EpicDuel Home

Elf Artisan JZeena

    Basic Armor    Beast Rider F
    Bunny Borg    Cardboard Crusader F
    Delta Knight    Desert Ronin F
    Dragon Slayer F    Ebil Hazard Husk
    Fortune War Armor    Harvest Husk F
    Infested Hazard    Beta Cleaver 2023 E
    Beta Cleaver 2023 P    Beta Cleaver E
    Beta Cleaver P    Brutal Hatchet
    Charbinger Sword    Dragon Buster II
    Elite Charbinger Sword    Frost Scimitar
    Nautilasher    Pumpkleaver
    Rusted Nano Blade    Rusted Old Scimitar
    Sickle of the Harvest    Sword of Alliance E
    Beta Blaster E    Beta Blaster P
    Boomstick    Dage's Haunted Boomstick
    Dage's Skull Boomstick    Dark Varium Blaster
    Dread Cannon    Egg Gun
    Rugged Magnum    Skullfire Blaster
    Charbinger Claws    Death Flame Blades
    Dragon Claws    Elite Charbinger Claws
    Rusted Logan's Wrath    Rusted Ogre Blades
    Rusted Wrist Daggers    The Beast Reborn
    Winds of Time    Beta Bazooka E
    Beta Bazooka P    Boar 79
    Eggzooka    Energy Eggzooka
    Frontier Rifle    Ghoul Cannon
    Kinetic Assault Cannon    Platinum Pulverizer
    Soul Taker    Spectral Blaster
    Thanks Taker    Jack-O-Fire P x25
    Strength Boost x30    Technology Boost x30
    Charfade's Cruiser    Gamma Bike
    Hoverbike    Screaming Eagle
    Assault Bot P    Azrael's Borg
    Bio Borg    Electro Gamma Bot
    Gamma Bot    Arcade Token
    Botanical Key    Dravax's Artifact
    Egg Sac    EMP Bomb
    Flawed Infernal Gem    Gold Skull Card
    Old Fortune City Key    OneX6 Key
    Summoning Stone    Tactical Map
    Yeti Pelt    Azrael's Curse
    Beta Brutalizer 2023 E    Beta Brutalizer 2023 P
    Beta Brutalizer E    Beta Brutalizer P
    Black Abyss Battlegear P    Draconic Destroyer
    Fortune Battlegear P    Infernal Interdictor E
    Infernal Interdictor P

10 Year AnniversaryAbyssal Exterminator
Arbor AnnihilatorArbor Warrior
Bacon CupcakeBattle Tested
Battlesuit ModelBeta Tester
Big Tuna's SurfboardBiodome Grunt
Bionic BattalionBionic Engineer
Blood MoneyBombadier
Caden's EyeCandy Pin
Charfade's HelmetDelta Knight
Delta V DefenderDragon Master
Dragon's BreathDread Plains Veteran
Ebil CrusherEbilCorp Conqueror
Edgar's EyesEndless Guardian
Family CrestFamily Matters
Flag CapturedFortune City Veteran
Frysteland Infantry OfficerGamma Tester
Guard HelmHank's Leg
Hazard Havoc VIPHazard Heart
HealerHeart Destroyer
Hunter TokenInfernal Junior Cadet
Krampus SlayerLegendary Enhancer
Legion Locker KeyMama's Feast
Mission PossibleNightwraith's Hat
Omega OverlordOverlord Deputy
Overlord's HelmetOverSoul VIP
PeaceRabblefroth's Tome
Slayer ShurikenTitan's Helm
Token ContributorTreasure Hunter
Tungsten FistVault Breaker I
War Item BrawlerWorld Domination Tier 1

