EpicDuel Home


    Arctic Guard Armor    Banana Suit
    Basic Armor    Beast Rider M
    Bio Hazard Husk    Blood Hawk Armor
    Bone Hazard Armor    Botanical Battle Suit F
    Botanical Battle Suit M    Bunny Borg
    Cardboard Crusader M    Chaos Juggernaut Armor
    Classic Armor    Delta Knight
    Dragon Slayer M    Ebil Hazard Husk
    Ebil Hazard Husk    Egg Shell
    Elite Yeti Husk    Exo Knight M
    Fortune War Armor    Founder Armor
    Harbinger Husk M    Harvest Husk M
    Heavy Junker Armor    Heavy Mechachillid
    Iron Husk    Light Mechachillid
    Lionhart Soldier M    Metal Marine M
    Necronaut Armor    NegaWraith Armor M
    Nightwraith's Duds    Omega Bunny Borg
    Paladin Armor M    Platinum's Pride
    Space Warrior    Tesla Armor
    The Endless Armor    Transcendence Armor
    Warbot    Aphrodite's Woe E
    Aphrodite's Woe P    Aquatic Blade
    Arctic Soldier Pike E    Arctic Soldier Pike E
    Arctic Soldier Pike P    Axion Rapier P
    Azrael's Bane    Azrael's Deathbringer
    Azrael's Reaper    Azrael's Spirit
    Behemoth Scythe    Beleen's Ballyhoo Blade
    Beleen's Bat Blade    Beleen's Beam Sword
    Beta Cleaver 2023 E    Beta Cleaver 2023 E
    Beta Cleaver 2023 E    Beta Cleaver 2023 P
    Beta Cleaver 2023 P    Beta Cleaver 2023 P
    Beta Cleaver E    Beta Cleaver P
    Beta Cleaver P    Beta Cleaver P
    Bio Ripper Sword E    Bio Ripper Sword P
    Blade of Trials E    Blade of Trials P
    Blood Hawk Slayer E    Blood Hawk Slayer E
    Blood Hawk Slayer P    Blood Hawk Slayer P
    Blood Katana    Botanical Broadsword
    Botanical Reaper    Brutal Hatchet
    Bunny Bane E    Bunny Bane P
    Buster Shard    Candy Cane of Pain E
    Celtic Cleaver    Charsketch Sword
    Chron Blade    Claymore Of Sin
    Clover Blade    Dage's Desolation E
    Dage's Desolation P    Dark Botanical Broadsword
    Dark Leviathan    Dark Requiem
    Deep Sea Rapier E    Deep Sea Rapier P
    Deep Sea Rapier P    Deep Terror Blade E
    Deep Terror Blade P    Delta Destroyer P
    Demonic Heartbreaker P    Devourer of Hope
    Doom Blade    Doom Cutter
    Dracula    Dragon Blade 3012
    Dragon Buster    Dragon Buster II
    Dragon Scimitar    Dragon Sword
    Dread Destroyer E    Dread Destroyer P
    Drekonic Sword E    Drekonic Sword P
    Drekonic Sword P    E Nautilasher
    Enslaver    Festive Broadsword E
    Frost Queen Scythe    Frost Scimitar
    Frost Slayer    Frostbane
    Frostbite Sword E    Frostbite Sword E
    Frostbite Sword P    Frozen Claymore
    Frozen Claymore    Frozen Claymore
    Frozen Dage's Desolation E    Frozen Dage's Desolation P
    Frozen Fire Sword E    Frozen Fire Sword P
    Frozen Fire Sword P    Frozen Fury Scythe E
    Frozen Fury Scythe P    Frozen Vengeance E
    Frozen Vengeance P    Frozen Vengeance P
    Galana's Blade    Gold Dragon Sword P
    Gold Dragon Sword P    Gold Dragon Sword P
    Gold Dragon Sword P    Gold Leviathan Impaler P
    Great Strife Sword    Green Saber Sword
    Grim Heartbreaker E    Harnessed Yeti Sword E
    Harnessed Yeti Sword P    Harvest Wrecker Blade E
    Harvest Wrecker Blade P    Hazard Scimitar E
    Hazard Scimitar P    Heartbreaker Cleaver P
    Holiday Cleaver    Holy Frost Claymore
