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Excalibur Legend

    Basic Armor    Beast Rider M
    Classic Armor    Delta Knight
    Egg Shell    Platinum's Pride
    Botanical Reaper    Delta Destroyer P
    Dragon Buster II    Dread Destroyer P
    Fortune City Slayer P    Frost Slayer
    Omega Impaler    Omega Slayer
    Overlord Overkill E    Basic Club
    Doom Hammer    Spirit Scythe
    Dage's Skull Boomstick    Stun Blaster
    Stun Cannon    Light Blades
    Cupid's Sorrow    Dage's Doom Cannon
    Dage's Spirit Cannon    Wraith Devastator
    War Commander x10    Gamma Bike
    Ten Year Titan    Bio Borg
    Electro Gamma Bot    Gamma Bot
    Infernal Android E    Infernal Android P
    Omega Baby Yeti    Omega Dark Yeti
    Bacon    Botanical Key
    Egg Key    Omega Ticket
    Silver Skull Card    Bionic Battlegear E
    Bionic Battlegear P    Delta Desolator
    Draconic Destroyer    Infernal Interdictor E
    Infernal Interdictor P    Legion Battlegear E
    Legion Battlegear P    Omega Obliterator
    Omega Onslaughter    Titan's Terror P

10 Year AnniversaryAmmo
Arbor AnnihilatorArbor Warrior
Artillery MasterAssaulter
Beta TesterBig Tuna's Surfboard
Bio HazardBomb
Break on ThroughCaden's Eye
ChampionCharfade's Helmet
Class MasterCoffee
Dage's Doom VIPDefender
Delta KnightDelta V Defender
Dragon MasterDragon's Breath
Dread Plains GruntEbilCorp Conqueror
Edgar's EyesEgg Head
Endless GuardianEngineer
Epic StylistFamily Matters
Flag CapturedFortune City Grunt
Frysteland Squad LeaderGamma Tester
Golden Omega TicketGuard Helm
Hank's LegHazard Heart
HealerInfernal Infantry Officer
Legendary EnhancerLegion Locker Key
Mage TokenMama's Feast
Master of DisguiseMercenary Token
Mission PossibleNightwraith's Hat
Omega OverlordOne X Six
Overlord's HelmetPeace
Rabblefroth's TomeSlayer Shuriken
Spore HunterStun
Titan's HelmToken Contributor
Treasure HunterTungsten Fist
Vault Breaker IVault Breaker III
Vault Cracker IIWar Item Brawler
WarheadWasteland Grunt
West Naval Yard GruntWorld Domination Tier 1
Year of the DragonYin Yang


Missions Completed
A Box of ScrapsA Challenging Request
A Cure for the BeastA Frosty Reception
Abominable? AdorableAccess Denied
Alaric and AldhagrimAlms for the Rich
Armored to the TeethBad for Business
Ballistic BunniesBe Prepared
Beast ModeBeast's Burden
Beginner BuyingBetrayal in My Veins
Blue OrchidBoom!
Boost JuiceBORED!
Break on ThroughBreaking Bad
Broken HomeBusiness Plan
CleanupCold Comfort
Corporeal CacophonyDance, Puppets! Dance!
Darkish Grey OpsDealt a Cruel Blow
DeclawedDeeply Rooted
DessertDiamonds and Rust
DiasporaDissection and Discover
Dragon's BreathDrums of War
Easy Bein' GreenEternal and Arcane
EXFOLIATEFaded Memories
Family MattersFemale Troubles
Fire NightFlash and Guile
Flower PowerFocus
Food for the GodsForever My Nemesis
Ghosts of the PastGift of Life
God Prefers a HereticGolden Gun Gal
Golden ParachuteHope from the Outside
Human HazardHurts to Heal
Hush a bye Heavy GuardI AM A KRAMPUS
ImaginationJunkyard Parts
Kill the KingLament for the Legion
Lepus' New Friends!Main Course
Mindful MageMischief Makers
Missionary MercsNaptime!
New AllegianceNot a Good Reason
Nuclear OptionOmega Omelete
OneX6Pretty Deadly
Promises PromisesProve Your Worth
PurifyRabble's Vendetta
Rage and GraceReactor Room
Rebel ScumRefined
Respite for the FallenRestock
Rigor MortisRise Against the Guard
Rusted JointsSaccharine Sentiments
Salt in the WoundScience and Magic
Scrambled NightmaresSeasons in the Abyss
See My VestSeeing Double
Set Us Up the NomsShattered by a White Hare
Silence the GodsSilence the Gods 2
Smash the Smash BrosSnowdrop
Soldiers of FortuneSoup and Salad
Spare TimeStick It to the Man
Sweet TeethTailor Made
Takes the CakeTalia's Talents
Team Building ExercisesThe Annoyance of Humanity
The Big Picture (Legion)The Equation of Life
The Hunter's TestThe Opposite of Love
The Platinum ProblemThe Poison Is the Cure
The ReckoningThe Short List
The Torch PassesThe Unusual Suspects
The YetikillerTime to Upgrade
Toxic LoveTrinkets from the Gods
Twilight of the GodsUltimate Baby Yeti
Welcome CommitteeYin and Yang