EpicDuel Home


    Avensis War Armor M    Banana Suit
    Basic Armor    Beast Rider M
    Blood Hawk Armor    Botanical Battle Suit M
    Bunny Borg    Cardboard Crusader M
    Cathedral Knight Armor C    CC Dragonslayer
    Classic Armor    Clawsuit Armor
    Corrupted Chronomancer    Darkspawn Husk
    Draconic Warlord Armor B    Dragon Buster Armor
    Ebil Hazard Husk    Egg Shell
    Electro Hazard Husk    Fowdner ARmb0r
    Frost Knight Armor    Frost Reaper M
    Frost Revenant Armor B    Frost Revenant Armor B
    Harbinger Husk M    Harvest Husk M
    Hazmat Suit    Infernal Fantasy Knight
    Infernal Gladiator    Iron Husk
    Kezeroth    Land Shark Suit
    Legion Draconic Emperor    M4tr1x's Armor M
    Necronaut Armor    NegaWraith Armor M
    Nightwraith's Duds    Omega Bunny Borg
    Omega Centurion C    Omega Centurion C CC
    ProtoSartorium Armor    ProtoSartorium Armor CC
    Pumpkin Lord    Sanguinomancer Armor B
    Sea King's Protector    Sea King's Protector
    Space Warrior    Tesla Armor
    The Endless Armor    Warbot
    Wendigo    4zr33l Bj0rn
    Achilles' Spear E    Achilles' Spear P
    Ancient Legion Slicer    Aphrodite's Woe E
    Aphrodite's Woe P    Azrael's Bloodletter E
    Azrael's Bloodletter P    Azrael's Reaper
    Azrael's Spirit    Barrens Buster E
    Barrens Buster P    Bido's Beast Breaker CC E
    Bido's Beast Breaker CC P    Bio Buster E
    Bio Buster P    Bio Slayer E
    Bio Slayer P    Black Abyss Slayer E
    Black Abyss Slayer P    Blazing Celtic Cleaver
    Blood Hawk Slayer E    Blood Hawk Slayer P
    Blood Katana    Borge's D3c1m4T0R
    Botanical Broadsword    Botanical Reaper
    Buccaneer Claymore E    Buccaneer Claymore P
    Bunny Bane E    Bunny Bane P
    Bunny Hunter Scythe E    Caladbolg E
    Caladbolg P    Candy Cane 2020 E
    Celtic Cleaver    Charfade's Sword E
    Charfade's Sword P    Chrono Blade 2017
    Chrono Cluster Sword E    Chrono Cluster Sword P
    Dark Botanical Broadsword    Dark Celtic Cleaver
    Dark Omen Hatchet E    Dark Omen Hatchet P
    Dark Omen War Sword E    Dark Omen War Sword P
    Darkwraith Star Saber E    Demonic Heartbreaker P
    Dread Destroyer E    Dread Destroyer P
    Elite Charbinger E Sword    Enchanted Caster Scythe E
    Enchanted Caster Scythe P    Endless Scythe E
    Endless Scythe P    Festive Coal Cleaver E
    Fortune City Slayer E    Fortune City Slayer P
    Frozen Azrael's Souleater    Frozen Fury Scythe E
    Frozen Fury Scythe P    Grim Heartbreaker E
    Hazard Scimitar E    Hazard Scimitar P
    Hero's Heart Broadsword    Immanence's Reaper
    Independence Cleaver    Infernal Frostbane
    Infernal Slayer 2 E    Infinity Titan Axe E
    Infinity Titan Axe P    Kartherax's Reaper E
    Kartherax's Reaper P    Legion OverFiend Blade E
    Legion Overfiend Scythe E    Legion Overfiend Scythe P
    Liberty Ripper    Mana Rapier P
    Maple Cleaver    Mystic Celtic Hunter
    Nautical Nightmare E    Nautical Nightmare P
    Omega Centurion Gladius 2 E    Omega Centurion Gladius 2 P
    Omega Impaler 2018    Omega Slayer 2018
    Omega Wolf Fang E    Omega Wolf Fang P
    Omni Knight Blade    Overlord Overkill E
    Overlord Overkill P    Scythe of Liberty
    Shrouded Hyperion E    Thawed Kezeroth's Bane E
    Thawed Kezeroth's Bane P    Titan's Triumph E
    Titan's Triumph P    Too Big!