    Immanence's Reaper    Immanence's Reaper
    Infernal Frostbane    Infernal Slayer
    Ivory Cutlass E    Ivory Cutlass P
    Kartherax's Reaper E    Kartherax's Reaper P
    Liberty Ripper    Light Requiem
    Malfic Blade    Mana Rapier E
    Mana Rapier E    Mana Rapier P
    Monstrous Broadsword    Nautilasher
    Nightsketch Sword    Omega Impaler
    Omega Slayer    Omega Wolf Fang E
    Omega Wolf Fang P    Pan
    Pan    Rainbow Brush
    Rapier    Regal Dragon Sword E
    Regal Dragon Sword P    Regal Dragon Sword P
    Rixty Ripper    Rune Falcon
    Sarazen Armaments    Scythe of Liberty
    Sepulsword    Sharp Scissors
    Slaughter    Soul Ripper
    Sword of Alliance E    Sword of Alliance P
    Thawed Kezeroth's Bane E    Thawed Kezeroth's Bane P
    Titan Slayer E    Titan Slayer E
    Titan Slayer P    Titan Warlord Sword E
    Titan Warlord Sword E    Titan Warlord Sword E
    Titan Warlord Sword P    Titan Warlord Sword P
    Titan Warlord Sword P    Titan's Triumph P
    Titanite Sword E    Titanite Sword E
    Titanite Sword E    Titanite Sword P
    Titanite Sword P    Valkyrie Song
    Vanilla Ice Katana    Vicious Rip Sword
    Void Reaver Blade E    White Knight Lance
    Winter War Sword E    Winter War Sword P
    Wreath Wrath    Wreath Wrath
    Arctic Soldier Axe P    Basic Club
    Bunny Energy Axe    Bunny War Axe
    Celtic Maul    Charfade's Club P
    Crystal Axe    Cyber Shillelagh
    Dragon Breath Maul    Dragon Mace
    Earthen Maul E    Earthen Maul P
    Egg Maul    Elite Charbinger Axe
    Elite Charbinger E Axe    Energy Mecha Maul
    Frost Frenzy Axe E    Frost Frenzy Axe E
    Frost Frenzy Axe P    Frost Frenzy Axe P
    Frostbite Axe E    Frostbite Axe P
    Frostbreaker    Frostwrath
    Gilded Football Maul P    Gold Dragon Axe P
    Golden Draconic Axe    Harnessed Yeti Axe E
    Harnessed Yeti Axe P    Heartbreaker Maul
    Ice Maul    Jelly Maul
    Jester's Maul    Lionhart's Maul E
    Lionhart's Maul P    Mecha Maul
    Metallic Heart Axe E    Metallic Heart Axe P
    Sandwich Club    Soul Squasher
    Squash    Titan Terminator Maul E
    Titan Terminator Maul E    Titan Terminator Maul E
    Titan Terminator Maul P    Titan Terminator Maul P
    Titan Terminator Maul P    World Maul E
    World Maul P    Wraith Axe
    Wraith Baton    Apprentice Staff
    Apprentice Staff    Gold Dragon Staff P
    Metallic Heart Staff E    Metallic Heart Staff P
    Titan Terminator Staff E    Titan Terminator Staff P
    Angry Mosquito    Arctic Soldier Blaster E
    Arctic Soldier Blaster P    Azrael's Anguish E
    Azrael's Anguish P    Beta Blaster E
    Beta Blaster E    Beta Blaster E
    Beta Blaster P    Bio Blaster E
    Bio Blaster P    Bug Zapper
    Caketech Hyper Icer    Carrot Blaster
    Charfade's Blaster P    Cookie Blaster P
    Dage's Haunted Boomstick    Dage's Skull Boomstick
    Dark Varium Blaster    Desert Sniper
    Dread Disruptor E    Dread Disruptor P
    Ebil Energy SMG    Frostbolt Blaster
    Frozen Fury Blaster E    Frozen Fury Blaster P
    Gold Pirate Pistol P    iZap
    Jade Magnum    Kurz Elite
    Kurz MP    Magnum
    Omega Wolf Blaster E    Omega Wolf Blaster P
    Orange Electronomer    Particle Bean
