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     Botanical Knight A     Botanical Knight A CC
     Botanical Knight B     Botanical Knight B CC
     Botanical Knight C     Botanical Knight C CC
    Accomplishment's Pirate Rep.    Alydroid Shell
    Apex Bio-Ronin A    Apocryphal Champion A
    Apocryphal Champion A CC    Apocryphal Champion B
    Apocryphal Champion B CC    Apocryphal Champion C
    Apocryphal Champion C CC    Apocryphal Demigod A
    Apocryphal Demigod A CC    Apocryphal Demigod B
    Apocryphal Demigod B CC    Arctic Guard Camo Armor
    Arctic Soldier F    Arctic Soldier M
    Armored Wendigo    Ascended Fate Subjugator Armor
    Ascended Fate Subjugator Armor CC    Ascended Frost Archdemon
    Ascended Frost Archdemon CC    Ascended Frostborn Archdemon A
    Ascended Frostborn Archdemon A CC    Ascended Frostborn Archdemon B
    Ascended Frostborn Archdemon B CC    Avensis War Armor F
    Avensis War Armor M    Azrael's Cavalier Armor A
    Azrael's Cavalier Armor A CC    Azrael's Cavalier Armor B
    Azrael's Cavalier Armor B CC    Azrael's Cavalier Armor C
    Azrael's Cavalier Armor C CC    Azrael's Scorn MK-12 A
    Azrael's Scorn MK-12 A CC    Azrael's Scorn MK-12 B
    Azrael's Scorn MK-12 B CC    Baelius Duds
    Baelius Duds CC    Banana Suit
    Bareknuckle Body Armor    Bareknuckle Full Armor
    Basic Armor    Beast Rider F
    Beast Rider M    Bido's Legendary Armor
    Bio Hazard Husk    Bio-Ronin A
    Bio-Ronin A CC    Bio-Ronin B
    Bio-Ronin B CC    Blood Hawk Armor
    Bloodseeker    Bone Hazard Armor
    Botanical Battle Suit F    Botanical Battle Suit M
    Bunny Borg    Bunny Suit
    Bunny Suit CC    Burning Frost Archdemon
    Burning Frost Archdemon CC    Caden's Cuirass F
    Camo City Guard    Caped Festive Frostwalker
    Caped Festive Frostwalker CC    Caped Star Hunter
    Caped Star Hunter CC    Cardboard Crusader F
    Cardboard Crusader M    Cathedral Knight Armor A
    Cathedral Knight Armor A CC    Cathedral Knight Armor B
    Cathedral Knight Armor B CC    Cathedral Knight Armor C
    Cathedral Knight Armor C CC    CC Dragonslayer
    Chaos Juggernaut Armor    Charfade's Armor
    Classic Armor    Clawsuit Armor
    Clawsuit Armor CC    Commander Armor
    Conductor Uniform    Corrupted Chronomancer
    Corrupted Dragonlord Watcher    Corrupted Dragonlord Watcher CC
    Cosmic Dominator Armor CC    Cosmic Eviscerator Armor
    Cosmic Eviscerator Armor CC    Cryo Husk
    Cyber Spartan CC    Cyber Wolf Armor
    Cyber Wolf Armor CC    Cyber Yeti Hulk
    Dage's Capeless Gld Paragon    Dage's Capeless Nightmare
    Dage's Capeless Nightmare    Dage's Capeless Nightmare
    Dage's Capeless Nightmare    Dage's Capeless Paragon
    Dage's Capeless Paragon CC    Dage's Capeless Plat Paragon
    Dage's Gold Paragon    Dage's Nightmare Paragon
    Dage's Paragon    Dage's Paragon CC
    Dage's Platinum Paragon    Darkeater Armor A
    Darkeater Armor A 2024    Darkeater Armor A CC
    Darkeater Armor A CC 2024    Darkeater Armor B
    Darkeater Armor B CC    Darkspawn Husk
    Delta Knight    Desert Cyborg F
    Diamond Heavy Mechachillid    Draconic Frost King Armor
    Draconic Frost King no Flame    Draconic Frost King non CC
    Draconic Warlord Armor A    Draconic Warlord Armor A CC
    Draconic Warlord Armor B    Draconic Warlord Armor B CC
    Draconic Warlord Armor C    Draconic Warlord Armor C CC
    Draconic Warlord Armor D    Draconic Warlord Armor D CC
    Dragon Buster Armor    Dragon of Fortune Armor
    Dragon Slayer F    Dragon Slayer M
    Dragonlord Watcher    Dragonlord Watcher CC
    Dread Plains Overlord    Ebil Hazard Husk
    Egg Shell    Eldritch Hunter Armor A
    Eldritch Hunter Armor A CC    Eldritch Hunter Armor B
    Eldritch Hunter Armor B CC    Electro Hazard Husk
    Electro Hazard Husk    Elite Yeti Husk
    Enchant's Alpha Armor    Evolved Charfade Armor
    Evolved Dragonlord F    Evolved Dragonlord M
    Fallen Bean    Fate Subjugator Armor
    Fate Subjugator Armor CC    Feeder's Armor
    Festive Classic Armor    Festive Classic Armor
    Festive Frostwalker    Festive Frostwalker CC
    Festive Omega Default Armor    First Mate Armor F
    First Mate Armor M    Flesh Demigod Armor
    Flesh Demigod Armor CC    Flesh Demigod Eradicator
    Flesh Demigod Eradicator CC    Flesh Demigod Obliterator
    Flesh Demigod Obliterator CC    Flesh Demigod Prototype
    Flesh Demigod Prototype CC    Fortune War Armor
    Fowdner ARmb0r    Frost Knight Armor
    Frost Knight Armor CC    Frost Mogul
    Frost Reaper F    Frost Reaper M
    Frost Revenant Armor A    Frost Revenant Armor A CC
    Frost Revenant Armor B    Frost Revenant Armor B CC
    Frost Warlord    Frost Warlord Archangel
    Frost Warlord Archangel CC    Frost Warlord Archdemon
    Frost Warlord Archdemon CC    Frost Warlord Cavalier
    Frost Warlord Cavalier CC    Frost Warlord CC
    Frostborn Archdemon A    Frostborn Archdemon A
    Frostborn Archdemon A CC    Frostborn Archdemon A CC
    Frostborn Archdemon B    Frostborn Archdemon B
    Frostborn Archdemon B CC    Frostborn Archdemon B CC
    Furious Frank    Glorified Darkeater Armor A
    Glorified Darkeater Armor A 2024    Glorified Darkeater Armor A CC
    Glorified Darkeater Armor A CC 2024    Glorified Darkeater Armor B
    Glorified Darkeater Armor B CC    Gold Cyber Spartan
    Gold Dragonslayer    Gold Light Mechachillid
    Gothic Vampire Armor A    Gothic Vampire Armor A CC
    Gothic Vampire Armor B    Gothic Vampire Armor B CC
    Gothic Vampire Armor C    Gothic Vampire Armor C CC
    Harbinger Husk F    Harbinger Husk M
    Harvest Husk F    Harvest Husk M
    Hazmat Suit    Heavy Junker Armor
    Heavy Mechachillid    Hellfire Havoc Armor
    Hellfire Havoc Armor CC    Highlander Armor
    Highlander Armor CC    Horror Husk Armor
    Imperial Medic Armor    Infernal Avatar
    Infernal Fantasy Knight    Infernal Gladiator
    Infernal Gladiator CC    Infernal Golem
    Infernal Golem CC    Infernal Guardian
    Infernal Guardian CC    Infernal Guardian Knight
    Infernal Guardian Knight CC    Infernal Refracting Guardian
    Infernal Samurai    Infernal Samurai CC
    Infested Guard F    Infested Guard M
    Infested Hazard    Inquisitor of Baelius
    Inquisitor of Baelius CC    Iron Husk
    Jaguar Warrior Armor A     Jaguar Warrior Armor A CC
    Jaguar Warrior Armor B     Jaguar Warrior Armor B CC
    Jaguar Warrior Armor B CC     Jaguar Warrior Armor B CC
    Kartherax Husk    Kezeroth
    Kezeroth (No Cape)    Krampus King Armor
    Lady Tesla Armor    Land Shark Suit
    Lavapunk Armor    Legendary Paladin Armor F
    Legendary Paladin Armor M    Legion Draconic Emperor
    Legion Draconic Emperor CC    Malefic Armor
    Moon Shinobi    Morphing Archangel
    Morphing Archangel CC    Nanotech Armor
    Nanotech Armor CC    Naval Guard F
    Naval Guard F CC    Naval Guard M
    Naval Guard M CC    Necronaut Armor
    NegaWraith Armor F    NegaWraith Armor M
    Nightmare Seeker Shell    Nightmare Seeker Shell CC
    Nightwraith's Armor    Nightwraith's Duds
    Nuclear Shell Armor    Oakheart Armor
    Omega Bunny Borg    Omega Centurion A
    Omega Centurion A CC    Omega Centurion B
    Omega Centurion B CC    Omega Centurion C
    Omega Centurion C CC    Onyx Dragonslayer
    Overlord Knight Armor    Overlord Operative Armor
    Overlord Operative Armor CC    Paladin Chronomancer A
    Paladin Chronomancer A CC    Paladin Chronomancer B
    Paladin Chronomancer B CC    Platinum Cyber Spartan
    Platinum Medium Mechachillid    Platinum's Pride
    ProtoSartorium Armor    ProtoSartorium Armor CC
    Pumpkin Lord    Pumpkin Lord CC
    Pumpkin Overlord Armor    Radiant Golem
    Radiant Golem CC    Regal Heart Armor
    Regal Heart Armor CC    Sanguinomancer Armor A
    Sanguinomancer Armor A CC    Sanguinomancer Armor B
    Sanguinomancer Armor B CC    Savage Cyber Wolf Armor
    Savage Cyber Wolf Armor CC    Sea King's Protector
    Seraphic Inquisitor CC F    Seraphic Inquisitor CC M
    Seraphic Inquisitor F    Seraphic Inquisitor M
    Shadow Shinobi    Shinobi Armor CC
    Space Warrior    Star Hunter
    Star Hunter CC    Steve 2.0's Chassis
    Techstalker Exosuit A    Techstalker Exosuit A CC
    Techstalker Exosuit B    Techstalker Exosuit B CC
    Techstalker Exosuit C    Techstalker Exosuit C CC
    Tesla Armor    The Endless Armor
    Titan's Dread Armor    Typhoon Vanguard Armor
    Typhoon Vanguard Armor CC    Ultra Corsair Armor A
    Ultra Corsair Armor A CC    Ultra Corsair Armor B
    Ultra Corsair Armor B CC    Voracianor Plate F
    Voracianor Plate M    Warbot
    Wasteland Runner Armor    Wendigo
    Winged Draconic Frost King    Winged Frost King no Flame
    Winged Frost King non CC    Winged Star Hunter
    Winged Star Hunter CC    Winged Star Hunter CC
    Winter Slayer F    Winter Slayer M
    Winter Warrior    Zeus's Legacy
    13th Naval Commander Cutlass E    13th Naval Commander Cutlass P
    13th Naval Commander Cutter E    13th Naval Commander Cutter P
    13th Naval Commander Knife E    13th Naval Commander Knife P
    13th Pirate Cutlass E    13th Pirate Cutlass P
    13th Pirate Rapier E    13th Pirate Rapier P
    13th Pirate Sword E    13th Pirate Sword P
    4zr33l Bj0rn    4zr33l Bj0rn SeeSee
    Abyss Acolyte Star Saber E    Abyss Acolyte Star Saber P
    Abyssal Flame Cutlass    Achilles' Spear CC E
    Achilles' Spear CC E    Achilles' Spear CC P
    Achilles' Spear CC P    Achilles' Spear E
    Achilles' Spear P    Alchemical Onyx Blade E
    Alchemical Onyx Blade P    Alchemical Onyx Katana E
    Alchemical Onyx Katana P    Alchemical Onyx Ripper E
    Alchemical Onyx Ripper P    Alpha Remembrance Blade E
    Alpha Remembrance Blade P    Alydriah's Avarice E
    Alydriah's Avarice P    Alydriah's Star Saber E
    Alydriah's Star Saber P    Ancient Doom Cleaver
    Ancient Doom Crusher    Ancient Doom Impaler
    Ancient Doom Katana    Ancient Doom Reaper
    Ancient Doom Scythe    Ancient Doom Slicer
    Ancient Doom Spear    Ancient Doom Star Saber P
    Ancient Legion Cleaver    Ancient Legion Crusher
    Ancient Legion Impaler    Ancient Legion Katana
    Ancient Legion Reaper    Ancient Legion Scythe