    Trainyard Terror E    Trainyard Terror P
    Wasteland Warden E    Wasteland Warden P
    Zealith Reaver E    Zealith Reaver P
    Arctic Soldier Staff E    Arctic Soldier Staff P
    Aurora Staff P    Epic Staff
    Frostbite Staff E    Frostbite Staff P
    Grim Staff    Krampus' Curse Staff E
    Legion Caladbolg Staff E    Legion Caladbolg Staff P
    Arctic Soldier Blaster P    Azrael's Anguish E
    Azrael's Anguish P    Azrael's Punisher E
    Azrael's Punisher P    Bio Blaster E
    Bio Blaster P    Botanical Buster E
    Botanical Buster P    Buccaneer Shotgun E
    Buccaneer Shotgun P    Carrot Blaster
    Carrot Impaler    Charfade's Blaster E
    Charfade's Blaster P    Dage's Haunted Boomstick
    Dage's Skull Boomstick    Dark Varium Blaster
    Dread Disruptor E    Dread Disruptor P
    Egg Gun    Egg Laser
    Frostbolt Blaster    Frozen Fury Blaster E
    Frozen Fury Blaster P    Omega Frost Blaster P
    Omega Wolf Blaster E    Omega Wolf Blaster P
    Sea King's Disruptor E    Skullfire Blaster
    Stun Blaster 2018    Stun Cannon 2018
    Vampiric Boomstick E    Vampiric Boomstick P
    Infinity Titan Daggers E    Lucky Lacerators
    Lucky Lacerators E    Azrael's Annihilator E
    Azrael's Annihilator P    Azrael's Artillery E
    Azrael's Artillery P    Bio Hunter Rifle E
    Bio Hunter Rifle P    Biotic Blaster E
    Blazing Celtic War Bow    Buccaneer Cannon E
    Buccaneer Cannon P    Carrierzooka
    Caterpillar Bugzooka    Charfade's Launcher E
    Charfade's Launcher P    Cupid's Bane
    Cupid's Sorrow    Cyber Dragon
    Dread Desolator E    Dread Desolator P
    E Megalazooka    Eggzooka
    Energy Bunnyzooka 2019    Frozen Fury Annihilator E
    Frozen Fury Annihilator P    Ghoul Cannon 2018
    Ghoul Cannon 2019    Heartbreaker Bow E
    Heartbreaker Bow P    Ishmael's Impaler E
    Krampus' Curse Cannon E    Krampus' Curse Cannon P
    Lagomorph Laser    Lagomorph Launcher
    Legion Draconic Sniper E    Omega Frost Cannon P
    Omega Wolf Rifle E    Omega Wolf Rifle P
    Sea King's Disintegrator E    Spectral Blaster 2018
    Super Megalazooka E    Super Megalazooka P
    Winterzooka E    Wraith Destroyer
    Wraith Devastator    Azrael's Torment
    Bacon Breath P x25    Bacon Rain P x25
    Concussive Shot x25    Critical Heal
    Dexterity Boost x30    Energy Booster x25
    Energy Booster x25    Energy Shot
    Energy Shot x25    Energy Storm x25
    Frost Shards x25    Generator
    Generator x25    Hatchling Rush P
    Health Booster x25    Health Booster x25
    Lucky Strike    Meteor Shower x25
    Minor Curse Aura    Minor Frost Aura
    Omega Override    Plasma Meteor x25
    Prime Dexterity Boost    Strength Boost (Auxiliary)
    Strength Boost x30    Support Boost x30
    Support Boost x30    Technology Boost x30
    Technology Boost x30    Thorn Assault E
    Unbreakable Heart    War Commander x10
    Whiteout x30    Whiteout x30