    Pirate Mage Pistol E    Pirate Mage Pistol P
    Pirated Media E    Plasma Booster
    Pocket Pistol    Pos Plazmatron
    Pulse Crossbow    Rabble's Attack Tome
    Skullfire Blaster    Soul Slayer Gun E
    Soul Slayer Gun P    Stun Blaster
    Stun Blaster 2018    Stun Cannon
    Stun Cannon 2018    Super Mecha Cannon
    Super Mecha Laser    Theon's Gifted Blaster E
    Theon's Gifted Blaster P    Tuna Cannon E
    Vampiric Boomstick E    Vampiric Boomstick P
    Void Pirate Pistol E    Void Pirate Pistol P
    Warmachine Gun P    Winter Blaster E
    Winter Blaster P    Winter Blaster P
    Wraith Repeater    Wraith Revolver
    Zammytron    Gold Dragon Blades E
    Gold Dragon Blades P    Light Blades
    Light Blades    Metallic Heart Blades E
    Metallic Heart Blades P    Titan Terminator Daggers P
    Arctic Soldier Cannon E    Arctic Soldier Cannon P
    Azrael's Annihilator E    Azrael's Annihilator P
    Beta Bazooka E    Beta Bazooka P
    Beta Bazooka P    Beta Bazooka P
    Bio Hunter Rifle E    Bio Hunter Rifle P
    Blue Devastator    Bunnyzooka
    Cake Launcher    Carrotic Collider
    Cat Cannon E    Caterpillar Bugzooka
    Charfade's Launcher P    Cupid's Bane
    Cupid's Sorrow    Dage's Doom Cannon
    Dage's Spirit Cannon    Dage's Spirit Cannon
    Dread Desolator E    Dread Desolator P
    E Megalazooka    Eggzooka
    Elite Big 50 P    Energy Bunnyzooka
    Energy Eggzooka    Frost Cannon
    Frozen Fury Annihilator E    Frozen Fury Annihilator P
    Ghoul Cannon    Ghoul Cannon 2018
    Ghoul Cannon 2018    Goo Gun E
    Goo Gun P    Hive Launcher
    Mecha Launcher    Megalazooka
    Omega Wolf Rifle E    Omega Wolf Rifle P
    Pirate Mage Flintlock E    Pirate Mage Flintlock P
    Platinum Pulverizer    Pumpkin Annihilator E
    Pumpkin Annihilator P    Red Devastator
    Royal Dragon Blaster    Spectral Blaster
    Spectral Blaster 2018    Spectral Blaster 2018
    Super Mecha Disintegrator    Super Mecha Launcher
    Tactical Sniper E    Tactical Sniper P
    Theon's Gauss Rifle P    Theon's Gifted Rifle E
    Theon's Gifted Rifle P    Theon's Gifted Rifle P
    Wraith Cannon E    Wraith Destroyer
    Wraith Devastator    Wraith Devastator
    Aim Assist    Bacon Breath P x25
    Bacon Rain P x25    Concussive Shot
    Concussive Shot x25    Dexterity Boost x30
    Energy Shot x25    Energy Storm x25
    Eternal Enhance    Frost Shards x25
    Generator x25    Jack-O-Fire P x25
    Meteor Shower x25    Ninja Reflexes
    Plasma Meteor x25    Strength Boost x30
    Support Boost x30    Technology Boost x30
    Titan Chomp P x25    War Commander x10
    Assault Bike    Assault Shuttle
    Bionic Bear Bike    Blood Hawk Mutation
    Botanical Bike    Burger Bike
    Charfade's Cruiser    Chopper
    Cyberbike    Dage's Blood Rider
    Dino Hawk Mutation    Exile Mecha Cruiser
    Exile Tank    Flight Module
    Founder Bike    Frostbike
    Gamma Bike    Hyperium Cruiser
    Imperial Skull Bike    Jack O Bomb Mutation
    Liberty Eagle Bike    Little Gear
    Marauder Bike    Model L
    Moto Stud Bike    Omega Wolf Mutation
    Omega Wolf Rider    Potato
    Screaming Eagle    Screaming Skull
    Skeletal Graverider CC    Snowman
    Ten Year Titan    Tuna Express
    Yeti Mutation    Assault Bot E
