurikenSnork's Stash VIP
Talk Like a PirateTitan's Helm
Token ContributorTreasure Hunter
Tungsten FistUltimate Enhancer
Valestra's Vault VIPVault Breaker I
Vault Breaker IIIVault Cracker III
World Domination Tier 1Year of the Dragon

   Fortune City Efficiency   Fortune Studio Apartment
   Junkyard Crawler

Missions Completed
A Delicious Snack
A Frosty ReduxAbominable? Adorable
Ahead of the CompetitionAlaric and Aldhagrim
All I See Is RedAppetizers
Armored to the TeethBallistic Bunnies
Battle BornBe Prepared
Beast Versus BossBeast's Burden
BelladonnaBetrayal in My Veins
Blue OrchidBoost Juice
Break on ThroughBreaking Bad
Broken HomeBunny Blueprints
Business PlanCake and Bacon
Carrots for CapensisChemical Warfare
Chomp!Circuits and Steel
Cold ComfortComing Home
Corporeal CacophonyCrystals and Light
Dance, Puppets! Dance!Darkish Grey Ops
Diamonds and RustDissection and Discover
Don't Cry No MoreDragon's Breath
Drums of WarEasy Bein' Green
Eternal and ArcaneEXFOLIATE
Faded MemoriesFamily Matters
Female TroublesFish Combo Production
Flash and GuileFlower Power
FocusFood for the Gods
Forever My NemesisFriendly Fire
Funeral BellsGasket Case
GatekeeperGhosts of the Past
Girl's Best FriendGod Prefers a Heretic
Golden Gun GalGreat Minds
Greed Is GoodGrinding Gears
Ground Control to Major BunnyHankering for a Bite
Hearts on FireHide nor Hair
Hush a bye Heavy GuardI AM A KRAMPUS
Kill the KingLagomorphic Innovations
Lament for the LegionLepus' New Friends!
Let the Colors BurstLet Us Set You Up the Bomb
Lonely Hearts ClubLonely Is The Word
Look! A Distraction!Luau
Main CourseMaking Ready
Market ResearchMedical Waste
Minor InsubordinationNew Allegiance
No Prayer for the DyingNot a Good Reason
Notary PublicNuclear Option
Omega OmeleteOne Tiny Hop
OneX6Pretty Deadly
Promises PromisesProve Your Worth
PurifyRabble's Vendetta
Reactor RoomRefined
Reign in BloodRespite for the Fallen
RestockReverse Osmosis
Rise Against the GuardRoxy Roller
Saccharine SentimentsScrambled Nightmares
Seasons in the AbyssSecret Sauce
Senses CaptureSet the World on Fire
Set Us Up the NomsSeverance Package
Shady DealingsShattered by a White Hare
Silence the GodsSmoke and Floof
Snow Angels Don't KillSnowdrop
Soup and SaladSpoils of War
Stick It to the ManStrategic Maneuvering
Sweet TeethTakes the Cake
Talia's TalentsTea and Titan
The Big Picture (Legion)The Equation of Life
The Human WallThe Hunter's Test
The Illegal EconomyThe Opposite of Love
The Poison Is the CureThe Reckoning
The Torch PassesTime to Upgrade
Toxic LoveTransaction 77782
Trick or TreatTrinkets from the Gods
Twilight of the GodsUltimate Baby Yeti
Unwanted AttentionVermin
Viva la ResistanceWhat Is Delicious?
What's the Plan?Yin and Yang