    Ancient Legion Slicer    Ancient Legion Spear
    Ancient Legion Star Saber E    Angelic Oblivion E
    Angelic Oblivion P    Angelic Radiance E
    Angelic Radiance P    Angelic Sword E
    Angelic Sword P    Aphrodite's Woe E
    Aphrodite's Woe P    Apocalypse Blade E
    Apocalypse Blade P    Apocalypse Tomb
    Apocryphal Cleaver E    Apocryphal Cleaver P
    Apocryphal Demigod Katana E    Apocryphal Demigod Katana P
    Apocryphal Demigod Slayer E    Apocryphal Demigod Slayer P
    Apocryphal Demigod Star Saber E    Apocryphal Demigod Star Saber P
    Apocryphal Demigod Sword E    Apocryphal Demigod Sword P
    Apocryphal Eradicator Sword E    Apocryphal Eradicator Sword P
    Aquatic Cleaver    Arboreal Broadsword E
    Arboreal Broadsword P    Arctic Soldier Pike E
    Arctic Soldier Pike P    Artix Star Saber E
    Artix's Triumph    Aurora Claymore E
    Aurora Claymore P    Autumn Sword
    Azrael Star Saber E    Azrael's Bane
    Azrael's Bloodletter E    Azrael's Bloodletter P
    Azrael's Cavalier Berserker E    Azrael's Cavalier Berserker P
    Azrael's Cavalier Claymore E    Azrael's Cavalier Claymore P
    Azrael's Cavalier Executioner CC E    Azrael's Cavalier Executioner CC P
    Azrael's Cavalier Executioner E    Azrael's Cavalier Executioner P
    Azrael's Cavalier Exsanguinator CC E    Azrael's Cavalier Exsanguinator CC P
    Azrael's Cavalier Exsanguinator E    Azrael's Cavalier Exsanguinator P
    Azrael's Cavalier Saber E    Azrael's Cavalier Saber P
    Azrael's Cavalier Scythe E    Azrael's Cavalier Scythe P
    Azrael's Decay E    Azrael's Decay P
    Azrael's Reaper    Azrael's Scorn Cleaver E
    Azrael's Scorn Cleaver P    Azrael's Scorn Scimitar E
    Azrael's Scorn Scimitar P    Azrael's Scorn Slayer E
    Azrael's Scorn Slayer P    Azrael's Scorn Star Saber E
    Azrael's Scorn Star Saber P    Azrael's Souleater
    Azrael's Spirit    Azreal Bean
    Azreal Bean SeeSee    Bane of Aurac E
    Bane of Aurac P    Bareknuckle E
    Bareknuckle P    Barrens Buster E
    Barrens Buster P    Beta Remembrance Blade E
    Beta Remembrance Blade P    Beta Star Saber E
    Beta Star Saber P    Bido's Beast Breaker 2 E
    Bido's Beast Breaker 2 E    Bido's Beast Breaker 2 E
    Bido's Beast Breaker 2 E    Bido's Beast Breaker 2 E
    Bido's Beast Breaker 2 E    Bido's Beast Breaker 2 P
    Bido's Beast Breaker 2 P    Bido's Beast Breaker 2 P
    Bido's Beast Breaker 2 P    Bido's Beast Breaker CC E
    Bido's Beast Breaker CC P    Bido's Beast Breaker E
    Bido's Beast Breaker E    Bido's Beast Breaker E
    Bido's Beast Breaker E    Bido's Beast Breaker E
    Bido's Beast Breaker E    Bido's Beast Breaker P
    Bido's Beast Breaker P    Bido's Beast Breaker P
    Bido's Rune Blade E    Bido's Rune Blade P
    Bido's Sacred Claymore E    Bido's Sacred Claymore P
    Bido's Toxic Star Saber E    Bido's Toxic Star Saber P
    Bido's Venom Blade E    Bido's Venom Blade P
    Bido's Venom Dagger E    Bido's Venom Dagger P
    Bido's Venom Greatsword E    Bido's Venom Greatsword P
    Bido's Venom Scythe E    Bido's Venom Scythe P
    Bio Buster E    Bio Buster P
    Bio Slayer E    Bio Slayer P
    Biotic Star Saber E    Biotic Star Saber P
    Black Abyss Star Saber E    Black Abyss Star Saber P
    Black Widow Blade E    Black Widow Blade P
    Black Widow Scythe E    Black Widow Scythe P
    Blade Master Katana E    Blade Master Katana P
    Blade Master Sword E    Blade Master Sword P
    Blade of Vengeance CC E    Blade of Vengeance CC P
    Blade of Vengeance E    Blade of Vengeance P
    Blazing Celtic Hunter    Blazing Celtic Hunter CC
    Blood Demigod Claymore E    Blood Demigod Claymore P
    Blood Hawk Slayer E    Blood Hawk Slayer P
    Bludgeon of the Fallen E    Bludgeon of the Fallen P
    Bonefire Warlord E    Bonefire Warlord P
    Borge's D3c1m4T0R    Borge's D3c1m4T0R SeeSee
    Botanical Broadsword    Botanical Herald Star Saber E
    Botanical Herald Star Saber P    Botanical Knight Claymore E
    Botanical Knight Claymore P    Botanical Knight Dagger E
    Botanical Knight Dagger P    Botanical Knight Slayer E
    Botanical Knight Slayer P    Botanical Knight Star Saber E
    Botanical Knight Star Saber P    Botanical Reaper
    Bounty of Souls    Broken Nightmare Slayer E
    Broken Nightmare Slayer P    Brutal Heartbreaker Saber E
    Brutal Heartbreaker Saber P    Buccaneer Claymore E
    Buccaneer Claymore P    Buccaneer Cutlass E
    Buccaneer Cutlass P    Bunny Bane E
    Bunny Bane E CC    Bunny Bane P
    Bunny Bane P CC    Bunny Berserker Blade E
    Bunny Berserker Blade P    Bunny Hunter Scythe E
    Bunny Hunter Scythe P    Burning Snowfairy Sword E
    Burning Snowfairy Sword E    Burning Snowfairy Sword P
    Burrito Blade E    Burrito Blade E
    Burrito Blade P    Burrito Blade P
    Caladbolg Bloodletter E    Caladbolg Bloodletter P
    Caladbolg E    Caladbolg P
    Callisto E    Callisto P
    Candy Cane 2020 E    Candy Cane 2020 P
    Candy Cane of Pain E    Candy Cane of Pain P
    Cathedral Knight Saber E    Cathedral Knight Saber P
    Cathedral Knight Star Saber CC E    Cathedral Knight Star Saber CC P
    Cathedral Knight Star Saber E    Cathedral Knight Star Saber P
    Cathedral Knight Sword CC E    Cathedral Knight Sword CC P
    Cathedral Knight Sword E    Cathedral Knight Sword P
    Celestial Bane E    Celestial Bane P
    Celtic Cleaver    Celtic Cleaver E CC
    Celtic Cleaver P CC    Celtic Hunter Star Saber E
    Celtic Hunter Star Saber P    Celtic War Axe
    Chain Scythe E    Chain Scythe P
    Chaos Amalgam Sword E    Chaos Amalgam Sword P
    Chaos Dragonslayer Sword E    Chaos Dragonslayer Sword P
    Charbinger E Sword    Charbinger Sword
    Charfade's Battle Blade E    Charfade's Battle Blade P
    Charfade's Sword E    Charfade's Sword P
    Charsketch Sword    Cheff's Pan E
    Cheff's Pan P    Chrono Blade 2017
    Chrono Cluster Sword E    Chrono Cluster Sword P
    Chrono Knight Star Saber E    Chrono Knight Star Saber P
    Chrono Shadow Reaper E    Chrono Shadow Reaper P
    Coffin Crusher E    Coffin Crusher P
    Continuum Chrono Sword E    Continuum Chrono Sword P
    Cookie Claymore E    Cookie Claymore P
    Cookie Saber E    Cookie Saber P
    Corrupted Dragonlord Watcher Sword E    Corrupted Dragonlord Watcher Sword P
    Cosmic Eviscerator Scythe E    Cosmic Eviscerator Scythe P
    Cosmic Eviscerator Star Saber E    Cosmic Eviscerator Star Saber P
    Cosmic Star Saber P    Crystallic Piercer E
    Crystallic Piercer P    Cursed Spirit Seeker E
    Cursed Spirit Seeker P    Cutlass
    Cyber Cutlass    Cyber Spartan Sword E
    Cyber Spartan Sword P    Cyber Wolf Dagger E
    Cyber Wolf Dagger P    Cyber Wolf Greatsword E
    Cyber Wolf Greatsword P    Cyber Wolf Scythe E
    Cyber Wolf Scythe P    Dage's CC Desolation P
    Dage's Desolation E    Dage's Desolation P
    Dage's Desolation Star Saber E    Dage's Desolation Star Saber P
    Dark Botanical Broadsword    Dark Caster Scythe E
    Dark Caster Scythe P    Dark Celtic Cleaver
    Dark Coffin Crusher E    Dark Coffin Crusher P
    Dark Heartbreaker Sword    Dark Omen Hatchet E
    Dark Omen Hatchet P    Dark Omen War Sword E
    Dark Omen War Sword P    Darkeater Greatsword E
    Darkeater Greatsword P    Darkeater Katana 2024 E
    Darkeater Katana 2024 P    Darkeater Katana E
    Darkeater Katana P    Darkeater Star Saber E
    Darkeater Star Saber P    Darkon's Debris Berserzer E
    Darkon's Debris Berserzer P    Darkon's Debris Katana E
    Darkon's Debris Katana P    Darkon's Debris Scythe E
    Darkon's Debris Scythe P    Darkon's Debris Spear E
    Darkon's Debris Spear P    Darkside Shredder E
    Darkside Shredder P    Darkside Slayer E
    Darkside Slayer P    Darkwraith Dual Star Saber E
    Darkwraith Dual Star Saber P    Darkwraith Star Saber CC E
    Darkwraith Star Saber CC P    Darkwraith Star Saber E
    Darkwraith Star Saber E    Darkwraith Star Saber E
    Darkwraith Star Saber E    Darkwraith Star Saber E
    Darkwraith Star Saber E    Darkwraith Star Saber P
    Darkwraith Star Saber P    Darkwraith Star Saber P
    Darkwraith Star Saber P    Darkwraith Star Saber P
    Darkwraith Star Saber P    Darkwraith Star Saber P
    Dawn of Destiny    Death Caster Scythe E
    Death Caster Scythe P    Death Scythe E
    Death Scythe P    Death Sword E
    Death Sword P    Deep Sea Rapier E
    Deep Sea Rapier E    Deep Sea Rapier P
    Deep Terror Blade E    Deep Terror Blade P
    Deimos    Delta Destroyer E
    Delta Destroyer P    Delta Star Saber E
    Demonic Bone Breaker E    Demonic Bone Breaker P
    Demonic Buster E    Demonic Buster P
    Demonic Heartbreaker P    Diamond Dage's Desolation E
    Diamond Dage's Desolation P    Diamond Destroyer E
    Diamond Destroyer P    Diamond Star Saber P
    Dimming Frostbite Blade    Divine Conqueror E
    Divine Conqueror P    Divinity Claymore E
    Divinity Claymore P    Divinity Slayer E
    Divinity Slayer P    Divinity Star Saber E
    Divinity Star Saber P    Doom Destroyer Spear
    Doom Destroyer Sword    Doom Fusion Blade
    Doom Fusion Executioner    Dorge's Decimalat0r
    Dorge's Decimalat0r SeeSee    Draconic Chronomancer Sword E
    Draconic Chronomancer Sword P    Draconic Frost Kingslayer E
    Draconic Frost Kingslayer P    Draconic Overfiend E
    Draconic Overfiend P    Draconic Star Saber E
    Draconic Warlord Greatsword E    Draconic Warlord Greatsword P
    Draconic Warlord Saber E    Draconic Warlord Saber P
    Draconic Warlord Star Saber E    Draconic Warlord Star Saber P
    Dragon Buster    Dragon Buster II
    Dragon Scimitar    Dragon War Blade
    Dragonlord Watcher Sword E    Dragonlord Watcher Sword P
    Dragonoid Star Saber E    Dragonoid Sword E
    Dragonoid Sword P    Dravaxian Sword E
    Dravaxian Sword P    Dread Destroyer E
    Dread Destroyer P    Dread Phase Edge E
    Dread Phase Edge P    Drekonic Sword E
    Drekonic Sword P    E Nautilasher
    Easter Edge 2 E    Easter Edge 2 P
    Easter Edge E    Easter Edge E CC
    Easter Edge P    Easter Edge P CC
    Eldritch Fang    Eldritch Hunter Greatsword CC E
    Eldritch Hunter Greatsword CC P    Eldritch Hunter Greatsword E