    Azrael's Borg    Baby Yeti
    Ballistic Bunny Bot    Bio Borg
    Black Abyss Bot E    Black Abyss Bot P
    Blood Hawk E    Blood Hawk P
    Botanical Borg    Botanical Hazard
    Cyber Yeti E    Cyber Yeti P
    Dark Botanical Borg    Dark Botanical Hazard
    Dark Yeti    Electro Bunny Bot
    Electro Gamma Bot    Gamma Bot
    Infernal Android E    Infernal Android P
    Kartherax's Darkspawn E    Kartherax's Darkspawn P
    Lionhart's Avatar E    Lionhart's Avatar P
    Monkakazi E    Monkakazi P
    Omega Baby Yeti    Omega Dark Yeti
    Phantasm Droid E    Phantasm Droid E
    Phantasm Droid P    Phantasm Droid P
    Pink Yeti    Pirate Bot E
    Pirate Bot P    Pyro Fly
    Bacon    Botanical Key
    Candy    Chairman Bux
    Corruption Spore    Dark Heart Key
    Dragonoid Ship Key    Dravax's Artifact
    Dread Bomb    Egg Key
    Egg Sac    Emerald
    Flawed Infernal Gem    Fortune Bomb
    Fuel Cell    Gold Skull Card
    Gunpowder Keg    Ice Gem
    Infernal Gem    Naval Shell
    Nightmare Egg    Noragh's Head Trophy
    Old Fortune City Key    Omega Ticket
    Omega Wolf Shard    OneX6 Key
    Perfect Emerald    Perfect Infernal Gem
    Poison Flowers    Purified Spores
    Signal Booster    Silver CPU
    Silver Skull    Skull
    Summoning Stone    Super Corruption Spore
    Super Dread Bomb    Super Naval Shell
    Super War Bomb    Tactical Map
    Void Shard    War Bomb
    Yeti Pelt    Yutilian Artifact
    Azrael's Curse    Beta Brutalizer 2023 E
    Beta Brutalizer 2023 E    Beta Brutalizer 2023 E
    Beta Brutalizer 2023 P    Beta Brutalizer 2023 P
    Beta Brutalizer 2023 P    Beta Brutalizer E
    Beta Brutalizer E    Beta Brutalizer E
    Beta Brutalizer P    Beta Brutalizer P
    Beta Brutalizer P    Bionic Battlegear E
    Bionic Battlegear P    Black Abyss Battlegear E
    Black Abyss Battlegear P    Blood Hawk Battlegear E
    Blood Hawk Battlegear P    Botanical Battlegear E
    Botanical Battlegear P    Botanical Nightmare
    Dark Botanical Nightmare    Dark Dragon Battlegear
    Delta Desolator    Draconic Destroyer
    Draconic Devastator    Draconic Drekonator E
    Dragon Battlegear    Dread Battlegear E
    Exile Battlegear E    Exile Battlegear P
    Frost Destroyer    Frozen Fury Destroyer E
    Frozen Fury Destroyer P    Harvest Reaper
    Harvest Reaper    Infernal Interdictor E
    Infernal Interdictor P    Kartherax's Destroyer E
    Kartherax's Destroyer P    Legion Battlegear E
    Legion Battlegear P    Lionhart's Carnage
    Lionhart's Knowledge    Omega Obliterator
    Omega Onslaughter    Omega Wolf Bloodletter
    Omega Wolf Souleater    Spectral Reaper
    Titan Warlord E    Titan Warlord P
    Titan's Terror P    Titanite Destroyer E
    Titanite Destroyer P    Veteran Battlegear

10 Year AnniversaryAbyssal Exterminator
AceAdministrator 10 Slayer
AdventureQuest VIPAldhagrimm’s Heart
Anya's BadgeApocalypse Averted
AQ Worlds VIPArbor Annihilator
Arbor WarriorArtillery Master
Artmageddon VIPAssaulter
Bacon CupcakeBarrens Outpost Sergeant
Battle TestedBattlesuit Model
Beta TesterBido Breaker
Big Game LIIIBig Game XLV
Big Game XLVIBig Game XLVII
Big Show 2018Big Tuna's Surfboard
Bio HazardBiodome Veteran
Bionic BattalionBionic Engineer