   Junkyard Crawler

Missions Completed
293D Printing
A Box of ScrapsA Cure for the Beast
A Delicious SnackA Fair Hair
A Friendly WagerA Frosty Reception
A Frosty ReduxA Frosty Redux 2
A Less Friendly WagerA Platinum Monger
A Proper TrapAccess Denied
Ahead of the CompetitionAlaric and Aldhagrim
All I See Is RedAlms for the Rich
Also Good for CabinetsAmmunation
AppetizersArachno Analysis
Arachno HarvestArachno Rescue
Arms for the PoorBad for Business
Bad GourdBargain for Blood
Be PreparedBeast Mode
Begging for StripsBelladonna
Betrayal in My VeinsBlack Varium
Blue OrchidBoost Juice
BORED!Break on Through
Breaking BadBroken Home
Bug BountyBunny Blueprints
Business PlanCake and Bacon
Call a TacticianCarrots for Capensis
Chairman ChompedChomp!
Chump KingCircuits and Steel
CleanupCoffee, Tea, or Battle
Cold ComfortComing Home
Crackin' SkullsCrystals and Light
Daddy's Girl's Got a GunDance, Puppets! Dance!
Dealt a Cruel BlowDeath Is Endless Night
DeclawedDeeply Rooted
DessertDestruction of Innocence
Diamonds and RustDiaspora
District DisastersDon't Cry No More
Double TroubleDragon's Breath
Drums of WarDummy Hazard
Easy Bein' GreenEXFOLIATE
ExterminationFact Checking
Faded MemoriesFamily Business
Family MattersFashion Forward
Fearless LeaderFemale Troubles
Fighting for FabulousFire Night
First WaveFish Combo Production
Flash and GuileFlower Power
FocusFood for the Gods
Fortune City SoldierFresh Meat
Friendly FireFuneral Bells
Further Arachno AnalysisGasket Case
GatekeeperGathering Intel
Gentlemanly FisticuffsGet the Facts
Ghosts of the PastGift of Life
Girl's Best FriendGod Prefers a Heretic
Golden Gun GalGolden Parachute
Good GourdGourd Core
Gourd IntermissionGreat Minds
Greed Is GoodGrinding Gears
Ground Control to Major BunnyHalcyon Hunters
Halt!Hang Up Your Blades
Hank's RevengerHankering for a Bite
HazardousHead-Bashing Opportunity
Heart of the AbyssHeartcracker
Hearts on FireHelter Smelter
Hide nor HairHope from the Outside
Human HazardHurts to Heal
Hush a bye Heavy GuardI AM A KRAMPUS
I can haz caek?I Don't Even
I've Got the PowerIncidental Reports
Increase SecurityIneptitude and Iniquities
Inside JobInto the Abyss
Junkyard PartsJust Icing on the Cake
Kill the KingKill the Queen
Lagomorphic InnovationsLament for the Legion
Law GiverLepus' New Friends!
Let the Colors BurstLet Us Set You Up the Bomb
Lonely Hearts ClubLonely Is The Word
Look! A Distraction!Luau
Main CourseMaking Ready
Mama's RecipeMarket Research
Maximum ArtilleryMedical Waste
Minor InsubordinationMischief Makers
Naptime!Need More Juice
New AllegianceNo Prayer for the Dying
Not a Good ReasonNotary Public
One Tiny HopOneX6
OneX6 3Ooky Spooky
Paint the TownPatience, Please
Point A to Point BPositive Enforcement
Pre-gamePrecious Data
Pretty DeadlyPromises Promises
Prove Your WorthPurify
Rabble's VendettaRandom Spoils
Reactor RoomRebel Scum
Reign in BloodRestock
Reverse OsmosisRigor Mortis
Rise Against the GuardRoxy Roller
Rusted JointsSaccharine Sentiments
Salt in the WoundSample Set
Seasons in the AbyssSecret Sauce
Secure the PerimeterSee My Vest
Seeing DoubleSenses Capture
Set the World on FireSet Us Up the Noms
Severance PackageShady Dealings
Shattered by a White HareShell Game
Silence the GodsSilence the Gods 2
SinergySlicing and Dicing
Slight DelaySmash the Smash Bros
SmashingSmoke and Floof
Snow Angels Don't KillSnowdrop
Soup and SaladSpare Time
Spoils of WarSpring The Trap
Stand GuardStick It to the Man
Stony TarkStrategery
Strategic ManeuveringSuppression Field
Sweet Smell of DeathSweet Teeth
Tailor MadeTakes the Cake
Target LockThe Annoyance of Humanity
The Big Picture (Legion)The Cake Is a Lie
The Endless HuntThe Equation of Life
The Human WallThe Hunter's Test
The Illegal EconomyThe Iron Manhunt
The Love We're InThe Opposite of Love
The Platinum ProblemThe Poison Is the Cure
The PropositionThe Reckoning
The Short ListThe Tip Off
The Torch PassesThe Unusual Suspects
Thirsty HankTime to Upgrade
Tough StuffToxic Love
Training for OblivionTransaction 77782
Trash TrainTrashville
Trick or TreatTrinkets from the Gods
Triple Dog DareTurkey Trap
Turn the TideTwilight of the Gods
UnsatisfactoryUnwanted Attention
Up to the ChallengeUse as Directed
VerminViva la Resistance
Wascally WabbitsWelcome Committee
What Is Delicious?What's in the Box?
What's the Plan?Yin and Yang
You Know My Choice