    Eldritch Hunter Greatsword P    Eldritch Hunter Slayer CC E
    Eldritch Hunter Slayer CC P    Eldritch Hunter Slayer E
    Eldritch Hunter Slayer P    Eldritch Rakuyo
    Eldritch Rakuyo CC    Electro Machete
    Electro Shrimp Skewer    Elite Charbinger E Sword
    Elite Charbinger Sword    Ember Slayer CC
    Emerald Sword E    Emerald Sword P
    Emperor's Threnody E    Emperor's Threnody P
    Empyrean Blade E    Empyrean Blade P
    Enchanted Caster Scythe E    Enchanted Caster Scythe P
    Endless Scythe E    Endless Scythe P
    Eos    Epic Blade of Awe E
    Epic Blade of Awe P    Epic Blade of Honor E
    Epic Blade of Honor P    Epic Star Saber P
    Evolved Frostbane E    Evolved Frostbane P
    Executioner of the Fallen E    Executioner of the Fallen P
    Exile Pride Cleaver E    Exile Pride Cleaver P
    Exile Star Saber E    Experiment 2B
    Festive Broadsword E    Festive Broadsword E
    Festive Coal Cleaver E    Festive Coal Cleaver P
    Festive Coalbringer P    Festive Elf Scythe E
    Festive Elf Scythe P    Fiend Dragonblade E
    Fiend Dragonblade P    Fishing Pole
    Flesh Demigod Bane E    Flesh Demigod Bane P
    Flesh Demigod Broken Bane E    Flesh Demigod Broken Bane P
    Flesh Demigod Excalibur E    Flesh Demigod Excalibur P
    Flesh Demigod Reaper E    Flesh Demigod Reaper P
    Flesh Demigod Star Saber E    Flesh Demigod Star Saber P
    Fleshreaver E    Fleshreaver P
    FluF B4n3    FluF B4n3 SeeSee
    Fortune City Slayer E    Fortune City Slayer P
    Fourteen Year Alpha Star Saber E    Fourteen Year Alpha Star Saber P
    Fourteen Year Alpha Sword E    Fourteen Year Alpha Sword P
    Frost Dracolich Sword E    Frost Dracolich Sword P
    Frost Dragon Scythe E    Frost Dragon Scythe P
    Frost Revenant Katana E    Frost Revenant Katana P
    Frost Revenant Reaper E    Frost Revenant Reaper P
    Frost Revenant Slayer E    Frost Revenant Slayer P
    Frost Revenant Star Saber E    Frost Revenant Star Saber P
    Frost Scimitar    Frost Slayer
    Frost Slayer CC    Frost Warlord Scimitar E
    Frost Warlord Scimitar P    Frost Warlord Slayer E
    Frost Warlord Slayer P    Frostbane
    Frostbane CC    Frostbite Sword E
    Frostbite Sword P    Frostborn Slayer Scythe E
    Frostborn Slayer Scythe P    Frostborn Slayer Sword E
    Frostborn Slayer Sword E    Frostborn Slayer Sword P
    Frostborn Slayer Sword P    Frostgrim Slayer E
    Frostgrim Slayer P    Frozen Azrael's Souleater
    Frozen Callisto    Frozen Dage's Desolation E
    Frozen Dage's Desolation P    Frozen Falchion E
    Frozen Falchion P    Frozen Fire Sword E
    Frozen Fire Sword E    Frozen Fire Sword P
    Frozen Fleshreaver E    Frozen Fleshreaver P
    Frozen Frenzy Sword E    Frozen Frenzy Sword P
    Frozen Fury Scythe E    Frozen Fury Scythe P
    Frozen Katana E    Frozen Katana P
    Frozen Skull Slayer E    Frozen Skull Slayer P
    Frozen Star Saber P    Frozen Treat E CC
    Frozen Treat P CC    Frozen Vengeance E
    Frozen Vengeance P    Fw0rsht B4n3
    Fw0rsht B4n3 SeeSee    Galactic Pirate Cutlass E
    Galactic Pirate Cutlass P    Galactic Pirate Rapier E
    Galactic Pirate Rapier P    Gamma Star Saber E
    Gamma Star Saber P    Gift Box Blade E
    Gift Box Blade E CC    Gift Box Blade P
    Gift Box Blade P CC    Gilded Football Sword E
    Gilded Football Sword P    Gilded Pan
    Glacial Dread Knight Sword E    Glacial Dread Knight Sword P
    Glacial Gladiator E    Glacial Gladiator P
    Glacial Impaler E    Glacial Impaler P
    Gladiator's Blue Dawn    Godeater
    Godeater CC    GodOfSanta Azrael's Bane Rep.
    Gold Azrael's Deathbringer    Gold Dage's Desolation E
    Gold Dage's Desolation P    Gold Dragon Sword E
    Gold Dragon Sword P    Gold Leviathan Impaler P
    Golden Harvest    Golden Royal Claymore E
    Golden Royal Claymore P    Golden Royal Cleaver E
    Golden Royal Cleaver P    Golden Royal Dagger E
    Golden Royal Dagger P    Golden Royal Halberd E
    Golden Royal Halberd P    Golden Royal Impaler E
    Golden Royal Impaler P    Golden Royal Kingmaker E
    Golden Royal Kingmaker P    Golden Royal Scythe E
    Golden Royal Scythe P    Golden Royal Spear E
    Golden Royal Spear P    Golden Royal War Axe E
    Golden Royal War Axe P    Gorthor Axe E
    Gorthor Axe P    Gothic Vampiric Sword E
    Gothic Vampiric Sword P    Grim Heartbreaker E
    Hades Cleaver E    Hades Cleaver P
    Harnessed Yeti Sword E    Harnessed Yeti Sword P
    Harrowing Harvest Slayer E    Harrowing Harvest Slayer P
    Harvest Horror Scimitar E    Harvest Horror Scimitar P
    Harvest Horror Slayer E    Harvest Horror Slayer P
    Harvest Wrecker Blade E    Harvest Wrecker Blade P
    Hazard Scimitar E    Hazard Scimitar P
    Heartbeat Sword E    Heartbeat Sword P
    Heartbreaker Broadsword E    Heartbreaker Broadsword E
    Heartbreaker Broadsword P    Heartbreaker Cleaver E
    Heartbreaker Cleaver P    Heartbreaker Gladiator
    Heartbreaker Longsword    Heartbreaker Slayer
    Heartcrusher Claymore E    Heartcrusher Claymore P
    Heartcrusher Sword E    Heartcrusher Sword P
    Hellfire Havoc Lance E    Hellfire Havoc Lance P
    Hellfire Havoc Scimitar E    Hellfire Havoc Scimitar P
    Hellfire Havoc Sword E    Hellfire Havoc Sword P
    Hero's Heart Broadsword    Highlander Broadsword E
    Highlander Broadsword P    Highlander Shortsword E
    Highlander Shortsword P    Holiday Cleaver
    Holly Splitter E    Holly Splitter P
    Holly Sword E    Holly Sword P
    Honor Guard Star Saber E    Honor Guard Star Saber P
    Horror Beastbreaker E    Horror Beastbreaker P
    Hyperion Greatsword E    Hyperion Greatsword E CC
    Hyperion Greatsword P    Hyperion Greatsword P CC
    Impurrnal Slayer    Impurrnal Slayer SeeSee
    Independence Cleaver    Inf3rn0l Sl4y4h
    Inf3rn0l Sl4y4h SeeSee    Infernal Fantasy Buster E
    Infernal Fantasy Buster P    Infernal Fantasy Star Saber E
    Infernal Fantasy Star Saber P    Infernal Flameseeker E
    Infernal Flameseeker P    Infernal Frostbane
    Infernal Frostbane CC    Infernal Gladiator Sword E
    Infernal Gladiator Sword P    Infernal Guardian Greatsword E
    Infernal Guardian Greatsword P    Infernal Guardian Slayer E
    Infernal Guardian Slayer P    Infernal Overfiend Slayer E
    Infernal Overfiend Slayer E    Infernal Overfiend Slayer E
    Infernal Overfiend Slayer P    Infernal Overfiend Slayer P
    Infernal Overfiend Slayer P    Infernal Overfiend Slayer P
    Infernal Overfiend Slayer P    Infernal Overfiend Slayer P
    Infernal Overfiend Star Saber E    Infernal Overfiend Star Saber P
    Infernal Prism Katana E    Infernal Prism Katana P
    Infernal Prism Spear E    Infernal Prism Spear P
    Infernal Prism Sword CC E    Infernal Prism Sword CC P
    Infernal Prism Sword E    Infernal Prism Sword P
    Infernal Samurai Katana E    Infernal Samurai Katana P
    Infernal Samurai Star Saber E    Infernal Samurai Star Saber P
    Infernal Slayer    Infernal Slayer 2 P
    Infernal Slayer 3 E    Infernal Slayer 3 P
    Infernal Slayer Star Saber E    Infernal Slayer Star Saber P
    Infinity Titan Axe E    Infinity Titan Axe P
    Infinity Titan Sword E    Infinity Titan Sword P
    Inquisitor's Blazing Martyr    Inquisitor's Executioner E
    Inquisitor's Executioner P    Inquisitor's Plasmic Martyr
    Iron Wavebreaker E    Iron Wavebreaker P
    Ivory Cutlass E    Ivory Cutlass P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword CC E    Jaguar Warrior Sword CC E
    Jaguar Warrior Sword CC E    Jaguar Warrior Sword CC E
    Jaguar Warrior Sword CC E    Jaguar Warrior Sword CC E
    Jaguar Warrior Sword CC E    Jaguar Warrior Sword CC E
    Jaguar Warrior Sword CC E    Jaguar Warrior Sword CC E
    Jaguar Warrior Sword CC E    Jaguar Warrior Sword CC E
    Jaguar Warrior Sword CC E    Jaguar Warrior Sword CC E
    Jaguar Warrior Sword CC E    Jaguar Warrior Sword CC E
    Jaguar Warrior Sword CC E    Jaguar Warrior Sword CC P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword CC P    Jaguar Warrior Sword CC P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword CC P    Jaguar Warrior Sword CC P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword CC P    Jaguar Warrior Sword CC P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword CC P    Jaguar Warrior Sword CC P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword CC P    Jaguar Warrior Sword CC P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword CC P    Jaguar Warrior Sword CC P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword CC P    Jaguar Warrior Sword CC P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword CC P    Jaguar Warrior Sword E
    Jaguar Warrior Sword E    Jaguar Warrior Sword E
    Jaguar Warrior Sword E    Jaguar Warrior Sword E
    Jaguar Warrior Sword E    Jaguar Warrior Sword E
    Jaguar Warrior Sword E    Jaguar Warrior Sword E
    Jaguar Warrior Sword E    Jaguar Warrior Sword E
    Jaguar Warrior Sword E    Jaguar Warrior Sword E
    Jaguar Warrior Sword E    Jaguar Warrior Sword E
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    Jaguar Warrior Sword E    Jaguar Warrior Sword E
    Jaguar Warrior Sword E    Jaguar Warrior Sword E
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
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    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
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    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jaguar Warrior Sword P    Jaguar Warrior Sword P
    Jolly Candy Sword E    Jolly Candy Sword P
    Kartherax's Reaper E    Kartherax's Reaper P
    Katie's Replica Slayer    Katie's Replica Slayer CC
    Kezeroth's Bane E    Kezeroth's Bane P
    Knifey Spoony E    Knifey Spoony P
    Kraken King Calibur E    Kraken King Calibur E CC
    Kraken King Calibur P    Kraken King Calibur P CC
    Krampus' Curse Sword E    Krampus' Curse Sword P
    Lavapunk Slayer E    Lavapunk Slayer P
    Legacy Dragonblade CC E    Legacy Dragonblade CC P
    Legacy Dragonblade E    Legacy Dragonblade P
    Legendary Royal Claymore E    Legendary Royal Claymore P
    Legendary Star Saber P    Legion Destroyer Spear