Birth of TitanBlood Money
Brachylagus BreakerBroken Cane
Brunson's Bounty VIPCaden's Eye
Caden's WheelCake
Candy PinCapable Legend
Capt. Shoggoth's HeadCelebrity
Central Station GruntCenturion
ChampionCharfade's Helmet
Class MasterClover
CoffeeConductor's Cap
Curse of AlexisDage's Doom VIP
Daily Prize Champion Tier 1Daily Solo Champion Tier 1
Daily Team Champion Tier 1Dark Future
DefenderDelta Knight
Delta V DefenderDeuce's Defeat
DevastatorDouble Cookie Stack
Dragon MasterDragon's Breath
Dragon's Destruction VIPDragonFable VIP
Dragonoid SlayerDravax Slayer
Dread Plains MajorEbil Crusher
EbilCorp ConquerorEdgar's Eyes
Egg HeadEight Ball
Eleven Year AlphaElite Engineer
Endless GuardianEnforcer
EngineerEpic Artist
Epic BuddyEpic Collector
Epic ConservationistEpic Hoarder
Epic OriginsEpic Stylist IV
Epic SupporterEpic Supporter 2018 Lvl 2
Epic ThreadsEpicDuel Defender
Evil OverlordExile
Exile Leader SlayerExile Locker Key
Extreme BuddyExtreme Hoarder
Family CrestFamily Matters
FirestarterFlag Captured
Fortune City CadetFounder
Friday The 13thFrost Warrior
Frost Warrior 2.0Frozen Fury VIP
Frysteland CadetFrysteland War Captain
Frysteland War HeroGalatea's Med Tablet
Gamma TesterGifting Streak
GladiatorGolden Omega Ticket
Good Gifter 2016Grand Code Crafter
Great BankerGreat Legendary Gifter 2018
Guard HelmHabuki's Visor
HalloWarriorHalloWarrior 2.0
Hank's LegHazard Havoc VIP
Hazard HeartHealer
Heart Attack BurgerHeart Breaker
Heart DestroyerHeartcracker
Heroic MemorialHeroSmash VIP
HitmanHome Decorator
Husk Mania VIPIndependence Day
Infernal ConquerorInfernal Fleet Lieutenant
Infernal Mines CadetInfernal Slayer
InsomniacJ6's Jackpot VIP
Juggernaut Tier 1Junker's Junkyard VIP
Kartherax SlayerKingslayer
Lagomorph CharmsLandlord
Leg. Epic Supporter 2018Legendary Archivist
Legendary BuddyLegendary Capt. Shoggoth's Head
Legendary GifterLegendary Hoarder
LegionLegion Bane
Magenta EggMama's Feast
Mark of RageMark of the Oathbreaker
MassacreMaster of Disguise
MechQuest VIPMercenary Token
Merged Dragonoid SkullMirv's Mug
Mission PossibleMonkakazi Mayhem VIP
Mort's MaskMurdoc's Helm
Naomi's KeepsakeNightmare Capt. Shoggoth's Head
Nightwraith's HatNightwraith's Nightmare VIP
Noragh's HeadNuclear
Olympic Games 2Olympic Games 2012
Omega EnduresOmega Overlord
One Small StepOne X Six
Overlord DeputyOverlord Facility Veteran
Overlord's HelmetOverSoul VIP
Platinum Shark JawProtector
Pumpkin SeedRabblefroth's Tome
Raymus' House KeyRaymus' Realty VIP
Revontheus SlayerSharpshooter
Shoggoth's Stash VIPSlayer
Slayer ShurikenSmooth Titan
Snork's Stash VIPSteve 2.0's Chassis
StunSuper Defender
Super Spore HunterSurvivor
Talk Like a PirateThe Big Game
Theon SlayerTitan's Helm
Titan's Mug AchievementTitan's Triumph VIP
Token ContributorTreasure Hunter
Tungsten FistTurkey Terminator
Ultimate EnhancerUltimate Party Planner
Ultra Gifter 2017Valestra's Nail Polish
Valestra's Vault VIPVault Breaker II
Vault Cracker IIIVisionary
Void ConquerorVoid Explorer
Void King SlayerVoid Master
War Hero Tier 1War Item Conqueror
Wasteland GruntWaves of Conquest
Welcome to Delta VWest Naval Yard Veteran
Wild Tuna SushiWorld Cup
World Cup 2018World Domination Tier 1
Year of the DragonYeti for the Holidays
Yeti for Winter 2017Yeti for Winter 2018
Yin Yang

