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Death Necro

    Basic Armor    Elite Yeti Husk
    Frost Reaper M    Harvest Husk M
    Heavy Junker Armor    Autumn Sword
    Black Abyss Slayer P    Buster Shard
    Dark Requiem    Dread Destroyer P
    Fortune City Slayer P    Horror Claymore
    Wreath Wrath    Azrael's Anguish E
    Dage's Skull Boomstick    Wraith Pikes
    Azrael's Annihilator E    Platinum Pulverizer
    Dage's Blood Rider    Botanical Borg
    Carrots    Dread Shell
    Egg Sac    EMP Bomb
    Fortune Bomb    OneX6 Key
    Silver Skull Card    Tactical Map
    Harvest Reaper

AdventureQuest VIPBarrens Outpost Grunt
Beta TesterBiodome Cadet
Candy PinCentral Station Veteran
Dage's Doom VIPDelta Knight
Dread Plains GruntEbil Crusher
Fortune City GruntGamma Tester
HalloWarriorHank's Leg
Husk Mania VIPNightwraith's Nightmare VIP
Omega OverlordOverlord Facility Grunt
Overlord's HelmetRabblefroth's Tome
Snork's Stash VIPValestra's Vault VIP
War Item BrawlerWasteland Veteran
West Naval Yard Cadet

   Fortune City Efficiency

Missions Completed
3D Printing
A Box of ScrapsA Passer In the Storm
A Platinum MongerA Proper Trap
Arachno AnalysisArachno Harvest
Arachno RescueArms for the Poor
Bad for BusinessBad Gourd
Black VariumBug Bounty
Chairman ChompedDouble Trouble
Dummy HazardExtermination
Fact CheckingFire Night
Further Arachno AnalysisGood Gourd
Gourd CoreGourd Intermission
I can haz caek?I Don't Even
Into the AbyssJunkyard Parts
Just Icing on the CakeMama's Recipe
Mischief MakersNeed More Juice
Not a Good ReasonOneX6 3
Ooky SpookyPatience, Please
Sample SetSet Us Up the Noms
Spare TimeSpring The Trap
Stony TarkSweet Teeth
Tea and TitanThe Cake Is a Lie
The Iron ManhuntThe Platinum Problem
Training for OblivionTrick or Treat
Turkey TrapWhat Is Delicious?