    Legion Destroyer Sword    Legion Draconic Bane E
    Legion Draconic Bane P    Legion Draconic Shadowblade E
    Legion Draconic Shadowblade P    Legion Draconic Star Saber E
    Legion Draconic Star Saber P    Legion Draconic Sword E
    Legion Draconic Sword P    Legion Fusion Blade
    Legion Fusion Executioner    Legion Hero Dagger E
    Legion Hero Dagger P    Legion Hero Slayer E
    Legion Hero Slayer P    Legion Leviathan Breaker E
    Legion Leviathan Breaker P    Legion Leviathan Cutlass E
    Legion Leviathan Cutlass P    Legion Overfiend Scythe E
    Legion Overfiend Scythe P    Legion Overfiend Star Saber E
    Legion Overfiend Star Saber P    Legion Pride Cleaver E
    Legion Pride Cleaver P    Legion Skewer E
    Legion Skewer P    Legion Slayer Sword E
    Legion Slayer Sword P    Legion SoulKeeper E
    Legion SoulKeeper P    Legion Star Saber P
    Legion Wrath Scythe E    Legion Wrath Scythe P
    Leviathan Impaler E    Leviathan Impaler P
    Leviathan Rapier E    Leviathan Rapier P
    Liberty Ripper    Liberty Slayer E
    Liberty Slayer P    Lionhart Star Saber E
    Lionhart Star Saber P    Living Sin
    Living Sin Star Saber E    Living Sin Star Saber P
    Lucky Sword E    Lucky Sword P
    Luthiel's Bane E    Luthiel's Bane P
    Luthiel's Fang E    Luthiel's Fang P
    Macabre Harvest    Machete
    Macuahuitl E    Macuahuitl E
    Macuahuitl E    Macuahuitl E
    Macuahuitl E    Macuahuitl E
    Macuahuitl E    Macuahuitl E
    Macuahuitl E    Macuahuitl E
    Macuahuitl E    Macuahuitl E
    Macuahuitl E    Macuahuitl E
    Macuahuitl E    Macuahuitl E
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    Macuahuitl E    Macuahuitl E
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    Macuahuitl E    Macuahuitl E
    Macuahuitl E    Macuahuitl E
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    Macuahuitl E    Macuahuitl E
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    Macuahuitl E    Macuahuitl E
    Macuahuitl E    Macuahuitl P
    Macuahuitl P    Macuahuitl P
    Macuahuitl P    Macuahuitl P
    Macuahuitl P    Macuahuitl P
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    Macuahuitl P    Macuahuitl P
    Macuahuitl P    Macuahuitl P
    Macuahuitl P    Macuahuitl P
    Macuahuitl P    Macuahuitl P
    Macuahuitl P    Macuahuitl P
    Macuahuitl P    Macuahuitl P
    Macuahuitl P    Macuahuitl P
    Macuahuitl P    Macuahuitl P
    Macuahuitl P    Macuahuitl P
    Macuahuitl P    Macuahuitl P
    Macuahuitl P    Macuahuitl P
    Macuahuitl P    Mana Rapier E
    Mana Rapier P    Mana Rapier P
    Maple Cleaver    Maple Leaf Slayer E
    Maple Leaf Slayer P    Mech Star Saber P
    MMXX Redeemer E    MMXX Redeemer P
    Moon Shinobi Katana P    Moonlit Abomination
    Moonlit Nightmare    Morning Star Claymore E
    Morning Star Claymore P    Mystic Celtic Hunter
    Mystic Celtic Hunter CC    Mystic Pirate Cutlass E
    Mystic Pirate Cutlass P    Nanotech Cutlass CC E
    Nanotech Cutlass CC P    Nanotech Cutlass E
    Nanotech Cutlass P    Nanotech Dagger CC E
    Nanotech Dagger CC P    Nanotech Dagger CC P
    Nanotech Dagger E    Nanotech Dagger P
    Nanotech Greatsword E    Nanotech Greatsword P
    Nation Symbiote Sword E    Nation Symbiote Sword P
    Nautical Nightmare E    Nautical Nightmare P
    Nautilasher    Necro Energy Burst Claymore E
    Necro Energy Burst Claymore P    Necro Paragon Sword E
    Necro Paragon Sword P    Necrotek Executioner E
    Necrotek Executioner P    Necrotek Scythe E
    Necrotek Scythe P    Necrotek Star Saber E
    Necrotek Star Saber P    Necrotic Star Saber E
    Nightmare Dage's Desolation E    Nightmare Dage's Desolation P
    Nightmare Devourer    Nightmare Fang
    Nightmare Hunter's Star Saber E    Nightmare Hunter's Star Saber P
    Nightmare Moonlight Blade E    Nightmare Moonlight Blade E
    Nightmare Moonlight Blade P    Nightmare Moonlight Blade P
    Nightmare Moonlight Blade P    Nightmare Seeker Slasher E
    Nightmare Seeker Slasher P    Nightmare Seeker Slaughterer E
    Nightmare Seeker Slaughterer P    Nightmare Seeker Slayer E
    Nightmare Seeker Slayer P    Nightmare Slayer E
    Nightmare Slayer P    Nightsketch Sword
    Nightwraith Star Saber E    Nightwraith's Avatar Slayer E
    Nightwraith's Avatar Slayer P    Nightwraith's Avatar Star Saber E
    Nightwraith's Avatar Star Saber P    Now THIS Is A Knife E
    Now THIS Is A Knife P    Nyx
    Oblivion Blade of Alchemy E    Oblivion Blade of Alchemy P
    Oblivion Tomb    Omega Centurion Gladius 2 E
    Omega Centurion Gladius 2 P    Omega Centurion Gladius CC E
    Omega Centurion Gladius CC P    Omega Centurion Gladius E
    Omega Centurion Gladius P    Omega Centurion Trident CC E
    Omega Centurion Trident CC P    Omega Centurion Trident E
    Omega Centurion Trident P    Omega Cutlass E
    Omega Cutlass P    Omega Frost Slayer E
    Omega Frost Slayer P    Omega Impaler
    Omega Slayer    Omega Star Saber P
    Omega Wolf Fang E    Omega Wolf Fang P
    Omni Knight Blade    One-Eyed Axe
    One-Eyed Energy Axe    Outland Overlord Cleaver E
    Outland Overlord Cleaver P    Outland Warchief Star Saber E
    Outland Warchief Star Saber P    Outland Warchief Sword E
    Outland Warchief Sword P    Overfiend Nemesis Slayer E
    Overfiend Nemesis Slayer E    Overfiend Nemesis Slayer E
    Overfiend Nemesis Slayer E    Overfiend Nemesis Slayer E
    Overfiend Nemesis Slayer E    Overfiend Nemesis Slayer P
    Overfiend Star Saber E    Overfiend Star Saber P
    Overlord Overkill E    Overlord Overkill P
    Paladin Chronomancer Star Saber E    Paladin Chronomancer Star Saber P
    Paladin Chronomancer Sword E    Paladin Chronomancer Sword P
    Pandora P    Pandora Unchained E
    Pandora Unchained E    Pandora Unchained P
    Pandora Unchained P    Pandora's Fate Star Saber E
    Pandora's Fate Star Saber P    Pandora's Nightmare E
    Paragon of Parity Blade E    Paragon of Parity Blade P
    Paragon OverFiend's Blade E    Paragon OverFiend's Blade P
    Pirate Angler Rapier E    Pirate Angler Rapier P
    Pirate King Sword E    Pirate King Sword P
    Pirate Mage Katana E    Pirate Mage Katana P
    Pirate Water Slasher E    Pirate Water Slasher P
    Plasmic Chainsaw E    Plasmic Chainsaw P
    Platinum Angelic Oblivion E    Platinum Angelic Oblivion P
    Platinum Angelic Radiance E    Platinum Angelic Radiance P
    Platinum Dage's Desolation E    Platinum Dage's Desolation P
    Platinum Pan    Platinum Spartan Sword E
    Platinum Spartan Sword P    Poseidon's Alpha Blade E
    Poseidon's Alpha Blade P    Poseidon's Trident E
    Poseidon's Trident P    Proto Dragonblade CC E
    Proto Dragonblade CC P    Proto Dragonblade E
    Proto Dragonblade P    Pumpkin Blade E
    Pumpkin Blade P    Pumpkin Carver E
    Pumpkin Carver P    Pumpkin Dicer E
    Pumpkin Dicer P    Pumpkin Highbrander E
    Pumpkin Highbrander P    Pumpkin Reaver E
    Pumpkin Reaver P    Pumpkin Sabre E
    Pumpkin Sabre P    Pyroclastic Cutlass
    Quantum Chrono Sword E    Quantum Chrono Sword P
    Queen Alley Star Saber P    Rabbit Reaper E
    Rabbit Reaper P    Radiant Brutalizer E
    Radiant Brutalizer P    Regal Dragon Sword E
    Regal Dragon Sword P    Regal DragonBlade P
    Regal Festive Broadsword E    Regal Festive Broadsword P
    Regal Festive Sword E    Regal Festive Sword P
    Regal Heart Claymore E    Regal Heart Claymore P
    Regal Heart Great Blade E    Regal Heart Great Blade P
    Regal Heart Short Sword E    Regal Heart Short Sword P
    Reincarnated Overfiend Scythe E    Reincarnated Overfiend Scythe P
    Reincarnated Overfiend Slayer E    Reincarnated Overfiend Slayer P
    Resounding Carnage E    Resounding Carnage P
    Rotting Cutlass E    Rotting Cutlass P
    Royal Star Saber E    Runic Pandora E
    Rx for Destruction    S0l Inv1kToos
    S0l Inv1kToos SeeSee    Sanguine Nail
    Sanguine Nail CC    Sanguinomancer Greatsword E
    Sanguinomancer Greatsword P    Sanguinomancer Longsword E
    Sanguinomancer Longsword P    Sanguinomancer Star Saber E
    Sanguinomancer Star Saber P    Sanguinomancer Thorns Blade E
    Sanguinomancer Thorns Blade P    Screaming Sword E
    Screaming Sword P    Scythe of Liberty
    Sea King's Executioner E    Sea King's Executioner P
    Sea King's Star Saber E    Sea King's Star Saber P
    Sea Scourge E    Sea Scourge P
    SepulStar Saber E    Shadow Shinobi Katana E
    Shadow Shinobi Katana P    Shattered Nightmare Slayer E
    Shattered Nightmare Slayer P    Sheer Insanity Slayer E
    Sheer Insanity Slayer P    Shillelagh E
    Shillelagh P    Shinobi Katana CC E
    Shinobi Katana CC P    Shrimp Skewer
    Shrouded Hyperion E    Shrouded Hyperion E CC
    Shrouded Hyperion P    Shrouded Hyperion P CC
    Shrouded Nightmare    Shrouded Oblivion
    Sickle of the Harvest    Silver Royal Claymore E
    Silver Royal Claymore P    Silver Royal Dagger E
    Silver Royal Dagger P    Silver Royal Scythe E
    Silver Royal Scythe P    Silver Royal Spear E
    Silver Royal Spear P    Silver Royal War Axe E
    Silver Royal War Axe P    Sinful Slayer E
    Sinful Slayer P    Sinister Pumpkin Scythe E
    Sinister Pumpkin Scythe P    Sinister Sword E
    Sinister Sword P    Slasher Machete E
    Slasher Machete P    Snowfairy Spellsword E
    Snowfairy Spellsword P    Snowfairy Spellsword P
    Sol Inv1ct Meows    Sol Inv1ct Meows SeeSee
    Solar Pirate Cutlass E    Solar Pirate Cutlass P
    Solar Pirate Rapier E    Solar Pirate Rapier P
    Soul Binder Sword E    Soul Binder Sword P
    Soul Devourer E    Soul Devourer P
    Soul Hawk    Soul Sickle
    Soulcursed Vanquisher E    Soulcursed Vanquisher P
    Spear of Hyperion E    Spear of Hyperion P
    Spirit Binder E    Spirit Binder P
    Spirit Harvester Scythe E    Spirit Harvester Scythe P
    Spirit Harvester Sword E    Spirit Harvester Sword P
    Spring Slayer E    Spring Slayer P
    Spring Spear E    Spring Spear P
    Starlight of Destiny    Sword of Plenty
    Taro's ManSlayer CC E    Taro's ManSlayer CC P
    Techstalker Star Saber E    Techstalker Star Saber P
    Techstalker Sword E    Techstalker Sword P
    Thawed Kezeroth's Bane E    Thawed Kezeroth's Bane P