   Abandoned Ship   Afterlife Shrine
   Barrens Yurt   Biodome Bunker
   Fortune City Efficiency   Fortune City Loft
   Fortune City Spire   Fortune Studio Apartment
   Frysteland Yurt   Infernal Apartment
   Junkyard Crawler   Luxury Mine Suite

Missions Completed
3D PrintingA Boss Matchup
A Bounty Well Deserved!A Box of Scraps
A Challenging RequestA Cure for the Beast
A Delicious SnackA Dozen Defeats
A Fair HairA Friendly Wager
A Frosty ReceptionA Good Beatin’!
A Good Explanation For This (Maybe)A Less Friendly Wager
A Necessary EvilA Passer In the Storm
A Platinum MongerA Proper Trap
A Tale's EndA White Lie
Abominable? AdorableAccess Denied
Accidental AntiquingAhead of the Competition
Alaric and AldhagrimAll I See Is Red
Alms for the RichAlso Good for Cabinets
AmmunationAn Ounce of Prevention
AppetizersArachno Analysis
Arachno HarvestArachno Rescue
Armored to the TeethArms for the Poor
Artificial SweetenerAsking for Directions
Back to BasicsBack to Business School
Back to SkullBad for Business
Bad GourdBaelius' Pact
Ballistic BunniesBargain for Blood
Batesian MimicryBattle Born
Battle BruisedBattle Cry
BattleforgedBeast Initiation
Beast ModeBeast Patrol
Beast Versus BossBeast's Burden
Begging for StripsBeginner Buying
Beginning of the EndBelladonna
Berry BluesBerry Cartel
Berry HolidaysBetrayal in My Veins
Better Late Than NeverBio Guard Rejects
Black VariumBodyguards
Bomb ImprovementsBoost Juice
BORED!Both Sides!
Bounds of FleshBountiful Blackmail
Brawling for BuxBreakdown of Diplomacy
Bribe or FightBroken Defenses
Bug BountyBunny Blueprints
Bunny BrawlBunny Bribe
Buried TreasureBusiness Partners
Business PlanBusted Torch
Caden's ReverieCake and Bacon
Call a TacticianCalming Thoughts
Candy Corn CrisisCandy Fever
Captain's WrathCarrots for Capensis
Cease FireChains of Blood
Chains of LifeChairman Chomped
Challenging for MeChemical Warfare
Chomp!Chump King
Circuits and SteelCleanup
Clear the DocksCoffee, Tea, or Battle
Cold ComfortComing Home
Coming TogetherConjure the Wind
Controlling the SituationCopper Ritual
Corrupted BeastsCosmic Connections
Costumed KrampusCrackin' Skulls
Cruel CollectionCrushing Bones
Crystals and LightCult Infiltration
Cup Runneth OverCurse of the Evil Teddy
Cute CatchersDamaged Goods
Dance, Puppets! Dance!Dark Hearts
Darkish Grey OpsDead End
Dead Man's ChestDead Men Tell No Tales
Dealt a Cruel BlowDeclawed
Deeply RootedDefensive Demolition
Deity StuffDemonic Science
Deseronto et. al.Desperate Search
DessertDevil's Advocate
Dispel the DemonDistraction Game
District DisastersDivine Intervention
DO NOT DELETE!Don't Cry No More
Double TroubleDouble Vision
Dragon's BreathDreadful Destiny
Dreams of the DeadDreams of the Void
Dummy HazardDying to Get Here
Early PaymentEasy Bein' Green
Elegy for a TunaElegy for the Exiles
Eternal GiftEternal Power
Every Man Has His PriceEVP
ExterminationFacets and Reflections
Fact CheckingFade to Blue
Faded MemoriesFalse Fuel
Family BusinessFashion Disaster
Fashion ForwardFather and Son
Fear FactorFearless Leader
Female TroublesFight Frost with Fire
Fighting for FabulousFinal Exam
Final PreparationsFinal Shakedown
Fine Rustic DecorFire and Frost
Fire NightFirst Wave
Fish Combo ProductionFlower Power
FocusFood for the Gods
Food For ThoughtFor Freedom!