    Big Wheel    Bionic Bear Bike
    Blood Hawk Mutation    Botanical Bike
    Bunny Mutation    Burger Bike
    Charfade's Cruiser    Chopper
    Dage's Blood Rider    Festive Gift
    Flight Module    Fowdner Byk
    Giga Bike    Gold Little Gear
    Golden War Horse    Harnessed Yeti Bike
    Hyperium Cruiser    Imperial Skull Bike
    Knightmare Horse CC    Knightmare War Horse CC
    Lepus Clone    Liberty Eagle Bike
    Limousine CC    Mecha Cruiser
    Model L    Monkakazi Morph
    Nulgath Bike    Omega Wolf Rider
    Overlord Chopper    Potato
    Skeletal Bunny Bike    Snowman
    Titan's Bacon Bike    Tuna Express 2
    Tyrant Tank Mk1    Yeti Mutation
    Assault Bot E    Azrael's Borg
    Ballistic Bunny Bot    Bio Borg
    Black Abyss Bot E    Black Abyss Bot P
    Blood Hawk E    Blood Hawk P
    Blood Wyvernpyre Avatar E    Blood Wyvernpyre Avatar P
    Botanical Borg    Botanical Hazard
    Cyber Shark E    Cyber Shark P
    Cyber Yeti E    Cyber Yeti P
    Dark Botanical Borg    Dark Botanical Hazard
    Electro Bunny Bot    Frost Revenant Avatar E
    Frost Revenant Avatar P    Infernal Android E
    Infernal Android P    Kartherax's Darkspawn E
    Kartherax's Darkspawn P    Lionhart's Avatar E
    Monkakazi E    Monkakazi P
    Omega Baby Yeti    Omega Dark Yeti
    Phantasm Droid E    Phantasm Droid P
    Pink Yeti    Pirate Bot E
    Pirate Bot P    Plasma Fly
    Pyro Fly    Rusted Mini Rex E
    Rusted Mini Rex P    Tactical Shark Drone E
    Tactical Shark Drone P    Arcade Token
    Blood Hawk Feed    Bot Upgrade Token A
    Caden's DNA    Class Change Coupon
    Dage Soul Shard    Dragonoid Ship Key
    Dragonoid Spawn Bone    Drone Cell
    Flawed Soul Gem    Gear Retrain Coupon
    Iron Husk's Plans    Nemesis Egg
    Nulgath Soul Shard    Omega Egg
    Omega Wolf Shard    OneX6 Key
    Perfect Infernal Gem    Perfect Soul Gem
    Ritual Stone    Signal Booster
    Silver CPU    Silver Skull Card
    Skill Retrain Coupon    Soul Gem
    Void Shard    Advanced Battlegear
    Arboreal Annihilator E    Azrael's Evolution E
    Azrael's Evolution P    Bio Berserker E
    Bio Berserker P    Black Abyss Battlegear E
    Black Abyss Battlegear P    Blood Hawk Battlegear E
    Blood Hawk Battlegear P    Botanical Battlegear E
    Botanical Battlegear P    Botanical Nightmare
    Buccaneer Battlegear E    Buccaneer Battlegear P
    Dark Botanical Nightmare    Dark Dragon Battlegear
    Dark Omen Battlegear E    Dark Omen Battlegear P
    Draconic Destroyer    Draconic Devastator
    Draconic Drekonator E    Draconic Drekonator P
    Dragon Battlegear    Dragonoid Battlegear E
    Dragonoid Battlegear P    Exile Battlegear E
    Exile Battlegear P    Frozen Fury Destroyer E
    Frozen Fury Destroyer P    Glorious Battlegear
    Harvest Reaper    Harvest Reaper
    Hero's Heart Set    Kartherax's Destroyer E
    Kartherax's Destroyer P    Kezeroth's Vengeance E