    This Is A Knife E    This Is A Knife P
    Titan Slayer E    Titan Slayer P
    Titan Warlord Sword E    Titan Warlord Sword P
    Titan's Dread Slayer E    Titan's Dread Slayer P
    Titan's Executioner Sword E    Titan's Executioner Sword P
    Titan's Triumph CC E    Titan's Triumph CC P
    Titan's Triumph E    Titan's Triumph P
    Titan's Triumph Star Saber E    Titan's Triumph Star Saber P
    Titanite Sword E    Titanite Sword P
    Too Big!    Toxic Bloodriver E
    Toxic Bloodriver P    Toxic Callisto
    Trainyard Terror E    Trainyard Terror P
    Turkey Hawk    Turkey Leg
    Typhoon Terror Lance E    Typhoon Terror Lance P
    Typhoon Terror Razor E    Typhoon Terror Razor P
    Typhoon Terror Spear E    Typhoon Terror Spear P
    Typhoon Terror Sword E    Typhoon Terror Sword P
    Tyrant Slasher E    Tyrant Slasher P
    Tyrant Titan Star Saber E    Tyrant Titan Star Saber P
    Tyrant Titan Sword E    Tyrant Titan Sword P
    Ultra Corsair Star Saber CC E    Ultra Corsair Star Saber CC P
    Ultra Corsair Star Saber E    Ultra Corsair Star Saber P
    Ultra Corsair Sword CC E    Ultra Corsair Sword CC P
    Ultra Corsair Sword E    Ultra Corsair Sword P
    Ultra OmniKnight Blade E    Ultra OmniKnight Blade P
    Undead Octo Cutlass E    Undead Octo Cutlass P
    Undead Sin    Underworld Chrono Scythe E
    Underworld Chrono Scythe P    Underworld Pirate Cutlass E
    Underworld Pirate Cutlass P    Underworld Pirate Sword E
    Underworld Pirate Sword P    Unicorn Slayer E
    Unicorn Slayer P    Unlucky Scythe E
    Unlucky Scythe P    Valentine's Saber E
    Valentine's Saber P    Valentine's Sword E
    Valentine's Sword P    Valoroth Nightmare E
    Valoroth Nightmare P    Valoween Sword E
    Valoween Sword P    Vampirate Cutlass E
    Vampirate Cutlass P    Vampiric Claymore E
    Vampiric Claymore P    Void Abomination
    Void Fang    Void Nail
    Void Nail CC    Void Pirate Cutlass E
    Void Pirate Cutlass P    Void Rakuyo
    Void Rakuyo CC    Void Reaver Blade E
    Voidborn Star Saber E    Voidborn Star Saber P
    Voideater    Voideater CC
    WarSeeker's Blade E    WarSeeker's Blade P
    Wasteland Warden E    Wasteland Warden P
    Willbreaker E    Willbreaker P
    Winter Scythe    Winter Sword
    Winter War Sword E    Winter War Sword P
    Wolf Scimitar E    Wolf Scimitar P
    Wolf Tri Sword E    Wolf Tri Sword P
    Wolf War Scythe E    Wolf War Scythe P
    World Eater E    World Eater P
    Wrath Blade E    Wrath Blade P
    Wrath Blade Star Saber E    Wrath Blade Star Saber P
    Wrath of Nulgath E    Wrath of Nulgath P
    Xenomorphic Slayer E    Xenomorphic Slayer P
    Yokai Soul Katana E    Yokai Soul Katana P
    Zealith Reaver E    Zealith Reaver P
    Zombie Slayer E    Zombie Slayer P
    13th Naval Commander Axe E    13th Naval Commander Axe P
    Alchemical Onyx Mace E    Alchemical Onyx Mace P
    Aqua Egg Smasher    Arctic Baton
    Arctic Soldier Axe E    Arctic Soldier Axe P
    Aurora Axe E    Aurora Axe P
    Bido's Sacred Axe E    Bido's Sacred Axe P
    Bido's Venom Axe E    Bido's Venom Axe P
    Brutal Heartbreaker Hatchet E    Brutal Heartbreaker Hatchet P
    Bunny Berserker Hatchet E    Bunny Berserker Hatchet P
    Bunny Energy Axe    Bunny War Axe
    Celtic Battle Axe E    Celtic Battle Axe P
    Celtic Maul    Celtic Maul E
    Charbinger Axe    Charbinger E Axe
    Charfade's Club E    Charfade's Club P
    Conch Crusher    Cosmic Eviscerator Worldeater E
    Cosmic Eviscerator Worldeater P    Crimson Egg Smasher
    Crystallic Mace E    Crystallic Mace P
    Cyber Shillelagh    Cyber Spartan Mace E
    Cyber Spartan Mace P    Darkon's Debris Axe E
    Darkon's Debris Axe P    Darkwraith Star Axe E
    Darkwraith Star Axe E    Darkwraith Star Axe E
    Darkwraith Star Axe P    Darkwraith Star Axe P
    Darkwraith Star Axe P    Doom Fusion Maul
    Dragon Breath Maul    Dragon Mace
    Earthen Maul E    Earthen Maul P
    Egg Maul    Electro Hammer
    Elite Charbinger Axe    Elite Charbinger E Axe
    Evolved Frostbane Axe E    Evolved Frostbane Axe P
    Festive Coal Crusher E    Festive Coal Crusher P
    Festive Mace E    Festive Mace P
    Flesh Demigod Axe E    Flesh Demigod Axe P
    Frostbite Axe E    Frostbite Axe P
    Frostbreaker    Frostwrath
    Frozen Frenzy Axe E    Frozen Frenzy Axe P
    Gilded Football Maul E    Gilded Football Maul P
    Gold Dragon Axe E    Gold Dragon Axe P
    Golden Royal Great Hammer E    Golden Royal Great Hammer P
    Golden Royal Greataxe E    Golden Royal Greataxe P
    Gothic Vampiric Axe E    Gothic Vampiric Axe P
    Hammer    Hammerhead Maul
    Harnessed Yeti Axe E    Harnessed Yeti Axe P
    Heartbeat Mace E    Heartbeat Mace P
    Heartbreaker Maul    Heartbreaker Scepter
    Heartcrusher Mace E    Heartcrusher Mace P
    Highlander Cleaver E    Highlander Cleaver P
    Ice Crusher    Ice Maul
    Infernal Overfiend Axe E    Infernal Overfiend Axe E
    Infernal Overfiend Axe P    Infernal Overfiend Axe P
    Infernal Overfiend Axe P    Infernal Overfiend Axe P
    Infernal Samurai Hammer E    Infernal Samurai Hammer P
    Infinity Titan Maul E    Infinity Titan Maul P
    Inquisitor's Might E    Inquisitor's Might P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
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    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe E    Jaguar Warrior Axe E
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jaguar Warrior Axe P    Jaguar Warrior Axe P
    Jelly Maul    Jester's Maul
    Jolly Candy Axe E    Jolly Candy Axe P
    Kraken King Axe E    Kraken King Axe P
    Krampus' Curse Axe E    Krampus' Curse Axe P
    Legion Conjurer Axe E    Legion Conjurer Axe P
    Legion Draconic Hammer E    Legion Draconic Hammer P
    Legion Fusion Maul    Legion Overfiend Axe E
    Legion Overfiend Axe P    Liberty Axe E
    Liberty Axe P    Lucky Maul E
    Lucky Maul P    Maple Leaf Axe E
    Maple Leaf Axe P    Maul of Chance E
    Maul of Chance P    Metallic Heart Axe E
    Metallic Heart Axe P    MMXX Axe E
    MMXX Axe P    Morning Star Axe E
    Morning Star Axe P    Necrotek Hammer E
    Necrotek Hammer P    Overfiend Nemesis Axe E
    Overfiend Nemesis Axe P    Platinum Spartan Mace E
    Platinum Spartan Mace P    Pumpkin Axe E
    Pumpkin Axe P    Radiant Battle Axe E
    Radiant Battle Axe P    Regal Dragon Maul E
    Regal Dragon Maul P    Regal Festive Axe E
    Regal Festive Axe P    Regal Heart Mallet E
    Regal Heart Mallet P    Sandwich Club
    Screaming Maul E    Screaming Maul P
    Soul Squasher    Soulcursed Mace E
    Soulcursed Mace P    Spring Axe E
    Spring Axe P    Squash
    The Absorbed Scream    Titan Terminator Maul E
    Titan Terminator Maul P    Titan's Executioner Maul E
    Titan's Executioner Maul P    Toxic Rune Axe E
    Toxic Rune Axe P    Tyrant Axe E
    Tyrant Axe P    Tyrant Titan Mace E
    Tyrant Titan Mace P    Underworld Pirate Axe E
    Underworld Pirate Axe P    Unicorn Maul E
    Unicorn Maul P    Unlucky Maul E
    Unlucky Maul P    Urchin Maul
    Vampiric Hacker E    Vampiric Hacker P
    Winter Axe    Wolf War Axe E
    Wolf War Axe P    World Maul E
    World Maul P    Wraith Axe
    Wraith Baton    Xenomorphic Splitter E
    Xenomorphic Splitter P    13th Naval Commander Staff E
    13th Naval Commander Staff P    Alchemical Onyx Staff E
    Alchemical Onyx Staff P    Aqua Egg Caster
    Arctic Dragon Staff    Arctic Soldier Staff E
    Arctic Soldier Staff P    Arctic Staff
    Aurora Staff E    Aurora Staff P
    Azrael    Bido's Sacred Staff E
    Bido's Sacred Staff P    Bido's Venom Staff E
    Bido's Venom Staff P    Brutal Heartbreaker Staff E
    Brutal Heartbreaker Staff P    Bunny Berserker Staff E
    Bunny Berserker Staff P    Bunny Staff
    Bunny War Staff    Celtic Battle Staff E
    Celtic Battle Staff P    Celtic Clover Staff
    Celtic War Staff    Celtic Wendigo Staff E
    Celtic Wendigo Staff P    Charbinger E Staff
    Charbinger Staff    Charfade's Staff E
    Charfade's Staff P    Crimson Egg Caster
    Cryomancer Staff    Crystallic Staff E
    Crystallic Staff P    Cyber Spartan Staff E
    Cyber Spartan Staff P    Darkon's Debris Staff E
    Darkon's Debris Staff P    Darkwraith Star Staff E
    Darkwraith Star Staff E    Darkwraith Star Staff E
    Darkwraith Star Staff E    Darkwraith Star Staff P
    Darkwraith Star Staff P    Doom Fusion Staff
    Dragon Master Staff    Dragon Overlord Staff
    Dravaxian Staff E    Dravaxian Staff P
    E Megalastaff    Earthen Staff E
    Earthen Staff P    Egg Staff
    Elite Charbinger E Staff    Elite Charbinger Staff
    Evolved Frostbane Staff E    Evolved Frostbane Staff P
    Festive Coal Curser E    Festive Coal Curser P
    Festive Staff E    Festive Staff P
    Frost Revenant Vindictae E    Frost Revenant Vindictae P
    Frostbite Staff E    Frostbite Staff P
    Frozen Frenzy Staff E    Frozen Frenzy Staff P
    Frozen Horror Staff    Gilded Football Staff E
    Gilded Football Staff P    Gold Dragon Staff E
    Gold Dragon Staff P    Golden Royal Staff E
    Golden Royal Staff P    Golden Royal War Staff E
    Golden Royal War Staff P    Gothic Vampiric Staff E
    Gothic Vampiric Staff P    Harnessed Yeti Staff E
    Harnessed Yeti Staff P    Heartbeat Staff E
    Heartbeat Staff P    Heartbreaker Staff
    Heartcrusher Staff E    Heartcrusher Staff P
    Highlander Staff E    Highlander Staff P
    Horror Staff    Infernal Overfiend Staff E
    Infernal Overfiend Staff E    Infernal Overfiend Staff P
    Infernal Overfiend Staff P    Infernal Samurai Staff E
    Infernal Samurai Staff P    Infinity Titan Staff E
    Infinity Titan Staff P    Inquisitor's Awe E
    Inquisitor's Awe P    Jaguar Warrior Staff E
    Jaguar Warrior Staff E    Jaguar Warrior Staff E
    Jaguar Warrior Staff E    Jaguar Warrior Staff E
    Jaguar Warrior Staff E    Jaguar Warrior Staff E
    Jaguar Warrior Staff E    Jaguar Warrior Staff E
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    Jaguar Warrior Staff P    Jaguar Warrior Staff P
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    Jaguar Warrior Staff P    Jaguar Warrior Staff P