For Fresh Air!For the Heart I Once Had
Forever My NemesisFortune City Soldier
Fractured MemoriesFriendly Fire
From the DarkFrozen Heart
Full RefundFuneral Bells
Furry FiascoFurther Arachno Analysis
Gamma GlitchGasket Case
GatekeeperGathering Intel
Get the FactsGhost of a Rose
Gift of LifeGirl's Best Friend
Give Up the GhostGoing Solo
Golden Gun GalGolden Parachute
Good GourdGourd Core
Gourd IntermissionGreat Minds
Greed Is GoodGreen Goddess Vinaigrette
Grim CatchGrinding Gears
Ground Control to Major BunnyGrub Hub
Guard DetailHalt!
Handle It!Hank's Revenger
Hankering for a BiteHappy Oyster!
Harbinger's StaffHarnessing the Void
HazardousHead-Bashing Opportunity
Heart of the AbyssHeartbroken
HeartcrackerHearts on Fire
Helter SmelterHide nor Hair
High OctaneHomemade Horror
Hope from the OutsideHuman Hazard
Hunter and the PreyHurts to Heal
I can haz caek?I Don't Even
I Doubt They’re FriendlyI Spy
I've Got the PowerImpious Convictions
Impossible InfiltrationIn a Flash
Incidental ReportsIncrease Security
Ineptitude and IniquitiesInside Job
Into the AbyssInto the Flames
Juloffenblotten TruceJunk Data
Junkyard PartsJust Nuke It
Keepin' It FreshKill the Queen
KingslayerKnowledge of the Deep
Krampus TraditionLagomorphic Innovations
Law GiverLeft For Dead
Legion RallyLepus' New Friends!
Let 'em Burn!Let the Colors Burst
Let's Try Science!Lies and Deceit
Lifetime MemoriesLocksmith! Locksmith!
Lonely Hearts ClubLook! A Distraction!
Lost SonLuau
Lucky LagomorphsMain Course
Making ReadyMalfunctioning Wife
Mama's RecipeManpower
Many CakesMarket Research
Master and CommanderMaximum Artillery
Medical WasteMemory Like a River
Menacing MooksMidnight Raids
Mine for MemoriesMinesweeper
Minor InsubordinationMischief Makers
Missionary MercsMY BALLOONS!!!
My Heart in Your HandsMy Name Isn't Mike
Naptime!Natural Fruit Flavor
Need More JuiceNew Allegiance
Nice Shiny CoatNightmare Gate
Nightmare PreppersNightmare Prince
Nightmare TetherNostalgia
Not a Good ReasonNotary Public
Nuclear OptionNursing to Health
Obstructed OpportunismOmega Omelete
One Tiny HopOneX6
OuroborosOutsider Fire
OverflowPaint the Town
Paradox NowParty of One
Patience, PleasePeaceful Solutions
Pest ControlPetty Tyranny
Pirate HuntPlow the Road
Poached YetiPoint A to Point B
Pollen PowerPositive Enforcement
Practice Makes PerfectPre-game
Precious DataPreventing Paradoxes
Prince CharmingProfit Margins
Project DeltaProof of Persistence
Prove Your WorthPulling Through
Pumpkin TrailPurify
Pyre ProblemsQED
Queen ReconRabbit Rocket Science
Rabble's VendettaRandom Spoils
Reactor RoomReady, Aim, Fire!
