EpicDuel Home


    Basic Armor    Infernal Fantasy Knight
    Nightwraith's Duds    Sea King's Protector
    The Endless Armor    Bio Ripper Sword P
    Celtic Cleaver    Despair
    Despair    Despair
    Despair    Despair
    Despair    Despair
    Despair    Despair
    Devourer of Hope    Devourer of Hope
    Devourer of Hope    Devourer of Hope
    Devourer of Hope    Devourer of Hope
    Devourer of Hope    Devourer of Hope
    Devourer of Hope    Devourer of Hope
    Devourer of Hope    Devourer of Hope
    Dragon Blade 3012    Ebil Slayer
    Ebil Slayer    Ebil Slayer
    Egg Splitter Sword P    Frost Scimitar
    Frost Scimitar    Harnessed Yeti Sword P
    Harnessed Yeti Sword P    Harvest Wrecker Blade E
    Harvest Wrecker Blade P    Husk's Slayer
    Legion Draconic Star Saber E    Legion Draconic Star Saber P
    Pumpkin Blade E    Pumpkin Blade E
    Pumpkin Dicer E    Pumpkin Dicer P
    Ruby Rapier    Sea King's Executioner E
    Sea King's Executioner P    Titan Slayer E
    Titan Warlord Sword P    Titanite Sword P
    Xeno Bunny Sword P    Xeno Bunny Sword P
    Xeno Bunny Sword P    Xeno Bunny Sword P
    Basic Club    Biotic Axe E
    Biotic Axe P    Charfade's Club P
    Doom Hammer    Doom Hammer
    Doom Hammer    Doom Hammer
    Doom Hammer    Doom Hammer
    Doom Hammer    Dreadshock Club
    Dreadshock Club    Dreadshock Club
    Dreadshock Club    Dreadshock Club
    Dreadshock Club    Dreadshock Club
    Dreadshock Club    Dreadshock Club
    Ebil Axe    Ebil Axe
    Ebil Axe    Ebil Axe
    Ebil Axe    Ebil Axe
    Ebil Axe    Harnessed Yeti Axe P
    Husk's Axe    Husk's Axe
    Husk's Axe    The Absorbed Scream
    The Absorbed Scream    The Absorbed Scream
    The Absorbed Scream    The Absorbed Scream
    The Absorbed Scream    The Absorbed Scream
    The Absorbed Scream    The Absorbed Scream
    The Absorbed Scream    The Absorbed Scream
    The Absorbed Scream    The Absorbed Scream
    The Absorbed Scream    The Absorbed Scream
    The Absorbed Scream    Xeno Bunny Axe E
    Xeno Bunny Axe E    Xeno Bunny Axe P
    Apprentice Staff    Apprentice Staff
    Azrael    Doom Circle
    Doom Circle    Doom Circle
    Doom Circle    Doom Circle
    Doom Circle    Doom Circle
    Doom Circle    Doom Circle
    Doom Circle    Doom Circle
    Doom Circle    Ebil Staff
    Ebil Staff    Ebil Staff
    Ebil Staff    Ebil Staff
    Ebil Staff    Harnessed Yeti Staff E
    Harnessed Yeti Staff P    Harnessed Yeti Staff P
    Horror Staff    Horror Staff
    Horror Staff    Horror Staff
    Horror Staff    Horror Staff
    Horror Staff    Horror Staff
    Husk's Staff    Husk's Staff
    Husk's Staff    Husk's Staff
    Husk's Staff    Husk's Staff
    Husk's Staff    Husk's Staff
    Husk's Staff    Husk's Staff
    Spirit Scythe    Spirit Scythe
    Spirit Scythe    Spirit Scythe
    Spirit Scythe    Spirit Scythe
    Spirit Scythe    Spirit Scythe
    Spirit Scythe    Spirit Scythe
    Spirit Scythe    Xeno Bunny Staff P
    Xeno Bunny Staff P    Xeno Bunny Staff P
    Advanced Electro SMG    Azrael's Anguish P
    Doom Cannon    Ebil Energy SMG
    Ebil Energy SMG    Ebil SMG
    Ebil SMG    Ebil SMG
    Ebil SMG    Infernal Prism Blaster P
    Magnum    Pumpkin Buster Blaster P
    Sea King's Disruptor E    Sea King's Disruptor P
    Tuna Cannon E    Xeno Bunny Blaster P