    Jaguar Warrior Staff P    Jaguar Warrior Staff P
    Jaguar Warrior Staff P    Jaguar Warrior Staff P
    Jaguar Warrior Staff P    Jaguar Warrior Staff P
    Jaguar Warrior Staff P    Jaguar Warrior Staff P
    Jaguar Warrior Staff P    Jaguar Warrior Staff P
    Jaguar Warrior Staff P    Jaguar Warrior Staff P
    Jaguar Warrior Staff P    Jaguar Warrior Staff P
    Jaguar Warrior Staff P    Jaguar Warrior Staff P
    Jaguar Warrior Staff P    Jaguar Warrior Staff P
    Jaguar Warrior Staff P    Jaguar Warrior Staff P
    Jaguar Warrior Staff P    Jaguar Warrior Staff P
    Jaguar Warrior Staff P    Jaguar Warrior Staff P
    Jaguar Warrior Staff P    Jaguar Warrior Staff P
    Jaguar Warrior Staff P    Jaguar Warrior Staff P
    Jaguar Warrior Staff P    Jaguar Warrior Staff P
    Jelly Staff    Jester's Staff
    Jolly Candy Staff E    Jolly Candy Staff P
    Kraken King Staff E    Kraken King Staff P
    Krampus Shaman Staff    Krampus' Curse Staff E
    Krampus' Curse Staff P    Kringle Bot Staff
    Legion Conjurer Staff E    Legion Conjurer Staff P
    Legion Draconic Staff E    Legion Draconic Staff P
    Legion Fusion Staff    Legion Overfiend Summoner E
    Legion Overfiend Summoner P    Liberty Staff E
    Liberty Staff P    Lucky Staff E
    Lucky Staff P    Maple Leaf Staff E
    Maple Leaf Staff P    Megalastaff
    Metallic Heart Staff E    Metallic Heart Staff P
    MMXX Staff E    MMXX Staff P
    Morning Star Staff E    Morning Star Staff P
    Necrotek Staff E    Necrotek Staff P
    Overfiend Nemesis Staff E    Overfiend Nemesis Staff E
    Overfiend Nemesis Staff E    Overfiend Nemesis Staff E
    Overfiend Nemesis Staff P    Overfiend Nemesis Staff P
    Overfiend Nemesis Staff P    Platinum Spartan Staff E
    Platinum Spartan Staff P    Pumpkin Staff E
    Pumpkin Staff P    Radiant Battle Staff E
    Radiant Battle Staff P    Regal Dragon Staff E
    Regal Dragon Staff P    Regal Festive Staff E
    Regal Festive Staff P    Regal Heart Staff E
    Regal Heart Staff P    Robo Pirate Staff
    Screaming Staff E    Screaming Staff P
    Serpent Warder P    Soulcursed Staff E
    Soulcursed Staff P    Spring Staff E
    Spring Staff P    Staff of Chance E
    Staff of Chance P    Staff of Plenty
    Thanks Staff    Titan Terminator Staff E
    Titan Terminator Staff P    Titan's Executioner Staff E
    Titan's Executioner Staff P    Toxic Rune Staff E
    Toxic Rune Staff P    Tyrant Staff E
    Tyrant Staff P    Tyrant Titan Staff E
    Tyrant Titan Staff P    Underworld Pirate Staff E
    Underworld Pirate Staff P    Unicorn Staff E
    Unicorn Staff P    Unlucky Staff E
    Unlucky Staff P    Vampiric Staff E
    Vampiric Staff P    Winter Staff
    Wolf War Staff E    Wolf War Staff P
    World Staff E    World Staff P
    Wraith Staff    Wraith Warder
    Xenomorphic Staff E    Xenomorphic Staff P
    Abyssal Flame Pistol    Alpha Blaster
    Alpha Pistol    Alydriah's Arbiter E
    Alydriah's Arbiter P    Apocryphal Demigod Handgun E
    Apocryphal Demigod Handgun P    Apocryphal Demigod Striker E
    Apocryphal Demigod Striker P    Apocryphal Eradicator Gun E
    Apocryphal Eradicator Gun P    Arboreal Blaster E
    Arboreal Blaster P    Arctic Soldier Blaster E
    Arctic Soldier Blaster P    Azrael's Anguish E
    Azrael's Anguish P    Azrael's Cavalier Blaster E
    Azrael's Cavalier Blaster P    Azrael's Punisher E
    Azrael's Punisher P    Azrael's Scorn Shotgun E
    Azrael's Scorn Shotgun P    Bang Gun
    Bareknuckle Blaster E    Bareknuckle Blaster P
    Big Bang Gun    Bio Blaster E
    Bio Blaster P    Blazing Celtic Pistol
    Blazing Celtic Pistol CC    Botanical Buster E
    Botanical Buster P    Botanical Knight Crossbow E
    Botanical Knight Crossbow P    Brutal Heartbreaker Pistol E
    Brutal Heartbreaker Pistol P    Buccaneer Shotgun E
    Buccaneer Shotgun P    Candy Cane Capper E
    Candy Cane Capper P    Carrot Blaster
    Carrot Impaler    Cathedral Knight Magnum E
    Cathedral Knight Magnum P    Cathedral Knight Pistol E
    Cathedral Knight Pistol P    Cerberus
    Charfade's Battle Blaster E    Charfade's Battle Blaster P
    Charfade's Blaster E    Charfade's Blaster P
    Charfade's Nightmare Blaster    Chrono Blaster E
    Chrono Blaster P    Chrono Shadow Pistol E
    Chrono Shadow Pistol P    Clown's Replica Media E
    Clown's Replica Media P    Cookie Blaster E
    Cookie Blaster P    Cosmic Eviscerator Magnum E
    Cosmic Eviscerator Magnum P    Cosmic Eviscerator Pistol E
    Cosmic Eviscerator Pistol P    Cyber Wolf Shotgun E
    Cyber Wolf Shotgun P    Cyber Wolf SMG E
    Cyber Wolf SMG P    Dage's Haunted Boomstick
    Dage's Skull Boomstick    Dark Caster Gun E
    Dark Caster Gun P    Dark Varium Blaster
    Darkeater Annihilator E    Darkeater Annihilator P
    Darkeater Breaker 2024 E    Darkeater Breaker 2024 P
    Darkeater Breaker E    Darkeater Breaker P
    Draconic Frost King Blaster E    Draconic Frost King Blaster P
    Draconic Warlord Magnum E    Draconic Warlord Magnum P
    Draconic Warlord Revolver E    Draconic Warlord Revolver P
    Dragonoid Blaster E    Dragonoid Blaster P
    Dread Cannon    Dread Phase Blaster E
    Dread Phase Blaster P    Egg Gun
    Egg Laser    Eldritch Hunter Revolver E
    Eldritch Hunter Revolver P    Eldritch Hunter Tome E
    Eldritch Hunter Tome P    Erebus
    Evolved Frostbane Blaster E    Evolved Frostbane Blaster P
    Festive Coal Buster E    Festive Coal Buster P
    Flesh Demigod Blaster E    Flesh Demigod Blaster P
    Freeze Blaster    Frost Revenant Blaster E
    Frost Revenant Blaster P    Frost Warlord Cryo Pistol E
    Frost Warlord Cryo Pistol P    Frost Warlord Repeater E
    Frost Warlord Repeater P    Frostbolt Blaster
    Frostborn Hand Cannon E    Frostborn Hand Cannon E
    Frostborn Hand Cannon P    Frostborn Hand Cannon P
    Frozen Fury Blaster E    Frozen Fury Blaster P
    Gold Pirate Pistol E    Gold Pirate Pistol P
    Gold Pirate Pistol P    Gold Pirate Pistol P
    Gorgon Head E    Gorgon Head P
    Heartbreaker Blaster E    Heartbreaker Blaster P
    Heartbreaker Magnum E    Heartbreaker Magnum P
    Heartbreaker Revolver E    Heartbreaker Revolver P
    Heartbreaker Special E    Heartbreaker Special P
    Hellfire Havoc Heater E    Hellfire Havoc Heater P
    Heroic Blaster E    Heroic Blaster P
    HHS Cannon E    HHS Cannon P
    Highlander Blaster E    Highlander Blaster P
    Highlander Shotgun E    Highlander Shotgun P
    Holly Boltgun E    Holly Boltgun P
    Infernal Blaster E    Infernal Blaster P
    Infernal Fantasy Blaster E    Infernal Fantasy Blaster P
    Infernal Guardian Gun E    Infernal Guardian Gun P
    Infernal Prism Blaster E    Infernal Prism Blaster P
    Infernal Samurai Blaster E    Infernal Samurai Blaster P
    Inquisitor's Enforcer E    Inquisitor's Enforcer P
    Jaguar Warrior Gun E    Jaguar Warrior Gun E
    Jaguar Warrior Gun E    Jaguar Warrior Gun E
    Jaguar Warrior Gun E    Jaguar Warrior Gun E
    Jaguar Warrior Gun E    Jaguar Warrior Gun E
    Jaguar Warrior Gun E    Jaguar Warrior Gun E
    Jaguar Warrior Gun E    Jaguar Warrior Gun E
    Jaguar Warrior Gun E    Jaguar Warrior Gun E
    Jaguar Warrior Gun P    Jaguar Warrior Gun P
    Jaguar Warrior Gun P    Jaguar Warrior Gun P
    Jaguar Warrior Gun P    Jaguar Warrior Gun P
    Jaguar Warrior Gun P    Jaguar Warrior Gun P
    Jaguar Warrior Gun P    Jaguar Warrior Gun P
    Jaguar Warrior Gun P    Jaguar Warrior Gun P
    Jaguar Warrior Gun P    Jaguar Warrior Gun P
    Jaguar Warrior Gun P    Jaguar Warrior Gun P
    Jaguar Warrior Gun P    Jaguar Warrior Gun P
    Jolly Candy Blaster E    Jolly Candy Blaster P
    Kartherax's Blaster E    Kartherax's Blaster P
    Kraken King Blaster E    Kraken King Blaster P
    Krampus' Curse Blaster E    Krampus' Curse Blaster P
    Legion Draconic Blaster E    Legion Draconic Blaster P
    Legion Operative Pistol E    Legion Operative Pistol P
    Molecular Disruptor E    Molecular Disruptor P
    Morning Star Launcher E    Morning Star Launcher P
    Mystic Celtic Pistol    Mystic Celtic Pistol CC
    Nanotech Revolver E    Nanotech Revolver P
    Naval Blaster    Naval Gun
    Necrotek SMG E    Necrotek SMG P
    Nightmare Hunter Pistol E    Nightmare Hunter Pistol P
    Nightmare Kurz Elite E    Nightmare Kurz Elite P
    Omega Frost Blaster E    Omega Frost Blaster P
    Omega Wolf Blaster E    Omega Wolf Blaster P
    Ornate Pirate Pistol E    Ornate Pirate Pistol P
    Paladin Chronomancer Blaster E    Paladin Chronomancer Blaster P
    Pandora's Fate Blaster E    Pandora's Fate Blaster P
    Pandora's Fate Handcannon E    Pandora's Fate Handcannon P
    Pirate Blunderbuss    Pirate Flintlock E
    Pirate Flintlock P    Pirate Mage Pistol E
    Pirate Mage Pistol P    Poseidon's Alpha Blaster E
    Poseidon's Alpha Blaster P    Pumpkin Buster Blaster E
    Pumpkin Buster Blaster P    Pyroclastic Pistol
    Radiant Battle Blaster E    Radiant Battle Blaster P
    Regal Heart Hand Cannon E    Regal Heart Hand Cannon P
    Sanguinomancer Blood Blaster E    Sanguinomancer Blood Blaster P
    Sanguinomancer Revolver E    Sanguinomancer Revolver P
    Sea King's Disruptor E    Sea King's Disruptor P
    Seraph Handcannon E    Seraph Handcannon P
    Shinobi Magnum E    Shinobi Magnum P
    Skeletal Rail E    Skeletal Rail P
    Skullfire Blaster    Stun Blaster
    Stun Cannon    Super Freeze Blaster
    Super Mecha Cannon    Super Mecha Laser
    Techstalker Repeater E    Techstalker Repeater P
    Theon's Gifted Blaster E    Theon's Gifted Blaster P
    Titan's Dread Blaster E    Titan's Dread Blaster P
    Titan's Dread Shotgun E    Titan's Dread Shotgun P
    Titan's Executioner Blaster E    Titan's Executioner Blaster P
    Trench Broom E    Trench Broom P
    Tuna's Noisemaker E    Tuna's Noisemaker P
    Tyrant Injector E    Tyrant Injector P
    Ultra Corsair Revolver CC E    Ultra Corsair Revolver CC P
    Ultra Corsair Revolver E    Ultra Corsair Revolver P
    Underworld Pirate Pistol E    Underworld Pirate Pistol P
    Vampirate Magnum E    Vampirate Magnum P
    Vampiric Boomstick E    Vampiric Boomstick P
    Vampiric Stake Gun E    Vampiric Stake Gun P