    Lagomorph Battlegear P    Legion Battlegear E
    Legion Battlegear P    Legion OverFiend Warlord E
    Legion OverFiend Warlord P    Legion Rune Brawler E
    Legion Rune Brawler P    Lionhart's Knowledge
    Molecular Destroyer P    Omega Frost Destroyer E
    Omega Obliterator 2018    Omega Onslaughter 2018
    Omega Wolf Bloodletter    Omega Wolf Souleater
    Sea King's Wrath    Spectral Reaper
    Star Hunter's Trophy P    Tactical Battlegear
    Titan Warlord E    Titan Warlord P
    Titan's Terror E    Titan's Terror P
    Titanite Destroyer E    Titanite Destroyer P

20 Year Anniversary2020 Victory
2nd Friday The 13th 2023Abyssal Exterminator Tier 5
AceAdministrator 10 Slayer Tier 3
AdventureQuest VIPAldhagrimm’s Heart
Anya's BadgeApocalypse Averted
AQ Worlds VIPArbor Annihilator Tier 5
Artmageddon VIPAssaulter
Astonishing LegendAustralia Day 2020
Australia Day 2021Australia Day 2022
Australia Day 2023Australia Day 2024
Azrael's Cavalier ShowcaseAzrael's Scorn Showcase
Bacon CupcakeBarrens Outpost Sergeant
Bido BreakerBido Breaker Badge
Big Game LIIIBig Game LIV
Big Game LVBig Game LVI
Big Game LVIIBig Game LVIII
Big Show 2018Big Show 2021
Big Show 2022Big Show 2023
Big Tuna's SurfboardBio Hazard
BioBeasts BackstoryBiodome Sergeant
Birth of TitanBlack Mamba Forever
Blessed FestivalBomb
Botanical Knight ShowcaseBrachylagus Breaker
Brunson's Bounty VIPBuy Backer Lvl 1
Caden's EyeCaden's Legacy
Caden's WheelCake
Candy PinCapt. Shoggoth's Head Tier 2
Cathedral Knight ShowcaseCelebrity
Central Station LieutenantCenturion
ChampionCharfade's Helmet
Cheff's Challenge VIPClass Master
Collector CleanserCommander
Conductor's CapCookie Mound
Corporate Espionage Curse of Alexis
Dage Collector 2019Dage Collector 2020
Dage Collector 2022Dage's Doom VIP
Dage's Friday The 13thDaily Mission Achiever Tier 9
Daily Prize Champion Tier 1Daily Solo Champion Tier 1
Daily Team Champion Tier 1Dark Future
DefenderDelta Knight
Deuce's DefeatDevastator
Double Deluxe BurgerDouble Deuce
Draconic Warlord ShowcaseDragon Master
Dragon's Destruction VIPDragonFable VIP
Dragonoid Brain Slayer Tier 2Dragonoid Slayer
Dravax SlayerDravax the Harbinger Slayer
Dread Plains MajorEbil Crusher
Eggcellent Eggtravaganza VIPEight Ball
Eleven Year AlphaElite Engineer
Elite Yeti's CrestEMP
Epic BuddyEpic Conservationist
Epic HoarderEpic Origins
Epic PrideEpic Stylist III
Epic Supporter 2018 Lvl 1Evil Overlord
ExileExile Leader Slayer Tier 3
Extreme HoarderFaded Rune
Family CrestFamous
Festive Coal Collector 2019Fifteen Year Alpha
Fortune City LieutenantFriday The 13th
Friday The 13thFriday The 13th 2021
Friday The 13th 2022Frost Revenant Achiever 10
Frost Revenant ShowcaseFrost Warrior
Frost Warrior 2.0Frost Warrior 3.0
Frost Warrior 4.0Frozen Fury VIP
Frysteland LieutenantGalatea's Med Tablet
Gifting StreakGladiator
Grand ArchivistGrand Code Crafter
Great GifterGreat Gifter 2015