Rebel ScumRebranding
Recruitment DriveRefined
Reign in BloodRequirement Not Met
Research ResumeResearch Trip
Residual ResonanceRestock
RevelationReverse Engineering 101
Reverse OsmosisRighteous Resistance
Rigor MortisRise Against the Guard
Roxy RollerRusted Joints
Saccharine SentimentsSacrifice
Sadistic SourceSafety Measures
Sample SetScappy Scrapper
Scattershot ScapegoatingScorch the Earth
Scoundrel ShakedownScrambled Nightmares
ScribblesSearch for the Primo Shard
Search for the Secondo ShardSearch for the Terzo Shard
Search the ShadowsSeasonal Shipment
Seasons in the AbyssSecret Sauce
Secure the PerimeterSeeing Double
Seeking the AnswerSet the World on Fire
Set Us Up the NomsSeven Deadlies
Severance PackageSevering the Link
Shady DealingsShakedown Sequel
Shaman SpiritShard Search
Shattered by a White HareShell Game
Silence the GodsSilence the Gods 2
Silence the TitanSinergy
Sinister SamplesSinking the Ship
Sins of the FatherSlicing and Dicing
Slight DelaySmash the Smash Bros
SmashingSmoke and Floof
Snack ShowdownSneaky Peaky
Soldier's TestSoldiers of Fortune
Something's FishySoup and Salad
Sowing DiscordSpacefaring Scribbler
Spare TimeSpark of Battle
Sparring LessonSparring Partner
Spore HuntSpring The Trap
SQUIRREL!Status Report
Stayin’ AliveStealthy Scavenger
Stick It to the ManStony Tark
Stories of the PastStrategery
Suicide SquadSupernatural Snooping
Suppression FieldSweet Teeth
Tailor MadeTake Out the Trash
TakenTakes the Cake
Takesy BacksiesTarget Lock
Tea and TitanTeam Building Exercises
Team PlayerTesting 1,2,3...
The Annoyance of HumanityThe Apprentice
The BanishmentThe Beast Masters
The Big Picture (Exile)The Cake Is a Lie
The Doom Came to CharfadeThe Early Bird
The End for EndlessThe Entrance to Avalon
The Equation of LifeThe Horror in the Eyes
The Horror in the WaterThe Human Wall
The Hunt BeginsThe Hunter's Test
The Illegal EconomyThe Iron Manhunt
The Justice BringerThe Last Stand
The Love We're InThe Madness from the Sea
The MastermindThe Nightmare Spreads
The Nuclear OptionThe Old One
The Old WaysThe Platinum Problem
The Poison Is the CureThe Poison Was the Cure
The PropositionThe Queen Returns
The ReckoningThe Revival
The Shadow Over TunaThe Short List
The Sound of SilenceThe Tip Off
The Torch PassesThe Unusual Suspects
The White ShipThe Yetikiller
The Zest of LifeThirsty Hank
Thugs and ThievesTides of Fear
Tidings of FightingTin Soldiers
To the Other SideTop 10 Anime Betrayals
Tough StuffToxic Love
Trade HazardsTraining for Oblivion
Transaction 77782Translation Trouble
Trash TrainTrashville
Trick or TreatTrinkets from the Gods
TrustworthyTruth in Character
Turkey TrapTurn the Tide
Twilight of the GodsTyrant of the Void
Ultimate Baby YetiUncanny
Undying GrudgeUneasy Feeling
Unexpected Turn of EventsUnlikely Ally
Unruly CrisisUnsatisfactory
Unwanted AttentionUp to the Challenge
Vanquish the VoidViva la Resistance
Void SoupWar Wounds
Warming UpWascally Wabbits
Weapon ForgingWeapons Dealers
Welcome CommitteeWelcome to My World
Well-Deserved Whuppin'What Do Gods Fear?
What Is Delicious?What's in the Box?
Wild NumbersWorld Eater's Return
Yeti CorruptionYeti Encounter
Yeti HuntYou Know My Choice
You Saw This Coming