    Void Pirate Pistol E    Void Pirate Pistol E
    Void Pirate Pistol P    Winter Blaster E
    Winter Blaster P    Wraith Repeater
    Wraith Revolver    Xeno Claw Blaster E
    Xeno Claw Blaster P    Xeno Ghoul Shotgun
    Xeno Spectral Shotgun    Zombie Blaster E
    Zombie Blaster P    13th Naval Commander Blades P
    13th Naval Commander Blades E    Alchemical Onyx Daggers E
    Alchemical Onyx Daggers P    Aqua Egg Stabber
    Arctic Soldier Blades E    Arctic Soldier Blades P
    Aurora Claws E    Aurora Claws P
    Bido's Sacred Blades E    Bido's Sacred Blades P
    Bido's Venom Glaives E    Bido's Venom Glaives P
    Brutal Heartbreaker Slicers E    Brutal Heartbreaker Slicers P
    Bunny Berserker Pincers E    Bunny Berserker Pincers P
    Bunny Chompers    Bunny Jaws
    Celtic Buckler E    Charbinger Claws
    Charbinger E Claws    Charfade's Claws E
    Charfade's Claws P    Crimson Egg Stabber
    Cryo Claws    Crystallic Claws E
    Crystallic Claws P    Cyber Spartan Blades E
    Cyber Spartan Blades P    Darkon's Debris Blades E
    Darkon's Debris Blades P    Darkwraith Star Blades E
    Darkwraith Star Blades E    Darkwraith Star Blades P
    Deep Freeze    Doom Fusion Daggers
    Dragon Claws    Dragon Torch
    Dravaxian Blades E    Dravaxian Blades P
    E Bunny Chompers    E Megalablades
    Earthen Blades E    Earthen Blades P
    Electro Bunny Jaws    Elite Charbinger Claws
    Elite Charbinger E Claws    Evolved Frostbane Blades E
    Evolved Frostbane Blades P    Festive Blades E
    Festive Blades P    Festive Coal Sickle E
    Festive Coal Sickle P    Frostbite Claws E
    Frostbite Claws P    Frostbite Daggers
    Frozen Frenzy Blades E    Frozen Frenzy Blades P
    Gilded Football Daggers E    Gilded Football Daggers P
    Gold Dragon Blades E    Gold Dragon Blades P
    Golden Royal Wrist Blades E    Golden Royal Wrist Blades P
    Golden Royal Wrist Reaper E    Golden Royal Wrist Reaper P
    Gothic Vampiric Blades E    Gothic Vampiric Blades P
    Harnessed Yeti Claws E    Harnessed Yeti Claws P
    Heartbeat Blades E    Heartbeat Blades P
    Heartbreaker Blades    Heartbreaker Claws
    Heartcrusher Blades E    Heartcrusher Blades P
    Highlander Gauntlets E    Highlander Gauntlets P
    Infernal Overfiend Blades E    Infernal Overfiend Blades E
    Infernal Overfiend Blades E    Infernal Overfiend Blades E
    Infernal Overfiend Blades P    Infernal Overfiend Blades P
    Infernal Overfiend Blades P    Infernal Overfiend Blades P
    Infernal Samurai Blades E    Infernal Samurai Blades P
    Infernal Samurai Evocator Blades E    Infernal Samurai Evocator Blades P
    Infinity Titan Daggers E    Infinity Titan Daggers P
    Inquisitor's Claws E    Inquisitor's Claws P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades E
    Jaguar Warrior Blades E    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jaguar Warrior Blades P
    Jaguar Warrior Blades P    Jelly Blades
    Jolly Candy Blades E    Jolly Candy Blades P
    Kraken King Cutters E    Kraken King Cutters P
    Krampus Klaws    Krampus' Curse Claws E
    Krampus' Curse Claws P    Legion Conjurer Blades E
    Legion Conjurer Blades P    Legion Draconic Claws E
    Legion Draconic Claws P    Legion Fusion Daggers
    Legion Overfiend Reapers E    Legion Overfiend Reapers P
    Liberty Guards E    Liberty Guards P
    Lucky Lacerators    Lucky Lacerators E
    Maple Leaf Guards E    Maple Leaf Guards P
    Megalablades    Metallic Heart Blades E
    Metallic Heart Blades P    MMXX Blades E
    MMXX Blades P    Morning Star Cutters E
    Morning Star Cutters P    Necrotek Blades E
    Necrotek Blades P    Overfiend Nemesis Blades E
    Overfiend Nemesis Blades E    Overfiend Nemesis Blades E
    Overfiend Nemesis Blades E    Overfiend Nemesis Blades P
    Overfiend Nemesis Blades P    Overfiend Nemesis Blades P
    Overfiend Nemesis Blades P    Overfiend Nemesis Blades P
    Platinum Spartan Blades E    Platinum Spartan Blades P
    Pumpkin Rip Blades E    Pumpkin Rip Blades P
    Radiant Battle Blades E    Radiant Battle Blades P
    Regal Festive Blades E    Regal Festive Blades P
    Regal Heart Splicers E    Regal Heart Splicers P
    Sanguinomancer Cruelty Blades E    Sanguinomancer Cruelty Blades P
    Screaming Blades E    Screaming Blades P
    Sharktooth Blades    Soulcursed Blades E
    Soulcursed Blades P    Spring Slicers E
    Spring Slicers P    Titan Terminator Daggers E
    Titan Terminator Daggers P    Titan's Executioner Blades E
    Titan's Executioner Blades P    Toxic Rune Claws E
    Toxic Rune Claws P    Turkey Claws
    Turkey Energy Claws    Tyrant Armblades E
    Tyrant Armblades P    Tyrant Titan Blades E
    Tyrant Titan Blades P    Underworld Pirate Daggers E
    Underworld Pirate Daggers P    Unicorn Blades E
    Unicorn Blades P    Unlucky Daggers E
    Unlucky Daggers P    Vampiric Slicers E
    Vampiric Slicers P    Winter Arm Blades
    Winter Cleavers    Wolf War Blades E
    Wolf War Blades P    World Blades E
    World Blades P    Wraith Pikes
    Wraith Reapers    Xenomorphic Talons E
    Xenomorphic Talons P    Yeti Claws
    13th Naval Commander Rifle E    13th Naval Commander Rifle P
    Abyssal Flame Cannon    Aether
    Agony's Sorrow E    Agony's Sorrow P
    Alydriah's Annihilator E    Alydriah's Annihilator P
    Ancient Doom Bow    Ancient Legion Bow
    Apocryphal Demigod Bow E    Apocryphal Demigod Bow P
    Apocryphal Obliterator E    Apocryphal Obliterator P
    Arboreal Artillery E    Arboreal Artillery P
    Arctic Soldier Cannon E    Arctic Soldier Cannon P
    Azrael's Annihilator E    Azrael's Annihilator P
    Azrael's Artillery E    Azrael's Artillery P
    Azrael's Cavalier Cannon E    Azrael's Cavalier Cannon P
    Azrael's Scorn Bow E    Azrael's Scorn Bow P
    Azrael's Scorn Sunderer E    Azrael's Scorn Sunderer P
    Backpackzooka    Bareknuckle Breaker E
    Bareknuckle Breaker P    Beach Ball Launcher
    Bido's Bowzooka E    Bido's Bowzooka P
    Bio Hunter Rifle E    Bio Hunter Rifle P
    Blazing Celtic War Bow    Blazing Celtic War Bow CC
    Botanical Knight Rifle E    Botanical Knight Rifle P
    Brutal Heartbreaker Cannon E    Brutal Heartbreaker Cannon P
    Buccaneer Cannon E    Buccaneer Cannon P
    Bunnmaykr    Bunnyzooka 2019
    Burginator E    Burginator P
    Cake Launcher    Candy Cane Cannon E
    Candy Cane Cannon P    Carrierzooka
    Carrotic Cannon    Carrotic Collider
    Caterpillar Bugzooka    Cathedral Knight Flamethrower E
    Cathedral Knight Flamethrower P    Charfade's Battle Rifle E
    Charfade's Battle Rifle P    Charfade's Launcher E
    Charfade's Launcher P    Charfade's Nightmare Rifle
    Charfade's Nightmare Rifle    Coffinzooka E
    Coffinzooka P    Cookie Launcher E
    Cosmic Eviscerator Rifle E    Cosmic Eviscerator Rifle P
    Cupid's Bane    Cupid's Sorrow
    Cyber Dragon    Cyber Wolf Bazooka E
    Cyber Wolf Bazooka P    Cyber Wolf Bow E
    Cyber Wolf Bow P    Dage's Doom Cannon
    Dage's Spirit Cannon    Dark Bunnmaykr
    Darkeater Consumer 2024 E    Darkeater Consumer 2024 P
    Darkeater Consumer E    Darkeater Consumer P
    Draconic Frost King Bow E    Draconic Frost King Bow P
    Draconic Warlord Siegebreaker E    Draconic Warlord Siegebreaker P
    Dragon Cannon    Dragonoid Cannon E
    Dragonoid Cannon P    Dread Desolator E
    Dread Desolator P    Dread Phase Cannon E
    Dread Phase Cannon P    E Megalazooka
    Eggzooka    Eldritch Hunter Cannon E
    Eldritch Hunter Cannon P    Electro Beach Ball Launcher
    Elite Big 50 E    Elite Big 50 P
    Energy Bunnyzooka 2019    Energy Carrierzooka
    Energy Eggzooka    Energy Stars and Stripes
    Evolved Frostbane Bow E    Evolved Frostbane Bow P
    Festive Coal Cannon E    Festive Coal Cannon P
    Fireworks Launcher E    Fireworks Launcher P
    Flesh Demigod Cannon E    Flesh Demigod Cannon P
    Flesh Demigod Flamethrower E    Flesh Demigod Flamethrower P
    Frost Cannon    Frost Revenant Blunderbuss E
    Frost Revenant Blunderbuss P    Frost Revenant Bow E
    Frost Revenant Bow P    Frost Warlord Cannon E
    Frost Warlord Cannon P    Frozen Fury Annihilator E
    Frozen Fury Annihilator P    Ghoul Cannon 2018
    Ghoul Cannon 2019    Goo Gun E
    Goo Gun P    Graphite Gun
    Heartbreaker Bow E    Heartbreaker Bow P
    Hecate    Hellfire Havoc Harbinger E
    Hellfire Havoc Harbinger P    Highlander Launcher E
    Highlander Launcher P    Holiday Bow E
    Holiday Bow P    Holly Splitter Bow E
    Holly Splitter Bow P    Ice Climber Crossbow E
    Ice Climber Crossbow P    Infernal Artillery E
    Infernal Artillery P    Infernal Fantasy Bazooka E
    Infernal Fantasy Bazooka P    Infernal Guardian Bow E
    Infernal Guardian Bow P    Infernal Samurai Cannon E
    Infernal Samurai Cannon P    Inquisitor's Punisher E
    Inquisitor's Punisher P    Ishmael's Impaler E
    Ishmael's Impaler P    Jaguar Warrior Bow E
    Jaguar Warrior Bow E    Jaguar Warrior Bow E
    Jaguar Warrior Bow E    Jaguar Warrior Bow E
    Jaguar Warrior Bow E    Jaguar Warrior Bow E
    Jaguar Warrior Bow E    Jaguar Warrior Bow E
    Jaguar Warrior Bow E    Jaguar Warrior Bow E
    Jaguar Warrior Bow E    Jaguar Warrior Bow E
    Jaguar Warrior Bow E    Jaguar Warrior Bow E
    Jaguar Warrior Bow E    Jaguar Warrior Bow E
    Jaguar Warrior Bow E    Jaguar Warrior Bow E
    Jaguar Warrior Bow P    Jaguar Warrior Bow P
    Jaguar Warrior Bow P    Jaguar Warrior Bow P
    Jaguar Warrior Bow P    Jaguar Warrior Bow P
    Jaguar Warrior Bow P    Jaguar Warrior Bow P
    Jaguar Warrior Bow P    Jaguar Warrior Bow P
    Jaguar Warrior Bow P    Jaguar Warrior Bow P
    Jaguar Warrior Bow P    Jaguar Warrior Bow P
    Jaguar Warrior Bow P    Jaguar Warrior Bow P
    Jaguar Warrior Bow P    Jaguar Warrior Bow P
    Jaguar Warrior Bow P    Jolly Candy Cannon E
    Jolly Candy Cannon P    Kartherax Larva Cannon E
    Kartherax Larva Cannon P    Kartherax's Annihilator E
    Kartherax's Annihilator P    Kraken King Bow E
    Kraken King Bow P    Krampus' Curse Cannon E
    Krampus' Curse Cannon P    Lagomorph Laser
    Lagomorph Launcher    Legion Draconic Sniper E
    Legion Draconic Sniper P    Lycan's Heavens Banezooka