Great Gifter 2016Great Gifter 2017
Great Gifter 2019Great Gifter 2023
Guard HelmHabuki's Visor
HalloWarriorHalloWarrior 2.0
HalloWarrior 3.0Hank's Leg
Harrowing HarvestHarvest Havoc VIP
Hazard Havoc VIPHazard Heart Tier 5
HealerHeart Breaker
Heartbreaker Hoard VIPHeroic Memorial
Heroic Memorial 2022Heroic Memorial 2023
HeroSmash VIPHitman
Hunter TokenHusk Buster
Husk Mania VIPIndependence Day
Independence Day 2Independence Day 3
Independence Day 4Independence Day 5
Independence Day 6Infernal Mines Veteran
Infernal Slayer 2Insomniac
J6's Jackpot VIPJuggernaut Tier 1
Junker's Junkyard VIPKartherax Slayer Tier 2
King Alaric's CrownKingslayer
Kraggor's Cache VIPLagomorph Charms
Lagomorph DestinyLagomorph Mercenary
LandlordLarge Pumpkin
Leg. Big Tuna's SurfboardLegendary Bido Breaker
Legendary Capt. Shoggoth's HeadLegendary Deuce's Defeat
Legendary Dragonoid SkullLegendary Hoarder
Legendary Slayer's ShurikenLegion
Lepus ClonedM4tr1x's Legendary Emblem
Mage TokenMama's Feast
Mark of RageMark of the Oathbreaker
MassacreMaster of Disguise
MechQuest AnniversaryMechQuest VIP
Mer'a ArtifactMercenary Token
Merged Dragonoid SkullMirv's Mug
Mission PossibleMonkakazi Mayhem VIP
Mort's MaskMurdoc's Helm
Naomi's KeepsakeNight's Basic Bounties
Nightmare Capt. Shoggoth's HeadNightmare Exterminator
Nightmare Kartherax SlayerNightmare's End
Nightwraith's Friday The 13thNightwraith's Hat
Nightwraith's Nightmare VIPNoragh's Head
NuclearNulgath Collector 2022
Nulgath Nation VIPOlympic Games 2
Olympic Games 3Olympus' Wrath Achiever 10
Olympus' Wrath ShowcaseOmega Endures
Omega OverlordOne Small Step
Overlord DeputyOverlord Facility Lieutenant
Overlord's HelmetOverSoul VIP
ProtectorPurple Egg
Rabblefroth's TomeRaymus' House Key
Raymus' Realty VIPRevontheus Slayer
Rising Star Tier 3Saeva Lionhart's Crest
Sanguine ShowcaseSergeant
Shark TeethSharpshooter
Shoggoth's Stash VIPSlayer
Slayer ShurikenSlayer's Bounty
Smooth NightwraithSnork's Stash VIP
Snow WispSpearmint Cane
Springtime Smash VIPStache Titan
Steve 2.0's ChassisStun
Super DefenderSurvivor
Sweet Shrimp SushiTalk Like a Pirate
Tech Mage 1v1 Tier 1Ten Year Alpha
The Big GameTheon Slayer
Thirteen Year AlphaTiny Egg
Tiny HeartTitan's Helm
Titan's Mug AchievementTitan's Triumph VIP
To Boldly GoTreasure Hunter
Tungsten Fist Tier 3Turkey Terminator
Twelve Year AlphaTyrant King
Ultimate Party PlannerUltra Gifter 2018
Valestra's Nail PolishValestra's Vault VIP
Vault Sim Destroyer Tier 2Visionary
Void ConquerorVoid Explorer
Void King Slayer Tier 3Void Master
War Hero Tier 1War Item Siegemaster
WarheadWasteland Veteran
Waves of ConquestWelcome to Delta V
West Naval Yard LieutenantWomen's World Cup 2019
World CupWorld Cup 2018
World Cup 2022World Domination Tier 2
Yeti for the HolidaysYeti for Winter 2015
Yeti for Winter 2016Yeti for Winter 2017
Yeti for Winter 2018Yeti for Winter 2019
Yeti for Winter 2020Yeti for Winter 2021
Yeti for Winter 2023 Lvl 1Yin Yang
Zed's Dead