    Xeno Bunny Blaster P    Xeno Bunny Blaster P
    Xeno Bunny Blaster P    Biotic Blades E
    Doom Spike    Doom Spike
    Doom Spike    Doom Spike
    Doom Spike    Doom Spike
    Doom Spike    Doom Spike
    Doom Spike    Doom Spike
    Doom Spike    Doom Spike
    Doom Spike    Ebil Blades
    Ebil Blades    Husk's Blades
    Husk's Blades    Light Blades
    Reaper Blades    Reaper Blades
    Reaper Blades    Reaper Blades
    Reaper Blades    Reaper Blades
    Reaper Blades    Reaper Blades
    Reaper Blades    Soul Reapers
    Soul Reapers    Soul Reapers
    Soul Reapers    Soul Reapers
    Soul Reapers    Soul Reapers
    Soul Reapers    Soul Reapers
    Soul Reapers    Soul Reapers
    Xeno Bunny Blades E    Xeno Bunny Blades E
    Xeno Bunny Blades E    Azrael's Annihilator E
    Boom Blaster    Boom Blaster
    Boom Blaster    Boom Blaster
    Boom Blaster    Boom Blaster
    Boom Blaster    Boom Blaster
    Boom Blaster    Dage's Doom Cannon
    Dage's Doom Cannon    Dage's Spirit Cannon
    Dage's Spirit Cannon    Dage's Spirit Cannon
    Dage's Spirit Cannon    Dread Desolator E
    Sea King's Disintegrator E    Sea King's Disintegrator P
    Shocktrooper Cannon P    Bacon Breath P x25
    Sea King's Corruption    Sea King's Spirit
    Sea King's Venom    Strength Boost x30
    Titan Chomp P x25    CSPF Cruiser
    Sea King's Cruiser    Charfade's Mini Rex ExP
    Kartherax's Darkspawn E    Arcade Token
    Bacon    Bot Upgrade Token A
    Can of Magic    Candy Corn
    Class Change Coupon    Copper Wire
    Egg Sac    Health Sludge
    Heavy Power Cell    Ice Gem
    Nemesis Egg    Nuclear Egg
    OneX6 Key    Silver Skull
    Silver Skull Card    Skill Retrain Coupon
    Tactical Map    Yeti Pelt
    Yeti Toenail    Sea King's Terror
    Sea King's Wrath

20 Year AnniversaryAbyssal Exterminator
Administrator 10 SlayerAmmo
Anya's BadgeAQ Worlds VIP
Arbor AnnihilatorBido Breaker
Big Tuna's SurfboardBioBeasts Backstory
Birth of TitanBrachylagus Breaker
Brunson's Bounty VIPBuy Backer Lvl 1
Caden's EyeCaden's Legacy
CakeCapt. Shoggoth's Head
Central Station VeteranCharfade's Helmet
Class MasterCollector Cleanser
Conductor's CapCurse of Alexis
Dage's Doom VIPDark Future
DefenderDelta Knight
DevastatorDraconic Warlord Showcase
Dravax SlayerDread Plains Grunt
Ebil CrusherEggcellent Eggtravaganza VIP
Eight BallElite Engineer
EnforcerEpic Stylist
FighterFriday The 13th 2021
Frozen Fury VIPGalatea's Med Tablet
Gamma TesterGood Code Crafter
Habuki's VisorHank's Leg
Harrowing HarvestHarvest Havoc VIP
Hazard Havoc VIPHazard Heart
HealerHusk Mania VIP
Independence Day 3Infernal Mines Cadet
Kartherax SlayerKraggor's Cache VIP
LegendMama's Feast
MassacreMechQuest Anniversary
MechQuest VIPMirv's Mug
Monkakazi Mayhem VIPMort's Mask
Naomi's KeepsakeNightmare Capt. Shoggoth's Head
Nightwraith's HatNightwraith's Nightmare VIP
Olympic Games 3Omega Endures
Omega OverlordOne Small Step
Overlord's HelmetPeace
ProtectorRabblefroth's Tome
Raymus' House KeySea King's Crest
SharpshooterSlayer Shuriken
Snork's Stash VIPSteve 2.0's Chassis
Super DefenderTitan's Helm
Titan's Triumph VIPTreasure Hunter
Tungsten FistUltimate Party Planner
Valestra's Nail PolishValestra's Vault VIP
Void ConquerorWar Item Brawler
WarriorWaves of Conquest
Yeti for Winter 2015Yeti for Winter 2016
Yeti for Winter 2021Yin Yang