    Lycan's Hell Banezooka    Mega Soaker E
    Mega Soaker P    Megalazooka
    Memet's Plasma Cannon E    Memet's Plasma Cannon P
    Molecular Obliterator P    Morning Star Plasma Cannon E
    Morning Star Plasma Cannon P    Mystic Celtic War Bow
    Mystic Celtic War Bow CC    Nanotech Bow E
    Nanotech Bow P    Nanotech Destroyer E
    Nanotech Destroyer P    Necrotek HMG E
    Necrotek HMG P    Nightmare Hunter Cannon E
    Nightmare Hunter Cannon P    Nightmare Hunter Rifle E
    Nightmare Hunter Rifle P    Omega Centurion Bow E
    Omega Centurion Bow P    Omega Frost Cannon E
    Omega Frost Cannon P    Omega Wolf Rifle E
    Omega Wolf Rifle P    Paladin Chronomancer Collider E
    Paladin Chronomancer Collider P    Pandora's Arc of Fate E
    Pandora's Arc of Fate P    Pirate Cannon
    Pirate Mage Flintlock E    Pirate Mage Flintlock P
    Platinum Pulverizer    Pumpkin Annihilator E
    Pumpkin Annihilator P    Pumpkin Buster Cannon E
    Pumpkin Buster Cannon P    Pyroclastic Cannon
    Radiant Battle Bow E    Radiant Battle Bow P
    Radiant Bowzooka E    Radiant Bowzooka P
    Regal Heart Cannon E    Regal Heart Cannon P
    Royal Dragon Blaster    Royal Dragon Cannon
    Sanguinomancer Blood Cannon E    Sanguinomancer Blood Cannon P
    Scorn Advitalis Destroyer E    Scorn Advitalis Destroyer P
    Sea King's Disintegrator E    Sea King's Disintegrator P
    Seraphic Launcher E    Seraphic Launcher P
    Shinobi Assault Rifle E    Shinobi Assault Rifle P
    Soul Taker    Spectral Blaster 2018
    Spectral Blaster 2019    Spring Boltcaster E
    Spring Boltcaster P    Stars and Stripes
    Super Mecha Disintegrator    Super Mecha Launcher
    Super Megalazooka E    Super Megalazooka P
    Susanoo    Tactical Sniper E
    Tactical Sniper P    Techstalker Railgun E
    Techstalker Railgun P    Thanks Taker
    The Legion Breaker E    The Legion Breaker P
    Theon's Gifted Rifle E    Theon's Gifted Rifle P
    Titan's Dread Artillery E    Titan's Dread Artillery P
    Titan's Dread Cannon E    Titan's Dread Cannon P
    Titan's Executioner Bow E    Titan's Executioner Bow P
    Tsukuyomi    Tyrant Rocket Cannon E
    Tyrant Rocket Cannon P    Ultra Corsair Shotgun CC E
    Ultra Corsair Shotgun CC P    Ultra Corsair Shotgun E
    Ultra Corsair Shotgun P    Vampiric Stake Cannon E
    Vampiric Stake Cannon P    Winterzooka E
    Winterzooka P    Wraith Cannon E
    Wraith Cannon P    Wraith Destroyer
    Wraith Devastator    Xeno Ghoul Cannon
    Xeno Spectral Blaster    Yuletide Terror
    Zombie Devastator E    Zombie Devastator P
    Apocryphal Champion's Roar    Apocryphal Champion's Wrath
    Apocryphal Demigod Rift    Apocryphal Demigod's Roar
    Apocryphal Demigod's Wrath    Armored Roots
    Azrael's Torment    Bacon Breath P x25
    Bacon Rain P x25    Bloodseeker Blast
    Botanical Infestation    Chained Blood
    Cold Ignition    Concussive Shot x25
    Consecrated Fire    Convergent Exsanguination
    Critical Heal    Curse
    Curse Aura    Darkeater's Insanity
    Destruction (Sidearm) x30    Dexterity Boost (Auxiliary)
    Dexterity Boost x30    Dexterity Boost x30
    Dexterity Boost x30    Domination (Sidearm) x30
    Draconic Frost King's Might    Draconic Frost King's Will
    Energy Booster x25    Energy Booster x25
    Energy Booster x25    Energy Shot x25
    Energy Storm x25    Energy Storm x25
    Eternal Protection    Exsanguinating Stomp
    Flagellation    Forbidden Pact
    Fortitude (Auxiliary)    Fortitude (Sidearm)
    Fortitude (Sidearm) x30    Frost Shards x25
    Frozen Bonebreaker    Generator
    Generator x25    Generator x25
    Hatchling Rush P    Health Booster
    Health Booster x25    Health Booster x25
    Health Booster x25    Hunters' Eradication
    Hunters' Evocation    Hunters' Judgement
    Icy Chill (Sidearm)    Icy Overkill (Aux)
    Incensory    Indominus Spear
    Infernal Blessing    Infernal Offering
    Infernal Prism    Infernal Prism
    Infinity (Sidearm)    Infinity (Sidearm) x30
    Jack-O-Fire P    Jack-O-Fire P x25
    Lifeline    Mana Burst
    Medusa's Gaze    Meteor Shower x25
    Meteor Shower x25    Minor Hammer Grenade P x25
    Molten Shrapnel    Overshield
    Permafrost    Plasma Meteor x25
    Plasma Meteor x25    Poison Barbs
    Poseidon's Will    Prime Dexterity Boost
    Prime Support Boost    Revenant's Plague
    Revenant's Wall (Primary)    Revenant's Ward
    Roman's Massive Strike    Saevussax Annihilation
    Saevussax Evisceration    Saevussax Heart
    Saevussax Slash    Sanguinomancy
    Sea King's Curse    Sea King's Venom
    Shell Shocker    Skull Smasher
    Soul Siphon    Spirit Thorns
    Spreadfire    Spreadfire (Aux)
    Strength Boost (Auxiliary)    Strength Boost (Sidearm)
    Strength Boost x30    Strength Boost x30
    Strength Boost x30    Stun Blast
    Support Boost (Sidearm)    Support Boost x30
    Support Boost x30    Support Boost x30
    Supremacy (Primary)    Supremacy (Primary) x30
    Supremacy (Sidearm)    Supremacy (Sidearm) x30
    Technology Boost x30    Technology Boost x30
    Technology Boost x30    Telekinesis
    Titan Chomp P x25    Titan's Trigger
    Tremor Blast    Unbreakable Heart x25
    Unbreakable Heart x25    Unbreakable Spirit x25
    Unbreakable Spirit x25    Vampirism
    Vampirism    Vigor (Sidearm)
    Vigor (Sidearm) x30    War Commander x10
    War Commander x10    War Commander x10
    Whiteout    Whiteout x30
    Whiteout x30    Wrath of Callisto
    Zeus' Might    Alydriah's Acolyte
    Alydriah's Acolyte CC    Apocryphal Beast
    Apocryphal Champion    Apocryphal Demigod
    Armored Omega Wolf Mutation    Assault Cruiser
    Assault Shuttle    Azrael's Cavalier Crawler
    Azrael's Cavalier Crawler CC    Azrael's Cavalier Morph
    Azrael's Cavalier Morph CC    Azrael's Cavalier Sled
    Azrael's Cavalier Sled CC    Azrael's Chimera
    Azrael's Chimera CC    Azrael's Scorn MK Bike
    Azrael's Scorn MK Bike CC    Baby Bio Hazard
    Bareknuckle Bike    Big Wheel
    Bionic Bear Bike    Blood Demigod Bike
    Blood Hawk Mutation    Blood Wyvernpyre
    Blood Wyvernpyre CC    Botanical Bike
    Botanical Knight Bike    Botanical Knight Bike CC
    Botanical Squirrel    Botanical Squirrel CC
    Bunny Bot Morph    Bunny Bot Morph
    Bunny Mutation    Burger Bike
    Candy Trobble    Cathedral Knight Bike
    Cathedral Knight Bike CC    Charfade's Cruiser
    Classic VendBot    Cosmic Eviscerator Bike
    Cryo Craft CC    CSPF Cruiser
    Cyber Dolphin    Cyber Dolphin CC
    Cyber Dragon Morph    Cyber Dragon Morph CC
    Cyber Shark Mutation    Cyber Wolf Morph
    Cyber Wolf Morph CC    Dage's Blood Rider
    Dage's Deathrider    Dark Caster Skull
    Dark Kraken Carver    Darkeater Drifter
    Darkeater Drifter CC    Derpy War Horse
    Dino Hawk Mutation    Draconic Frost King's Avatar
    Draconic Warlord Morph    Draconic Warlord Morph CC
    Dragonoid Shuttle    Eggscape Pod
    Eldritch Hunter Bike    Eldritch Hunter Bike CC
    Eldritch Proto Beast Morph    Eldritch Proto Beast Morph CC
    Enforcer Cruiser    Exile Mecha Cruiser
    Fancy Koala    Fancy Koala CC
    Fancy Platypus CC    Feldspar Crab
    Festive Cyber Yeti Morph    Festive Cyber Yeti Morph CC
    Festive Gift    Festive Mini Rex Mutation
    Festive Rusted Mini Rex    Festive Trobble
    Flight Module    Fowdner Byk
    Frost Dracolich    Frost Dracolich CC
    Frost Revenant    Frost Revenant Bike
    Frost Revenant Bike CC    Frost Revenant CC
    Frost Warlord Bike    Frost Warlord Bike CC
    Frostbike    Frostborn Archdemon Bike
    Frostborn Archdemon Bike    Frostborn Archdemon Bike CC
    Gamma Bike    Gold Burger Bike
    Gold Charfade's Cruiser    Golden War Horse
    Harnessed Yeti Bike    Holiday Boo
    Holiday Boo 2021    Immortal Frost Warlord Bike
    Immortal Frost Warlord Bike CC    Imperial Skull Bike
    Infernal Fantasy Bike    Ivan's Replica Gamma Bike
    Jack Frost Morph    Jack Frost Morph
    Jack Frost Morph CC    Jack O Bomb Mutation
    Kartherax Larva Bike    Kartherax Larva Morph
    Knightmare Horse    Knightmare Horse CC
    Knightmare War Horse    Knightmare War Horse CC
    Knightmare War Horse CC    Knightmare War Horse CC
    Kraken Carver CC    Lepus Clone
    Leviathan Morph    Liberty Eagle Bike
    Little Gear    Lycan Replica
    Maintenance Bot    Mini Azrael's Cavalier Morph
    Mini Azrael's Cavalier Morph CC    Mini Blood Wyvernpyre
    Mini Blood Wyvernpyre CC    Mini Boo
    Mini Draconic Warlord Morph    Mini Draconic Warlord Morph CC
    Mini Eldritch Proto Beast Morph    Mini Eldritch Proto Beast Morph CC
    Mini Minotaur Morph    Mini Minotaur Morph CC
    Mini Nanotech Imperator H CC    Mini Nanotech Imperator Morph
    Mini Nanotech Imperator Morph CC    Mini Rex Mutation
    Minotaur Morph    Minotaur Morph CC
    Moto Stud Bike    Nanotech Imperator H
    Nanotech Imperator H CC    Nanotech Imperator Morph
    Nanotech Imperator Morph CC    Necro Tech Bike
    Necrotek Skull Morph    Necrotek Skull Morph CC
    Necrotek Technician CC    Necrotek Technician Morph
    NightBot 3000 Morph    NightBot 3000 Morph CC
    Nulgath Bike    Omega Centurion Chariot
    Omega Centurion Chariot CC    Omega Wolf Mutation
    Omega Wolf Rider CC    Overlord Assault Drone
    Pain Pod    Patrol Cruiser
    Platinum Burger Bike    Platypus
    Platypus CC    Potato
    Pumpkin Mutation    Pyro Fly Mutation CC
    Radioactive Baby Hazard    Robo Shark Morph
    Robo Shark Morph CC    Rusted Mini Rex Mutation
    Sanguinocar    Sanguinocar CC
    Screaming Holiday Skull    Screaming Skull
    Sea King's Cruiser    Shadow Shinobi Bike
    Shadowlord Morph F    Shadowlord Morph F CC
    Shadowlord Morph M    Shadowlord Morph M CC
    Skeletal Bunny Bike    Skeletal Graverider
    Skeletal Graverider CC    Snow Sprite
    Snowman    Soul Slayer Bike
    Techstalker Bike    Techstalker Bike CC
    Ten Year Titan    The Executive
    The Executive CC    The Imperial
    The Imperial CC    Titan's Bacon Bike
    Tyrant Tank Mk1    Ultra Corsair Bike
    Ultra Corsair Bike CC    UwU Replica
    Voidborn Bike    Witch Alley Cat
    X-mas Alley Cat    Yeti Mutation
    Assault Bot E    Assault Bot P